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Monday, September 30, 2013


“Don’t pat your stomach while the fish is still in the pond.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Dissuade: (to turn aside from, to keep from)


It was hard to dissuade him from doing what he planned.


---  ---  ---


Disclaimer: [(The following were my true sentiments about how I felt about the entire ordeal. I’m not going to censor myself here after making a public apology.) I do have empathy however I must guard and protect my literary works, and if you don’t like it then take it up with our attorneys. I don’t have time for stupid remarks about literature. That’s a lesson that’s licking you dry, isn’t it?)]


            I called the Robbinsdale police and fire department this evening around five because of one screaming / shrieking seven year old child in front of our home.


            The one rude police man came up to our front door and told me that I was “melodramatic,” and over the top. He told me that I was condescending. Wow, he started to call me names first. I was taken aback by him.


He pretty much insinuated that I was a dumb bitch and to get over myself. I stood up for myself and told him that he, too, was condescending and improper, which he was ready to strike a blow if I would’ve given him reason so I didn’t.


He told me that there’s nothing he can do about screaming children. Of course not, he’s a "nobody" officer in the entire justice system.


He told me that he, too, had raised screaming brats and that people didn’t agree with how he had raised his children, but there it is, so shut up and deal with it. (New psychological research now supports that screaming children are often abused in the home.)


Okay. But I, too, can get just as ghetto nasty as my neighbors can.


The rude officer pretty much told me that children can scream as loud as they want (which he is incorrect about this misinformation) and with that line of argument I can pretty much play my music as loud as I want (which is incorrect as well) for as long as I want, in the same manner, that the children scream / shriek for hours on end.


Right now I have the stereo blaring as loud as possible because that’s my prerogative (wrong) just as much as it is a child’s prerogative (wrong) to scream / shriek (wrong) as loud as they wish. (Incorrect misinformation. Most likely children who often scream are abused or retarded.) Okay.


Is it philosophical war, then?


[Do you know what gutter punks are like? The sweetest people on earth until you cross them, and then it’s all over, often without breaking the law however they don’t go out of their way to insult their neighbors because they do love their neighbors as themselves and they show it instead of preaching it. They’re not posers about empty and shallow religion.


These can be exemplary humans or holly terrors on wheels that destroy everything in their path before they disappear into the thin fog.] [They’ll burn down homes and murder children if it was to come to that and everybody knows it. You’ll never hear or see from them again. They’ll disappear because they can. It’s as if ghosts swept through and destroyed everything, like a tsunami.]


Since we live in a Robbinsdale shithole ghetto society (no, I’m not being literal, our home is beautiful) then we can act like a ghetto (incorrect); that’s pretty much what he told me.


We’re placing the house on the market and my only request is that we sell the house for a song to real thugs and gangsters from Chicago.


When I worked and lived in Gary, Indiana I met hit-men who’d love to live here for a song. I’m pretty sure they’d pay cash on the barrelhead.


Let’s play ball.


If you want a cultural war then you’ve got one because I can be a royal cunt about many things and when my way of life is obstructed then I can become metaphorically cutthroat as the officer found out yesterday, polite with a big fuck off on top.


What the Robbinsdale police department doesn’t seem to understand is that our block is held hostage by one family and the rest of us have to suffer. Okay.


No, I don’t like to suffer alone so let’s all be in on this together. Fun.


Does anyone like real loud rock ‘n’ roll because I love it and I like it over the top although I hardly ever play it, maybe once a year. Yes, indeed.


I’ll play loud rock ‘n’ roll from the time the children come home from school until they go inside for the night. Hey, I was pretty much told that I can be as loud as I wish as well. Okay.


I’ll take up the drums and allow the dog to bark for hours on end.


The one Robbinsdale cop was rude, condescending and a complete donkey’s ass.


Can you imagine a cop officer coming to your door and telling you off without knowing the real situation? Amazing.


I can play rock ‘n’ roll for hours, he pretty much told me so with his line of argument. I love it. Thanks.


If screaming / shrieking children (which they shouldn’t be otherwise it means that most likely their vaginas and penises are fondled, starved or retarded) is okay then loud rock ‘n’ roll ought to be okay also, and I do believe that loud rock ‘n’ roll bothers people more than screaming children.


No, these aren’t children at play, these are retarded animals screaming and shrieking.


I just want a warning to go out: If a Robbinsdale police officer ever lays a hand on me, then I’ll sue the entire Robbinsdale police and fire department.


I’ll take down this city by its balls where it most hurts.


I’m very close to having no mercy and knowing some of the best lawyers in the country does indeed come in handy. What do you think power is for? To be used and not to be abused.





P.S. No, I don’t necessarily like Marilyn Manson but I sure can play it for hours because it’s absolutely annoying as hell.


Monday, September 30, 2013


“He who has butter on his head should not walk in the sun.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Dissonance: (tune out of harmony, want of agreement, discord)


Students of harmony have a discerning ear for dissonance.


---  ---  ---


            Oh, both Eric and I were deathly ill on Friday night from Robbinsdale delivered pizza. Not that it means much because we used to get deathly ill from eating restaurant crap in uptown.


No matter how glitzy, hipster-rude, dressed up or “organic” an uptown restaurant was we’d end up deathly ill from the crap in uptown.


Restaurant staff probably used to urinate or spit into our food, because season after season we’d end up terribly ill and like suckers we’d keep giving it a chance just so that we’d pump money into the local economy. It wasn’t worth two cents rubbed together. Overpriced garbage. Gross.


If you want great Twin Cities’ pizza then take a hike to “Leaning Tower of Pizza” in uptown. We never got sick from their pizza and we ate their pizza at least once a week for six straight years. Their pizza truly is valuable and great.


Uptown is an “overprized ghetto” in which the trendy restaurants are dressed up in curtains that smell like poop much of the time, anyway.


Oh, the curtains alone will make one want to “puke” because the material holds all of the oils and kitchen cooking smells.


No matter how much one may wash the curtains (which is hardly ever and it’s obvious) eventually poop is all one can smell in the material while dining out. So disgusting. Such an ugly concept. No class whatsoever. Cheap looking, too. It looks like public high school productions, thrown together.


Uptown has a thing for an outdated 1990’s look when it comes to dressing up their ugly restaurants with rude staff in which no one seems to know how to cook their food well enough not to make the patrons sick.


We would know.


We lived in uptown from 2004-2012 and it made for miserable overpriced cuisine just like the housing market.


I hate that in the Twin Cities everybody and their grandmother chucks their half baked goods at the public but it’s not very good. Actually, it’s almost deadly.


I’ve listened to horror stories about people who’ve gotten terribly ill from eating out in the Twin Cities. Shame. What a damn pity.


Who am I to be a culinary critic? I’m not. But I eat. Don’t I?


I know what’s decent and what isn’t.


If one has to heave over the toilet bowl for over half the night then obviously it’s no good no matter how trendy or how much the newspapers may sell it to you.


I can’t stand Minnesota cuisine and that goes for restaurant food up North. (I’ve never been sicker in my entire life.)


Half the time, it’s no good and the other half its deadly, or its disguised as trendy organic weird but it’s just not good at all.


Nobody seems to know how to cook anything well enough much less seafood. Don’t touch the seafood in Minnesota unless you want a trip to the emergency room.


The only time and place, I eat seafood in Minnesota is at Black Bear Casino in Cloquet on Thursday nights but that’s it. I only eat seafood there because their culinary staff watches over that seafood like hawks (no pun intended.)


Seriously, if you want great seafood in Minnesota take a hike on up North on a Thursday evening. I’ve never been sick from their seafood, yet, but I can’t say that for other places in Minnesota.


Minnesotans like to consider themselves great foodies but their food is no good, and they know it, and if they don’t know it then they should know better or travel more.


Why is it, that one can’t find a decent bagel in these parts even if one tries?


Every bagel comes from some manufactured factories.


I’ve tried finding a decent bakery in the Twin Cities but it’s close to impossible. There are hardly any delis to speak of and it’s crazy weird that crap here is overpriced and bad.


I’ve been spoiled by East Coast cuisine.


I’ve spent the past eight years more or less ill from restaurant food than from the previous eighteen years traveling back and forth from the East Coast and back.


It wasn’t until I returned to the Twin Cities in which I realized how God awful the food is here and no food critic is ever going to tell you that because they get paid by the word they write.


The reason as to why people really take to heart what I write is because I’m not some criminal celebrity chucking terribly made goods at the public, or someone who gets paid by an advertiser to lie, therefore, what I write is real and honest.


No, I don’t have any agenda. I simply want to make the public more aware of the manipulation, terribly made products and horrible services around these parts.



            A quick story: Over one year ago, both Eric and I visited a Robbinsdale bakery and we paid as much as eleven dollars for one baked good that was mediocre, to almost bad.


When I went to wash my hands I washed them with the cheapest and most disgusting smelly soap right there in the store.


When I went to eat my overpriced baked good I could barely swallow it. The cheap ass soap seeped into my expensive and mediocre baked-good and I tasted soap in my mouth for almost an hour afterwards.


I was more angry than I could explain to you.


The asshole owner was asking for eleven dollars per baked good but their soap was as cheap as the toilet paper they wiped their asses with.


You can’t have it both ways.


You can’t ask for eleven dollars per baked good but then force your patrons to wash their hands with god awful cheap soap and eat it. Nope.


I’ll never step foot inside such a nasty and mean-spirited God awful establishment.


Be my guest, but I’m just not that dumb as to be robbed blind.


---  ---  ---


                        The only restaurants that I haven’t gotten ill are Perkins Restaurants in Minnesota. Take my word for it. I’ve never, not once, have gotten ill eating at Perkins and their food does indeed taste great.


The Crystal Perkins is excellent and so is the Perkins in North Branch, Minnesota Perkins. I mean it.


Throughout the year, if we find excellent places to eat then I’ll let you know. If we don’t, then I’ll let you know also.


I’m not a food critic so I don’t have anything to lose.


More importantly I’m a patron in search of establishments that won’t send me to the hospital. I’ve spent nine years heaven over the toilet after eating out in Minnesota. What gives? Pity.



Volunteerism in America

Don’t do it unless you want to get molested


No matter how much a celebrity may chuck their message to you, that you ought to do community service, take it from someone like me who knows better and has real life experience with over twenty straight years of community service in soup kitchens, homeless shelters and food banks; those are the nastiest places for children, youth and young adults to be. They just are. They’re dirty and dangerous places where one can get easily molested at a moment’s notice. The people are devious, manipulative and corrupt. I would know firsthand, after twenty (plus) years of my wasted time as a volunteer. It’s only a matter of time before someone grabs your breasts or buttocks or worse, you get raped.


If you want heroin or any other strong drug,

those are the places to find it.

Careful of what any crazed celebrity that may preach

in the name of a check from their sponsors.


Celebrities aren’t any type of cultural or medical experts.

They often lie and laugh all the way to the bank

while lying through their teeth.


Celebrities don’t care about you or your children.


All celebrities care about is themselves

and how much money they can get before their looks go.


Celebrities are the buttholes of this modern era

because they can’t seem to stick to their work on the stage

instead they go around and preach to citizens and civilians what garbage products to use when they’re no good to begin with.

Be careful of false idols.


Celebrities wouldn’t be caught dead packing lunches for the needy except for an occasional photo-opportunity and that’s about it.

You wouldn’t catch any celebrities’ kids volunteering either.

Be careful of false idols.


Be quite smart about what butthole products, celebrities have to sell and how much they lie in the name of some falsehood advertisers.


Eat it for Nordic dinner.


You’ll never catch me volunteering

in some god awful places such as those ever again.


Yes, send all the money in the world that you can muster

but don’t send your women and children off to get molested

and used just to show that you’re a good citizen.


It’s not worth it.


I could tell you horror stories

about being a community service volunteer

and about other volunteers.


Your life is worth more than volunteerism.


It’s just that in America we like to sell anything

that we think will make us feel good about ourselves

but then we’ll be taken advantage in the process.


Americans look to feel good about themselves

because it’s such a shithole of a country.

My grandparents must be rolling in their graves.


Go join a community sports team instead and build community that way.


Gosh, celebrities sure are stupid and mean-spirited.


Celebrities have no place preaching to Americans

especially if it’s going to make heroin junkies out of their children

and get their women raped.

