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March 31, 2011

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” - Thomas A. Edison

Happy Thursday!


March 30, 2011

“Patience is the support of weakness; impatience the ruin of strength.” - Charles Caleb Colton

Happy Wednesday!


March 29, 2011


“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”  - Mohandas Gandhi


Happy Tuesday!


March 28, 2011

“Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is born vanquished.” - Anne Sophie Swetchine

Happy Monday!


March 25, 2011

“Middle age is when your old classmates are so grey and wrinkled and bald they don't recognize you.” - Bennett Cerf

Happy Friday!


March 24, 2011

“I loved school so much that most of my classmates considered me a dork.”  - Natalie Portman

Happy Thursday!


March 23, 2011


“My egotistical concern was less that I would fail to relate to my classmates than that they would know nothing of my uniquely tortured life's course and, thus, me.” - John Thorn


Happy Wednesday!


March 22, 2011

“With my academic achievement in high school I was accepted rather readily at Princeton and equally as fast at Yale, but my test scores were not comparable to that of my classmates. And that's been shown by statistics, there are reasons for that - there are cultural biases built into testing, and that was one of the motivations for the concept of affirmative action to try to balance out those effects.”  - Sonia Sotomayor

Happy Tuesday!


March 21, 2011

“I was somewhat out of place among my classmates; I could not be as bohemian as they were.” - Erno Rubik

Happy Monday!


March 18, 2011

“It is requisite for the relaxation of the mind that we make use, from time to time, of playful deeds and jokes.” - Thomas Aquinas

“A cheerful frame of mind, reinforced by relaxation... is the medicine that puts all ghosts of fear on the run.” - George Matthew Adams

“I love doing normal things - movies, shopping, going out with friends, writing, reading, taking hot bubble baths - that's a big one for relaxation. I also love to go to art and history museums.”  - Christina Aguilera

“If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it.” - Herodotus  

“My ideal relaxation is working on upholstery. I spend hours in junk shops buying furniture. I do all the upholstery work myself, and it's like therapy.” - Pamela Anderson

“I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won't believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation.” - Garth Brooks

Happy Friday!


Haiku #1

Thunderous, clever, funny, witty laughter

Barely breathing as we laughed sincerely uncontrollably

Morning wrestle pure joy; esposo


Haiku #2

Conceptualizing layouts for garden beds

Growth for a dozen types of flowers

Organic flowers – daily, time-(lapse) pictures


Haiku #3

Ready for what comes next

Learning to shoot a gun like I

Did bow and arrow; focus


Haiku #4

Sharp focus on what matters

Most change brings strength which can be

Realized through freedoms and wisdom


Haiku #5

To explore values and ethics

About how people perceive their unique worlds

At best of times; differences






P.S. We’re wishing you an amazing weekend.

Salud to you and yours!

Cheers to us and ours!

Cheers to all!


March 17, 2011

“A peace is of the nature of a conquest; for then both parties nobly are subdued, and neither party loser.” - William Shakespeare

“Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.” - Swami Sivananda

“I think it's naive to pray for world peace if we're not going to change the form in which we live.” - Godfrey Reggio

Happy Thursday!

Haiku #1

Two ton machinery spring-jumped

Into jostled position and dodged another one

Frown across forehead; pothole season


Haiku #2

Silence, no pointing fingers today

Wow, no nagging hags square dancing jigs

Flapping tongues did I hear?


Haiku #3

When a little girl tells

Others, how to live it’s only because

Not knowing the world hurts


Haiku #4

With the sharpness of a

Blade and hatred on her tongue she forced

Her will unto others; bully


Haiku #5

Inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale

In through mouth and out of nose

Mindful breathing; inhale life – evaporation


March 16, 2011


“People should realize we're jerks just like them.” - Edward de Bono (Psychologist and Writer, leading authority in field of creative thinking. b.1933)


“We don't devote enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks.” - Bill Watterson


“Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.” - Warren Buffett


“Love is bullshit. Emotion is bullshit. I am a rock. A jerk. I'm an uncaring asshole and proud of it.” - Chuck Palahniuk


“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” - Chuck Palahniuk

Happy Wednesday!

