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Sunday, September 30, 2018


Bob Monahan

Friday, September 21, 2018 - Monday, October 3rd, 2018


             ŅStop the Press.Ó (As far as the English expression is concerned.)






             Whatever thereÕs to be said about Bob MonahanÉ Well,


             Well, I step forward to set the record straight. Truly.


             American People are usually taught to think they donÕt have any type of power in the world because our American culture teaches us to be small without a voice or power and IÕm here to tell you this corrupt idealism is nothing except superstition.


             Well, I would know better than most of the populous in the world about Bob Monahan because I do.


                                                                                                                                                 Look: Duluth, MN I have nothing except respect and love for Duluth therefore letÕs all Ņtake a step backÓ and breathe. 


             The cool aspect about Bob Monahan is he has people who love him and care for him and look out for him and this is the gift of a lifetime.


             ThereÕs nothing more comforting then stepping into a space and having the reassurance no one will physically attack another person.


             Well, tonight after the sun set I was sent to Ņbreak breadÓ with Bob MonahanÕs peeps and it was a complete pleasure to share a peaceful common space with so many other wonderful people who know Bob Monahan quite well and are people who now know I love one of my dearest and oldest of friends.


             Now, Bob and I have been fighting since we were fifteen years of age.


             No, Bob MonahanÕs not in love with me. No, absolutely not.


             No, Bob Monahan has absolutely no plans of any type to fall in love with me therefore thereÕs nothing more to be said on such a front.


             No, thereÕre no plans for me to fall in love with Bob Monahan.


             Now, letÕs address some issues for which require to be addressed.


1.    Bob MonahanÕs not any type of cocaine addict or cocaine dealer and I would personally know since IÕve on and off spent the week with Bob MonahanÕs people. Bob Monahan and I hardly spent any time together this week for whatever reasons. It has been Bob MonahanÕs village and city of folk who have supported Bob Monahan as the true and tried man Bob Monahan is.


2.    Ok, as for the Duluth, MN Ņrumor millÓ about how Bob Monahan has been passing around STDÕs to the entire of Duluth, MN female populations well, this isnÕt true. IÕm here to reassure the globe about how Bob Monahan has many rights to his privacy between Bob Monahan and the females Bob Monahan ever so privately chooses to have consensual sexual intercourse with.


3.    If anyone takes out Bob MonahanÕs businesses then I reassure anyone as the Maya Gods are my witness IÕll take out whoever is responsible and I donÕt do well with power struggles and bullshit because IÕm too intelligent to know better.


             Yes, I intent to come back to Duluth, MN and set the service industry straight. Customer service is Ņeverything.Ó


             Yes, I also intent to come back to Duluth, MN in 2029.


             Duluth, I must go to Los Angeles because Duluth, MN is one of the most dangerous places for me to frequent or visit.


               Duluth, MN IÕve always wanted to make a home here, however. It wasnÕt possible.


             Tonight a group of peaceful black men broke bread with me and I understood the very reason why I love Bob Monahan.


             Allow me to reiterate: People not only look out for Bob Monahan.


             People also love Bob Monahan and his offspring and his parents and his siblings and his cousins.


             Aside from Bob Monahan there are two other members of Bob MonahanÕs family for which I greatly love and respect.


             Of course, I love the entire Monahan clan, however. IÕve been lucky in life to have been sent three MonahanÕs to be friends with and to love and to be loved in return.


             Believe it or not, I first met one of Bob MonahanÕs cousins, a neighbor of ours on Park Point, Duluth, MN from 1987 through today. Ha.


             Believe it or not, Bob MonahanÕs older brother is also one of ŅmyÓ best friends as so is Bob Monahan and thereÕs nothing anyone can do about it because the Maya Gods and Bob MonahanÕs Ancient Ancestors brought us together.


             Look: Bob MonahanÕs family literally saved my life and to this day I think nearly the entire clan still supports me as someone who is trust worthy of their respect and love.


             Simply, I donÕt know how else to say this: I love the entire Monahan clan and if anyone speaks badly of them then IÕm going to want to do some serious mergers and acquisitions. Yep.


             Literally, it has been Bob MonahanÕs family who has saved my life countless of times. I stopped keeping count because whatÕs the point?


             Well, I mean Bob MonahanÕs family are some of the best and most kind and direct and smart and intelligent and brilliant people IÕve ever come across, hands down.


             What, people wish for me to pretend as though I donÕt know people or human nature?


             Well, IÕm here to tell you thereÕs no such thing as having to pretend because I know well enough to know better.


             Bob Monahan isnÕt alone in the world.


             For whatever reasons, IÕm not alone in the world either.


             Look: my solo vacation wasnÕt a vacation about loneliness and sadness and other aspects of life.


             My September 2018 vacation to Duluth, MN was about poise and grace and athletic power. IÕm a wo-myn. Does anyone understand what the spelling and enunciation of wo-man means? Yep.


             No, I donÕt hate anyone or anything. Nope.


             No, IÕm not a hater. No, IÕm not. If you havenÕt ever met me or Bob Monahan then people wouldnÕt know we are Costa Rican pacifists. Correct.