What a bunch of nobodies.


P.S. The public doesn’t care about celebrities except that they’re considered a freakish and that’s because they are.


Celebrities hate our children and it’s obvious.

Just look at what they wear.






Friday, September 27, 2013


“Don’t ask questions about fairy tales.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Sobriety: (temperateness, habitual moderation)


Sobriety in all things is a desirable characteristic.


---  ---  ---


Hyperbole: (overstatement, exaggeration)


I believe in Diplomacy however don’t push your luck


            Wow, it’s now seven in the evening and I haven’t heard the black mean ghetto children scream, not yet anyway.


As a matter of fact I just went to get the mail and the hateful little girl just rode her bike by in front of our home and not a peep out of her. Normally she screams at the top of her lungs to be spiteful.


We stole glances at one another. We didn’t say a word to each other. I gave her that look that said: Just try it and I’ll have you homeless within less than a year.


Day 1: without an incident and counting but the night’s still young.


[Note: Okay, that only lasted until eleven o’clock at night and then the retarded child started shrieking again.]


            It was a horrible week of recovery from surgery.


            Our bedrooms face the street.


It was difficult to make it down the basement stairs, thus I was held hostage by the screams and shrieks of ghetto black hateful children who know perfectly well what they are: nothing.


            I make for a great advocate but a terribly metaphorically cutthroat enemy.


You don’t want to step out of bounds with me because then it means metaphorical war and when I war, then I wage war like an East Coast general. I leave nothing standing. I’ll want blood and nothing else will do otherwise I’m considered one of the sweetest disciplinarians in the world.


People reassure me that I’m correct when it comes to waging philosophical war against my neighbors who are possibly too drunk or high to take care of their brats.


Three years have gone by and no one’s lend a helping hand to my neighbors who are too exhausted to take on this fight any further.


No, I’m not looking for a project however to have me wage metaphorical war is to have a Mayan scalp everything in their path without any mercy for our opponents because metaphorically it’s kill or be killed.


You don’t want to wage war against a Mayan because we’ll make your lives a living hell through all of the correct, legal and proper channels and we won’t stop until there’s nothing in sight.


I just had four tumors removed through my abdominal and the pain is unbearable.


            Aside from my annoyance: I can’t believe how disrespectful black children are.


            I know that most Americans make fun of pomp and circumstance but if none of that exists then we’re back to conducting business as animals.


I can’t believe what animals black American children, sometimes, are.


You’d think they had holes in their brains however it’s more the black adults that are to blame for the shame they cause upon their retarded children.


I would’ve loved to have been neighborly and gotten along with the black children on our block but I don’t trust them to do well by anyone. The less one can trust another than the less one wants anything to do with the other.


Personally, if you can’t cut the grade then I don’t care where you end up so long as it’s not anywhere near me.


            I think that the most disrespectful and dishonest thing for the government to do is to place low-income amongst hardworking middle class.


Why doesn’t the government place low-income housing in Orange County or gated communities? Now that would be something to see.


Why should the middle class be forced to bear the brunt of having to live next door to low-income donkey’s asses? It’s such a lie.


The reason as to why the government doesn’t place low-income in gated communities is for the same reason that Chelsea Clinton won’t ever see war in a uniform and get raped by our military troops.


I loathe double standards.


I believe that it’s up to the hardworking citizens of any neighborhood to decide whether they want low-income on their blocks or not.


It’s definitely a responsibility and a burden to have ghetto low-income housing donkey’s asses live two doors down. Actually it’s a nightmare and everybody knows it except for the asshole governmental enforcers.


Why ask why?






P.S. I believe in pomp and circumstance otherwise civilization seizes to exist. Please don’t cut school programs such as music, dance and painting. Our American youth are ghetto and annoying to be around thus leave them behind and hire the Asians to do our jobs, oh, wait, we already do that.


Thursday, September 26, 2013


“Don’t offer pearls to men who deal onions.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Ostracized: (banished, shut out, barred)


He was ostracized from the club for unbecoming conduct.


---  ---  ---


            Yes, we live in an “upper middle class” Robbinsdale neighborhood.


            Yes, our neighborhood’s market value rounds at about two-hundred thousand, per home.


            Yes, anytime that one has assets, income or net worth of two hundred thousand or more than one is considered “upper middle class” by American cultural standards however one must act like it or otherwise the neighbors will want you out so fast because it diminishes their quality of life.


            Yes, I’ve called the cops four times in the past three evenings with nuisance complaints because the ghetto black children are excruciatingly loud and it’s painful to live that way.


            No, we haven’t been able to nap in five months because no matter how respectful and kind we are to our neighbor’s ghetto black children it seems that the more we kindly ask them to keep the volume down then the louder the children get in retaliation simply for being asked to be mindful of their volume.


            No, I’m not afraid of retaliation because we don’t have anything of real value to steal. If we were to catch people robbing us then lord have mercy upon their souls because I don’t have much patience with that sort of thing.


            Yes, the only screaming children on our block are our ghetto black children’s neighbors, two doors down.


            Yes, it’s a pity because they’re so beautiful yet so mean-spirited, spoilt brats and careless.


            Yes, tonight I opened our front door to inform one of our drunk adult black neighbors walking down the sidewalk with a beer and with about eight screaming children to please keep the volume down.


He totally agreed with me until the one and the same hateful and spiteful female child started to scream and others told her to be quiet but they simply put on an act. It’s a start but nothing changes because the screaming has continued for over two hours. I do hate their behavior enough to have them kicked out of the neighborhood.


            The one ghetto black little girl uses her voice as a weapon instead of as an instrument.


If she’s asked to keep it down then she gets louder and louder (completely out of control) simply out of malice and disrespect. She must be a crack baby.


There’s nothing more insane and psychopath than a child who’s spiteful for the sake of it especially to perfect strangers such as her neighbors who’ve been nothing but respectful and kind to her.


            No, I’m not sure how a seven year old can be so hateful.


            The only thing that comes to mind is that a) she‘s a crack baby b) she’s supposedly been sexually molested c) authority means absolutely nothing to her d) she’s mentally ill (however she’s not) e) she does drugs f) she’s sexually molested on a daily basis by some force or other


            Why is it that our block is full of beautiful and respectful children but the only unruly, hateful, spiteful, loud, careless spoilt brats are these ghetto black children?


            The worse aspect about this entire ordeal is that every time I call the Robbinsdale fire and police department to make a nuisance call, the female dispatchers treat me like I’m an idiot.


They speak to me like I’m the nuisance. As if.


There’s nothing worse than underpaid, trash professionals who hate their jobs.


            These Robbinsdale police and fire dispatchers think the situation is funny, to make nuisance calls about screaming children however they don’t understand the gravitas of the situation.


Almost the entire neighborhood is fed up but can’t seem to find a real solution to this ghetto problem family.


Imagine doctors and professionals held hostage by one black ghetto hateful family on the block.


My neighbors and I aren’t laughing about it.


I guess it’s been going on for three years and no one can seem to get them kicked out of the neighborhood.


            Our block is full of great and upstanding children however the only screaming children are the black donkey’s asses down the street.


            What are we to do? Really?


            Today, I decided that every time the children scream in front of our home then I’ll call the Robbinsdale police and fire department and make more work for the careless dispatchers who’s voices seem to mock me every time I call. They, too, are donkey’s asses but of a different variety. What a damn shame.


You should hear these donkey’s asses; Robbinsdale police and fire department dispatchers mock me like I’m a little girl without any real problems. As if.


The unprofessional female dispatchers have no idea what a living hell we go through on this block.


The Robbinsdale police and fire dispatchers are truly uneducated bitches to speak with and unkind because they’ve already judged the situation without having to live through this hell.


Did you know that I was a dispatcher once? Yes, sir.


I know exactly what that job entails.


The Robbinsdale police and fire department female dispatchers are just as rude as the black ghetto donkey’s ass children.


I’m embarrassed to have such dispatchers work for the city of Robbinsdale.


            If the black ghetto children aren’t around then the neighborhood is quiet so that can only mean that one family hates the rest of the neighborhood and makes our lives a living hell.


            There are so many quiet and respectful children on our block and the only ghetto donkey’s asses are these black children who spoil everything for everyone else.


Do you know what the worse aspect about the entire bloody mess is?


No one in authority cares if we live or die so long as we pay the fucking taxes. Morons, all of them.


            What will it take to change attitudes around here?


            Why are the Robbinsdale police and fire department dispatchers such bitches?


            Eat it for Nordic dinner.


            About seven-hundred-thousand people are reading this tonight.





P.S. Many of our neighbors loath the one black ghetto mean and hateful family that holds the rest of the neighborhood hostage.


Our neighbors have given up because this has been on-going for about three years and no one will help out our incredible neighbors to save our amazing middle class block and neighborhood.


I’ve been informed not to get a hold of the Robbinsdale Mayor because all he cares about is homosexual issues and everything else falls by the wayside. Shame. What a fucking shame. What a sham.


Nothing devalues one’s housing market like black ghetto screaming mean and hateful children who won’t let the block get a moment’s peace or rest.


What have we done? Why did we come here? We made a tremendous mistake by coming here and annually we bring in millions of dollars to the Twin Cities Metro Area.


If I begin to loath Robbinsdale any more than I already do then I promise you this: I’ll ensure that an economical hole exists in the middle of its belly and heart by the time we leave.


I’ll single handedly take down the city and make it a real ghetto just so you know what it feels like to have no real solutions or a government to help you out when you’re an upstanding citizen who pays one’s exorbitant taxes.


I’ll metaphorically and economically burn the city down and I won’t blink twice. This is my promise to you because so far it’s turning out to be a real shithole and I mean it.


We’ll sell the house to real thugs and gangsters and then good luck. Just because we’re respectful neighbors it doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to destroy as well. I’ll make sure that Robbinsdale becomes the next Detroit.


Mark my words: Get those donkey’s asses off of our block because right now the block is professional working middle class but not for long if we allow for such scum to ruin our beautiful neighborhoods.


Your move: If I make my move then it’ll be metaphorically cutthroat and checkmate. I’m not fucking around anymore. It’s been a hellish year living here.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013


“Don’t hitch a horse and an ox to the same wagon.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Skittish: (nervous, too lively, easily frightened)


The skittish animal approached the stranger with caution.


---  ---  ---


“The Affordable Health Care for America Act” is law.


(Please don’t break any law no matter how much the GOP advertisers tell our citizens to do so.)


Now, my deepest apologies however I’ve only read about four-hundred pages of the “The Affordable Health Care for America Act” as of yet.


As far as I can gather:


1.    Yes, Obamacare (Romney care) will not discriminate.


2.    Yes, anyone with any pre-existing condition will be serviced under The Affordable Health Care Act.


3.    Yes, anyone unwilling to sign up for The Affordable Health Care Act will have to pay a fine or a penalty. New research out.


4.    Yes, it’s worth signing up for any governmental health care even if it only means paying for one annual physical checkup.


5.    Does The Affordable Health Care Act come with a sliding fee? (I don’t know. I’ll have to research it.)


6.    Can you visit any doctor you wish? (I think so. I’m not sure.)


7.    Will The Affordable Health Care Act work? (Most likely, yes.)


8.    Is The Affordable Health Care Act worth having it go into effect? (Yes, of course.)


I’m quite ill and tired today.

The crazy black ghetto children won’t stop screaming in front of our home.

I can’t seem to get much rest after surgery.


I hope that answers some basic questions about The Affordable Health Care for America Act.


I’ve had to make heads and tails out of The Affordable Health Care for America Act.


I wish the White House would explain The Affordable Health Care for America Act because it’s just not that scary or weird. Come on. Let’s go.





Tuesday, September 24, 2013


“Better ask ten times than get lost.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Skeptical: (doubtful, unbelieving)


He no longer was skeptical when he saw what they were talking about.


---  ---  ---


Why ask why?


Food Stamps / Subsidies

Potential Government Shutdown

Debt Ceiling Limit Raised

Grand Old Party Disgrace

The poor get poorer and the rich get richer


Why is there so much hatred in the world today?


Let’s talk “Middle Class” for one second


            Our neighborhood: our block’s property value goes for around two-hundred thousand, per home, and that’s nothing to sneeze at in this economic recovery and swindling real estate market.     


