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July 31, 2013


"We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential." - Barack Obama


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Trajectory: (curve which a body describes in space, path traced by projectile from gun to target)


The trajectory of the projectile had been worked out before the fun was fired.


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Part III

The President of the United States of America



Now I have ‘real’ “writer’s block.”

(What a lovely sentence.)

The quotations are properly placed. Moving on.



I don’t want to write like a teacher because I’m not one.


I write as a Private Citizen and Civilian of the United States of America for which...


I write as a New England Patriot in the Pursuit of Happiness, as a responsible Taxpaying Minnesota Adult, kosher Property Owner, as an informed Voter can be, as a Future Parent (whose children will attend public school in contemporary America,) as a happy Pet Owner and as a Thinking Contemporary of this Era and Time.


Humbly I write to you because I should’ve not taken on such a stupendous subject matter in topic such as the President of The United States of America.


Who am I to write about the President?


I’m an American Private Citizen and Civilian (like many,) First Generation Immigrant and “Middle Income Earner;” (whose taxes are through-the-roof and have been for decades. Pity.)


                                        [Our earning potential neither dictates our class nor most people's for that matter. Personally, the most Civilized Peoples I’ve come across are “Hillbillies” from Missouri within the last decade; these Peoples could dine amongst royalty because they’re darn real, honest and funny as hell. Plus, they’ll tell the truth to one’s face and that’s that. Yes, these Peoples are so honest they won’t stab one in the back because their Peoples killed each other’s People off in the American Civil War; (North vs. South) and vice versa; (cousins against cousins and brothers against brothers battled an ideological, political and gory deadly war.]


I write as one who pays heavy taxes for the well-being of public education in our neighborhood just as our neighbors do because our neighbors also believe in funding excellent public education to all neighborhoods especially to families of all incomes and wage scale.


One’s public education has nothing to do with the discrimination of wage income disparities. No.


                              Education has to do with how far one’s willing to work to learn about anything at all and become intellectually well-rounded to survive and thrive in all environments amongst all Peoples because that’s true success. It’s not good enough to be smart, one, must also be intelligent to thrive in the world otherwise survival becomes quiet desperation.


I write because I believe that public education isn’t something that we do for the sake of doing but rather fund public education to its deepest financial needs as our government does with the military industrial complex.


Why can’t public education have an educational resurgence fund in which government “cuts out a check” for one-hundred-and-sixty billion dollars (I’ll have to look that figure up) just as the American government did for Afghanistan to build mosques along the roadsides? (What. I won’t even raise a debate here because there are better ones to be had. It’s just not that compelling and all too obvious.)


I don’t mind that our overall National Budget is set up in support of any Foreign Aid because the numbers set aside for a Foreign Aid Budget are miniscule.


What. The last time I heard: if I heard a man correctly say something like;

          “‘Oh, yeah. The Foreign Aid budget is point-zero-zero-two-percent (.002%) of the entire National Budget. That’s a drop in the bucket. That’s nothing.’”


                                        I already knew that the Foreign Aid Budget would be something like that because I had “crunched” the numbers even though it was difficult for me to do so.


I learned to “crunch numbers” while I wrote monthly Excel liquor inventory spreadsheets (spring and summer 2006) for a (non-sexual) private men’s club.


It took hours-and-hours of calculations; down to the point-zero percent of any alcohol consumption of each liquor bottle.


Inventory was a headache to do and I measured out each and every bottle as I took down numbers for the first few times until a monthly average was calculated.


It sure was tedious work but well worth it when I went to the spreadsheet and realized that I understood all that mathematics for what it was and what it represented.


I understood that over a period of time I’d learn to see and recognize patters from month to month inventory and the averages were all more or less the same over time. Simple? Right.


Well, the National Budget is really no different only on a larger scale.


What percent of fractioned-off budgetary numbers go towards what programs?




I’ve stalled long enough.


I want to write about (“Obama Care” = “Romney Care”).


I’d like to write about what I know to understand to be true.


If information, interpretation and linguistic comprehension serve me correct then “Obama Care” is indeed almost exactly as “Romney Care.”



Right? Right.


Is it exactly the same health care system (bill) as my hometown of Massachusetts? Yes. (Yes, with a few variations and exceptions in the “fine print.”)


Well, if that is so then a) (“Obama Care” equals (=) “Romney Care”) the same as that in Massachusetts (one of our home states) b) the linguistic equation (“Obama Care” = “Romney Care”) is in fact a Federal Law c) yes, all those without a health care provider and / or with a previous existing health condition can now afford some type of health care (without having to go bankrupt over medical bills or into further debt and loss of property) d) yes, a law now mandates that under (“Obama Care” = “Romney Care”) all those without health care providers or health care insurance must sign up to (“Obama Care” = “Romney Care”) legally or be penalized.


                                                  e) Personal Note: So many complaints about “Romney Care” in Massachusetts because the locals say that Mr. Romney almost left either education or the state bankrupt. (I’d have to research how the state is doing financially within the past decade compare to other decades.)


Furthermore; I do wonder why the G.O.P. continues to repeal (“Obama Care” = “Romney Care”) simply because the G.O.P. hasn’t got any better ideas and proposals for National health care or a health care bill to present to the Senate and the House.


Republican congress simply repeals (“Obama Care” = “Romney Care”) because it’s something to do as idealistic obstructionist (how boring indeed) to the democratic process and it slows down progress like a child with a temper tantrum who throws himself on the floor and disgraces an entire community because he doesn’t get what he wants so he rebels to rebel for the sake of it at the cost of his pride, ego and humanity. Please.


I do wonder why (“Obama Care” = “Romney Care”) is made mandatory as a federal law to all Citizens and Civilians who can barely afford an apple a day.


Why must government legally enforce a public health care service law that’s needed for the betterment of its People?


Health care requires an overhaul in structure.


The bottom line is that Americans are ‘poor,’ suffering in ‘poverty,’ ‘broke,’ ‘starving,’ without jobs that got outsourced thirteen years ago, Americans lost their homes to the lending institutions (the banks,) in a government bailout, (50-million) Americans go without health care or food and the number one reason for homelessness in America is the cause of insurmountable medical bills in the form of debt that, which, breaks our People and takes away their hope to be able to survive a broken leg, a reoccurring illness, death or a public college education without going to “debtors’ prison” a.k.a. (also known as) “homeless in America.”


          The wellness of our Nation is compromised because Americans aren’t well informed and overly entertained as an overall Nation so that we don’t have to feel the numbing-cold-pain of political disaster, economical destruction and mean-spirited public policies to spy upon the good American Citizens and Civilians struggling to make it by in this “Middle Income Earning” world.


Why spy upon the Americans with fake / made-up laws (“Patriot Act”) that aren’t even public disclosure?


What is this?

A mirage?


A game to kill the poorest Americans slowly through slow economical torture and oppression? Why take out the orchid of success; the “middle class”?


                              (I can’t watch. I can’t stomach it. It’s too insane and cruel a game. The point to healthy political competition is to aid, care and abide by the masses, not to kill them and take away everything they work so hard to achieve, attain and provide for their families through hard labor (through any type of decent and legal work.)


The median-average for American (“middle class”) “Middle-Income-Earners” and families of four meagerly gets-by on twenty-eight-thousand dollars (28,000) per annual income of an entire fiscal calendar year.


Our government and congress starves our people by taking away from The People’s Budget (Entitlement Cuts) such as public early childhood education, food subsidy programs and educational grants in the better interest of banks, corporations and (under the table) private government military contracts. (Pity.)


Hypothetically; if I needed a health care provider and could not afford one; (which in the decade of my twenties I couldn’t afford health care therefore I simply went without it and it was almost to my demise.)


          If I could not afford a health care provider today then I would like the option to shop around for any health care provider that the government could afford (hypothetically) for me as a Citizen and Civilian.


I don’t understand why as single individuals we wouldn’t have the option to upgrade, downgrade or “Super Size” our health care providers.


I mean we do it every day with open consumer markets.


Why can’t individuals be granted XY and Z health care options as single Individual payers than be legally forced to follow some governmental mandate?


So, if The People can’t afford government health care then do they, too, go to “debtors’ prison”?


I mean is the government now in the business of policing health care insurance provider debt or is the consumer in charge of their own destiny?


Personally, in my “dream world” the government would scale back on military industrial complex budgetary funds (since our Veterans aren’t even financially taken care of when they return from war) and sink some of that money into health care and provide health care financial vouchers for all children that are in need of it in America without any questions asked (and by all children I mean until young men are done with their brain development at the age of thirty-four which is factually proven to be so in brain studies.) (I understand that-that notion isn’t too far fetch for many. It can be done. No, I don’t live in a socialist bubble. I live in reality.)



[“ ‘Everybody’s a criminal in America.



In other words:

Yes, especially any President sitting in the Oval Office

or any members of congress].


The People require the following:


                    The American People require resources such as excellent free public education (all the way from early childhood education through college undergraduate studies,) excellent and caring free public health care providers, safe and thriving neighborhoods, public organic and vegan food education and botany curriculums across the country, less police profiling and frisking of our Americans, a memorandum (The People’s Vote) on police placing public cameras on any street they wish only because they’re cops (which to the crime experts cameras aren’t any more effective than any other methods of solving crimes), entitlement programs, food subsidy programs, “WIC,” “Meals on Wheels,” eligibility for food stamps to ex-cons and their families.


                    We need effective gun laws and secure measures so that our Citizens and Civilians aren’t gun down in their neighborhoods walking home from corner markets after purchasing candy.


                    We need to have abortion rights re-institutionalized or the new G.O.P.’s Tea Party branch extremists and right-winged radicals will end up murdering our American women by sending them back to 1885.


                    We need for prisons to stop being used as corporate enterprises and put people with addictions to service work for those with misdemeanor drug charges.