Haiku #1

South of the equator, people

Coping with flooding that bulldozed streets - confusion.

Citizens bewildered and astonished; tragedy


Haiku #2

Knock-Knock on my door

I place food on a table - open

I hate her critical voice


Haiku #3

Power struggle – between two women

Knock! Only if it’s serious, otherwise; ____

Cry-wolf any other place


Haiku #4

“We’ll get past dorm living.”

I shut my front door and breathed

She demanded me to stop


Haiku #5

A record player; “The Cure”

Twirls of smoke escape through small windows

This woman isn’t asking permission






P.S. I love this Haiku writing. Who knew you could say so much with so little words? I’m going to Haiku write for the rest of the month. Wonderful. Beautiful. I think, I found my calling to become a Haiku writer. Broma. Chiste. Joke. I’m not very good at writing Haikus but I enjoy the discipline form. I’m just getting started.


March 15, 2011


“Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'”

- Charles M. Schulz

“A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope.” - Charles M. Schulz

“Life is like an ice-cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time.” - Charles M. Schulz

Happy Tuesday!


Ides of March.

It was my friend’s birthday yesterday a long time ago.

Aloha to our Japanese Brothers and Sisters all over the world. May your ancestors be with you as you face this tragic and mourning period in your History. I have no real words of comfort – except these: I say prayers to my ancestors and Gods daily to bring you peace of mind, prosperity, health and more health as you move towards the future. May the Gods be with you in these trying times. We watched quietly as the news came over a Tele broadcast and we held our breaths and silently watched in anticipation for your Nation. We could do nothing but to take a moment of silence in reverence of you and Japanese heritage.

That time of year again. The snow has begun to melt, finally and the birds are singing louder still. Life is beginning to take form in these parts and as the ground thaws out we’ll see what is in store for this upcoming harvest season 2011. Come rain or shine hard working people will be out in their fields bringing the Minneapolis, MN community organically grown produce and products and hopefully to the rest of the country. This America has a strong Midwest back, intelligent organic growers and non-organic growers as well. A place of impressive cheese makers, dairies and farms that unite - this Midwest economy into balance by citizens choosing to buy locally grown and certified produce, services and products.

This is a Nation where we won’t let our Brothers and Sisters starve. Starvation is not an option in the world any longer. Scientists, negotiators, politicians, heads of state, world leaders, and implementers of civil obedience and civil negotiations will need to consider re-building, re-laying out, re-considering and realizing a whole new infrastructure because it’s time to rebuild our Nation in order to survive. Restructuring will take time, resources, energy and patience - frankly, schools need to be built, postal facilities re-established, new technologies and information distribution restructured. Will the United States consider building with stone so that our structures last as those of Ancient Mesopotamia? Addressing violence and sexual crimes in America is our next tax-payers demand for safer streets, neighborhoods and communities for our young, working-class citizens and elderly.

Here it goes:

Writing exercise: Write a Haiku: (Aye ya yai, Mama Mia.)

Haiku #1:

Sound drops into clear puddles

Behind my shoulder a drip drizzling outside

March showers are here again


Haiku #2:

Loud knock – two quick repetitions

“One moment please” as I walked forward

In doorway Charlie Brown’s Teacher!


Haiku #3:

How to react when visited

By an alien; comes to your door

“Would you like some coffee?”


Haiku #4:

Ha, ha, ha - These Haikus

Are hilarious to write with seventeen syllables

So much more expressed freely


Haiku #5:

Shivering in early Spring rain

Remembering, what my two friends had said

Twigs from the underbrush, hypothermia.






Source from Wikipedia


The Ides of March (Latin: Idus Martii) is the name of 15 March in the Roman calendar, probably referring to the day of the full moon. The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other months. The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held. In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date that Julius Caesar was killed in 44 B.C. Julius Caesar was stabbed (23 times) to death in the Roman Senate led by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus and 60 other co-conspirators.


March 14, 2011


“When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.”  - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Happy Monday!


March 11, 2011


“A kind word is like a Spring day. - Russian Proverb


Happy Friday!