Now, as I’ve already written about: Eric and I made the smart decision to purchase our Robbinsdale property (August 2012) for a whopping sixty-seven (or so) thousand dollars.


Make no mistake about it we’re not ashamed of that because we’re incredibly intelligent consumers, professionals and mature adults.


Our home was indeed a bank reprocessed home however our home comes with at least one-hundred and fifty thousand dollars in up-grades, remodeling and an entirely new interior and exterior.


Why was our home so inexpensive to purchase?


Our home was inexpensive to purchase because the bank just wanted to get rid of it after months of sitting empty for an entire winter.


Our home is indeed beautiful by any civilized standards. We’d be proud to host the Queen, Her Majesty in our formal sitting room / parlor.


Our home was sold to us with an entirely new roof, hardwood floors, copper piping, new electrical wiring, a new furnace, water heater, air conditioning unit, insolated attic, new roof, fully finished and carpeted basement, a walkout patio, all new windows, new sheetrock walls and without mold in any of the rooms.


We live in a four bedroom / two bath: home that is just magnificent and the home barely has any work that requires to be done to it for at least the next twenty years.


The landscaping, alone, must’ve cost thousands of dollars and the exterior of the property is just gorgeous. There’s nothing cheap about our home and it’s obvious.


There’s nothing cheap about our block or our neighborhood.


It’s obvious to the naked eye that this is a dream neighborhood with barely any garbage or trash on the sidewalks or streets except for our black ghetto neighbor’s two doors down who scream and throw their trash on the sidewalk week after week.


As of last summer our street and sidewalks have been completely redone. I mean completely reworked. The streets and sidewalks on our block are just beautiful and entirely brand new. We’re having LED light posts put in on our block and that’s how chic this neighborhood is.


We do indeed live the American Dream for a fraction of the price.


When we purchased our Robbinsdale property, we set our pride aside and went ahead and purchased a dream home because it would’ve been ignorant of us not to do so.


Yes, at 2.65% fixed rate and a thirty year mortgage, we struck gold and it’s obvious to anyone who visits this remarkable home and property that we care to keep it looking beautiful and upscale.


Yes, our monthly mortgage payments are about six-hundred dollars and that’s unheard of however that’s what the “middle class” market ought to be at because the rise in pay scale has gone down and inflation has gone up. Do the math.


            Now, as far as my dislike for our ghetto black neighbors’ two doors down is that they have it so good and yet they hate with all their might. Why do they hate our beautiful neighborhood so much?


One would think that if a ghetto black family were to live in a gorgeous neighborhood such as this one then they would do everything in their power to keep it clean and not scream up-and-down the neighborhood for hours on end.


Our gorgeous neighborhood is indeed held hostage by one black ghetto family. Why must an entire block bear the brunt of one loud and violent family?


We live in a safe and peaceful neighborhood that costs most of our neighbors a pretty penny to live here.


How is it that in a lovely neighborhood such as this one, we are forced to live amongst the black ghetto uncaring, the hateful and the ignorant?


Well, I’ve come to discover that our black ghetto neighbor’s two doors down barely make it by as it is.  Our black ghetto neighbor’s two doors down are a charity case and thus they don’t care if they ruin the neighborhood because it doesn’t belong to them and they don’t pay taxes like the rest of us do.


Our one black neighbor is an elderly man who owns his home and he birthed ten children. One of his male offspring is in jail and many of the adult children live within driving distance because they stop by on a monthly basis and take over the neighborhood with their screams and trash. Pity.


The reason as to why there are so many screaming ghetto children living in one house is because the grandfather allows for many of his ghetto children and grandchildren to sponge off of the grandparents.


These ghetto adults and grandchildren wouldn’t live in our neighborhood if it wasn’t for their grandfather who worked ever so hard all of his life just to have to spend his retirement raising mean-spirited, unruly and uneducated black ghetto grandchildren who hate the rest of their neighbors with the passion of the devil.


Now, answer me this: Why do black people hate hardworking families so much? Why do blacks make our lives miserable when they could keep the volume down and throw their garbage away in garbage cans? Why do blacks throw their trash upon our sidewalks and pretend as though it’s not there? Why do blacks hate us so much? Why do blacks hate themselves so much? Why do blacks hate so much and they wonder why others want nothing to do with them?


Yes, it’s true: When ghetto black ignorant raging hoodlums move into neighborhoods such as this incredible one then hardworking professionals such as us move out. Why wouldn’t we? Why would we live amongst their trash and hatred of others when we don’t have to?


We’ll fight to stay here. We’ll fight for our block and our neighborhood but something’s got to give. It just has to or I’ll want to commit philosophical genocide and not blink twice.


It’s not okay for a ghetto minority to hold the majority hostage with their rage, violence and ignorance and have the rest of us endure it year after year.


It’s not okay to live in fear of retaliation just because of others’ ignorance, rage and violence happens to be their center of focus.


We pay high taxes so that the children of Robbinsdale have nice schools and safe neighborhoods. We believe in this Robbinsdale place but we, too, deserve respect, safety and clean neighborhoods.


It’s okay for me to loath the hatred of others.


I’ve come to the realization that all life is suffering and hatred. Please don’t lie to me. It’s obvious. I live amongst the hatred of black ghetto donkey’s asses.


I’ve held my anger for an entire year.

I’ve prayed for an entire year.

I’ve asked kindly for our neighbors to keep their volume down.

I’ve picked up their trash for an entire year.


What a mockery.

It feels as though we are continuously getting slapped across the face.


What more do you want from me?

To go completely postal?

I don’t think so.


People like us are valuable because we do have a strong set of values.

We live through our actions and not our words.

We respect.

We keep to ourselves.

We watch out for our neighbors’ children, property and pets.


Every time I speak to the ghetto black children; I tell them that they’re beautiful but like hell if they’ll act like it. I hate ugly and ignorant children hopped up on sugar cocaine.


Why must we suffer because of the mess of others’ lives? Why?


Our other neighbors won’t say anything to our black ghetto neighbors because of fear of violent retaliation so we all silently endure the mean-spirited ghetto ignorance of our neighbors.


How can that be? Why must we pick up their trash week after week? Why don’t they know any better? What gives? They don’t deserve to live in this neighborhood and everybody else knows it, especially them. They live here by default yet they contribute absolutely nothing.


Our one neighbor informed me that our ghetto neighbors asked him for grocery money but they also wanted money for liquor and cigarettes. As if.


I believe in food stamps because I can’t bear the thought of those children starving, two doors down.


I believe we need a larger congressional budget for food stamp subsidies.


I believe in not raising the debt ceiling ever again however it must be done for the sake of the majority.


I believe in kicking out bad neighbors from gorgeous neighborhoods.


I believe in kicking out the GOP from congress.


I believe that most ghetto black people are screwed up donkey’s asses and they know it to be true so they don’t try to do better.


I believe that the reason as to why people hate is because they’re hated and we’re all supposed to pretend like nothing’s the matter.


The reason as to why the world hates is because those in leadership positions make a mockery out of our hard work and livelihoods.


The reason as to why celebrities are hated is because they make millions from the poor and starving but then mock the public by giving nothing of substance in return.


People tell me that television, film and entertainment makes them feel terrible about themselves and thus they can’t watch the train wreck.





Monday, September 23, 2013


“Better be ridiculed than shamed.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Dispersion: (a spreading, scattering, or separating)


The dispersion of the seeds is accomplished in many ways.


---  ---  ---


            I’m glad to be alive today even though I’m living through tremendous amounts of pain. Real pain and not made up pain. No melodrama over here. I’m living through silent pain that can only be endured by women who know what it’s all about. Thus is life four days after abdominal surgery.


I want to be good for your sakes because I believe in the goodness of humanity. I want to be good because it feels good to be good. I want to be good because it’s the just and right thing to do. I want to make you feel good because I feel so horrible inside my flesh and bone body after surgery.


I’ve lived through continuous torturous pain for about eight straight years even though you could never tell, not really. This type of horrible pain isn’t anything that I’d ever wish upon my worse enemies because I have a heart after all.


Since I’ve lived through real horrible physical pain I’ve taken to falling in love with good wholesome British comedies like “Good Neighbors,” “To the Manor Born,” and “Thin Blue Line.”


I like to laugh at great writing. Oh, and the “Bucket” lady. I can’t eat or drink anything when I watch that show or food and drink will come spewing out of my nose from laughing too hard. I love “Last of the Summer Wine.” It’s my favorite show in the entire world.


I can’t seem to stomach violence, rape, and grotesque nudity on the screen because I already feel physically horrible to begin with thus I must fill my vessel (my temple) with strength, beauty, comedy, love and moral lessons that’ll carry me far.


            My Father (a retired psychologist) loves all types of cinema (especially violent cinema like “Aliens”) however early on he told me that mean-spirited cinema would indeed change my brain chemistry as it does anybody else’s and to be careful to watch trash. Thus, I like to watch kind-spirited cinema, television and entertainment although it’s very difficult to come across such material in America.


Almost everyone I come across tells me that I’m greatly influential even if I just stand quietly in any room observing others at play, which I tend to do much of unless it concerns my health, my family or my quality of life and the overall ethical well being of others.


Others tell me that I have a great deal of power when it comes to making or breaking others. (I’ll keep that in mind.)


            As I get older, other adults tell me to be gentle with my words because they take them to heart. Even complete strangers tell me that they feel close to my writings and that when I write they take it quite seriously. (Thank you. I’m honored.) I’ll do my best not to become a lazy writer.


I hate to see others injured or hurt in the process of others’ misgivings.


I’m not sure why we live in such hateful times.


For the most part the world seems to be hateful and I can’t seem to swallow such hatred because I can’t swallow much food right about now or I’ll send myself back to the hospital.


I can’t say that I’m naïve but truly disappointed that the world is one cruel and dull place. To me the most boring aspect in life is violence.


No, I don’t want to metaphorically beg, plea or ask for any more philosophical help and solutions from adults because I think that adults know their responsibilities and must abide by them, especially when they’re parents.


I most certainly would like adults to act like mature adults and do well by others or we’ll tear apart humanity and that I cannot condone.


I’m not sure why American entertainment is so dull, violent and shallow.


I’ve been informed that most of Hollywood is run by Jewish trash who seem to believe that they’re superior to the Gentiles and want to destroy the Gentiles but in that process they destroy their very own Jewish children’s hopes and dreams for a better future.


I don’t personally get confused, but it’s confusing to say the least when one thinks about the trash that comes out of Hollywood.


I understand that many celebrities are dressed by Jewish homosexual trash who have a bone to pick with their grandmothers for kicking them out of their families in the early 1990’s but what I can’t seem to understand is why celebrities have cheese brains and can’t say “no” to idiotic suggestions such as wearing dresses that show one’s front all the way down to one’s belly button.


            This past early spring 2013, I turned on American television for about ten minutes and saw actress Emma Watson sport a dress with an open front all the way down to her belly button; right there and then, I decided to personally boycott Ellen DeGeneres’ show for the next decade because it’s not worth it.


What a sad day in the history of prime time day television to watch such trash flaunt their flat chests and contribute nothing to the gender inequality of women.


Emma Watson came across as a mentally handicapped woman without any prospects for sexual encounters except with other mentally handicapped humans. What a silly woman with her vagina hanging out on prime time day television. I realized how desperate Emma Watson was to have the entire world acknowledge her as a talentless hack.


Last night we turned on the Emmy’s for about ten minutes and saw actress Claire Danes sport a dress with an open front all the way down to her belly button and I’ve decided to personally boycott the Emmy’s for the next decade because it’s not worth it. Claire Danes came across as a mentally handicapped woman without any prospects for sexual encounters except with other mentally handicapped humans.


Our nieces and nephews watched how desperate Claire Danes was to have the entire world acknowledge her as a talentless hack.


I thought that the entertainment business was to uphold to personal and professional responsibilities such as not to get women on the ground raped, beaten or forced into second class citizenry.


I can’t understand why so much of Hollywood is trailer trash.


It’s difficult to understand why so much of Hollywood hates women.


I don’t know.


I love because I can understand the significance behind that love.


I can only think that Hollywood’s penises have broken off and their vaginas fallen out.


Why does so much of Hollywood give themselves a pat on the back for doing nothing?


