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Thursday, May 31, 2018- Friday June 1, 2018


The tongue is more dangerous than a dagger.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)

Herbivorous (grass eating, living on plants)


Cows are herbivorous animals.


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A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Hello. Hi.


Upload: 12:35pm CT, 8:25am


Happy Thursday-Friday!


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             Lets get to it.


             Lets jump right in and make sense.


             What great advice am I able to give to any graduates? I dont know.


             The only bit of advice I have is to trust oneself.


             The Indigenous are taught were born to know all we need to know.

             The Indigenous are taught we know all well ever need to know.


             Stress isnt any pathology unless one adopts stress as any pathology.


             Stress is imaginary therefore dont ever be reactive or reactionary to any Narcissists or greedy or immature or power hungry or arrogant or hateful or self-loathing or controlling or abusive peoples especially peoples who arent emotionally stable no matter how monetarily successful they are or no matter how good they look or no matter how expensive their clothes or no matter how many higher learning degrees acquired or no matter how much stamina or charisma.


             Goodness is intrinsic from the inside out.


             If one looks good on the outside yet feels awful inside then theres no vitality or health.


             If one looks decent outside yet feels wonderful inside then theres much vitality and health.


             Health and wellness are from the inside out.


             Makeup doesnt cover up how awful people feel about themselves.


             People who tend to go out of their way to purposely or intentionally to emotionally or psychologically harm others especially anyone in relationship to the dysfunctional parties involved then such lost and emotionally volatile peoples are such people who are misaligned and must be ignored at all cost no matter how much they rant and rave or demand to be socially honored.


             Alignment is good.


             Usually, the best types of people on Earth are humble and healthy and kind and dont easily get offended or arent easily uprooted and understand lifes complex yet able to directly speak with anyone in communications about anything.


             Any one of any gender who is 220 pounds plus isnt healthy no matter what anyone may say or think.


             Anyone 230 pounds plus doesnt get a say in healthy power to set the tone for the next one hundred years to a thousand years.


             230 pounds is an out of control cycle of euphoria and depression.


             After 230 pounds people are more or less a distortion of themselves.


             Were born with deep intelligence and intuition and the ability to think through situations and be able to figure out whats going on within our bodies is mainly simple listening skills.



Two Brains


             Humans are wired to know whats going on around us.


             The best way to know whats going on inside of our human body is either through the basic steps of visualization meditation or Yoga and holistic medicinal medicines or local healthy organic vegan foods.


             Please, keep in mind according to the Indigenous the first brain is in the stomach and the second brain is the cerebral brain inside the head.


             People first process information with ones stomach brain then one thinks through with their head brain second.


             Ones entire center of balance and extensive capacity for intuition is all in the stomach.


             The head brain is cerebral and tends to be capable to second guess many decisions.


             Usually the first gut reaction is correct.


             Anything beyond first gut reactions is usually over thinking it.


             Furthermore, please keep in mind when ones physically ill or when one continually lives with an enduring physical disease such as reoccurring benign tumors then most likely local healthy organic vegan foods are the only real and true medicine there is on planet Earth.


             Western medicine is about abundance of pharmaceuticals which constipates patients while one waits to get on the butchers block for further surgical procedures to literally be cut open and have vital organs removed because Western medicine knows absolutely nothing about tumors or polyps or cysts or nodules or growths.


             Holistic medicine knows better than to cut open and cut up humans who are sacred beings.


             Please remember, healthy local vegan organic food isnt enough.


             More precisely its the chemical combinations which produce certain chemical compounds inside the body which is whats truly healthy about local vegan organic foods outcome ready tailored for ones specific and individual system which is whats important to genetically stay on top of ones weaknesses and to further develop strengths.


             To keep healthy the only real preventative medicine is healthy local organic vegan foods and clean filtered water and eight hours of sleep and either one hour of meditation per day or one hour of Yoga per day.





             What on Earth would I say to make anyones lives better? I dont know. Im truly not the person to ask simply because no one really ever knows anything about anyone elses trials and tribulations or the internal workings of others bodies or internal working order in general.