                    We The People either need for the government or the C.I.A. to stop trafficking heroin into our white suburban neighborhoods because the number one drug of choice amongst white 13-17 year olds is powdered heroin or make all drugs legal. A fact.


Forget about teenagers smoking cigarettes which is so bad for lung function but now our teenagers are high-functioning heroin addicts.


Our teenagers don’t like smoking cigarettes but they sure love to snort that heroin, courtesy of the 1970’s C.I.A. and today’s opium trade is straight from the Taliban which is the only reason why America went off to war and still continues in this opium war that doesn’t even take care of its returning wounded and injured Veterans.


I can only imagine that the heroin and poppy trade makes billions of dollars per year so why leave our Veterans homeless to starve and die alone upon our American streets hence they return from this gory decade long war?


We The People understand very well what’s going on.


We The People require for marijuana to stop being demonized through our legal system when heroin and prescription drugs are the new big hype in America since no one wants to die from lung cancer any longer.


                    Wow, how did America go from pushing smoke tobacco in the 1930’s (as a huge taboo) to heroin becoming the new cool taboo?

                    I just don’t get it. (Rhetorical.)


                    Why heroin as a drug of choice for suburban white teens?


                    Because no one can smell heroin on a teenager’s clothes, skin, breath or hair?


                    (If I were a teenager today and my peers were all snorting heroin Monday through Friday (oh, wait they were) I would still choose smoking sacred Native American 100% organic tobacco over snorting powdered heroin in which some criminal chemist mixes a concoction and hopes for the best.)


                    A pack of American Spirits 100% organic tobacco is now about $9.00 a pack but a ‘stamp’ of heroin is just $5.00. What gives?


                    Imagine all of the schools, hospitals, roads and bridges that could be built with that heroin, meth, and opium and cocaine tax?


America would be a rich country forever.


America wouldn’t know what to do with the surplus of our profits. We’d have to make donations to the global economy from our profit surplus and our regular taxes could possibly continue to go towards a military industrial complex that allows for its Citizens and Civilians as well as Veterans to starve for one full decade. Wonderful. (Sincerely pitiful.)


Both tobacco and marijuana are medicinal plants but as far as criminal chemists in labs mixing heroin and meth for the C.I.A. Yikes! You’ve got me scared of all those teenagers driving on the road high as kites on heroin. What the…


Yes, the government makes criminals out of our Citizens and Civilians however ultimately the C.I.A. sells the heroin to our American white suburban teenagers who are the only youth with any real money to spend on heroin now days while everybody else struggles on to get fresh produce.


Addiction in America is key to the survival of this impoverished struggle.


                    We The People require for adult prostitution to become legalized so that our foster home runaway minors don’t sell their bodies for food to their pimps in exchange for congressmen performing defunct policies in the form of statutory rape.


                    We The People require for all drugs to become legal in America since fifty percent (50%) of all Americans are on some form of strong and crazy enhanced prescription drugs passed out like candy by “Big Pharma” that pushes their pimp doctors to get their patients addicted to the stuff.


Nothing much changes or is held sacred when it comes to greed making a profit.


[“ ‘Everybody’s a criminal in America.



In other words:

Yes, especially any President sitting in the Oval Office

or any members of congress].


We The People demand for social justice for all because we can’t go on like this any longer or the culture will implode and perish.


          What part of that doesn’t our congressional government understand?


The American People require resources and their Civil Liberties and Constitutional Rights back. Please. Thank you.





{Now I have real “writer’s block.”}


Yes, grammatical corrections were made.


I cleaned up the commas and awkward language.


How frustrating to write in a foreign language (and English at that) everyday; it’s like going on a nightmare date each day. Ah!


Not understanding the rules to commas is like having my shoelaces untied and tripping over my own laces on a daily basis. I need to find either an expert or a master who can really get me to comprehend commas for ESL adults. It’s ridiculous.


*)        Writing’s blue collar intellectual manual labor mixed-in with crème de le crème of the arts because writing came to America with the Pioneers who toiled this Land however writing was here long before the Pharaohs.


Writing’s what bridges Kings and common men together and poetry is what creates equal unity, for beauty belongs to all.


July 30, 2013


"We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible." - Barack Obama


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Transcend: (to pass over, to surpass, to outstrip, to rise above)


He was urged by his advisor to transcend the recent unpleasantness.


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Part III

The President of the United States of America















Analytics for the blog 2013


Side Note: Okay; so forget anything I said about any of the analytic figures and numbers; I obviously haven’t taken the time to study the numbers and I know that I should. (So here we go.) (Mathematics is as beautiful as life gets; its romance, love and very little melodrama as possible. It’s concrete, factual and interpretive.)


I’m positively one-hundred percent wrong about interpreting the overall analytic figures. (The greatest aspect about mathematics is that one can always trace one’s steps and work-out a conclusive solution to any mathematical objectives to continue forward.)


Okay: (I’m breathing through these numbers.) Here goes nothing.



                    Analytic Figures: (going into the first-half of the third-quarter in the year.) (In other words it’s the seventh month of the year and it’s the second-to-the-last day in July 2013.)


Analytic figures: Blog Only: (“under-balled” and rounded-out numbers to the nearest one-hundred / (100).)


Yes, those commas are in the correct placement:


July 30th, 2013: (667,000) / (Blog Readership) / (five months to go in the year)


May 1st, 2012: (133,000) / (Blog Readership)


May 1st, 2011: (50,000) / (Blog Readership)


May 1st, 2010: (63,000) / (Blog Readership)



*)        Yes, since (2011-2013) the blog readership has exponentially expanded by thirteen-point-thirty-four times (13.34x’s) its original readership.


*)        Yes, the (2013) blog readership did in fact expand five-times (5x’s) its original figure within one calendar year / (12-months) since last May 2012.


*)        Yes, the (2012) blog readership did in fact expand two-point-six times (2.6x’s) the rate from that of the previous year since May 2011.


*)        Yes, I “low-balled” the readership-blog figures by eighty-three thousand (83,000) “units” (not my words…) from 2012-2013, so as not to disappoint myself and it worked…


In other words I kept the only figure I could bring myself to look at (a rounded number to the nearest tens of thousands) 50,000 from 2011’s annual figures.


                                                  In my mind I kept running the same figures as those of the year 2011 (fifty-thousand / 50,000 Readership) so as to play “mind-tricks” with myself to ease myself into as much Readership as we now have (667,000 / six-hundred-and-sixty-seven-thousand rounded to the nearest hundred and that’s still a lesser figure than what’s on the analytics) July 2013.) (Oh, my! What the…)


-----   -----   -----


*)        Yes, (2013) thirty-five percent (35%) of views is the blog.


*)        Yes, (2013) twenty-five percent (25%) of views is the portraits.


*)        Yes, (2013) twenty percent (20%) of views is the index.


*)        Yes, (2013) twenty percent (20%) of views is the podcast.


Thank you.

I don’t know what to say…


Nothing, I guess.


July 29, 2013


Silence. Studying.


July 26, 2013


"If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost." - Barack Obama


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Tenuous: (thin, slender, flimsy)


Tenuous shreds of a spider’s web are used in some instruments.


---  ---  ---


Part II

The President of the United States of America


          What more is there to be said about the President of the “Free World” and the First Family?



Absolutely, nothing. (What a tremendous undertaking and work for the service of our Nation as public servants.)


We The People thank the First Family.


Where to begin writing about the President of the United States of America?


I have no idea what to write not because I don’t have plenty to write rather because so much happens in a short span of time. Decisions are made and there’re consequences for everything. One decides how to proceed with public policy and national health.


I’d like to think that the man sitting in the Oval Office does in fact make sincere and difficult decisions and offers alternative options at every turn possible.


I can only expect that such a man would stop from time-to-time and ask himself; “Am I doing the right thing here?” (Pause, Contemplate, Analyze, Objectives and Outcomes, Complexities.)


What do I think of Mr. President Barack Obama?


I thought that Mr. President Barack Obama was going to be a Liberator for The People and he still may.


The American People require a liberator who will defend their Civil Liberties and their Constitutional Rights for all time.


The facts are these: the American People were “duped” into a made-up war in Iraq just one short decade ago when there weren’t any weapons of mass destruction (to begin with) and the Bush / Cheney Administration went along with such a scam because they made-up the lie in the first place to bargain and trade under the table for military complex private contracts funded by the taxpayer. (I got it right.) (America’s still at war in Afghanistan as I write this today: 7/26/2013.)


Is public office no longer a position of class or distinction? Please.

(Tell me that it’s so.)


When Mr. President Barack Obama took office in 2008 he swore an oath to this Nation.


Once our first (black) President took office it was a day of historical joy.


History was made.


We were here.


We lived to witness such an occurrence and event for the first time in history. The Occasion took my breath away. (I never thought that in my lifetime there would be a “fellow of color” in the Oval Office and I like it.) [How archaic that sounds: …a “fellow of color.”]


You can’t possibly understand the cultural connotation, significance and subtle nuance of that phrase if you have no idea about the history of this Nation or any other Nation for that matter.


The histories of Nations are most often a bloody and difficult one.


War is inevitable and unjustified each and every time.


When I think about the “Battle of Gettysburg” (July 1-3, 1863, Pennsylvania) I think about our friend in her eighties and how when she was sixteen, she and her Grandfather took a train to look at the site in which he, himself, fought. Oh my!


History isn’t as far away as you’d like to think it is.


What’s time? Excellent question.


What’s writing indeed?


                    I mean to say that I hate to admit the following: I’ve been taught through war stratagem that war is all about the bottom line, and, once, any Nation enters into war with another Sovereignty Nation then the goal is for Heads of States to conduct business in the exchange for resources (and some enterprises do in fact make profit) (in the billions) such as the import of opium and heroin into the U.S.A., that, which began in the 1970’s and still today supports the C.I.A.’s secret special projects kept classified and executed “on the taxpayer’s pickle.” Classy.