Why does Hollywood hold so many award shows when they don’t contribute anything worthwhile to the world?


Is Hollywood dead?


It’s not okay for Hollywood’s talentless hacks to be seen half naked on television because then our brothers and sisters in other countries won’t trust in us to be the leaders of the Free World.


I expect better from Hollywood or move on over.

Here comes a new generation full of responsibility, social contracts, love and equality to unite us as one body of People.


Women deserve better than what Hollywood has to offer.





P.S. Yes, it’s obvious to see when an actor or writer is a one trick pony.


Friday, September 20, 2013


No Blog.

Thank you.


Thursday, September 19, 2013


“Don’t feed your horse too much too often; he’ll become rebellious.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Habitat: (natural place of living, place where a thing is commonly found)


The habitat of the polar bear is the Arctic region.


---  ---  ---


            Hey, these are my life’s adult and mature observations.


Yes, you may hate what I write about but for the most part I’m right and you know it to be true.


Yes, for me writing is a thinking apparatus to further, smarter and better thinking solutions, and thinking through incorrect misinformation that I must process through each and every single day. (No, I’m not a bitch even though I sound like it in my writings at times.) Oh well.


The least I care about is pretending to be sickly-sweet just because it’s expected of me; that would be such a lie to pretend to be something that you’re not only because others expect it from you, and want so badly for you to side with them even though they’re wrong.


To shy away from making any ethical and moral waves just to fit in, is the same as being a bully.


I cannot partake in such misconduct or it diminishes my strength of character.


No, I’m not an idiot pretending to be sickly-sweet with all sorts of prejudices about nothing while pretending to like everybody but secretly hate them. Nope. I’m not that shallow, morally depraved or dumb.


I refuse to live such a life because it would eat away a hole in my heart knowing perfectly well that I was just another poser-loser, standing by watching others get harmed in the process and be tickled with delight that it wasn’t me. Gross.


I wouldn’t be able to live with myself for the rest of my life if I was such a type of social coward or a self-loather and as it is; I sleep like a baby.


I wouldn’t want to ruin that amazing sleep each and every night thus I follow my conscious mind and it makes for a great ethical compass.


Yes, I’m a natural born leader.


No, I’m not a politician.


Politicians are dangerous and greedy people who want your money in the form of donations.


I refuse to participate in the sniffing of any bully’s rear end just because I might get terrified that a bully will pick on me next. Whatever. Nope.


My entire existence would be such a mockery. As if. Not so.


No, I’m no coward.


Never have been, especially when it comes to writing and social scenes. I’ll stand up for what is right, correct and just, especially against the most terrifying of bullies, the sickly-sweet poser-losers with nothing intelligent or original to contribute will stand by and watch everybody else get slaughtered.


I have a strong sense of who I am, so I don’t have to pretend to be sickly-sweet when I’m respectful. I’d rather meet respectful people than sickly-sweet posers and losers, and they know perfectly well who they are, you can spot them a mile away. They’re the cowards of the world who support the bullies. Toadies.


What a joke to sound or to pretend to be sickly-sweet only because one is afraid to use their voice and rise up against institutional blunders, mistakes and misgivings. To stand by and pretend to be sickly-sweet would be to be the biggest jerk off and asshole in the world and everybody already knows that hidden secret about them.


Yes, I can yell inside my writings all I want because writing is a silent craft and no one need to even so much as flinch twice because that’s my prerogative as a modern woman. You don’t see me getting up from this writing chair and throwing physical bombs only literary ones and there’s no crime against thinking thoughts.


No, I’m not a little teenager throwing around the f-bomb.


Yes, I’m the next Kurt Vonnegut.


How do I know that I’m the next Kurt Vonnegut?


I’ve been told by professional publishers that I’m heading in that direction. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would accomplish that level of literary mastery in my writings. Thank you. I’ve got a long ways to go, still.


Yes, the f-bomb comes from the finger tips of an adult writer who’s been well educated, has a strong support system and network of other successful and mature adults as well as I’m remarkably and unconditionally loved by Eric, my Father and his Wife who’ve shown me a great deal of kindness, respect and tenderness over the years.


My family tells me that they’ll support me, stand by me, no matter what I write because they understand the incredible value and importance that my twenty some plus years of writing brings to the negotiating table of social consciousness.


Yes, philosophically I’m a grandmother otherwise… watch out.


My elite literary professors and others in the professional publishing field tell me that they laugh so hard when they read my writings because they’re funny as hell to read, quite realistic and forward. Good.


I was taught to do this well otherwise I’d be sitting around a workshop table and that portion of my learning curve is now over. I must put my breaches on and go to it otherwise I won’t find out what I’m truly made of.


Can you imagine having real professional publishers tell you that you have the makings of Kurt Vonnegut? Oh, my!


No, I’m no longer scared to become a great writer just because the reader wants to reprimand me for every little bit of writing that I do. Sod off. I’m on my way to greatness and splendor and you all know that to be true. That’s what eats away at some of you.


Yes, I’m peaceful this morning as I’m about to be cut open again.





P.S. Take it away Mr. Bill Maher. Good luck and break a leg.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


No blog.




Tuesday, September 17, 2013


“Treat him like a rabbi and watch him like a thief.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Stereotyped: (type made by mold, repeated without variation)


Those stereotyped expressions of his bore me to death.


---  ---  ---





Step back.


Don’t reprimand me.

I’m an adult woman.

 It’s my prerogative to write as I see fit without physically causing violence.


Please don’t make for lousy American intellectuals.


First, yesterday, when I wrote that I needed help with our neighbors’ horrible misconduct of disorderly and loud youth and children who scream at the top of their lungs for hours on end up-and-down the street,

I meant that I need positive solutions and fast.

(No, I don’t yell at them.)


I’ll fight my own philosophical battles.

No, I’m not desperate only in dire need of rest which I can’t seem to get.


(No, this isn’t a soap opera.)

(If it were then I’d be writing one with a cast in mind.)


Second, we live in violent times.


Third, violence and writing aren’t even related.

(I can argue that.)


Fourth, our citizens aren’t smart enough to understand metaphor, allegory and satire.


Fifth, there’s nothing wrong with violent art.


Sixth, I’d rather have violent art than actual shootings.


Seventh, this is a chaotic and unjust era.


Eighth, no, I don’t believe in any murder of any type,

not even capital punishment

(I’ve changed my mind about that. I can do that.)


Nine, no, we no longer keep firearms in our home.


Ten, everybody is crazy but not everyone is insane.


Twelve, mental illness is different than cohesive art.


Thirteen, I’ve been retested and no, I don’t have A.D.H.D.


                        (Don’t think that I’m not pissed off about getting misdiagnosed seventeen years ago.)


(What do you mean that it was a sleeping disorder and not a mental one?)


For seventeen years I believed to be something that I wasn’t.


Now what?

Am I still intelligent?


Of course, I am.


No, I don’t feel lost.


Simply that a great injustice was caused and only grateful that I never took Ritalin otherwise I’d probably be a heroin junkie by now.)


I’m blessed and irritated with this unprofessional country.


Fourteen, no, I’m not going to kill anybody’s dog and eat it.


Fifteen, no, I’m not going to kill anybody’s child and eat them.


Please, I’m quite classy and sophisticated.


No, I don’t even raise my voice at the misbehaved black ghetto children on the block, except for once at the beginning of the summer (2013) but then it made matters worse so I don’t even go outside anymore

and correct their ghetto misbehavior

because then the entire block suffers

and I can’t do that to our neighbors.


Yes, I took the wrong approach and I’m the better man for apologizing.

I’m sorry.


Sixteen, no, I won’t fire a gun because I no longer carry one

and that’s how sane I am.


Seventeen, I can write as furiously as I’d like.

Yes, I can write with the wrath of the Gods.

(If you don’t like it then don’t read.)


Eighteen, what’s wrong with America?


Nineteen, no, I don’t want our neighbors kicked off the block.


Twenty, we simply want them to abide by American social contracts.


Twenty-one, I love our home and our property.

(It’s divine. It’s what we’ve always wanted in property value.)


Twenty-two, we get along with all of our neighbors we’ve met.

(We even adore their dogs and watch out for their children.)


Twenty-three, I hate living amongst our one, ghetto neighbors’ garbage.


Twenty-four, no, this isn’t hatred.

This is love.


Twenty-five, this is intrinsic problem solving.


Twenty-six, don’t step on my feet.

(I’ve got a broken toe and a sprained ankle

that’s taken three months to heal.)


Twenty-seven, we made the decision last night.


We’re giving this neighborhood another full complete year and then we’ll either move or build a fortress and there’s nothing that the city of Robbinsdale can say about it when we live amongst disrespectful neighbors. Our kids can attend private school and leave our one ghetto neighbors’ children behind which it isn’t what we want.


Twenty-eight, I love and hate Robbinsdale for so many reasons.


Twenty-nine, our property is surrounded by a large canopy of trees that sounds like the ocean when we get a strong gust of wind cutting across the yard. It’s ever so beautiful.


We can see the sunset (correction) from here

and that was very important to us.


The house has amazing natural light streaming across it.


Thirty, we don’t have an alleyway behind our home thus there’s no foot traffic back there or homeless going through the garbage cans.


Thirty-one, this Robbinsdale twilight is exactly like Costa Rica’s.


Thirty-two, I love the sounds of children laughing and playing but not the screaming sounds of children starved for attention.


Thirty-three, what is it that makes black ghetto parents, not, parent very well with discipline and love yet expect for the whole entire world to love their unruly and disrespectful children when their children show absolutely no respect for anybody else much less their own?


Thirty-four, we so wanted to make a life and retire, here.


Thirty-five, my favorite food in the entire world is fried chicken even though my stomach can only handle it every five years.


Thirty-six, no human is a “nigger.”


Thirty-seven, no, people aren’t robots but they aren’t dogs either.

(Don’t shit where you eat.)


Thirty-eight, I can’t give my life over to living amongst horrible neighbors because it’s not okay with me to have others rob my life from me when we have so much to offer to any neighborhood.


We mind our business, stick to ourselves, participated in book club and quietly go about our business picking up the neighbors’ trash and exchange mulberry sauce and homemade bread, potlucks. I love it.


Thirty-nine, our next door neighbors directly to our right are three African American black women who are exceptional neighbors and they’re renting to purchase. I hope they can purchase the property because they’re incredible people who deserve a beautiful neighborhood.


Forty, our next door neighbors directly to our left are incredible Caucasian people whose sounds and movements make me ever so happy. Their kitchen faces our patio and the sounds of happy humans cooking makes everything okay each and every day because it means that civilization thrives in this beautiful natural oasis.


I love it here but our life, time, energy and work are far more important

than simply having to deal with bad misbehavior.


I can’t throw my life away.

It’s just not possible.


Don’t shit where you eat.


Eat it for Nordic dinner.





Monday, September 16, 2013


“Because of the thorns, don’t uproot the garden.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Sophisticated: (worldly wise, made wise through experience)


The plain-looking coed appeared quite sophisticated when dressed for a cocktail party.


---  ---  ---


Yes, I’m taking it easy. (I must.)

Yes, I have make-up work to get through.

Yes, I’ll be in surgery at 12:30 P.M. on Thursday, September 19th, 2013.


How’s that for personal record keeping in public?


{No, I don’t want to write about the following subject matter but it seems that I must only because it’s important. If you’re a man then you can read through this; men around the globe read this with clarity and intelligence ever weekday. Thank you very much.}


No, I don’t need anyone’s pity.

I’m doing quite well thank you.

Let’s talk about women’s health as I grip the armchair with pain.






            Well, it’s difficult for me to begin to write about women’s health because women’s health is so poor in America due to the fact that women are second class citizens in pay scale and inequality. (I know you understood that long winded sentence. There’s nothing as beautiful as long winded thoughts that make sense from start to finish. A complete thought sure is an essential aspect of communication.)


First, how do I begin without giving away every bit of personal information yet convey something of substance and vitality in wisdom? How does any writer write about the subject matter of health and pain with the proper temperament to communicate women’s health?


I don’t know but I’ll do my best.