March 10, 2011


“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”  - Dalai Lama


Happy Thursday!


March 9, 2011


“Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.”  - Robert Brault


Happy Wednesday!


March 8, 2011

“What you feel spiritually. I think a lot of that has to do with it. If you have no spiritual life, chances are everything is going to aggravate you, you're going to fly off the handle at everything and that's what I did in the past. I've kind of got that under control now.” - Mike Ditka

Happy Tuesday!


March 7, 2011


“Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force - that thoughts rule the world.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Happy Monday!


March 4, 2011

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.” - Buddha

Happy Friday!

No Blog.


March 3, 2011

“From 1918 on, trade unionists were to express from the platforms of their congresses the workers' desire for peace through a rational organization of the world.” - Leon Jouhaux

“All too often miners, and indeed other trade unionists, underestimate the economic strength they have.” - Arthur Scargill

“Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.” - Martin Niemoller

“If the British government is prepared to say that the Unionists will not have a veto over British government policy and that guns, vetoes and injustices will all be left outside the door, then there is no good reason why talks cannot take place in an appropriate atmosphere.” - Martin McGuinness

Happy Thursday!

Aloha. Wow, I haven’t used that word in writing in a while.

How are you? Right? Right.

I’m sure many responsibilities have been met, making time for family, friends and others as well as play and relaxation is what moves life along to any natural cycle and season: Food, drink, tranquillo and fully content with what life has and has not to offer. We head into a spring full of hope. “What is your hope?” Read a public sign and I slowly caught my breath. I understood the significance of that public sign as something worth far more intellectually and spiritually revolutionary than any selling campaign or slogan ever could be. “What is your hope?” jetted out from a metal street lamp-post emblazed in thin metal of glazed coloring and inverse lettering - I could see the mid-afternoon hot big-blue-sky through the lettering while I stood still and thought about what I hoped for…


Moving on…

Writing Exercise:

The State of Wisconsin of the United States of America has been on my mind as I’ve listened to others hold conversations about the affairs of Wisconsin and the news reports and media coverage about Unions, Republican and Democratic choices which require further scrutiny as of any other legal documentation is upheld to be so, mode of conduct and reasoning to strike a balance and to do best in the interest of others welfare, system and beliefs.

I sat back and watched a rural community hold its breath while they watched on a Tele many of the news reports about Wisconsin’s political negotiations with the Trade Unions. Some speculated Teacher and Police Unions to be the first to have budget, wage and professional positions cut throughout the state of Wisconsin. We listened on as one broadcasting source reported on the situation at hand as peaceful demonstrators met all throughout the Upper Midwest. Working class citizens of all backgrounds were noted to assemble thoughtfully and mindfully before courthouses and public meeting places. Beautiful.

What is there not to like about people being aware and political. Budget short-cuts and lack of distribution of wealth is holding an American government back from the reigns to freedom of prosperity. As an intellectual exercise let us consider for one moment the causes of National debt, education and health care. I’m not going to write about anything new that average citizens don’t already consider because they are that smart as world citizens – American civilians discuss openly and willingly any subject matter because anything can be left open to discussion without shame, fear or regret of anything ever being discussed - people are meant to share ideas, hold discussions and be adults about it.

Wisconsin: Well, what is there to say, really? Where does anyone begin? Let us begin with some basics on education: Teachers are underpaid by $150,000.00 a year. (Period. I’m not even going to discuss that one in my truest of bias opinions.) Classrooms are over populated by 15 to 20 students in each classroom and many urban and rural public school systems in the country which makes it difficult for teaching especially when there are so many children with special physical, mental and learning needs (that is one of Upper Midwest complaints it seems when listening to teachers speak).

Lifestyle costs, food and living expenses have gone up, along with individual and National debt as well as gas prices. Americans have witnessed one decade of war now, many wait in hope for the safe return of their many family members sooner than later. Americans understand the sacrifice of war, the lack of resources and the dollar value while they run households full of children to the best of their spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health and overall well being needs of all American children everywhere. And even though classrooms are overcrowded, books are outdated some by as much as twenty years out of circulation; technological resources are not made available for personal keep to all students.