                              (Since that’s the way it is; I don’t like it one bit because American children all across the country starve. I’m not sure how to dumb it down further for the sake of any future reader without causing insult.)


                              (These aren’t my personal theories, these are bits of conversation that some of the public talks about in discussion when speaking about the subject matter about the “war on drugs” (whatever that means.) (It’s rhetorical. I’m being factitious.)


I think about the American congress and I’m informed that indeed almost “everyone” are buddies with each other no matter how much they pretend to hate each other for the media; so does that mean that for those Senators that implement bigoted laws for the better interest of corporations over the rule and the law of The People; does that mean that congress is one big charade? Oh, no.


I feel like I’m in one of the many “Oz” books. Oh, down the rabbit hole we go. Bummer. I expected so much more from public office.


Any public official that has any strike against his legal and moral duties must resign from public office because to not resign is to make a mockery of public office.


Part III on Tuesday.


Best Regards;



[{Side Note: Disclaimer: About the vocabulary words: (Each day, I draw (petite) vocabulary note cards from a box that contains hundreds of words, if, not, then, thousands of words and without ever looking to see what the vocabulary word will be for that day I like to consider one single word each day; any word will do so long as I learn something new about words.)


No, I don’t look ahead to the next day’s word.


Each new day’s word is about the “element of surprise” to consider and think about any particular word chosen, that exercise keeps me alive to ponder the meaning of life.


What does anything really mean? (I don’t know.)


{I know you understood that.

I get it that people are way smarter than I am.

Anyone may make a great writer someday.}


Writing is pure science and mathematics spoken through the definitions of sounds, syllables, breaths and vibrations. Ha!


Life sure is intricately woven with one single mistake to signify its beauty in its entirety.


Oh, how I adore the complete works of Mr. Albert Einstein’s theories however I don’t agree with some of his theories about the subject matter of physics.


Common sense is the language of physics.


Can time be bent? Sure, why not? Can time go sideways; up and down like an elevator? Sure, why not? Can time be relative to cultural pace? Sure, why not? Can time? What? Anything.


Time can represent anything and that’s a lesson on the semiotics of linguistics for the purpose of conveyed language.


                              To write well is to be a scientist about the mechanics, physics, and theories of our Era in which we think and conduct civilized methods of production, manufacturing, industry, and trade, research and innovation.


We don’t forget our responsibilities as workers in the world because indeed writing is more difficult than digging ditches, harder than shoveling snow, that’s for certain.


Writing is hard work but not boring to say the least.


Writing’s blue collar intellectual manual labor mixed-in with crème de le crème of the arts because writing came to America with the Pioneers who toiled this Land however writing was here long before the Pharaohs.


Writing’s what bridges Kings and common men together and poetry is what creates equal unity, for beauty belongs to all.


Writing’s mathematics and science combined with living breath, holy cow!


There it is right in front of you.


Innovation is the key to unlocking the future.


Research is the key to discovery.


Words are a mystery to be solved.

I love the stories about words and how they came to be.

How beautiful indeed.


“What’s time?” You asked.


“What’s writing?” I answered.


Okay; I’ve stalled enough…}]


July 25, 2013


"Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential." - Barack Obama


---  ---  ---


Emaciated: (very thin, wasted away)


His emaciated body presented a pitiful picture.


---  ---  ----


Part I

The President of the United States of America


What do I think of President Barack Obama?


Normally, I don’t.

However to answer that question:

(I’ll dedicate an hour of thought to the topic.)


Personally, neither do I know the President, nor have we ever been properly introduced, met, spoken nor do we go out of each other’s way in doing so.


The president of the “Free World” (the President of the United States of America) and I are strangers to one another. Moving on. Please.


Side Notes:


*) Personally I think that the extremist Right Wing “Tea Party” branch of the Republican Party (not Centrist nor Moderate Republicans, per say) in Congress; are they not only politically-bias and policy-prejudiced to our first “African American” (black) President Mr. Barack Obama, but also either simply rude, and, without manners, or racist.


          Side Bar: When some members of congress are racist and introduce racist bills to pass the Senate floor with lobbyist support groups then prejudiced laws are implemented against public interest and public policy; because then a minority philosophical tyrant rules the majority vote without any consideration for the high-quality standard-of-life for all Citizens and Civilians who earn-an-honest-living for their bread and butter who can barely cover those meager costs as-it-is, here, in America; today; now.


What a travesty.


[A real tragedy and a shame that only the Masters could write until the end of their days here on Earth about this specific one subject matter and most likely Historians will write this very truth about what happened to America from 9/11/2001-9/11/2013. (No, I shan’t be writing about 9/11.) America’s still in the line of duty, in active combat and war as I write this on: 7/25/13.]


*)        I think I know that the President was born upon United States soil; Hawaii. A male infant born to a (white) American Mother and a Kenyan Father. Lovely. (If I get this information terribly wrong; someone will most likely correct me and then I’ll make corrections.) Thank you.


*)        I don’t know the President’s religion nor do I care to know about it for that matter because that’s rather personal information about any one given individual of the world as to whom and / or which God(s) they worship and bow down to.


                                                            :::       (In other words I can live without knowing as to which God(s) and in what manner does the President worship,) (although I do think children and adults, alike, would be interested to know and highly respectful of the President’s quite personal choice in religion but I could be totally wrong about that.)


[I’d approach it more like one of Walt’s introductions to his Sunday night one-hour programming network specials.] (Gosh, how I love those old stock footage reels. I feel so close to Walt when I watch his reels and I can see him speak. It makes me believe in the true and talented greatness of humanity.) I regress. Anyway.


*) If I were to guess the President’s religion? (I wouldn’t want to.)


Yes, I would guess that the President is a Muslim brother however I have absolutely no founding evidence for which to back up my statement. (Watch. He’s probably a Mormon and then that’ll really challenge me not to write anything about it. Ha! Sorry, back to being quite serious about the entire matter at hand.)


*) I know that the President is married to the lovely First Lady, Mrs. Obama and both joined in a Civil Union have two young minor First Daughters and there’s also a First Dog at the White House which is so cool.


*) As Americans; We The People believe in the First Family.


The First Family; our elected representatives; who as civil servants do their best each and every single day to be human and to live to the best of their abilities as the rest of the country carries on and runs the country in all forms and shapes of industry, trade, free enterprise for the purpose to pass the future forward to the following generations who’ll vote-on and implement healthy and friendly public policies.


*) The world has changed a lot in just the first decade of the twenty-first century.


Can you believe it?


It’s the twenty-first century and America crumbles; our bridges, roads and buildings break down right before our very own eyes and we all keep calm, cool and collected and carry on as if nothing’s the matter because we just can’t believe that this is happening to America the beautiful and indeed she is. (Have you ever seen a bridge collapse? It took my breath away. We stood and I froze at the sight not able to move forward at all on that day. My feet went missing, stuck and frozen to the ground. All time stopped and held its breath.)


What a true, real and honest opera about two loves cut in half. I’d love to watch that storyline unfold.


America the beautiful requires care of Her Land, Her People and Her Future while greed requires more profit for its collection without a care in the world for aesthetic-quality, sophisticated-class, pace-and-speed, and environmental moral responsibilities. How uncouth greed is.


I regress once more.


*) All I know is that “fracking” kills the Earth, which in turn becomes a cracked and plate tectonics game in which the outcome becomes death and contamination to everything around. The End.


(Please, don’t ever insult my e-cigarettes / (vaporized 100% organic tobacco.) Thank you.


If one believes in fracking then we have absolutely nothing to say to one another because we both already know the outcome to such a devastating choice just as we also know all about GMO’s (genetically modified foods) such as that of Monsanto’s genetic program to change the genetic makeup in corn and all crops. (Pity.)


Our children can’t stomach such foods much less adults and animals. (Please put a stop to this “guinea pig” project. It endangers our communities, our Elders and Children in the same way that dairy and soy products do.)


*) What else do I think?


I almost don’t want to say however I’ll continue tomorrow.

My hour and a half is up.





Best Regards;




Now I really don’t know what to write.


What can I possibly write that’s of any importance?


July 24, 2013


"Fool! Don't you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred times had I been able to live without you." - Cleopatra


"My honour was not yielded, but conquered merely." - Cleopatra


"I will not be triumphed over." - Cleopatra

---  ---  --- 


Tenure: (act of holding, period in which anything is had)


They were more concerned with the tenure of their positions than with wages.


---  ---  ---




What’s boring to me?


Violence is boring to me.


---  ---  ---


About writing; what more is there to say? Nothing.


Okay, let’s say that writing is boring, per sayWhat does that mean?


Does boring mean that almost every other time one picks up a writing tool to write then writing automatically turns into something boring because one doesn’t want to connect the dots to reason and logic? Please.


(How much fun can you have with conveying precisely what one intends to express as well as possible?) It’s considered… How beautiful language is in all forms, dialects, and accents. I’m astounded and struck by its beauty and ugliness, both.


Writing isn’t a “tricky” discipline like a Hyena does in nature to survive. Nope.


No, language isn’t “inherent of itself.” No, of course not. Whatever that may mean?


Language doesn’t have natural behavior and instincts like any other organisms.


Yes, language is the refinement of any civilizations.


Without language; humanity becomes wild creatures; smart but deadly and silent yet capable of destruction and Champions of survival like any pack animal does.


Without written language; we seize to exit. We Perish.


When refined civilizations crumble and fall over then tyrannical empires seize to exit and hopefully future civilizations can learn from their predecessors who came and went in their time and era of existence. (Not one single day goes by that I don’t think about the Egyptian Civilization as within the recent rediscovery and telling of its history as-within-the past 10,500 years to the “Sphinx of Giza” and the “Pyramids of Giza.” Archeologists haven’t even begun to unearth the layers, tunnels and the overall layout of that site.)