             The only bit of advice is to stay healthy and eat well and love and respect and be joyful about sunsets and the smell of flowers and good weather and the simple joys of life.


             Its best to eat smaller amounts of food than to gorge or stuff ones face on any types of foods.


             Its best to chew each bite of food at least 28 times (no more) or at least and at minimum chew 10 times (no less.)


             Its best to take at least twenty minutes to half an hour to sit down to eat and be grateful for the food also be mindful of what one eats and where the food comes from and how far the food traveled to ones table.


             The best advice is to not ever gain anymore than 20 pounds beyond the age of eighteen years of age.


             For example if one weighs 120 pounds at the age of eighteen then by the age of 41 one must not exceed anymore than the twenty pound rule much less exceed beyond the 140 pounds.


             The best way to stay healthy is to sleep eight hours per night and to drink about three to five filtered glasses of water and to realize thoughts arent real according to early 1990s psychology.


             Remember, ones best friends are more important than ones family members or ones spouse primarily parents will die off about thirty years before their offspring and friends are more important due to the fact friends are usually within the same generational bracket and understand each other.



What No One Ever Tells You


             No one gets married much anymore.


             No one ever tells you about how in general any dysfunctional marriage partner is able to call the police on the other physically diseased partner mainly out of spite or hate or vengeance.


             Yes, its quite common for one partner to call the police mainly out of spite or hate or vengeance. I didnt know.


             No one ever tells you any immature dysfunctional partner deals with control issues and are willingly capable  to punish the other partner yet the dysfunctional partner is hardly ever willing to listen to the physically diseased partner who takes care of most of the domestic responsibilities and overall health of the relationship.


             No one ever tells you if one were to marry a Caucasian then Caucasians will always hold all the power and when the police are called in then the police will look at both partners and always legally or illegally detain the partner of color while the Caucasian partner will get scotch free without any consequences.


             No one ever tells you Caucasians hold all the power especially when the police are called in.


             No one ever tells you how oppressive and demeaning and humiliating suburban Caucasian fast food garbage is to any marriage.


             No one ever tells you the possibility ones partner wants to control and oppress and diminish the other partner for no other reason than ones able to have power over another.


             No one ever tells you the difference between purpose vs. arrogance. 


             No one ever tells you hence when the one dysfunctional partner calls the police then the functioning partner will require to set aside an entire year to show the proper authorities proof of innocence.


             No one ever tells you any dysfunctional partner may freeze assets from the functioning partner causing one partner to starve in the relationship or to go without the basic necessities.


             No one ever tells you most marriages are miserable unless any partner is truly willing to learn and share and grow with their other partner.


             No one ever tells you if ones partner doesnt respect the other partners healthy lifestyle choices then the healthy partner will be ridiculed and made fun of for years or a decade or more.


             No one ever tells you an unhealthy partner who happens to be a know-it-all in the relationship is usually obnoxious and annoying to share a life with.


             No one ever tells you any dysfunctional partner stops growing or learning or developing.  


             No one ever tells you any dysfunctional partner eats with reckless abandonment as though they have a death wish.


             No one ever tells you marriage isnt a union about love rather about assets.



Loves got nothing to do with it


             Relationships are about love, however.


             In America people dont usually get married for love rather for assets. Thanks for letting me know.


             Marriages only to secure assets and property.


             Marriages a shabby modern status symbol without many perks especially for the domestic partner who works from home.


             Marriage is a patriarchal outdated system.


             Matrimony is inconvenient.


             Marriage is usually only one persons say.


             In marriage the person who controls the money usually controls the decisions made even if the decisions are harmful to the other partner.


             Mostly marriage is chains and shackles.


             Mostly, no one ever tells you if you get married then its incredibly difficult to get out of any marriage.


             In most marriages theres usually one spoilt brat child while the other partner is the adult and takes care of the day-to-day operations especially the stuff no one wants to do such as preparing meals, cooking and cleaning and properly raising children or taking care of elderly or watching over pets.