I believe that every child in any public American school system should be entrusted to personally keep for their life usage any digital witting device, a compass and GPS systems, a state of an art digital and analogue calculator and a stop watch, books, pencils and any other necessary uniforms if public schools so chose to. I believe that if some brilliant and creative economists decide to come up with a model in how to restructure budgets for the public school systems then children of any school age and public universities as well could be provided free of charge such devices for students to personally own under some property or public works taxation. It can be done and it is done in other countries much smaller and mindful about the well being of any citizen attending public education. Silly, I know - right? It’s a creative thinking exercise.


What would it take to get the entire American educational system back on track? Probably, first, restructuring of any budgetary system and looking to reconfigure an archaic system of budgetary funds either through taxation or public and private funding for public education but it will take patience, time, a direct point to navigate towards because it is important to provide smaller classroom sizes, provide educational tools free of charge, implementing more money into organic dietary basic needs and physical education such as martial arts, mental and physical strengthening and endurance to our larger growing population of obese American children, and those with learning disabilities and those with lack of resources in their homes, no advertisements in schools and no parenting should be left up to teachers, rather let teachers do their jobs to teach material that is resourceful, intelligent and necessary to get on in life, and finally but not least catapulting the average teacher’s salary anywhere from $21,000.00 a year to $80,000.00 for those administrators who have seniority and for the system to raise the base and average teacher’s salary to (Correction: $150,000.00 yearly) -  this can be done because people are discussing it in creative, intelligent and genius ways. Why not? We keep hearing as citizens that education is the most important of fundamental American values, so why not put money where the mouths of politician, special interest groups and lobbyist are? What gives?

Is public education in America important or not?

Many other professions make millions if not billions of dollars a year, such as sex trafficking, drug trafficking and any other justified industries that brings in forth - if not trillions of dollars into the United States annually. Who sets the salaries of teachers? Shouldn’t they? If teachers are so important then why doesn’t our government provide them with a decent professional wage when they do so much already by sacrificing their time, energy and able skills to American students in the public school systems everywhere in our Nation?

Health care is the easiest of all of the topics to undertake in a creative thinking exercise only because just as most adult American citizens understand that an American health care system is run by pharmaceutical conglomerates and really it’s not pharmaceutical companies fault the American government made allowances to creating a health care business as well as universities and National broadcasting business is and so we have people’s health, educational and consumerist needs set aside for the profit of conglomerates rather than valued as hard working, intelligent and as an incredible American middle-class.

A business, not human-needs but human-made dollars were implemented into an American system of economics in health care and business, so teachers can barely afford their health care costs or those of their families and their elderly. Where does that put teachers and their families? Nowhere. That message indicates to citizens that people are not important and they feel it and recent a system that puts money above the needs of working class citizens for the overall of a profit of few. It’s a rotating circumference inside a cycle of economical mistakes and they get made again and again because, well - frankly, no one wants to be the one to turn off and turn on any power source and reboot our system as in any running system ever can be.

National debt: War, outsourcing, environmental resources, climate changes, agriculture, imports and exports, recession, depression, unemployment, rise of prices, real estate market crash, and individual debt – credit card debt has made many rich and many more poorer. Many fine budget points require change. Change. Restructuring. Rethinking. Re-conceptualizing. Remaking. Recreating. Renegotiating. Re-anything so long as new and better, smarter and more creative solutions are put on any table. This is not impossible as other Nations have had to make changes through thousands of years of historical governments who made their people’s needs, interest and resources a must necessity to flourish as any civilization that may and can change course for the survival of all and not only in a few privileged citizens, parties or others.

If working Americans lose a strong foot-hold between our government, law makers and trade unionists then Americans have much to lose. Unions were implemented for the betterment of worker’s wages, safety and benefit. The institution of unions must not be abolished unless something so brilliant and with the best interest of worker’s rights is implemented in its placement, otherwise, no one is really looking out for the middle class worker because greed then has crept into the deepest parts of our National Heritage and - that - I don’t believe for one moment is the most valued morality in America and for Americans. Someone will come along in the next few generations and begin a creative process in which they will restructure our entire value system of lifestyles, choices and responsibilities because there will simply just be a need for it.