Second, let’s begin with a professional medical diagnosis under oath:


“FINDINGS: Uterus is slightly retroflexed. ‘Sagittal’ dimensions are 8.8 x 8.1 cm. Transversely it reaches 7.3 cm. Several T2 dark masses are present within the ‘myometrium’. The largest of these is in the anterior ‘myometrium’ and measures 4.4 x 3.7 x 3.8 cm. It more closely approximates the ‘serosa’ rather than the endometrial cavity. There is some ‘dephasing’ artifact at the anterior margin of the uterus near this mass. Smaller ‘myometrial’ masses are identified in the ‘fundus’ on the order of 18mm in diameter superiorly and within the left body measuring 17mm. Dorsal to the cervix, just left of the midline is a T2 dark, T1 ‘isointense’ mass measuring 3.7 x 4.8 x 3.9 cm. This has a 2-cm attachment to the posterior ‘myometrium’.”


            I have no idea what to write because I could write from several points of view in discussion about the medical field, illness, diagnosis, surgery and recovery, lifestyle and general health.


As an adult; never, not once, did I ever think, in my wildest dreams that life would be this much physical suffering and pain.


I thought life was going to be a series of events, on a timeline journey towards discovery and innovation, faith in factual science, hope for the future, sanity and grace from one day to the next as we aged along this fast and furious journey towards peace and progress.


I thought life was going to be a cakewalk in the park.


No, I’m no longer a little girl.


Yes, I’m now a woman who’s lived through eight straight years of strenuous pain. I thought life was going to be cake and ice cream. How wrong I was.


I, more or less eat rice and beans, homemade baked bread (natural whole wheat) cheese, eggs, almond milk, cereal, fruits and vegetables each and every single week.


If my stomach can handle it then I’ll order out French toast or waffles but I have to eat ‘bite sizes’ even though I sometimes don’t because I’m hungry but I can only eat small portions at a time or… my stomach feels as though someone has kicked it, in, each hour, on the hour.


The pain can get so severe that I’ve stopped taking pain killers, and disposed of three bottles at a medical lab because well, the pain killers only worked for about an hour each time, and I can’t take pain killers on the hour, each hour because I’ll die even though I need something more like morphine to really kill the pain, and It’s been fifteen years since I’ve had morphine.


Let’s begin here: (forgive me I ought to have paid more attention in Latin.)


M-Y: is for tumor.

H-Y is for uterus.


On Thursday’s Da Vinci surgery I’ll undergo a “Myomectomy”.


In other words four tumors will be removed.


One fibroid sits above my bladder and the second above my colon. The specialist indicated to something; about how there’s something tubular either being cut off or obstructed that’s causing the continuous hemorrhaging for weeks on end.


So, what am I to do?


I lead an interesting life of discipline, good health and patient breathing.

Keep Calm and Carry On.


Yes, we have remarkable health insurance.


Yes, I’ve begun to type and do computer work standing up.


Yes, I’ve begun birth control pills (for the second time in my life and if I don’t then I’ll continue to hemorrhage for weeks at a time, plus I need surgery, bottom line. The first time I was prescribed birth control pills I was nineteen when I hemorrhaged for the very first time in my life. I was only on the birth control pills for one year from 19-20 years of age.)


Yes, I’ve an amazing diet but I love sweets and breads, it’s so frustrating.


Yes, for now I take laxatives every two days to keep myself regular because I refuse to live in any more pain than I already do, and the doctor prescribed laxatives two weeks ago until about a week after surgery.


No, laxatives aren’t good for long periods of time. Your doctor has to prescribe that to you otherwise, more fiber in one’s diet.


Yes, I walk the dog each and every weekday except weekends.


Yes, I watch myself go up and down on the scale by six pounds each week. I’m grateful. (Six pounds: no big deal.) (Most women gain about ten pounds per day in any direction due to their metabolism, portions and exercise.)


Yes, If I have cravings then I’ll take care of them and move on.


Yes, every doctor that I’ve seen since 2004 has told me that I’m obese and must lose twenty pounds. Okay but I love my body at this weight because I’m both strong and comfortable with my little bit of fat.


Yes, I’ve changed my main practitioner (doctor) and specialist surgeon.


Yes, my doctor has put me on a diet. I must lose twenty pounds by March 2014 and keep it off for the rest of my life. Okay.


No, I’m not happy about losing twenty pounds because my little bit of fat has kept me alive at times through dire illness.


Yes, I’ve cut out all butter from my diet completely.


Yes, I eat chocolate and drink coffee every single day but in small portions.


No, I don’t deny myself anything to eat if it’s all I can think of for about one week straight, or more, then I might as well indulge.


Yes, I’ve stopped counting calories and dropped eighteen pounds since March 2013.


Yes, a professional ballerina taught me a trick (another blog for another day.)


Yes, I’m breathing through illness and pain.


No, I’m not dying.


Yes, the tumors are benign. In other words they’re not cancerous however the tumors press on some of my most vital organs and the pain makes it even difficult to breathe at times.


Good news: I only need to go through one surgery this fall.


Good news: It’ll take about six weeks to recover completely.


Bad news: most likely, this will not be the last time that I get fibroids unless I have my uterus removed or until menopause at the age of fifty-five or so.


Yes, I’ll be able to have children within the next window of opportunity between this set of fibroids and the next because they’re bound to come back however I’m not ready to have children yet because I’m tired to the bone of having to live with pain.


Now, I’m healthy as a barn horse but I’m tired, ever so exhausted of living through severe pain.


No, I’m not complaining.


My main concern about surgery is that I’ve got scar tissue from my previous fibroid Da Vinci surgery in November of 2011. This surgery will cause more scar tissue. Yes, I’ll be able to carry a fetus to full term and have a C-Section done. Fine. I’m actually relieved.


Nope. Absolutely, no, screaming, or yelling this time around.


Yes, I’ve matured, and I’m taking it on the chin like a man, quietly.


How else is pain to be dealt with other than quietly?






                        I wish that the black ghetto children on our block would learn that an outdoor voice doesn’t mean complete screaming at the top of one’s lungs for four-to-six hours straight for a complete spring, two summers and falls.


Those ghetto black children sure are haters.


I fucking hate living in our neighborhood, on our street, because out of all of the children on the block there’s only one family whose children scream at the top of their lungs for hours at a time.


I think that for as beautiful as these children are that they’re the ugliest children I’ve ever come across, and I’ve lived and worked in Gary Indiana, Cabrini Green (which no longer exists,) and north Minneapolis.


Yes, I’m starting to think that these children are mentally handicapped but they’re not, only their one brother really is mentally handicapped and he’s ever so quiet.


How can one black ghetto family ruin an entire block?


On evenings like this; I think about packing up all of our belongings, and moving far-far away from this rat infested hole.


It’s a beautiful neighborhood with one horrible family on the block that uses the block as their personal garbage can and playground, screaming at the top of their lungs.


I don’t know what else to tell you except that that’s the reason why I abhor the neighborhood, and we endure it but it’s painful to do so when we’ve worked so hard to purchase this plot of land for our own property and we pay outrageous taxes. Oh, its gut wrenching to have to endure horrible neighbors whose bad behavior spills out into the streets.


I seriously consider firing off a shot into the air (no, not literally) to get them to shut the fuck up, when they get home from school, and long into the evenings, but I know better.


I would love to go out to my front stoop and blast loud music for hours or tell the kids to “shut the fuck up.” I don’t even think that would get a positive reaction from these ghetto children because not even God is present in their lives. I hate living in Robbinsdale. I knew we shouldn’t have moved here. I knew it.


I know better because I’m the adult, and those kids don’t believe that any adult has any authority over them, so I consider having them removed from the neighborhood completely.


I just don’t know how to go about it, and hopefully these literary prayers will be answered as six-hundred-some-thousand people across the globe read this.


Yes, as an adult, I do actually loath certain disrespectful juveniles. Absolutely.

What the fuck do teachers teach in schools, and parents parent at home? Nothing.


No, It’s not my job to parent these kids nor do I care to nor do I want to.


I’ve got a million and one things to get through in one day.


These children’s parents simply leave them unattended to the street to scream for hours at a time.


It’s so tiresome and bothersome to live this way.


We haven’t taken one single nap in peace since April 2013 when the weather became warm, and the children ride their bikes up and down the sidewalk in front of our house, and scream at full octave. The screaming is like nails on a chalkboard for hours on end.


It’s a miserable life not being able to lie down and nap while living in pain.


On the first day of school 2013; I discovered that there are many children on our block and not only these spoilt brat donkey’s asses.


The many children on our block wait peacefully for the school bus mid-mornings.


I discovered that only our neighbors’ two houses down are the ones who disrupt the entire block while everybody else goes about their business quietly and respectfully.


No other children screamed or hold the neighborhood hostage other than my ghetto neighbors, two doors down. It’s the saddest scene I’ve ever encountered and I’ve lived and worked at Women’s Shelters as a live-in coordinator supervisor. Oh, my.


The three times we’ve asked the children to please not be so loud then the louder they got, out of spite and misbehavior.


I feel as though I live captive by Robbinsdale ghetto black children on our block.


Yes, our neighborhood gets terrorized on a daily basis by one hating family with idiot children who hate and disrespect the world.




Please, someone help, I need solutions.


I don’t think I can take another year of this.


This morning we discussed moving to Florida in our retirement but I think we’ll have to move across town to the other end of Robbinsdale or…


For one entire year; weekly, I’ve picked up garbage around our front yard. Streamers, icy wrappers, and candy wrappers. It’s extra work for me to pick up their garbage on a weekly basis.


Two houses down, on our right, on the sidewalk, candy wrappers will sit out in front of my next door neighbors’ for three months at a time, and neither the children nor the adults will pick up the toys and garbage on the sidewalk in front of their house or our next door neighbors’ between us.


I swear to god that the Gods punish us all for others’ ignorance, unfairness and injustice. Why is that? Why is it that people who pay their taxes, keep their property clean, keep quiet and do well by others must be beaten down by haters who infest and take over incredible neighborhoods.


I detest my neighborhood. Uptown was far more quiet than this neighborhood except for the drunks at two in the morning. What’s wrong with America?





Friday, September 13, 2013


No blog.




Thursday, September 12, 2013


“Hire a helper and do it yourself.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---

Corrections; from “prosecution” to “persecution.” (Right? Right.)


Persecution as in: (harassment, maltreatment, bullying, singling out, hounding, harrying, discrimination)


Prosecution as in: (trial, action, suit, examination, hearing, tribunal)


Thank you for your patience.

This darn ESL bloody adult blog.

Editing is so annoying and divine.


(At times, I can’t seem to keep up with my typing because the ideas are formed but the typed words are missing.) I just gave it to you. Pure poetry.


---  ---  ---


*) I think there’s a band titled: “The Psychedelic Furs” (If I got that right?)


No, I neither have the slightest clue as to who they are, what their sound is, or go out of my way to meet them just because we live worlds apart; time, effort and energy.


            [{The people that I happen to introduce myself to or meet aren’t random strangers on the streets; (I hardly ever introduce myself to a stranger, unless…); I meet people in acquainted rooms, or connected to our world somehow on a daily basis more so than the guy on the corner asking if you “wanna go?” have sex with him as you walk to your parked car.


He automatically assumed that every woman who walked down the street was a whore, and that says so much more about that type of a man. (What a weirdo. What a Freak. What a pervert.)}]


            Anyway, continuing on: I just heard the band’s title, for the very first time, in my life, as of this week, and well, I have yet to research the band’s music because it’s the only concert Eric’s ever had the slightest interested in attending in eight years that I’ve known Eric.


Eric informed me of this band at eight o’clock the night they played, and I ought to have shook heaven and earth to find him a ticket but I had no idea where to begin finding a ticket on the night of the concert.


I guess it doesn’t work that way anymore.


Oh, I feel nostalgic for the good old days of 1990’s ‘rock n’ roll’.


I lived through those times in my most formative years, and music came to mean something of great value and significance in our societal culture from the stoops of Harlem to the suburbs of Aspen and the peaks of Anchorage.


In the 1990’s I could go to any venue’s door and purchase a ticket the night of the show no matter how small or large, no matter how expensive or not the act.


I sometimes love thinking about those good old days of spontaneity to walk off the sidewalk and walk right into any entertaining musical venue, and know, that, maybe however many tickets got set aside were held at the front door on the night of any performance for those people who walked off the street and walked right into the splendor of it all.