One can write anything one desires about any topic and / or subject matter (anytime on recycled paper, preferably, however,) one must be able to support one’s written opinions with the following: facts, numbers and general examples (not made about any given specific individuals, by name, only in gesture and in general unless a public figure.) Period.


Writing is one of the most refined of disciplines because it’s one of the highest forms of mathematics. (There, I spelled it out for you.)


If that was too abstract for a basic concept to follow then a basic writing class will do to go-on-to understand the more complex philosophies, semiotics and methods as to why and how people write for purpose and structure in the art of linguistics.


Language is love vs. hate; hate vs. love. How frustrating to understand.


I’m a romantic.

I do believe that love wins each and every single time until the end of…


No, I don’t write because I think that I’m the best writer in the world.

No, absolutely not.


I write because writing makes sense.


I write because I know what love is.


I write because I respect.


Even though I may become timid when I write; I still want to be able to convey my intentions as clearly as possible even when others scold me for being ever so forward (in what my needs are and how to fulfill them) if any matter that requires for there to be a discussion between adults (because one aspect to being responsible adults is the deep understanding in how “to bear a brunt” and at times “carry a burden” in coming face-to-face with the reality that people all over the world die gruesome and horrible deaths every single second of the day) and as community members we can only hope to find answers from experts in their fields.


Answers about life and death because our global young and vital community members die each and every single day due to silly diseases. Malaria? Really? Polio? Really? (No, please, no. Don’t break our hearts.) (I’m only being poetic, here, nothing more and nothing less.)


People know when it comes to matters of life and death and that’s why adults are granted…


Well, gentlemen… what can I say? Nothing. (It’s the year 2013.)


When I don’t know what to say then I go speechless for long bouts of silence because I refuse to believe that people don’t make any sense to their debates, arguments and discussions. Please. Now, that’s boring. (People who don’t make sense are either crazy or boring to me and that’s that.)


When I’m left speechless the only way I know how to constructively react to any situation and express myself in, which, life, became, either, too, difficult to communicate, abrupt or violent then all I can do is write. What more is there to be said? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


If I don’t write about what I’m thinking about then most likely I won’t utter a single word to anyone ever again about a particular circumstance; I’ll take it to the grave with me, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t have opinions about those topics that I keep silent about. It’s just that my rebuttals come in the form of literary curveballs to test intelligence.


How intelligent anybody really is; is by the way they operate linguistics within its simplistic forms and difficult apparatus to form conveyed language to best inform and represent that which....


The great aspect about writing is that the writer gets to be understood even if the reader thinks the writer a fool, an idiot or an inconvenience. Oh, well. (To write is to be closer to the Gods.)


(Yes, I’m an Atheist by intellect.)

(Yes, I pray because of cultural rituals to the three-hundred some Mayan Gods.)

(Yes, I pray each and every single day I kneel down and kiss the Earth.)

(Yes, I’m humbled each and every single day of my life.)


Many types of intelligences are tested with different behavioral forms and psychological methods but the hardest one to swallow are those tests done by one’s equals. If one isn’t prepared to communicate then one isn’t prepared to communicate. Life sure is stranger than fiction. A curveball in communication can either hurt or leave a welt, or, one can take to the plate and swing a…


[I’m going to love fiction writing. I’ll be able to say all those things I never get to say in real life that I probably ought to say to others but I freeze. My Father tells me to speak my truth and not to care what anybody thinks of me. He’s so proud of my work and that’s all that really matters to me. Really. My Father has been a great parent, adult-friend and mentor. I’m one of the lucky ones to have a Father who not only loves his children but also listens to them and helps reason out logic especially with difficulties in general misunderstandings in miscommunication.]


The gift of writing is one from the Gods to humanity so that we may compose something of significance in all matters…even if the writer were to spare the embarrassment of the reader in possibly having to spell everything out for the other.


Writer’s most often than not don’t get around to writing about most aspects of their deepest sentiments because then the audience appreciators would want to melt like a puddle of water at their embarrassment due to ignorance. Ouch!


My hour’s up.




July 23, 2013


“When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.” - Albert Einstein


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein






…About how I’m the worse (correction) writer between my equals and peers…they write so beautifully and fluid. I can understand their writing styles. I can respect that…


I love writing however…




I was and probably still am the worse writer in any Writer’s Workshops that I’ve ever held the honor to participate. Now, as far as my demeanor (I’m always eager to learn even though I may sit at the back of a room, silent and run as soon as session’s over. I run for the beach, the woods or the mountains.)


[{Writing’s highly prestigious as an artistic and functional discipline and because of that reason, alone, writers come to the table peacefully and kindly yet ready to tear at one’s literary imperfections and to make severe corrections no matter how brutal or difficult the constructive criticism may be for another to bear and hear about their work.


Writer’s Workshops are indeed cutthroat and what I loved most about my equals is that not once did anyone cry in any of those Workshops. We understood very well that we were there to build literary muscle and to go on to fascinating, intelligent and successful work for life.


It was my peers who cried but not my equals and I could run with them because they were strong enough to hear the worse of the worse about their writing year-after-year, we took it…}] Writing Workshops are like workouts at the gym and having an opponent to spar, or box, and practice with.


On the feedback that I received from my equals (week after week,) they wrote with red pens each and every single time they’d make a correction; they would note; that my sentence structure is horrendous.                      True, but my writing is also logical, (if I can type as fast as I can think.)                                        I trip over my own fingers like running and not being able to catch one’s footing or continuously tripping over your own two feet but you keep catching yourself just before you fall, and you keep tripping but you don’t fall over because you catch yourself before you go down, and spread-eagle across the road… (Reasoning skills are the essence of logistical matters. If you will.)


(The above paragraph is intended to be written and spaced-out exactly as one sees it. Thank you.)


I’ve received feedback that my comma, and quotation, and parenthesis placement is all wrong and to learn rules to grammar.


I’ve read feedback that was most humbling: After marking up every single line, paragraph and page for twenty some pages, at the very bottom of the last page it read: “Keep Trying!” with a smiley face. Ouch! Shall I sit or do a trick for you? No, please, no. Ha!



No, I’ve never, not once cried about any literary feedback in constructive criticism.


I was there to learn to become a master and so were my equals and that was our sole purpose in learning to become better thinkers about writing. Period.


For thirteen years every single piece of constructive criticism I ever got was papers marked in red. Everything was marked in red. It was like a little puzzle and mystery looking up each and every rule year after year and never quite understanding its fundamental structure. If only I can understand the structure to commas, and quotations, and parenthesis but heck if I know.


In my daily life as an adult I look up grammatical rules each day and some words I may look up twenty times to understand the root of the word, it’s complexity and the usage of the word.


For me: knowing how to use English words is a mystery.


I have to make heads or tails of who knows what? Anybody’s talking about when talking about commas and quotations.


My eyes glaze over and I go to dreamland. I daydream about…anything. What. All I hear in my mind’s ear is Charlie Brown’s teacher. Whah whah, whah, whah…


It’s not boring; nothing ever is to me; it’s just that I can’t seem to translate the rules to commas, and quotations, and parenthesis, and that’s how lazy I can get. (What’s boring to me? Violence.)


I have yet (in some twenty-five years) to really understand and comprehend the rules to commas, and quotations, and parenthesis, and once I do, watch me, take off with the writing. I’ve yet to earn my pilot’s wings.


Now, I spend too much of my writing and editing time figuring out if the placement of a comma is correct or not… It’s not a waste of time but not comprehending the rules to grammar is like running in mud; its slow going when I have so much to write about and not enough time to write it in… alas. My hour is up. Cheers!





Monday, July 22, 2013


“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” - Albert Einstein


---  ---  ---


Stringent: (strict, rigid, tight, convincing)


Because of the abuses that have crept in stringent regulations were made.


---  ---  ---






…About how I’m the worse (correction; English is such a frustrating language) writer between my equals and peers…they write so beautifully and fluid. I can understand their writing styles. I can respect that…


I love writing however…











*) Unbelievable the “Green Tea Party” Coalition of the “Tea Party” branch and the “Grand Old Party” also known as the Republican Party or the Right Wing…who believe in free market and enterprise for distribution, marketing and purchase of solar panels across the Southern Unites States of America for the purpose of breaking down monopolies and to create an open market with free enterprise in advancing energy, technologies and resources.


Why does the government uphold to corporate monopolies?


*) Note:


Long live the Queen!

Long live the Queen, Her Majesty!


Hip! Hip! Hooray!

Hip! Hip! Hooray!

Hip! Hip! Hooray!


Oh, how excited the Brits must be with the anticipation of a new Royal blood. How remarkable indeed! Wow, new life into this world! New life!


Cheers! We raise our glasses in honor of the Royal Family and to all of England; and to their health. Cheers to all!


To our beloved Brits! We raise our glass in a moment of silence as we think about all of those who’ve come before us; The Welsh and the Irish. Cheers! To your histories.


*) Gosh the world sure is amazing. I’ve been hearing about these wildfires for about two months? Is that right? I’d have to look it up: how many months our firefighters fight wildfires across America in 2013? Our prayers are with you now. We leave it up to the Gods. May the Gods be with us.


*) Yes, the heat wave was unbearable this past week and America has lost Elders in this heat wave of July 2013. I can only hope that American villages will care enough about their familial elders and communities to check-in with them even for fifteen minutes at a time. (Respect our Elders and don’t ever take anything from any Elder’s home without their permission.) Thank you.


                                                                                                    What a tremendous loss across the South. Our prayers are with you now. We leave it up to the Gods. May the Gods be with us.