I have more responsibilities.

My soul is looking forward to dancing if only for fifteen minutes on any dance floor with peace, mindfulness and thoughtfulness I wish you great respect, consideration and power anywhere you travel as you come in and out of places, cultures and peoples with dignity, strength and humility. Peace.



P.S. I’m horrible with numbers, dates and times when I write. I would like to become more mindful about the writing of numbers; otherwise, I just need to start writing out numbers with words in what I mean to convey. It’s all in the editing. Ciao.

March 2, 2011


“To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill.” - Sun Tsu


“To me, the extraordinary aspect of martial arts lies in its simplicity. The easy way is also the right way, and martial art is nothing at all special; the closer to the true way of martial arts, the less wastage of expression there is.” - Bruce Lee


“The ultimate aim of karate-do lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants.” - Gichin Funakoshi


“A black belt is nothing more than a belt that goes around your waist. Being a black belt is a state of mind and attitude.” - Rick English


“The art of the sword consists of never being concerned with victory or defeat, with strength or weakness, of not moving one step forward, nor one step backward, or the enemy not seeing me and my not seeing the enemy. Penetrating to that which is fundamental before the separation of heaven and earth where even yin and yang cannot reach, one instantly attains proficiency in the art.” -Takuan

“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” - Rumi

Happy Wednesday!

The week is passing me by all too quickly.


I’m enjoying the writing process as much as I have in the past in the training for a triathlon. I have a great deal of respect for those athletes who are aware, disciplined and focused to causing learning, growth and change.


I’m a spectator who enjoys watching others compete in athletics. I’m not much of an athlete as far as competition is concerned but I do like ballet like qualities in movement and rhythm of any athlete. I’ve watched beautiful men and women athletically perform which has brought me to tears. (In my writing it must seem like I cry a lot but I’m speaking internally – being completely moved with the appreciation for another who creates something from nothing. I physically cry if I feel moved but very rarely outwardly. In other words if I had Spanish words for you then I could create a sentiment rather than describing it in terms of literary translation. I’ll work on that in my English writing. Moving on…)


Athletes, I always wanted to be a great one and as hard as I tried in my youth – the enjoyment wasn’t so much the movement for the sake of movement but finding my heartbeat to a natural rhythm in melody to my body. I never competed in a triathlon but I disciplined for one for about a year and the day before the race I decided not to compete because frankly I did not like the clothing that was made for those of us more modest athletes, so I went and cheered my friends on but I did not volunteer to be on a team. I knew I would do my friends a disservice if I was uncomfortable in my clothes and no, I’m-not talking about my body. My clothes and the materials that were available at the time. I wanted bamboo fabric next to my skin but I don’t think that’s even aerodynamic nor does it exist in sportswear now – yet anyway.


I’m not rambling I have a precise idea of where I’m going with all of these words and how the smallest aspects of life keep us from participating due to our discomforts and possible fears of taking on anything new that challenges us to the core.


I had no idea how to train much less eat for a triathlon because there were three components, to this discipline swimming, bicycling and running. Nope, competing was too uncomfortable for me and at the time I was in my early twenties and still very skittish about not knowing how to pace myself because my heart and mind were not into the competition of the sport. I think that people who compete must have to develop a love for competition or at least some kind of appreciation for others involved in the sport.


As dreamy as I had been in my youth I enjoyed taking my sweet time and if the spirit did not call for me to be moved enough to compete then good luck getting this Taurus to budge. I could be a beast now. I know I could. I could compete as a thirty-three year old like a wild and furiously calm animal but I wouldn’t know where to begin with the strategy in pacing and a worry about _________. My mind is strong alright and so is my body but not at the same time while competing in athletic sports. I know why and I understand why I do it as a behavior. I know myself better than anyone else.


As a writer nothing in my subconscious mind allows for me to get away with bullshit. Writing is an art form that pushes, forces and demands for a writer to look to some of the deepest of places as any athlete can and does. The two disciplines are performed by humans who have endurance, calm attitude, tranquility and flexibility to change course at any given moment and to be smart about how to hold back and how to go forth when it’s called for.