To me; the most important element about music is the spontaneity to suddenly get up off of the couch, make it to my front door, drive to someplace, park and be present at live music.


I love that element of surprising myself with taking myself out to dance when hardly anyone I know here in Minnesota dances or listens to live music.


It’s the weirdest thing, hardly anybody I know dances and that’s a major cultural turn off for me because it makes life dull.


I love to dance for the pure joy of doing so with as much grace as possible and I feel complete sheer joy while suspended by the sounds of artistic creation.


My time’s up.



Wednesday, September 11, 2013




Tuesday, September 10, 2013


“Give every man the benefit of the doubt.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Barrister: (a lawyer, one admitted to plead in court of law)


He consulted every able barrister to plead his case.


---  ---  ---


Side note: 63% of Americans oppose airstrikes against Syria.




An Open Letter to Our Dearest Egyptians;


Dearest Egyptian Brothers and Sisters;





            I come in Peace, and I’ll leave in Peace. Thank you.


            Our dearest Brothers and Sisters, We, the American People, think of you in this grave hour of ignorance, insults and unofficial misinformation.


We wish you great health, prosperity and vitality.


I come forth with one single prayer of the Ages; May The Gods Be With Us. We Leave It Up To The Gods.


It’s important for, We, the American People, Private Citizens to communicate directly with our Egyptian Brothers and Sisters, that, We live in desperately shallow and unprofessional times, in these Americas. [I won’t break your hearts with the Peoples’ History / (Herstory).]


We, simply come to this space to make corrections about History;

Let the following go on the record as such: (Now, if I have misinformation then I’ll make corrections as soon as I get to them otherwise corrections require to be made and we all know it.) Cheers! Here’s to you!



Michele Marie Bachmann


            First, Michele Marie Bachmann is a Minnesota State Representative, (elected official by the People’s democratic casting of a ballot and making a vote.)


No, Michele Marie Bachmann isn’t my district representative; Keith Ellison is and, he, just happens to be a Muslim Brother. I respect Keith Ellison’s religious beliefs as much as he respects others’ religious ideology in theology.


            Second, it may be difficult to understand the following nuance translated from modern English into Arabic however, We, the American People disagree with much of Michele Bachmann’s misinformation, leaderless, and clueless rogue ideologies in her dismissive demeanor and in misbehavior about foreign policies and foreign Civilities.


            Third, Michele Bachmann is considered; a joke, an imposter, a thoughtless ignoramus with strong and incorrect fundamental Christian values about nothing because she hardly ever makes any sense when she speaks.


In other words, Michele Bachmann wastes words when she breathes.


            Fourth, We, the American People agree and side with the Egyptians on how rude Michele Bachmann is when she misspoke uninvited upon the world stage, twice upon Egyptian soil. Once, last summer 2012 and this summer 2013.


Please, I ask the Egyptians not to take Michele Bachmann, all, too, seriously, at all, because most Minnesotans don’t; she only became re-elected in her district because she, “throws around money” in her northern district nevertheless her district is infested with meth labs and meth addicts so her word doesn’t mean anything to parents with teenagers who walk home to and from school amongst drug peddlers, pushers, dealers, businessmen. {Can we all just get past the 1990’s as in a century ago when it comes to political science, innovation and miscommunication?} Yes, yes, of course we can.


            Fifth, let’s see if I got it right otherwise I, too, am an ignoramus however please allow for me to guess the following; (no, I don’t have a staff of researchers who brief me on political science at the end of each day, I do all of my own research which is hard work at the best of times).


A)   “The Muslim Brotherhood” Egyptian movement is a structure in the same likeness as the “Occupy Wall Street” American movement. (Right? Right.) (I know I’m correct.)

B)   Most Egyptians can’t stand “The Muslim Brotherhood”.

C)   “The Muslim Brotherhood” officially formed in 2012? (That I know of.)

D)   No, “The Muslim Brotherhood” neither is responsible for “Nine-Eleven” nor nine-one-one.

E)   Yes, Nine-Eleven is the Commemoration of Our Great Loss.

F)   Yes, nine-one-one is the three digits any American dials to phone the police, here, in America.

G)   Egypt has spent the last sixty years-or-so under a Military regime until about one year ago when Democratic elections were held and ballots were casted.

H)   Year 2012 (?); President “Morsi” was elected into Office by his supporters.

I)     Summer 2013; Egyptians overthrow “Morsi” and riots ensue.

J)    Summer 2013; Egyptian Military coup d'état kills in cold blood Egyptian Civilians Peacefully demonstrating and non-Peacefully rioting supporters of Morsi, the impeached president.

K)   As a Private Citizen I do believe that I got this information right for the most part, and if I didn’t then that can only mean that our news media fails us or I need to make corrections, excuse me. (I’ll find out.) Thank you for your patience.


            Lastly, let’s keep in mind that Michele Bachmann is no one to “Officially” speak or act within the key Diplomatic roles and splendid communicative measures for the world to understand reasoning and logic, the language of the Gods.


Michele Bachmann is out of bounds, greatly rude in her misconduct to speak to the Egyptians about any foreign policy when she’s no Diplomat. Please. Not even Diplomats speak for the American People. The American People speak for themselves and that’s quite the operetta.


            The American Public sings in respectful unison; it’s a beautiful song to listen to; most beautiful operetta is Democracy in which the majority rules, (or it was like that until NSA (Digital Gestapo) began to listen to all of the American Citizens’ and Civilians’ phone conversations, read though every single private, personal and professional bit of e-mail information and places police cameras upon public streets without a memorandum.


Yes, I’m a by-product of the 1990’s, when music meant something, when America’s Due Process was an actual law designed into the Constitution, when the Muppet films continued to be produced, when seeing a woman’s vagina on film for the first time meant something in a scene rather than raw sex for the spoils of it. No, I didn’t come here to lecture only to share in communication. Yep. It’s that simple and basic, this writing apparatus.


No, I’m neither any expert on the subject matter of political science nor do I pretend to be.


            I, humbly ask our Egyptian Brothers and Sisters to keep in mind that Michele Bachmann ought to be reprimanded for her misconduct, inappropriate remarks and lewd misbehavior when she acted as a private contractor to speak for herself and not for the American People.


            Michele Bachmann is a United States Representative whose duties are to stay upon National American soil and to help govern here at home. She’s considered a mad insane crazy woman running around half the globe gibbering about nothing.


Please take her with a grain of salt because she’s got holes in her logic, and we all dislike that misbehavior very much here at home. She’s as crazy as Americans get, and allowed to walk around outside an insane asylum, almost starting wars because what Michele Bachmann lacks in class is that she doesn’t understand that one’s spoken word is considered one’s life in the Middle East. (Speak up, man. Say what you mean to say. What is it? Speak up.)


            Do you know, why, Michele Bachmann belongs in a clown car or at least retired from public life? (Tongue-in-Cheek.) Satire.


Michele Bachmann belongs in a clown car because her hateful words could potentially start a world war three, and she’d love that, out of sheer stubborn insane ignorance; for the love of God, have Ms. Bachmann’s staff recommend a speech class for her. (Its torture to have to endure anything Michele Bachmann has to say about any topic or subject matter because it’s the gibbering of a bird lady.)


Since Michele Bachmann took it upon herself to act out crazy deeds of spoken words such as to go so far as to insult the Egyptians without any stitch of truth to her statements about, how, “The Muslim Brotherhood” are responsible for Nine-Eleven, forgive her for she knows not what she says.


Forgive Michele Bachmann for being a donkey’s ass. Forgive her for being one of the Real Shakespeare’s donkey characters in his play; “A Midsummer Night's Dream”. Forgive her for setting aside all logic, and forgetting her wits about herself.


Forgive her for being so shallow and dismissive about real life and death situations. Forgive her for being a gutless coward-ess of misinformation. Forgive her for failing the Egyptians and the Americans, both. Forgive her for possibly being mentally handicapped. No, not mentally ill, mentally handicapped and that’s what the constituents vote for.


            Michele Bachmann obviously requires to be reprimanded by her higher ups because her unprofessional misconduct leaves everyone laughing in disbelief that she can get away with speaking reprehensible hateful rhetoric.



With Deepest Regard for the Egyptian Peoples;



P.S. My Father once said to me something to the following effect;


                        “‘Remember, nurses are human and they’re supposed to be excellent at what they do.


If a nurse doesn’t understand that People suffer then she won’t have any sympathy or empathy for her Patients, and that can only mean one thing; the nurse or the medical staff is no good at all at what they do concerning their responsibilities to uphold respectful regard in communication. That type of nurse collects a paycheck, and forgets the oath they abide by.


Don’t ever allow a nurse to talk-down at you, command you about, dismiss you, or laugh at you otherwise she fails herself completely in her duties as a nurse. It can only mean that she’s no good to anybody, and she knows it more than you’ll ever know. She loathes herself and she knows it and so does everybody else.


A nurse ought to conduct herself as one who provides a significant service to others otherwise she needs to go into another line of work.


If you ever feel uncomfortable with medical front desk personnel, nurses, doctors, administrators or others in the medical field then it’s because your emotions are correct, and remember you’re the patient therefore you’re correct to feel as you think about the service any hospital’s staff will provide or won’t.


Hospitals and their staff don’t exist without their patients, and this country is a mean, rotten and violent country that forgets their bedside manner.


It’s a damn shame.


If you have to travel to go someplace else far away simply to be treated humanely then do it because it’ll be worth your every dollar in the process of going through any illness or treatment that you have to go through.


If any medical staff, is anything other than excellent then it means that they’re not doing their job properly and they require further training in communication.’”


I sat, faced my father, and thought for a long time afterwards while he stared at my face.


*) In 2001; when I debated against soda and candy vending machines to be introduced to public schools; people laughed at me, and, well, where are we now?


America is the second child obesity Nation in the world after Japan.


Diabetes is on the rise. How tragic.


Why are Americans drenched in ignorance?




                                    The following sentence is a disaster: (I ran out of time.)


What happened to Our Einstein’s, We, were promised were getting shipped out from the Millennial generation. What. Where.


                                    Scratch that:


                                    How about the following sentences?


Whatever happened to Our American Millennial Einstein’s? We were promised a shipment as soon as they turned thirty-five and their brain development became complete into mature adulthood.


The question is this: What type of a person do you want to become as you age?


{The Millennial generation will have to decide how to contribute to our bright future. The Millennial generation will have to be prepared to come into leadership in the next two decades because in two decades I’ll turn fifty-six.


We have plans to retire from work in our eighties so that we can watch films, eat snacks, exercise, companionship, and relaxation, create clay-mation and stop-motion films with our closest and personal friends, great home cooked meals and laziness, drink and be merry in our seventies which, really those years are around the corner in three decades. The years simply escape me by.


I sound so “Middle Income Earning” in other words “Middle Class” whatever that truly means. I love the “Middle Class” with our aprons and homemade bread. Ha! (I’m amazed I’m not three hundred pounds at the rate I bake every other day. My goal is to keep my shape for life.)}


I love it. Cheers! Ciao. “Middle Class” in other countries isn’t “Middle Class” in America.


Monday, September 9, 2013


“Be pliable - like a reed, not rigid, - like a cedar.”

(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Bard: (singer, poet)


Shakespeare is called the immortal bard.


---  ---  ---


No airstrikes against Syria


            The intelligent argument is no war against Syria.


            First, we, as a global People, can all come to our senses when discussing war stratagem of any type. Aside from important philosophical, ideological or humanitarian debates in argument, there’s much to be said about war stratagem.


            Second, the reasonable argument is no war of any type, ever.


            Third, aside from international laws; whatever they may or may not be; one country doesn’t police the entire world or that would be complete foolishness on any country’s part. No one country is asked to go it alone or the entire global community takes advantage of its prey like a pervert.


            Fourth, the verdict is in; the American jury (public democratic majority opinion) vote “no” to any further wars of any type.


An airstrike is indeed an act of war.


Americans are exhausted from war while our nation’s infrastructure crumbles and our municipalities fall apart.


It’s no longer acceptable for the Americans to send off Our Daughters & Sons to war so they get raped by our very own troops and get killed off by some insane two-thousand year holy war about nothing and everything. (We’ll come back to the subject of holy war in another blog at another time.)


            Fifth, war of any type is foolish no matter how lucrative.