“The Great American Die-off”. It shan’t go unforgotten in the history books from what I hear in conversations amongst many people’s across the South that we’ve lost our Elders as we also do our children to extreme heat in some of the urban and rural shantytowns across America. May your God almighty be with you now. We leave it up to your God. We live it up to all of the Gods across the Universes. Amen.



*) Yes, do forgive my ignorance; I’m sorry that I’m “ ‘…a ‘shitty’ dog owner.’”


As of summer 2012 Minnesota legislature passed a law into effect that states a statute in which; no pet owner may ever leave their dogs unattended in a car; not ever… not ever… not ever.


Are we all on the same footing?


So that means that anytime anyone sees an unattended dog in a car then one may call 9-1-1. Okay.


This ought to turn into a fun little game.


Every time?


What a waste of time for the police force and how extremely annoying if the dogs are just fine and healthy. Let the games begin… Peace.


Yes, for the first time, ever, two-weeks ago, today, exactly we just got our first dog.


I promise to never leave my dog unattended in the car ever again for as long as he lives, but every single time that there’s other dogs unattended in a car by any civilian or citizens; then may the cops be continuously called upon by as many people at a time as possible who are a witness to such an event. Thank you. That ought to be fun.


Why is it that American people are way nicer to dogs than they are about caring for Minnesota’s children who are victims of incest and to many of our starving newborns, infants, children and youth, here, today, this very minute.


Oh, how the laws, policy-makers and the public have a warped sense of duty, respect and righteous indignation about their weird priorities.


My Father told me to be careful of the crazy Americans because they take, the caring and responsibility for their pets far more seriously than they do in-the-caring for their children. Pity.


I, too, have a dream that when our Minnesota perverts stop selling our children and minors in the sex-trade, the government (congress) stops starving our children and take away food stamps from their parents and food programs due to entitlement cuts then we can become silly about spoiling our pets.


Remember most animals survive nature better than humans can.


Humans are quite pathetic when it comes to surviving extreme heat or cold while dogs can out-survive humans and feed upon us.


If you died in your home and no one noticed for a few days, most likely your dog would eat your corpse. Think about it. Wild is wild. Please don’t be so insulting to humans. I’ve met, spoken and gotten to know minors who live under bridges all year round in extreme heat and cold without much drinking water or food. Could you imagine surviving that year after year due to homelessness. Please. I’m disgusted right about now.


What the hell is wrong with America? (Don’t answer that to me.)


Incest and starvation of our children is overlooked while leaving a dog in a car for four minutes almost calls for Americans to come close to blows. Fucked up priorities. Shame. What a fucked up little country.


What a country, indeed. 

What a bunch of political inbreeds.


Don’t give me that look. You know what. You know better… Way better than that. Lazy.


My one hour of writing is up.


See you tomorrow…


Saturday, July 20, 2013


“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” - Albert Einstein


---  ---  ---


Stupor: (daze, intellectual or moral dullness or lack of feeling)


It was a difficult task to around him from his stupor.


---  ---  ---




July 19, 2013


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein


---  ---  ---


Subservient: (in inferior capacity, slavish)


Subservient obedience is demanded by the tyrant.


---  ---  ---


Happy Friday!



We’ve got house guests from Missouri.

We played like kids!




P.S. Our pooch is now an official and licensed Robbinsdale, Minnesota resident.


July 18, 2013


“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” - Max Lucado


“Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.” - W. Clement Stone


“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” - Lao Tzu


“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” - Peter Drucker


---  ---  ---


Impasse: (a predicament affording no escape)


The constant disagreement caused affairs to reach an impasse.


---  ---  ---




Yes, as a matter of fact I was and probably still am the worse writer of all of my literary equals and peers as in contemporaries, that is; those which; we’ve rubbed elbows with in some of the most serious and prestigious writing workshops in the world as people who were chosen to sit at those tables with clean hands, were expected to genuinely play well with others and brought our A-Game-on, every single time we met. Cheers to that!


I’m as horrible a writer as I was a long distance runner.


Are you kidding me?

Please don’t embarrass me with my blunt and rude, forward and direct communication.


There must be records someplace in which I placed last (as in the last runner) at state for four consecutive years.


I was the worse runner on every single team I’ve ever been welcomed to join by the coaches or administrators without being on the team; and / or at times I was on the team and brought the overall averages so low that many of the teams would lose their actual placement in averaging points.


These athletes granted me that for at least one meet in the season and no, I never qualified for anything because I was a round little turtle with short legs who detested running and I continued to show up to practice after practice as I got lapped ten, thirty…fifty times and loving each minute of it. Thank you.


Not a single athlete ever made me feel bad about being a horrible runner on any of their teams. Lovely.


The athletes didn’t question the coaches and I didn’t either; I kept up from exercise to exercise method, form and techniques as best as I could even if they did a hundred repetitions of different exercises, my goal as always was to get through at least one set of “repetitions” in one full complete exercise.


The stunning athletes probably thought I was a “guinea pig” project and left it at that… Nevertheless when the runt of the litter survives it helps its brothers and sisters become stronger by simply watching his struggle. Cheers!


The athletes allowed for me to play and to stay out of their way even though they could’ve been Champions long ago. People are incredibly kind and real. I could’ve gone to them at any one point and asked them anything in the world and they would’ve answered me calmly, directly and with intelligence but I didn’t have a reason to ever ask anything of them so I didn’t and still won’t for years and years and years. Although, I’m able to pick up the phone at any time and call any of my running peers because we’ll have that in common until the day we die.


They were so kind and I respected every single one of them that I ever met and practiced season after season, side by side, year after year for fourteen years. I’ll never forget…such beauty.


As an ESL student no one ever explained, that, to me until about a decade later when a friend told me how the scoring structure is set up for long distance cross country running and qualifications for elite runners.


Finally all those years later it was explained to me how the averages were tallied up and I felt so bad that I had-had no clue that points were added up while I was in my youth. I felt so dumb, alas. None of that got across in the translation of what cross country running was or wasn’t. I had no clue until I was about thirty years old. I thought people ran cross country for the sake of taking in the sights, but truly they had serious competition going on.


I also had the great fortune and was asked to participate in spring practices with track teams even though I was the last runner in everything by a mile, by the longest shot.


I was terrible and again no one made fun of me and no one questioned the coaches and neither did I. I loved every single minute of it. I just did. It was heaven. It really was. It was like eating ice cream standing naked in the middle of my kitchen and listening to the ocean breeze on a killer-hot-deadly summer day.


I, and, I, alone, held back any team in their overall averaging scores and they were so good at what they did that they didn’t even break into a sweat for the overall seasonal team average score because that’s how good they were. Beautiful.


Imagine bringing down the overall average score from one single meet and still have these remarkable athletes qualify for nationals. I was moved to the core as I am with opera and classical music. The beauty of it makes me want to weep tears of joy for how intelligent human life is.


However and nevertheless these were indeed Ladies and Gentlemen. They could always run Ivy League later in graduate school. Ha! How splendid of them. What a great honor.


I was always treated like a team member by every single runner and no one shamed me about the fact that I was a rotten athletic runner who did her best and tried her hardest. I mean I wasn’t even running. To them I was a complete turtle.


I’d warm up and try to maybe, maybe just, once, keep up with anyone for one, one-hundredth of a second. No way.


I had to “sike” myself up and work up to that potential if I could only for one moment keep up with any runner; even if they had already lapped me twenty times. You get it.


What an honor to run amongst so many regal, capable, humble, direct, kind and intelligent people. I was in social heaven. Working out with elite runners is like swimming through a ballet of chocolate. And partying with runners is serious drinking time… The runners can out-drink the football players any day of the week. Hands down! Those skinny bean-poles can sure drink.


How could I say no to such an invitation?


Almost a decade and a half has gone by and no matter how much angst or anger I had trapped inside my chest I followed the lead of my running peers who were leaders inside and outside of the track and field. I had enough courage to respect those who were ten times better at something that I was remarkably god awful at. Goodnight Moon.


I was a rotten long-distance runner and a mediocre sprinter at that.

I could run fast but I just didn’t see the reason in doing so.


I can only run short distances fast… if I had to; once I get going I can run fifty miles or more, but I better have a good reason for doing so such as someone is injured and stranded in the woods and it’s all about a matter of life and death, hell yeah! I’ll run.


I’ll run fifty miles, at first slow as a turtle and progressively faster until the end when I’d begin to hear sounds of traffic anywhere in the near distance.


How do I know this about myself?


I’ve never, not once competed in a triathlon however I know what it’s like to train for a triathlon and for a fifty mile marathon across the woods. That will test your will in ways that you don’t understand. At the end you’ll think you’re high and it’s because your body is high on adrenalin.


Jesus! After fifty miles you think you can lift a damn car.


More tomorrow…





P.S. An hour and a half of writing’s worth. Cheers!


Corrections were made: Jane Austen with an “e.” Thank you. Calligraphy with two L’s.


July 16-17, 2013


“A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.” - Albert Einstein 


---  ---  ---


Impeccable: (free from fault, blemish, error)


He dressed with impeccable taste.


---  ---  ---




Personal Thoughts:


*) Okay. I’m back on the literary horse once again.


I’ll begin to write and we’ll see where this horse leads us…hopefully to unpolluted drinking water…we leave it up the Gods


Now, as far as the blog is concerned; this is a hobby; (independent from my professional work as an executive producer of multi-media digital content and intellectual property as a part of a larger case study about cognitive creative thinking patterns, discipline and artistic cultural perceptions; (life’s observations.) Not to mention that I hold my own personal set of values, ideas and opinions about any one given subject matter or topic. Thank you.


I take the writing hours quite seriously as in so far as a discipline that requires for me to write as an evolved thinker and writer because I fell in love with the craft of writing English at the age of twelve when I wrote my first poem.