I’ve shivered while my eyes watered watching humans enter an athletic arena and take command and have great presence of mind, body and spirit. I’ve understood all too well - what - it’s meant to be focused, channeled and harnessed in energy, duration and stability.


I understand what it means to feel beautiful in the middle of movement and deliverance. People are beautiful this way and I can appreciate and be inspired as any artist can by this beauty because that is raw power and energy being generated and what is there not to like about people in their most beautiful forms?


I competed in two-26 miles in speedskating marathons in my life and trained for far more than two but never actually competed in more than two. I did alright but not great. I found that going around an oval ice rink a most boring task of my life. I could not wait for the skating to stop, for a bell to ding and let me know that I was done marathon-ing. ‘How ghastly’ I thought to myself to put myself through that kind of mental torture. I couldn’t say that I would put myself through a skating marathon today – only if I had to, but I’m glad that I’ve had experience, knowhow and ability to do something like that because its apparent in my writing that I’ve had athletic discipline, example and coaching.


Now, this leads me to a point and thought at hand. As most grown citizens of the world I read an on-line news report about a man who sexually assaulted two women here on the streets of Minneapolis in the last week both incidents several blocks apart from one another to two women who had either ridden a bus and or had been in and near bus stops that this hooligan passed through.


My heart went out to these women. However, and nevertheless, I wondered what had occurred. I truly did. I wanted to sit down and write an entire manifesto of women who need to get in touch with their utmost inner athletic abilities, warrior mindsets and fighting animal and calm spirituality.


I thought about women all throughout the world who have to deal with violent crime because that’s what’s being presented to them. Now, I don’t mean to sound completely absurd but I was (Correction: not forced directed; strongly recommended) to take classes that would someday save my life through and by the means and the power to either terminally injuring another or to kill as I would be prepared to do so at any moment (another blog for another day). I’m being very forward about this because my years of study made it very clear that we all have a type of power in us to kill and to never abuse it for any reason especially when in conflict and in struggle. The martial arts are about mindfulness and thoughtfulness. Although, nobody is perfect nor are we suppose to be but we can be able about how we carry ourselves in any situation.


I wondered as I read this crime news report if women just didn’t have enough information and ability to take on opponents. Women must learn in this modern era to self defend, to fight and yes in some Zen disciplinary art form to learn to kill if it meant that you had to for the sake of survival although many martial arts teach offensive rather than defensive techniques. Now, I’m a pacifist by and by and I can’t help the type of training that I received through schooling, apprenticeships and in life in general through masters, teachers and others.


Even when some of my closest friends have taught me calmness by pushing my buttons to a breaking point and causing me to lose my calm demeanor in yelling possibly five times in my life I have still recognized – what exactly - was happening and never hit anyone but I did have to assert that a wild beast could come out at anytime and please step back over a boundary of respect. I’m human and I didn’t create that type of angry energy alone – no one does. Normally, the person out of control is reflecting the quiet and exploitive-manipulative energy in the other as a mirror of what is really happening. Simple. Right? Right.


I’ve been thinking about physical education, obesity in children in America and abuse in girls and women and the elderly and I think that it’s high time that we introduce martial arts, mindfulness and thoughtfulness as well as self protection into the grade school systems.


I didn’t like square dancing much and to this day I’m glad that I can waltz, square dance and do a mean jitterbug, I’m truly glad that I can but I think that the martial arts would prove far more contemporary and useful a tool to a new generation of thoughtful and mindful humans.


I’m grateful it was my Dada who introduced martial arts into our home at a very young age because I was taught that it was in the calmness and in the silence that power was manifested not through bullying, negative force and pressure.


I’m human and some Latina-Indiana aspects of my personality are verbose especially when injustices are created but my upbringing and teaching taught me never to be afraid even when faced with some of my darkest fears.


Street smarts, spiritual smarts, physical smarts, intelligence smarts and any other type of knowledge will save the lives of our citizens, females and children in general. We must implement new ideas and standards for our civilians so that we can become that much more mindful and thoughtful as most martial artists and athletes are taught to be about power and strength.