            Sixth, the world just wants any chance to lick the Americans by having us start WWIII. If the Americans give the world that reason or chance to do so, then more chaos will ensue. Our adversaries will more than capture us, they will torture us to death because, thus is war, uncivilized and barbaric.


            Seventh, hypothetically; with all due respect, from a private Citizen’s humble viewpoint; I’d urge the President of the United States of America to find all or any diplomatic solutions, compromises and Peaceful negotiations when it comes to Syria because WWIII isn’t worth my two-dollar poorly made Chinese flip-flops, (circa 2013.)


As an American private Citizen, but more so as a Friend of the United States of America; in hypothetical discussion; I’d make it quite evident to the President, that, a war against Syria would be the perfect opportunity for (speculative war theory) Syria to go to war against Israel, Israel against Iran, Iran against China, China against anybody; Russia against Sudan; and Sudan, Yemen, Lebanon and anybody else who’d love to swim in a bloodbath could dive right in and have a go at it.


A potential WWIII would be complete devastation and satisfactory to the dark evil forces in mankind, and not to the Great Creation of Allah, Peace and Humanity combined with the fine arts.


I’d speak like any American does; absolutely, no, airstrikes against Syria.


Airstrikes against Syria will not do; because airstrikes would be the easiest way to “dupe” the United States of America into an extensive, expensive and bloody war that wouldn’t end until all major and official war sights would be flattened horizontally to the satisfaction of hatred for everyone who doesn’t bow down to Allah. [How ghastly to destroy rather than to prosper and build, irrigate, grow clean (organic or non-organic, optional) foods, and thrive Peacefully amongst global Brothers and Sisters.]


            I’d urge the President of the United States of America to conduct himself in the humblest of ways; diplomatically, and to find any intelligent solutions that negotiates the safety of the Syrian Peoples without a single blow to Syria, or the world will bury us, alive, and won’t blink, twice, knowing perfectly well that their hatred for the American congressional government has nothing to do with their love for the American Peoples who suffer poverty, nevertheless; in war; chaos is confusion to further propagate war and destruction, assassinations and bloodshed.


In conclusion; hypothetically, I’d discuss with the President of the United States of America; the most powerful man, alive, on Earth, today, to consider Peace at all costs even though it’s unjust and unfair to have the global communities of the world skim oil from the top but refuse to participate in an intelligent solution that needed to be solved two years ago rather than allow for Syria to bubble and rise to the surface with genocide.


Finally, I’d utilize my verbal voice as an instrument of faith and hope for Peace in any discussion with any Dignitary or Excellency, with all sincerity to have them understand my acute viewpoint about war stratagem which is this:


                        To airstrike Syria, today, or tomorrow would be fruitless, not because we care what names the Syrian regime may call us or how ill they think of us, but more precisely, because if the global communities really had an invested interest in putting a stop to this Syrian slaughter and crises in crimes against humanity; then two years ago on September 2011 the global communities and their intelligence would’ve brought in the Assad regime for questioning, booking and a trial. Period.


Furthermore, it’s difficult for me to believe that global intelligence has no clue what’s occurred inside Syria these past two years because then one understands what that implies. If world journalists can get inside Syria then so can global intelligence.


Since the Assad regime enjoys a masochistic slaughter of their Syrian People then so must the global communities of the world as they stand by and watch while China’s oil is exported from Syria.


Yes, we, as a global Peoples do understand that resources are scarce in the Middle East, and that oil is a precious commodity. We understand how lucrative war and oil are, hand-in-hand however at what price? Must the world standby and be forced to watch while our Syrian Brothers and Sisters get slaughtered at the Guillotine.


In closing; I’d urge the President, to go down, as a hero, amongst the pages of history, and to turn his back upon any and all, solitary, American war against Syria. It’s not worth it and all arguments point to staying home and making a home cooked meal.


Yes, indeed, one of the many International Laws is no genocide of any Peoples, and that’s not an American Law, that’s an International Law, thus the world needs to get going on solving this Syrian crises and not be so lazy as to leave it up to the United States of America to get slaughtered alone in a fruitless war. It wouldn’t be fair to watch America enter into another war that has nothing to do with the Americans.


Why should Americans care about the Syrian Assad Regime?


The Americans shouldn’t but the world ought to.


We’ve fought enough stupid wars for liars.


If the world really cares about Syria and it’s oil then the world will have to go it alone, without the United States because we just don’t have it in us to watch Our Brothers and Sisters come home in any more body bags while the backlog of military medical assessments is backed up for years. Nope.


War will not do.

The American public doesn’t permit it.


I’d hope that the President would stand up to Wall Street and deliver a thunderous speech about how the People govern wars and not the stockbrokers.


The End. Thank you for your time.


Peace with Syria at all costs.



P.S. You do know that Japan is inhabitable for another fifty years?


Yes, seriously.


I wouldn’t go to Japan until the year 2061.


Yes, that’s real wisdom for you.


No, as a world leader I wouldn’t risk the Olympians’ lives with radioactive radiation. Nope. Please, don’t eat anything Japanese for the next fifty years.


You’re also aware of the fact that the Japanese are migrating to South America; to Peru and Argentina because of…


Friday, September 6, 2013


“If you insist too long that you’re right, you’re wrong.”


Leo Rosten’s

(Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


Ineffable: (unable to be expressed in words, indescribable)


His ineffable delight was caused by the unexpected arrival of his friend.


---  ---  ---


Of course! Of Course!

Happy Rosh Hashanah.


Do you really think that I’m the daughter of a Jew and I don’t celebrate the New Year’s?


Aloha! Hello. Wow! A new year!

What a life, indeed!

How splendid to be alive.


I’ll come back later. (12:43 P.M.)

I’ve got other more pressing work I must complete first.


Corrections were made all around.


Thursday, September 5, 2013


“When a cow falls, everyone sharpens his knife.”


Leo Rosten’s

(Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


---  ---  ---


Acquisition: (a thing gained, acquired)


The coach was glad to have him back; he is a valuable acquisition to the team.


---  ---  ---


            It’s the little “Ewoks” that win the war against the empire in George Luca’s films.


            Now, first and foremost; please don’t lecture me about war like I were some twelve year old girl because I’m not and that’s just not true. You’re speaking to an adult taxpaying woman.


If one cares to hold a war discussion then we’ll do that otherwise it’s futile.


            Second, no, you may not beat me over the head with your blunt debates like cavemen. Let’s be civilized for once when we speak of war.


            Third, alright; I’ll spell it out for you, and at the end, you might even consider agreeing with some of my viewpoints in discussion, rather than debate.


            Fourth, no, I don’t want to spell it out but it seems as though I must.


            Fifth, here we go.



Global Legal Obligations according to International Law

What are they?

Who knows?


            There are global standards of respect and integrity by which the global community must abide by and stand united in solidarity for the rights of The Global Peoples of the world and not for corporate interests (oil) or war mongering and private government contracts.


There are times in which our global leaders must prepare to discuss, debate and go to war when crimes against humanity are mandated by dictators, regimes and such; not to do so is indeed not only cowardly and ignorant; it’s also dangerous for the entire safety of the globe to allow for any regime, government or murderers to assassinate their People in cold blood before the Gods and all Nations. Period.


To be naïve enough to believe that no war is always an option is to be completely out of touch with reality.


To be greedy enough to believe that war is always an option is to be completely out of touch with reality.


The beauty of this American Democratic Republic for which we stand is that there are checks and balances for the better interest of all around. I stand by congressional government’s checks and balances and that’s why my taxes go towards the United States of America and no other country at this time.


I’ve made my case clear: we shan’t begin this discussion with unoriginal, warped and dangerous ideas that America ought to never attend to any war because then that shall be our demise completely.


No, we shan’t begin this war discussion with brute, corrupt intelligence and dangerous ideas that America ought to always go to war.


Please remove the following vulgar and ignorant words from your vocabularies during this discussion: “everyone,” “everything,” “always,” “all,” “everywhere,” “never,” and “why.” (Leave those words for cotton candy time.)


Who cares about why something is or isn’t.


Asking why is for the ignorant because why can get you any sort of explanation, excuse and lie served upon your silver platter. Be careful about why anyone explains anything to you.


Begin by asking important questions without leading anyone such as: “whom,” “what,” “where” and most importantly “how.”


            Let’s see: What’s one given birth right of the Peoples. Life.


            What is genocide?


            Genocide is as followed by definition: the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.


            I get it. Americans don’t want to go to war against Syria because America has been at war for the past twelve years.


            I get it. America ought not to go to war against Syria all by itself.


            Of course, not. War against Syria is a global responsibility.


            I guess, that, if America doesn’t airstrike Syria, then we can all standby and watch Syrians get murdered by siran gas (fact) for another two years but then don’t sell any pity filled piety. Nope.


No prayers and well wishes will be sent out to the Syrians because that’s just a mockery to their unnecessary deaths. [Oh, we’ll say a prayer for you, but wait, let us get our T.V. dinners while we watch the Syrians get murdered before us on the nightly news each and every evening. Gross.] Really. And you know it to be true.


            I get it. Who and where is Syria? Who cares? Right.


            I get it. The global community ought to have acted two years ago upon Assad’s regime when it began assassinating his People.


The global community stood by and did nothing because either there wasn’t enough economical interest in the region or global intelligence is non-existent and no one knows anything about anything, which I doubt that very much.


            I get it. The global communities failed on all humanitarian fronts because they’re, indeed, afraid to get their hands dirty however their hands are already dirty by allowing the cruel murders of the Syrian Peoples to become a psychopath topic of discussion and conversation but not anything worth intervening against an insane dictator because the world must be voyeuristic about murder right in front of cameras. The global community must be psychopaths themselves.


            I get it. The global community is either a sadist one or they’re ignorant.


            I get it. Syria is hot air. We pretend to care about Syria but it doesn’t mean anything to us because why should we care? We shouldn’t.


            I get it. Syrian children aren’t American children.


            I get it. There’s less human value to Syrians than to Americans, Chinese and Russians. (How vulgar indeed, but true.)


            I get it. If four-hundred and twenty-six American children had been gassed to death then we’d be up in arms about it but it just happened to be those lesser Syrian children, living in caves around the world, and they have absolutely nothing to do with Americans. (Right. I got it right. Cold hearted hatred.)


            I get it. Americans can’t even get universal background checks passed by congress so that our American children aren’t murdered in cold blood in their schools.


            I get it. There’s nothing sanctimonious about our American children so why should we care about Syrian children. [Oh, those poor little Syrian babies. Okay, to more important matters, what would you like for lunch?]


            I get it. Nothing’s sacred and important in the global community.


            I get it. There’s no value to human life even though the powers that be preach about it however there really isn’t any value, and the global communities show us their viewpoints, while they’ve done nothing for two years but to watch in morbid fascination. Is there value in life? Nope. Only dollar signs.


            I get it. The globe knows for a fact that siran gas was used upon the innocent Syrian Peoples.


            I get it. No war because Americans are sick and tired of wars.


            I get it. Americans were lied into the past two wars.


            I get it. Sequestration.


            I get it. The American public is easily and improperly strayed away, and the public will believe anything the television tells them.


            I get it. The American public is gullible.


            I get it. Americans failed to do their duty in saying “no” to war against Iraq II and Afghanistan, when we ought not to have condoned (correction) such lies, but, now, America may not intervene in Syria, even though Syria is not another Iraq II or Afghanistan.


America may not intervene in Syria because we’ve made horrible decisions about war, and now, when it most matters to help in fighting a real war, take down a murderous regime, then our hands are tied behind our backs because we were willing to fight for a lie but we become cowards when the truth presents itself. What pity and how pitiful indeed.


This is going down in historical records no matter how much Americans want to come across as Peace loving as of right about now, we’re a country who loves us a war especially ones that come with a price tag and lies.


We’re dumb People and everybody else knows it. Were dumb when it most matters and so are other global leaders and they know it to be true.


Why do we go to war when it’s made up lies and not enter into war when it’s real genocide. Do the math. What gives?


            I get it. I’m quite intelligent.


            I get it. We know all about our family members returning from Afghanistan with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, we’ve watched them lose their homes and jobs due to stacks of medical bills while on standby for military medical assessment and economical help. We get it. We get it. Our family knows all about the loss of war, firsthand.


            I also understand that the global community has failed our global Peoples.