I felt utterly humbled by the gods as my strict academic ESL tutors praised my ability to create poetry out of foreign written language. (I found out that day that I was able to string together pearls with words and I liked the metaphorical necklaces I made.) If you will. Amuse me.


All we did that hot classroom afternoon was to stand in a semi-line by each other’s sides and warmly look at one another as my tutors smiled at me and I smiled back and forth from one to the other. I could barely contain my gratitude for teaching me proper English. Thank you.


How could I not smile at them?


They were so beautiful in their silent praise because it put a smile on two hardworking linguistic disciplinarians who expected nothing but the very best from the-two-of-us students; a Swede (correction) boy my age who academically competed against me at all turns, was respectful but couldn’t stand the sight of me and because there was possibly nothing that could be said to one another; thus; we studied side by side but didn’t utter a single word to one another for a year at a time not even at Christmas while our English improved.




He was the worst type of intellectual snob I’d ever met and smart as the Dickens.


I think that my ESL classmate couldn’t stand me because he came to realize that we respected each other’s intellectual capacities but I was far lazier-minded than he was and it drove him nuts and it disgusted him when I got the rules to the English language correct and he didn’t; even if it were to happen only once a year.


Oh, it drove him nuts and it was fun to tease him a bit with a blank stare that said everything about how he felt about me in daily competition even if I was only granted the opportunity to mock him just twice in two years.


I could’ve been his academic competitor if I would’ve wanted to compete but instead I drove him harder to his potential because we were both head-to-head and he wanted nothing to be like me and I wanted nothing to be like him.


I was lazy-minded and he was an intellectual know-it-all and secretly I admired him for it but I just couldn’t keep up at his pace because our language skills were minimal; I would’ve spoken to him about astronomy (correction), farming, chemistry and the romance of language. What more is there to be said? Nothing. Really.


At the age of twelve I’m sure he could’ve built a rocket in his backyard while I just wanted to have little snacks and look at picture books all day long. Learning English is hard work and I just wanted to take constant breaks from eight straight hours of learning with one hour of lunch.


I would’ve bared my soul to him because I trusted his grumpy, superior and snobbish disposition. He was a good looking pale blond alpha and strange looking to me.


No, I was neither in love with him nor he loved me.


My ESL mate and I had studied and were co-habitants for eight hours a day for two years and then I went off to Private Jr. High. He went back to Sweden without ever saying goodbye. Parting of ways left me with the oddest feelings of…


We were complete strangers to one another and we both knew it. At times he seemed to know me better than I did myself, but I, too, knew him and we kept it kosher.


We kept the peace even though at times we probably wanted to… He hated everything about how I looked and that couldn’t be changed. Even then as a little girl, I was, who I am now; a woman inside a child and a child inside a woman.


No, we didn’t flirt with one another.

We were children.


The two times he made mistakes in his answers; I looked over at him with a blank stare and I thought that he was going to scream and drag me outside by the arm and tell me not to do that anymore because I was mocking him just as much as he mocked me daily when I got every single question wrong but kept up with the daily lessons.


That was the difference between he, and I.


It could’ve been my first kiss but it wasn’t even on the radar.


My first kiss wouldn’t happen for another two years at the age of fourteen, a kiss from an eighth grader and… I… almost fell off a long and steep embankment, down a hill and into a football field. Stop. (I won’t go any further with that story.)


At the end of each day by the time I got on the school bus I was exhausted and the kids on the bus were as far away as I day dreamed about the jungles of my past unless... I did zone-out everybody, relaxed and thought in Spanish.




We came to the table ready to learn because it was fast paced and a lot of material to cover in three short years. Our tutors set the tone; they set the pace for me to think about how I wanted to work as a professional adult. Here it is.


Our tutors knew more than I ever did about English and I trusted in their strict yet warm opinions about my writing and studies. They made me the woman I am today because they taught me proper British and American English from a Brit and a Thailander. Ha! Life sure is weirder than fiction any day of the week...


*) The Gods granted me with the gift to learn written language thus and therefore I became a thinker. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to grasp the English language, harness it and much less master it. What a task, indeed like anything worth doing in the calling of life. Cheers!               




Do I always want to write?                   No, of course not.




I’d rather go dip my toes in the water with my male friends of eighteen years who enjoy a swim in the nude and I do look away. (No, I don’t stare.) (Yes, I keep all of my clothes on.) Plus I don’t ever enter the water unless it’s with a surfboard or…Period.). We’re all adults and I love the Riviera for that exact same reason; live and let live… Period. (For me, that is.) Discuss amongst yourselves. Ha!


                                                                                [(I love that SNL skit from way back in the day.) I don’t know what it means but I laugh every time I think of the actor (name) and remember his facial expressions. I almost lost my milk that day when I saw it for the first time on television. I had to stand up and be silent as I watched such a genius at work while he made the audience around that room lose it in fits of laughter. I didn’t get it but the fact that the entire room lit up in laughter made me laugh wholeheartedly. Everyone around me was laughing and I, too, laughed along with them. I couldn’t help it. I was like the character of snoopy when he has great days or witnesses something kind and he jumps up and down and his little ears flop. I love that little character of the little dog in “Charlie Brown.” Snoopy the dog’s character makes me believe in humanity’s future… ESL! ESL! ESL! Go! ESL! Go! Okay, I regress… It’s fun.]



If one doesn’t understand what proper language represents then one doesn’t understand the evolution of language while per daily capita (don’t quote me here on these numbers) about seventeen and / or / up to twenty-seven languages disappear from the face of the planet; per day; per day. Period. Moving on. Next.


Did you see how I did that? Of course you did.


It’s a lesson in thinking about speech and slang vs. culture; culture vs. tradition; tradition vs. the evolution of speech. (You understood that about language and I shan’t break it down for you here.) (Another blog for another day.) I only have so much time to write about any given topic at any given one length of time.



Because if one is able to counteract any point in any debate then the civilized discussion continues leaving theatrics, melodrama and gestures out of the heart of the discussion, debate and conversation.


People like to speak so they can bounce ideas from each other without disrespect but with much peaceful conviction without ever insulting their conversational opponents’ personality or person; Like…just like that… (more discussion later…) about cognitive patterns in facial expressions, gestures and body language when in debate, conversation and speaking in general. Peace. Thank you. Period. Ha! Now that’s funny to me.


*) It’s hot as the dickens and the last thing I want to do on such hot afternoons is work. Alas…


First, this “hobby”-blog does indeed have an end date; no title; the purpose is for me to become an “expert” on the subject matter of a subgenre of writing which happens to be about (non-fiction) blog writing after twenty-thousand hours of total completed writing hours; thirteen years of holding the title as executive media producer and producing work for our beloved ones to watch, learn and enjoy about whatever subject matter we’re constructing storylines. “Period.” Just kidding.


Hypothetically, If I were to become; let’s say: a molecular scientist then I would be at work on that than, here, writing. You get it. Tell me that you do. Please.


Second, the podcast is optional for the next decade.


I can podcast or not on any given day of the week however I may not skip out on the “hobby” writing because there’s a most valuable intended goal since for the past decade my literary equals (equals who I studied amongst around literary elite round tables) are reviewed and praised by the critics of the New York Times and I haven’t even begun to write my first Jane Austen novel of our time and era.


I’d like to write novels but Jane Austen is an immortal literary goddess and I’m only a mortal who can’t make heads or tails out of commas in the English language. Cheers!





P.S. This is two and a half hours worth of writing.

My alarm went off thirty minutes ago.


July 15, 2013


No blog.


July 12th, 2013


“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” - Bob Marley




---  ---  ---


Terrestrial: (of the land, earthy)


The teacher brought a terrestrial globe into the geography class.


---  ---  ---


Take it away Mr. Bill Maher. Break a leg. Good luck. Thank you.





---  ---  ---


Personal Thoughts:

(I’m tired… We’ve been up with our puppy at 4:30AM and 3:30AM for the past two nights.)

No Biggie!


*) Where to begin?


There’s so much to write about…

Not enough time to say most everything that requires to be said.


Life takes precedence over anything else (most) that’s going on. So much happens to a human in one single day; what more is there to be said? Nothing.


*) Congratulations to all of the visiting artists to the Twin Cities Metro Area this weekend; Congratulations on our very own great win and victory! We did it! (There’s no need for Catholic guilt.)


Please enjoy the sights, our peaceful and civilized downtown, Minneapolis amongst the poorest and the wealthiest citizens of the United States of America and everybody in between; the middle income earners; “working stiffs” like ourselves, who work Monday through Friday; 40 hour weeks and we love what we do otherwise we wouldn’t even touch it. Cheers! Peace. Peace. Peace.


We raise a glass in your health and to your honor.


Hip! Hip! Hooray!

Hip! Hip! Hooray!

Hip! Hip! Hooray!


Here’s to you and yours.

Here’s to us and ours.

Here’s to us.



Rock The House!


We’re wishing everybody a safe Basilica Block Party. I’ve never attended but someday I’d like to attend through the front gates like any other patron. That would be a blast!


*) I like to save my ticket stubs to remember which concerts I’ve attended that I didn’t even know who the musicians were. It’s fun to be surprised and I like telling the story about how I attended a band’s concert; called “Jane’s Addiction” in 1998 and I had no clue whatsoever who they were. They could’ve been famous ice cream vendors and I still had no clue.


I got into a close-friend’s car, packed full of our friends and we drove West, Mass.


I lost one shoe that night and I was indeed so surprised at the glorious music I heard. Never in my life had I…


I felt that I had made love to soul-air without ever being sexual whatsoever… (No, no humping the air.) I was overwhelmed to be in public and wished I had discovered their tunes in the privacy of my own home so I could’ve danced and thrashed around my living room by myself. That would’ve been so much fun, alas… I had no clue where my friends were taking me that night as I often never do because I don’t ask and I don’t care; it’s always great, wild, respectful times with adventures galore, great organic homemade bread, sauces and the best water in the world. I love the element of positive surprise in life and in creativity; it makes me believe in…Art and love.