             Absolutely not.


             Why on Earth would anyone think I would write or do anything from a place of hate? Has anyone seen me lately? Nope. Well, then one doesnÕt have anything to say.


             Well, what is there to be said? Absolutely, nothing.


             In some ways I could almost stop here and be quiet, however. I really donÕt know what to say other than to go forth and spell it all out because there isnÕt anything much else to be done or to be said.


             Duluth, MN before we go on.


             Duluth, MN we grew up as friends and friends we shall remain because thus is life.


             Ok, Goodbye.


             Yours Truly,





Word Count: 1,091


Monday, September 23rd, 2018




(Leo RostenÕs Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Terrestrial (of the land, earthly)


The teacher brought a terrestrial globe into the geography class.



---  ---  ---


A book: ŅManners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home TrainingÓ By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.




Too Rich Dressing.


Chapter 26.

Page 321


If we were allowed to say anything to the ladies concerning dress in a dictatorial way, and were sure of being obeyed, we should order them generally to dress less. How often do we see a female attired in the height of sophistication along the dusty street, perspiring under the weight of her finery --- dressed, in fact, in a manner fit only for a carriage. This is very mistaken and absurd fashion, and such people would be astonished to see the simplicity of real aristocracy as regards to dress.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---




Upload: 4:45am CT


Happy Sunday!


---  ---  ---



Good Morning, Duluth, MN


A Love Letter to Duluth, Minnesota

September 23rd, 2018


Official Duluth, MN Vacation, 2018

(Friday, September 21 through Sunday, September 30th, 2018)



Bad Duluth, MN Friendships

July 2017-September 2018


For twenty-five years,

My dadÕs been telling me

To get new friends


I like the friends IÕve got,

Even though theyÕre nearly righteously

Insolent, disrespectful and impertinent


             Okay, Duluth, MN vacation 2018 officially begun at 5:00a.m. On Friday, September 21st and I didnÕt actually get on the road until the early morning hours at 3:00am.


             The pooch had stomach issues and throughout summer 2018 limped around. Oh.


              Well, last year I dropped $3,000 on my West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California vacation 2017.


             This year IÕm dropping $3,000 on my Duluth, MN vacation 2018.


             The most expensive aspect to Los Angeles is the mere fact for which going out to eat at nearly any restaurant is extremely expensive yet people do it and openly and wholeheartedly Californians speak about how expensive food is to reassure themselves, the high cost of food is truly expensive.



ŅA Friend in Need is a Friend IndeedÓ


             No, I donÕt require to be a friend in need.


             No, IÕm not a friend in need and hardly ever have in any dire need of assistance or help through the been especially within the last










Monday, September 3rd, 2018


Upload: 2:59pm


Ok. Within the half an hour about to head out to the MN State Fair.


No worries. My aunt and uncle live within about a mile away from the fair grounds. AllÕs well. IÕll be looking for my neighbors and friends. Minnesota, IÕm confidently flying-in solo. LetÕs have fun.


---  ---  ---


The Minnesota State Fair



             Hello, Minnesota. Hi, dearest ones.


             As of right now I have petty cash on me, $100.00.


             ŅOk, letÕs play.Ó


             ŅLetÕs rock ŌnÕ roll.Ó


             ŅNice and easy.Ó


             Personally, IÕm going to attend the MN State Fair to possibly find my neighbors and friends from Minnesota and N.Y.C. and one lovely Georgia peach, the sweetest woman alive.


             Yes, I picked up all of the materials and didnÕt read a single one.


             For all I know the MN State Fair has ended as I write this at 2:29pm.


             Minnesota, IÕm not here to get rich or famous. IÕm here.


             Minnesota, IÕve got a broken right hand side pinky toe and it shall always be broken therefore I must compensate for balance thus and alas I look a bit Ņawkwardly shy.Ó


             Minnesota, Yes, IÕm sober (correction on language usage) and havenÕt had a drop of alcohol today.


             Minnesota, I must head out and uphold to our none-romantic date with you.


             Minnesota, since May 14th, 2018 IÕve passed all of my gruesome psych evaluations and am now off the ŅhoochÓ (therapy) and have regained my freedom and most of my life back.


             Since June 2017 all assets in the hundreds of thousands of dollars are frozen to me.





             From the Northwest suburbs IÕm going to drive to the Walker ArtÕs nearest parking lot and park and take a free bus to the MN State Fair grounds.


             Otherwise, once I get to the MN State Fair all I know is Ms. Georgia and Ms. N.Y.C. are at the Ņbirthing centerÓ and IÕve been told or commanded or demanded to find Ņcheese curdsÓ and ŅMarthaÕs cookies.Ó Ok.


             Now, the only thing IÕm interested in at the MN State Fair is a Ņclean water (H2O) (ha, correction) station which IÕll do my very best to find. Although, the Minnesotans have warned me I might get lost.


             Ok. If I were to get lost then IÕll be in search of snack food. I have $100.00 cash for this afternoon and if my moneyÕs not good enough or doesnÕt reach far then well, whatever.