I have more responsibilities for today.






March 1st, 2011


“After you're older, two things are possibly more important than any others: health and money.” - Helen Gurley Brown


“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.” - Mark Twain


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.- Henry Ford

“As I approve of a youth that has something of the old man in him, so I am no less pleased with an old man that has something of the youth. He that follows this rule may be old in body, but can never be so in mind.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Happy Tuesday!


We sat around two elders’ tables and discussed a wide-range in subject matter. We spoke openly and without shame as we communicated as fully grown adults – anything is open for discussion, because we do give thought to world issues as they happen.


“I think prostitution should be taxed.” My Finn Elder nodded her head once and sharply looked straight at us from one to the other.


I agreed with her and I believed in her eighty-something year old wisdom only because it made sense to me. I slowly drew in a breath of life and slowly let it out through my nose. I felt calm, confident, curious and respectful to speak to a woman of the world. I understood many of the great points, sentiments and criticisms towards the legalization of prostitution.


I was honored that such an intelligent woman of the world could openly speak of any subject matter without shame and regard for logic, practicality and function. We spoke about many aspects of life because it was an open table of discussion and respect for the other in conversation.


“The thing about prostitution and polygamy is that everybody makes up the rules as they go along” Said another Finn-Jewish Elder while in discussion and direct communication. I drew in another breath of life and out through my nose. I, too, felt confident to bring any questions, ideas and sentiments to the conversation. It was also an honor and a joy to be holding intimate and intelligent discussion about one of the most difficult subjects humans’ have addressing while in conversation.


Prostitution and drugs are deeply controversial subject matter like abortion, fair wages, health care, violent crimes and education and business ethics are in any conversation. Most people have heated sentiments about what should and should not be done about prostitution and drugs in America – I’ve heard many arguments for and against a taxation of prostitution and drugs. How do I feel about it? It doesn’t matter, here. No dissertation, paper or questionnaire.


What’s important is that people are holding conversations openly to learn, grow and change. “I don’t suggest this but as an example you’d be better off doing business with mafia only for the sake of argument that they’ll let you know what their expectations are and if you screw up the first time, then they break a leg, if you cross another line then they’ll break your other leg and eventually you’ll learn that after two broken legs that those are boundaries to uphold.” This Elder let-out laugher and he looked around approvingly of his example applied to current events that the world is faced with. I understood his extreme point in case.


I made my mind-up about the subject matter of prostitution and drugs; (that as any tax-paying citizen) I believe in the taxation of prostitution and drugs only in that prohibition did nothing for the abolition of alcohol. (To each his own) I was made to give an argument for and against the taxation of prostitution in my liberal arts studies. I knew how I felt about the subject matter but I felt ridiculous and awkward speaking in front of my peers. I had thought about the subject matter the moment it was handed out as an assignment to come up with points, arguments and examples to debate and to study presentation but public presentation did not came easily to me – so I did the best that I could with crude models placed in structure with magazine cut-outs in the form of collages.


I travelled through Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1996 and I loved meeting the young generation of people out on the streets at that time, peacefully co-existing, holding conversations in cafes and being radically political in calm and peaceful approaches. I was 19 years old and in heaven with the idea about the consideration that the government of the Netherlands gave to its drug users and prostitution sector of the population such devices as technology and resources to have that population of citizens better taken care of.


Dutch Citizens could get clean needles and contraceptives each and every day of the year for their usage and this did and has - minimized the wide spread of HIV, Aids and other sexually and drug transmitted diseases amongst any population that uses and practices the usage of drugs and prostitution. I was positively affected by this and I was honored, glad and astonished to pass through, hold discussions and travel peacefully through such a thoughtful and intelligent culture and body of Dutch citizens, other tourists and students alike. I understood the citizens and the government’s reasoning for providing such services to such civilians under some type of taxation, political and logical arguments for overall health and the flow of their country’s currency for example such as public Marijuana purchasing and smoking of in city cafes.


Brilliant. Truly.


I got it. Now, think about how the government applied this into effect.

I will continue this blog later…


I have more responsibilities for today.







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