*) Yes, Indeed. Minnesota’s citizens were heard by their political public servants and legislature passed a bill into law that all couples have the federal and constitutional rights to a civil union even with theological opposition from all fronts. This is indeed a victory to our people’s civil rights and liberties. This is what the founding fathers lived and died for; our freedoms as humans under The People’s laws.  Cheers!


*) Edward Snowden; what more is there to be said? A lot more. I think about the circumstances and situations in which Mr. Snowden finds himself in. It’s remarkable in this day in age since his story reads like fiction. Life is indeed stranger than fiction.


So, I think: Hypothetically; if I held a government private contract in exchange for a service as a private contractor and as a private working citizen; and if I were to happen upon fragile information that pertained to the people of the United States of America and their private rights to their humanity and safety; absolutely I would become a Whistleblower because that would be my duty as a citizen.


No, I’ve never been certified as an F.B.I. or C.I.A. agent on the field or to intelligence network. I’ve, not once, neither belonged nor directly worked for those two government agencies paid by the taxpayer. Nope.


Therefore, if a private citizen or civilian brings forth allegations against the government then, peers, colleagues and possibly courts and judges must follow protocol and go through the proper set of channels; up the ladder of command or deal with it in court in a civil trial.


Now, if a single Whistleblower’s life were to be endangered by their governments then they may be granted sanctuary (global amnesty) in any other country in which the leaders grant amnesty and safe passage with the understanding that that human is and always will be an American citizen first and foremost in the eyes of any court. Hands off to any citizens or civilians.


Yes; no, Heads of States or Ministers may Not bully, command or push around their weight in telling any other dignitaries what to do upon their own Nationalistic soil and how to conduct business or leadership because that would be far, too, presumptuous and ignorant of any modern excellencies and ambassadors to do so in proceeding demand other Nations how to govern as “self-governing” sovereignties.


No, the United States of America’s government may not threaten any other State, Country or Nation with sanctions if others don’t follow the commands of the United States. That’s just bad manners. Get your elbows off of the table because no one wants to rub elbows with our government when they’re pushy, mean-spirited and without informing the public correctly, factually and thoroughly. Thank you.


So, I’ve heard many bits and pieces of intelligent conversationalists and poly-sci theorists and I guess that from what I hear; Mr. Snowden didn’t go through the correct Whistle blowing protocols as most professionals follow. Why not? Beats me? I don’t know.


Also; it’s been circulating around in conversations (from Chinese media) that Mr. Snowden was indeed factually proven to be C.I.A. but that’s yet to be proven through real and authentically classified records as to his attendance and graduation date from that particular governmental agency. In other words; proven and sealed records please. Thank you.


*) In conclusion: No, I’m not a tourist in Minneapolis.


No, I don’t go on tour busses and do touristy things.


I find myself where I get invited or where I sometimes deviate on an unbeaten path and find myself surprised in privately owned businesses geared to service the public.


I love to end up someplace I’ve never been before and to be left respectfully alone to write, sit, and think or text; with one single martini or oysters.


I like to eat out, but I also make breakfast and dinners at home (Mon-Fr) because I like to control what goes into my food and body; organics and vegan foods at home.


I love fresh herbs like cilantro. Thus, if I park it to the side and enter any establishment that serves the public with drink or music then; Oh how I love to take in the sights when there’s no one around in the middle of…that hour.


Like hell to being a tourist, but I like saying it.


*) Peace.


July 11th, 2013

“Of all the nasty outcomes predicted for women's liberation... none was more alarming, from a feminist point of view, than the suggestion that women would eventually become just like men.” - Barbara Ehrenreich


“The message of women's liberation is that women can love each other and ourselves against our degrading education.” - Jane Rule


---  ---  ---


Translucent: (letting light pass but diffusing it so that objects on the other side cannot be distinguished; partially transparent)


The translucent paneling showed there were people in the next room though we did not know who.


---  ---  ---




I’ll come back to write about the subject matter of student loan costs.


I better not write, because it’s way past my bedtime…

I don’t make sense in English past nine O’clock at night.

I get too raw, sloppy and sleepy with my thought process.







P.S. I was someplace and out of the corner of my eye I caught... a what?


A fifteen second video clip of a white woman getting dragged off and calmly taken out of a congressional hearing room by two officers on each of her arms while she continued to express her deepest sentiments and political viewpoints about her civil liberties and rights taken, stolen as a free American woman as she argued on behalf of this theological, philosophical, ideological fight for all women’s’ right to pro-choice; free choice. Period. (Yes, those two apostrophes are right and in the correct order. Thank you.)


It was deeply sad that no human on that panel said; “Let the woman speak.”


Please. Gentlemen; American women aren’t sexually frustrated, they are deeply concerned for the future of their daughters here in America.




A woman is forced to ask permission from a man to abort a fetus even and especially when she’s been raped or with incest? Absolutely not. Nope.




No man may tell any woman whether to decide to abort a fetus or not, much less the government of the United States of America and it’s politicians. Get it out of here.


Welcome to the year 2013.


Men don’t dictate what women do or don’t do with their bodies.


Men don’t have that right.

Women do reserve that right.


All global women; everywhere; reserve the right to free choice when it comes to prochoice and abortion because corruption is so globally ramped that it’s only a fair trade between men and women (and an organic trade at that.) Keep the peace… helleluya. Amen. Break bread and drink wine.


Where do men get off demanding women what to do with their bodies while our global Nationalistic men rape the Earth, its women, its children, its culture and its economy?



Absolutely not.

Step back.

Careful with your footing.


Sneaky little cheating policy-bills that the Senate and the House get away with passing under the table are unsatisfactory. Bastards. All of them.


Couples can talk about abortion as an option with their personal and private doctors (that still hasn’t changed) and make joint decisions about abortion. Large or small government doesn’t govern over what people do with their bodies because that’s our GOD(s) Given Right. Get it together.


Women are adults.


Women aren’t any type of animals to be dragged off out of a hearing room by officers; because that isn’t a courtroom with a judge; No. She’s not on trial to be judged by a panel; she’s granted a hearing. Have the good graces to hear out a speaker. Any speaker no matter how upset or angry they may come across. Man or woman. Thank you. It’s a courtesy to all adults. I’ll look further into it.




I might come back to finish a full complete hour of cohesive writing. I can write run-on sentences all day long, but it’s the structuring and the punctuation that makes me stop on my tracks and think, twice, about language structuring. I think you understood that.


July 10th, 2013


“The worst solitude is to have no real friendships.” - Francis Bacon


“What makes a woman beautiful is her loyalty to and her friendships with other women, and her honesty with men.” - Vanessa Marcil


“Friends need not agree in everything or go always together, or have no comparable other friendships of the same intimacy.” - George Santayana


“All careers go up and down like friendships, like marriages, like anything else, and you can't bat a thousand all the time.” - Julie Andrews


No blog or podcast: Luncheon, hanging out and having fun like two little kids with my friend who I met in 2009 at a recording studio. He’s a lovely man who I trust with my life. He’s in town and I adore him because his grandparents did well by him and it shows. What a Gentleman! Hip! Hip! Hooray!





*) End the Afghanistan war today! End “Vietnam II!”

End the war! End the war! End the war! (I know, I know… you guys are laughing at me.)


*) Mr. President Putin doesn’t own Mr. Edward Snowden. Careful. Public opinion does matter when it comes to manipulating American citizens. When it comes to our citizens that’s serious business because we play ball for our team. Go Venezuela! Why is it that leaders and politicians can’t seem to do the right thing instead of the stupid thing. Go Venezuela!


*) As for the pranksters who pulled that idiotic cute little trick of a “prank” in pretending to get “kidnapped,” I hope you all go to hell.


I’ve gone on Amber Alerts amongst my former F.B.I. colleagues and when children have indeed been kidnapped there’s a slight chance of finding those children and about 24 hours to possibly discover dead bodies. It’s serious business.


Twenty-four fragile hours makes the difference between life and death thus to “prank” a kidnapping; I do believe is a federal offense. Gosh why are Americans so goddamn stupid? Are they seriously that bored? I almost want to spank them or slap them hard across the mouth (metaphorical.) I hope they go to jail for a long time. Longer than…


These two idiotic morons have no idea about a little girl named Katie Poirier who was kidnapped and murdered. Katie was from Moose Lake and I can tell you that this incident left Barnum, Kettle River and Moose Lake citizens hurting. Please don’t fake kidnappings. It makes the Americans seem like…


*) Oh, Brazil. We know, we know… Our prayers are with you our dearest ones. We know.


*) No, I’m not keeping up with George Zimmerman trial but that doesn’t mean that I don’t listen to other people’s conversations. I have no idea. I keep silent if I don’t know or if I’m not translating fast enough. Yes? No? Yes.


*) Yes, I just found out who Paula Deen was about four months ago. I have no idea. I don’t care. I listen to other people’s conversations and read thousands of emails people send to us.


Tuesday, July 9th, 2013


“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” - Winston Churchill


“When the war of the giants is over the wars of the pygmies will begin.” - Winston Churchill


“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” - Ernest Hemingway





It’s 10:05PM Central time.


The day went by in a blur!

I’m tired.

Taking care of a puppy is hard work and totally worth it.


I’m exhausted.


I haven’t taken the time to properly comb through my hair in about a week.

My hair looks a fright.


I love our new canine-bambino.

He’s so gentle and kind.

He’s a dream come true.


---  ---  ---


          Now, as far as this Afghanistan war is concerned; most, if, not all poly-sci majors will tell you that public opinion is a joke when it comes to public opinion. I disagree with them when it comes to policy-making, war and economics because those are not laughing matters to my beloved ones or to me.