             Are there fashionable tents or booths to purchase organic clothing already made for purchase?


             Are there couture organic farmersÕ clothing fashion lines?


             Well, I donÕt have any expectations.


             LetÕs have fun. IÕm contending with thyroid tumors and my healthÕs robust and ready to go.


             Now, Minnesota, IÕve got seriously badly injured and swollen feet therefore IÕm going slowly as I walk and make my way through the world.


             Now, IÕve had a bout of stress therefore IÕve contended with cystic acne within the last two weeks. Please, donÕt stare. ItÕs rude to stare.



Minnesota State


             Minnesota, IÕm told I smell bad, however. I only smell bad whenever gone camping in the woods.


             As of now I smell like Neutrogena and none perfumed lotion and TomÕs of Maine toothpaste and TomÕs of Maine deodorant.


             Minnesota, simply because I only have $3.39 cents to my name in the bank this doesnÕt mean I donÕt take care of myself because IÕve been taking care of myself my entire life.


             Minnesota, I work as a private butler and organic vegan cook and organically domestically clean for MN families in exchange for ridiculously expensive local organic vegan foods.


             Minnesota, IÕm strictly heterosexual even though I dress like a Tom-boy, IÕm extremely girly-girl to the maximum.


             Minnesota, letÕs not have any Ņdelusions of grandeurÓ since IÕm not any celebrity or anyone ŅspecialÓ simply a paying patron and customer and not anyone who ever desires for any conflict of any type. For thirty years IÕve been known to run away from conflict.


             Minnesota, please, for the love of anything good and worthy in any of us, please, donÕt kick me, or hit me or spit on me or forcibly grab me or shove me or throw glass beer bottles at me or throw food at me or touch my face or yank on my hair or scream or yell or berate me or lecture me or pin me down to the ground or inject me with 400MG of horse tranquilizer or donÕt ever threaten to kill me by throwing hot oil in my face. No, Minnesota, please, no,


             Minnesota, whether you realize it or not IÕm one of your very own responsible mature daughters who looks forward to eating at the table with the Minnesotans as we all peacefully get on together and with each other.


             Minnesota, IÕm on your side.


             Minnesota, I love you even if you were to hate my guts for the rest of your life.


             Minnesota, first civility.


              Minnesota, I couldnÕt find any work in film/television/writing production work therefore IÕve now begun to apply for jobs as far away as Hong Kong and India.


             Minnesota, I come in peace. I am at peace. I leave in peace.


             Minnesota, supposedly IÕm told IÕm extremely Ņawkwardly shyÓ and the least none threatening person alive.


             Minnesota, the East Coast informs me, supposedly IÕm considered ŅHemmingwayÓ and itÕs funny to see Hemmingway walk around and blend in and not ever be recognized or known while alive.


             Minnesota, I donÕt ever consider myself Hemmingway. No way! Earnest Hemmingway was a partial literary demy-god. IÕm human.



Minnesota State Fair


             Ok. For an entire nearly two weeks IÕve procrastinated and stalled long enough therefore I got off the text and am fully showered and dressed and nearly ready to attend this yearÕs MinnesotaÕs State Fair 2018.


             At the time for which I make this specific ŅCaptainÕs Log,Ó or this upload or this diary entry or record or this journal entry or send this hyperbole of a literary example such as this Ņmessage in a digital bottle.Ó Ha. lol lol lol


             Please, understand I donÕt hate anyone.


             Indeed, IÕm one of many of MinnesotaÕs daughters whether Minnesota likes it or not.


             Indeed, since Monday, August 27, 2018 IÕm now a self proclaimed not dating anyone as a ŅsingleÓ mature adult woman of 41 at the Ņprime of our livesÓ as Generation X.


             No, IÕm not Ņasexual.Ó I believe in fun, love, unity, happiness, awesome communications and peace. Always peace.


             No matter what anyone says about my status on paper IÕm ŅsingleÓ and not in love or dating a single human on Earth.


             Since Tuesday of week last I shanÕt ever be owned by another human for as long as I live.


             Three years without married sexual intercourse is a brand or form of torture.


             No, IÕm definitely not a monk and neither do I wish to be celibate forever nor do I wish to die as an Ņasexual.Ó No, please, no.


             Sex isnÕt on my mind. Nope.


             ŅAllÕs well, ends well.Ó


             WhatÕs on my mind is Ņconservation and environmentalism.Ó


             This summer 2018 IÕve been part time mature adulthood fasting amongst Muslim American families.


             No, I donÕt ever starve myself.


             For twenty years the scientific research shows once people turn 40 then people more or less are told to Ņsemi-starveÓ and drink more beer (no intoxication) in the second latter part of oneÕs life primarily to keep the organs well preserved and the body in great shape and condition at all times.


             Food is now considered a poison and one must be quite cautious of foods in general.


             Are there any organic vegan booths at the MN State Fair?


             Are there any ŅbiodegradableÓ or ŅrefurbishingÓ or ŅrecyclingÓ and ŅcompostÓ booths at the MN State Fair?



             Yours Truly,





Word Count: 1,225



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