            The only thing I want answered is this: Who mandated siran gas upon the Syrian Peoples?


If our global intelligence doesn’t know then no one knows and we’re all dumb in this together.


            I’m an “Ewok” and I’ll fight for human dignity, freedom and life.





P.S. If one doesn’t or can’t regurgitate facts then one doesn’t or can’t do critical thinking skills; these two aspects of thought, come hand-in-hand like twins. Come on, people, let’s use our logic and reasoning thinking skills. Please. Please. Let’s. Shall we.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


“A small war may cause a large chaos.”


Leo Rosten’s

(Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


            Hello, everyone.


            Welcome to the Twenty-First Century; where, indeed, one’s expected to automatically respect, think logically and reason with a scientific method in approach and leave piety out of our damn politics. Cheers!


            No, the President of the United States of America’s reputation isn’t on the line.


            No man starts any war because another man calls him a name.


The better man always walks away, first, in-the-sense, that, he has more sense in his head; because, not only, can he start, and finish, anything, but he can also destroy infinitely and forever. Moving on.


Such a man knows he holds Great Power within his grasp; more so than others can begin to understand its reality and consequences. With Great Power comes Great Responsibility. Without Power comes foolishness; which leads to horrible acts, much, too, horrible to stick around and watch. Nope.


By Executive Power a President of the United States of America may go to war, at any moment, without congressional government’s approval; the only way that the President of the United States of America may go to war; is if in fact all evidence points to reason suspicious crimes against humanity beyond a reasonable doubt that, indeed, chemical weapons were and are used upon the good Syrian People, then what has History taught us? A) War is bloody B) War is lucrative C) War seems everlasting D) The poor get poorer and the rich get richer but nothing much changes E) Pity


Oh, yeah. Remember those People that most Americans know nothing about much less the situation on the ground. Can you find Syria on a map? Yes, seriously. Can you? (I know I can.)


Oh, yeah, those Syrian People on some other continent that don’t have anything to do with America. What about them?


Oh, yeah, those Syrian People gassed to death before the Gods and the World. Poor souls. What’s anybody to do? (Nothing, I guess.)


When a dictator gasses his People to death with chemical weapons then is it a sacrificial burial to the Gods?


Gosh, modern man is as barbaric as Ancient man. What gives? (The thought alone takes my breath away. Nothing much changes in men over the many eras of time.)


                        If the information is indeed correct and the facts are as followed then the global community’s reputation is more at stake than anything else:


Simply, for all intensive humanitarian purposes, why hasn’t the global community acted upon Assad’s regime?


For two years the world’s watched as Assad’s regime murdered one-hundred thousand Syrians and four-point-twenty-five million became refugees. That many refugees doesn’t happen by mistake. Do the math.


            Global private citizens won’t stand by, and watch our Syrian Brothers and Sisters gassed to death before the world. It’s simply, too, horrible an act to watch. It’s much, too, gruesome, improper, and cruel for the audience and the victims, both.


What barbaric times we live in.


Much, much, too, barbaric.

Don’t you think?


What’s so difficult about Peace?

Why is it so difficult to operate from a place of Peace rather than from War?


Is it because Peace doesn’t seem to bring about prosperity. Au contraire.


There’s nothing like Peace times to bring about prosperity but we just don’t seem to implement Peace. Maybe, mankind doesn’t know how to implement Peace. Why does mankind shy away from Peace? What is there about her that makes mankind a coward? Is it her fault that she’s imperfectly perfect? Peace comes with imperfections yet with civility. What’s so un-cool about being civil to others? I mean, really. Right.


I’ll stop writing about Peace before the writing gets dorky because it’s neither my tendency nor in my bones to be dorky. Although deeply felt sentiments must be written about in a certain way to draw in the reader not repulse them.


I hate cheesy and dorky for companions because Peace and prosperity are so much more kind, real, and sexier in any formal attire than funeral garb.





Tuesday, September 3, 2013



Peace at All Turns


48% of Americans oppose a Syrian airstrike

29% agree with a Syrian airstrike


            So, you wish for me to be more thoughtful about potential Syrian warfare and airstrikes.




            No, it’s never too late for a political and diplomatic solution.


            No, I don’t believe in war, of any type, against any other Nation.


            Yes, I’m sick and tired of war, political and religious murders and ethnic genocide in this world.


Who isn’t?

Aren’t you?

Right? Right.


            Yes, I believe that all diplomatic measures ought to be implemented when it comes to Syria and all of the Middle East.


            No, I don’t believe in violence of any type and war happens to be violent.


            Now, as far as the Middle East blowing itself up: what more is there to be said? Nothing.


I mean, isn’t that the entire bloody point?


The Middle East wishes to become a gigantic hole in the desert.


I mean that’s what I’ve been taught to believe is that there’s no real investment or serious consideration when it comes to an orthodox Middle East other than oil exports because not even the Middle East cares about Peace negotiations.


            Facetiously; (and with a “devil’s advocate” debate) what does America care if the Middle East blows itself into shreds?


Maybe, that’s just what requires starting over again in the Middle East?


Other than oil what does the world community care about the Middle East? (Obviously not very much.)


            No, America neither is a global police nor ought to our nation act as such.


            Yes, most likely congress will deny the President the jurisdiction to go to war against Syria, whether it be airstrikes or boots on the ground because politicians have been lying to the Americans about war for the past two decades, so who cares if the Middle East blows itself up?


Are you tired of the redundancy yet?




America airstrike-bombs factories in Syria; Syria bombs Iran; and Iran bombs Israel.


Party! What the hell!


What type of strategic warfare is that? That’s just toss salad, a pancake stuck to the ceiling and a burned pizza out of the oven.


Please. Really?


Is everybody going to bomb everybody and deal with a bloody Third World War?


You do know what will happen if officially there’s a WWIII? Right?


There will be decimation of every type.


There will be nothing left of the Middle East. That’s as thoughtful as I can get; I just didn’t want to have to spell it out for you.


            In conclusion; The Americans and the Brits got into WWII because of the Nazi’s genocide, ethnic cleansing of the Jews.


The Nazis gassed thirty-thousand Jews and others; so, do we allow for the Assad regime to gas our Syrian brothers and sisters and do nothing?


Yes, but then what?


What happens when the Syrian regime lets siran gas lose on a N.Y.C. subway, Logan airport or The Mall in Washington D.C.? What then?


Nobody really cares about the Middle East because everybody knows that the Middle East doesn’t really have many resources other than oil and well, we know all about that; so, what gives? 


I know for a fact that under international law it’s against the law to use chemical weapons against any Peoples of the world. Period.


Now what?


What if siran gas was administered against the Americans and no one defended us against such a Republic regime? Then what?


Who are we, to stand by silently and allow for others to be gassed to death? Who are we, as Americans to look the other way, for two whole complete years and do nothing up to this point about the genocide of Syrians?


No, we don’t even have the funds to go to war with any other country.


I don’t know what to tell you…The American People have been lied to for so long about war, we just don’t know anymore.





No, I’m not okay with American airstrikes upon Syria but I’m also not okay with gassing Syrians to death.


All I know is that America can’t stand alone. We must be supported in our decisions or no go otherwise there’ll be a hole in America’s desert. We don’t strike other countries.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013


“Beware of those whose ignorance is joined with piety.”


“The mercy of the wicked is cruel.”


“The greatest luck of an am ha-arets [ignoramuses] is this: he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know.”


Leo Rosten’s

(Treasury of Jewish Quotations)

---  ---  ---


Fetid: (offensive to sense of smell, stinking)


(The wrong combination of these chemicals will produce a fetid odor.)


Silence and Respect




Definition:     Respect is a positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. Respect can be a specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities of the one respected (e.g., "I have great respect for her judgment"). It can also be conduct in accord with a specific ethic of respect. Rude conduct is usually considered to indicate a lack of respect, disrespect, where as actions that honor somebody or something indicates respect. Specific ethics of respect are of fundamental importance to various cultures. Respect for tradition and legitimate authority is identified by Jonathan Haidt, a professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, as one of five fundamental moral values shared to a greater or lesser degree by different societies and individuals.


            What shall I write about War & Peace that hasn’t already been written about?


On September 2011, I sat down, calmly breathed, watched, and understood that Syria’s Assad was another Mussolini, Hitler and Fascist.


I, too, understand that Syria is another Rwanda and Bosnia. Genocide.


Yes, I’ve understood, that, ever since, that, first time (2011,) I watched footage of Syrian civil war and air strikes, that, it was about murder however I’ve rarely seen and heard interviews with local Syrian leaders, civilians and elected officials.


No, I couldn’t tell you what the Syrian People think or believe, not straight out of the horse’s mouth, not on camera, anyway, because no one really knows, only what the news semi-reports to us and that’s not much to go on because even CNN made-up footage (2011) about Syria’s civil warfare, and that just mocked the Syrian People, dying gruesome deaths, casualties of an insane crazy and crazy insane regime’s genocide.


I understand that Syria’s warfare is genocide, widespread extermination of racial and religious murderous cleansing.


I know facts are as followed: as of this morning, one-hundred thousand Syrians have been murdered by an irresponsible regime within the past two years.


As of the last week, August 2013, 426 Syrian children were murdered by nerve (Sarin) gas. Four-point-twenty-five million Syrians are refugees and one million of those refugees are Syrian children.


It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that when Peoples of the world are displaced, by their governments, by the millions then the situation is indeed dire on the ground.



            As a private American Citizen, I understand the many complexities and severe implications of missile air strikes against Syria’s Assad regime and rebels.


Yes, it’s true that right after 9/11 the Bush / Cheney American government regime made-up a title to an excuse to go to war: “Weapons of Mass Destruction” however none were ever found and twelve years later The Americans all know that, we, got conned into both Iraqi and Afghanistan wars that ought not to have happened in the first place.


Every American knows that we were lied to about Iraq II and Afghanistan, and that’s the truth.


Its true disappointment when it comes to discussing our cheating and dishonest Bush / Cheney government making idiots out of us with our tax dollars so they could play war games in the Middle East, all in the name of oil and private government contracts.


Nevertheless, here, we are today, holding our breaths, hoping, that some other power in the world will intervene in Syria instead of the American government.


The Americans are tired and exhausted of a decade long war, yet, there’s Syria bubbling to the surface.


No, I don’t condone any type of war.


Yes, I believe in respect.


Yes, I believe that the American government ought to have intervened in Syria on September 2011.


Yes, I do wonder why the united progressive global communities of the world have waited for two years to allow for this genocide to unfold.


Yes, what’s silly is that America ought to have been long gone from Afghanistan, and helping out the Syrian People however it’s difficult to say who’s at war in Syria, and even if America did help what will that do? A lot.


Innocent Syrian people will live, if the global powers intervene Assad’s genocide.


America’s help in this Syrian genocide would be tremendous.


Yes, there are two genocides happening, simultaneously, here, in the world as of today.


One, Syria as of the past two years. (One-hundred thousand casualties.)


Two, the Mexican drug cartel as of the past five years. (Eighty-thousand casualties.)


No, I really don’t have much wisdom; when it comes to Syria, except, that, I was taught, that, the only time military strikes can be implemented is at times of genocide (atrocities against humanity); and if America our national security is threatened then say your prayers, kiss your weapons goodbye, the end.


America doesn’t go looking for a war unless it’s brought upon our shores.


No, America ought to never go looking for a fight even if it’s corporately lucrative. No, there’s nothing lucrative in killing innocent bystanders or casualties of war, especially starving Syrian children.


No, I don’t believe in war however I don’t believe in genocide in the name of some crazy power hungry men.


No leader (elected or otherwise) ever disrespects its people no matter how much their People may disagree, and no leader ever murders their people otherwise the Gods will strike such men down.          


No, I don’t believe in the Iraqi or Afghanistan wars however I do believe in diplomatic means for Syria and if need be then the global Peoples have had enough of this Syrian genocide.


Why haven’t the global leaders put an end to this Syrian genocide?


I mean, America has been rushing into wars for the past twenty years however when it comes to real genocide, why do our global leaders turn and look the other way?


What’s respect?

What’s leadership?


No one really seems to know what respect and leadership are.


I was taught that respect was an automatic sign of vital humanity and life, and that our leaders upheld by those automatic standards.





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