As a matter of fact the poly-sci majors will indeed laugh in the face of most mass media and those who take any type of news all, too, seriously. For the most part I tend to agree with them but not on all topics of discussion, especially war.


However and nevertheless, for those of us on the ground; our families, friends, neighbors, professional colleagues and acquaintances matter to us a whole great deal because we’re talking about human lives while we’ve been left dealing with the brunt of this bloody ridiculous war. We, The People got left holding the bag. It’s so not fair. If you don’t think that this war is a big deal then think again.


This Afghanistan war didn’t only happen to Afghanistan.


No, this war is happening to Americans, our people, tax-payers, private citizens, immigrants and their families. It’s happening to us and our family. (I can barely go on with what I have to write…)




Our family members, friends, neighbors and others have come home to us in body-bags for thirteen years. Don’t you get it?


Here, in America we’ve silently buried our dead.


It’s been painful in ways that we’ll never speak of it to anyone much less to one another. It’s a silent hurt that covers us like… We haven’t given up hope but it’s obvious that our leaders and politicians use our human brothers and sisters like garbage in a war that’s Much Ado About Nothing but greed, drugs and more war mongering. We, The People get it. Pons in a chess game. This Afghanistan war is a crime against humanity.


Afghanistan war has gone on long enough. (I don’t know how much simpler than that I can get in the written language.)


The Iraqi and Afghanistan wars are considered The People’s Second Vietnam (“Vietnam II”) as far as the duration of these two “made-up” Bush-Cheney wars are concerned. (What a goddamn shame!) Bush was right when he stated that if The People had known what he and Cheney were up to then the people would’ve strung them by lampposts. Absolutely correct.


{I know, I know… Someone, someplace in political power is laughing at me even though we most likely could end up rubbing elbows at the dinner table at any given point. I get it. (Yep, I share the table with diplomats, dignitaries, Ministers of State. For a little insignificant human I do get around in discussions even when people have no clue as to who I am. Cheers! I work on the ground and dine in the skies.)} )No, I don’t live on the ground I live under a rock embedded into a hillside.) Hip! Hip! Hooray!


I like to put ideas into “lay-terms” because I’ve come to find out within the past thirteen years that our American people can barely read and write much less comprehend what’s happened with the lies and disguises in the opium-trade of this Afghanistan war thus I speak without too much highfalutin verbiage.


Okay, so we all know; that this Afghanistan war 2013 is about the opium-trade in Afghanistan; Correct? Right? Right. Correct. We know this because it has been explained to me by the experts as to what’s been going on. I’m not making it up. Information comes to me via expert knowledge and hell if I know anything. Experts know more than I do.


Now, since the Afghanistan war is about America getting control over the opium-trade and away from the Taliban then what’s the problem? Couldn’t America have accomplished that without a war? Yes. Absolutely correct.


Why can’t our American troops have come home yesterday, a decade ago?

Why must our citizens and illegal immigrants go fight some flaky war?

Why must our citizens commit suicide while abroad fighting this god-awful war?

Why must the army “lose” the medical files of our injured homecoming vets?


What gives? (Don’t answer that, it’s rhetorical.)


I get it but I don’t.

Yes, really.

I get it.


Our extended family of In-Laws; they’ve patiently waited for five years to get medical assistance while their paperwork goes “missing.” Really?


We take care of our own. Yep.


Because our taxes don’t cover the costs of taking care of our wounded and injured vets; We, The People take care of our wounded straight out-of-our pockets. Fact.


Now middle income earning families across this Nation have the awesome responsibility of carrying an extra expense on their household budgets and accounts even though we’ve already paid for this little fucking war game of Bush and Cheney’s. (I know, I know…I’m being quite polite because my closest friends are friends with the Bushes.) Goddamn. The words I could write.


So, you tell me… how is it fair that not only do The People financially pay for a made-up opium-trade war, for our wounded and injured vets when our government and military won’t step up and follow through with their responsibilities? It’s so stupid.


Do you think that this nightmare is over for our families when we retire at night and go to sleep? This war has left devastating and serious heartbreak upon the many American families trying to get by on twenty-eight thousand per yearly annual-income and taking care of their wounded and injured vets. Come on! What the hell! Really? How lame! Why have our wounded and injured vets been left to starve and homeless upon returning from war?




I’m not able to go on otherwise, I’m going to want to rip out someone’s heart or make the reader cry… I can barely write.





Yes, to our extended family (literally) in Cairo, Egypt; our prayers are with you.


Who the hell’s running the military troops over in Cairo?


Has anyone ever heard of rubber bullets?


Please don’t murder our extended family and our people in Egypt. They’re amazing people peacefully demonstrating for a stronger democracy. Please, no. Please don’t murder our beloved ones. Please. No. You’re breaking our hearts…


Oh, Turkey; to our extended family there; our prayers are with you tonight.


Please, we’re all globally connected here. Please, don’t kill our very own.


I know… I know… my pleas are probably funny to some of you who are calloused and sarcastic but you’re not the ones burying our dead, we are.


---  ---  ---


Sorry guys! The English language is ten times harder than I’ll ever let you know.




1 a : the spatial location of an actual or planned structure or set of structures (as a building, town, or monuments)


b : a space of ground occupied or to be occupied by a building


2 a : the place, scene, or point of an occurrence or event <a picnic site>


b : one or more Internet addresses at which an individual or organization provides information to others <an FTP site>; especially : web site




1: something that is seen : spectacle


2 a : a thing regarded as worth seeing —usually used in plural <the sights of the city>


b : something ludicrous or disorderly in appearance <you look a sight>


3 a chiefly dialect : a great number or quantity


b : a good deal : lot <a far sight better> <not by a damn sight>


4 a : the process, power, or function of seeing; specifically : the physical sense by which light stimuli received by the eye are interpreted by the brain and constructed into a representation of the position, shape, brightness, and usually color of objects in space


b : mental or spiritual perception


c : mental view; specifically : judgment


5 a : the act of looking at or beholding


b : inspection, perusal


c : view, glimpse


d : an observation to determine direction or position (as by a navigator)


6 a : a perception of an object by or as if by the eye <never lost sight of the objective>


b : the range of vision <was nowhere in sight>


7 : presentation of a note or draft to the maker or draftee : demand


8 a : a device that aids the eye in aiming or in finding the direction of an object


b plural : aspiration <set her sights on a medical career>

— in sight


: at or within a reasonable distance or time


— on sight


: as soon as seen< ordered to shoot on sight>


— out of sight


1: beyond comparison


2: beyond all expectation or reason


3 —used as a generalized expression of approval


— sight for sore eyes

: one whose appearance or arrival is an occasion for joy or relief


Monday, July 8th, 2013


“What to the Slave is the 4th of July.” - Frederick Douglass


We’re wishing you an incredible, respectful, safe and fun-filled Fourth of July weekend!

Hip! Hip! Hooray!

Hip! Hip! Hooray!


Here’s to you!


We raise a glass in your honor.


Cheers to you and yours!

Cheers to us and ours!



Long live the Queen!

Long live the Queen!


Happy Pride Parade!

No, I’ve never attended a Pride Parade in my life.

Not to my recollection anyway and people tell me that one doesn’t forget the first Pride Parade one attends. Cheers! What incredible strides for this country!


Where to watch fireworks from in the Midwest?


---  ---  ---


It’s a boy!


Yes, we adopt our first bambino on Monday, July 1st, 2013.


It’s a three year old Bichon Frisé and Yorkshire Terrier mix.

We’ve fallen head over heels in love with the little fellow.

We’ve named him “Freeway.” (Yep that’s his legal and official name.)


He’s now officially a bambino-canine of Robbinsdale, Minnesota.

We’ll have to apply for a license, of course. Thank you.


(No, I don’t believe in adopting humans however I do believe in adopting some species of abandoned animals.)


We received a call from our beloved ones and that was that: We responded.


{On Monday, June 24, 2013 approximately around 8:00pm: we viewed our canine-bambino’s photograph over email for the very first time ever and it was love at first sight. It was all over from there on. We promise to unconditionally love forever. Here’s to our first canine-bambino before having children in another four years at the age of forty and fifty-three. Ha! We’re going to be old, disciplined, fun, calm, intelligent and smart parents. At eighteen I would’ve made some serious mistakes with any child of ours (and I still will.)} Cheers!


(Over a brief phone conversation on Monday night we were informed by his surrogate parents as of this week that: the little fellow was abandoned upon the streets of Minneapolis, tied up for about twelve (correction) hours until their daughter went to investigate about the little dog.


When she found him; he wasn’t even able to sit down because the leash had wrapped around a post so tightly that he couldn’t move. He’s suffered. He’s had a bad go at it. From what we’ve been told he’s afraid of men and thus his surrogate family for the past week unconditionally loved him and we’ll all probably cry when they entrust him into our loving care. It’s a big deal!


He’ll have grandparents, parents, siblings, an extensive and extended family of In-Laws, hundreds of cousins, close personal friends and I’d like to ask one of our god-daughters to be his fairy-god-sister. How splendid! I’m so happy to welcome this incredible creature into our lives, home and adventures. Incredible! (No, I won’t be posting pictures of us. I’m all too private for that.) Exclusive friendships with respect and honor.


Best Regards and with love;



P.S. Yes, the Supreme Court justices did in fact make a mistake with the law especially “The Voting Rights Act of 1965.”


Please, can someone, anyone be the bigger person and make that specific correction otherwise we’re back to the Segregated Jim Crow Laws South of our past. Forward, people. Forward! Not backwards! Please!


*) I miss my Robbinsdale gutter-punk adult brother in Michigan and his New Orleans murdered pooch. Here’s to you brother!



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