             Usually marital lifestyle choices are made by the pushiest and laziest of the two partners such as the consumption of fast food garbage and excessive television watching as any precedence over any human interaction.


             Usually the partner who makes all of the decisions will go ahead and make all of the decisions whether they care about how such decisions truly affects the emotional and psychological health of the other partner.


             If ones partner wants to live in the racist suburbs and another partner doesnt then usually with quietly abusive partnerships then the abusive partner wins since theyll most likely do whatever they want no matter what.


             When one partner wants to dedicate their lives to local healthy organics and the other partner doesnt then usually the more quietly abusive partner wins since theyll most likely do whatever they want no matter what.


             Marriage isnt equal opportunity employment.


             Marriage is work on top of more work.


             Marriage is a nightmare.


             Marriage to the wrong person is a nightmare


             Marriage is a complete lie.


             No one ever tells you its best to have a career than a marriage.


             No one ever tells you marriage is inconvenient.


             No one ever tells you the only way to get out of any marriage is only if ones being abused or hit.


             No one ever tells you marriage is a joke.

             And a most cruel joke at that.









Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Better one word in time than two ill-timed.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Vacillating (fluctuating, wavering, changing around)


It was hard for them to make a healthy decision because of their vacillating mind.

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A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


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Hello. Hi.


Upload: 1:54pm CT, 3:59pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


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             Tomorrow: graduation speech.


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             Sweat Equity Blog:


             No, not once and not ever have I ever received payment in any currency to write eight years of blogging.


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             Global Bloggers in Political Danger:


             Yes, nearly all over the world bloggers are either murdered or incarcerated or detained against their will simply for writing about what bloggers know.


             Blogging is a true honor and privilege and responsibility and sacrifice.


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             Usage of Names:


             Yes, Im able to make usage of first and last names when first and last names make any print media or news articles then names may be utilized.


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             Caucasian Communications:


             Yes, I leave the Caucasians to speak Caucasian to each other.


             Yes, I leave the Caucasians to speak Caucasian business together.


             No, I dont wish or desire to speak Caucasian or Caucasian business if I dont ever have to. Nope.


             Yes, as far as business is concerned I know the rules therefore I break the rules by being extremely relaxed and Indigenous and this bothers mostly anyone considered Caucasian.


             No, I personally dont like to speak to Caucasians about business therefore I leave it to smarter people who have a better harness of the English language and can authentically be themselves as well as be professional and Caucasian and share in organic vegan foods and break bread together.


---  ---  ---


             General Happiness:


             Ok. I miswrote. Yes, for the most part Im always content.


             The only time Im ever unhappy or frustrated or angry is when Ive ever personally been emotionally or psychologically or physically abused as most people do get unhappy when this happens to them.


             No, not once have I ever thought of myself as a victim otherwise I wouldnt talk or write about my life.


             Yes, quite often its Caucasian people who tell me Im a victim.


             No, no victim here.


             Yes, its only Caucasians who tell me I ought to feel victimized.


             No, I dont ever feel victimized.


             For some reason Im supposed to be or feel like a weakling.


             When ones smart then one hardly ever feels like a weakling.


             When Caucasians find out Im resilient and emotionally and psychologically strong then Caucasians get mad or angry or irrational with me simply because I refuse to communicate like a Caucasian.


             Yes, local organic vegan foods exist someplace in the world and Im happy simply because local organic vegan foods exist. It takes very little to make me happy.


             Yes, Im unhappy whenever and directly and continually I have to deal with micro-aggression or racial discrimination or physical violence or emotional or psychological abuse.


             The only time I ever truly get angry is when I have to repeat myself again and again without any understanding to please not be harmed or I set strict boundaries which arent kept because for some reason Caucasian people dont seriously take my spoken voice to be important as to what exactly I communicate.


             Yes, Caucasians dont ever like to be uncomfortable in communications.


             However, the secret amongst the rest of the globe is mostly lifes uncomfortable and there within lies the adventure to communicate without any power issues or control issues or power struggles or daft communications or aggressive manner in tone.



Boundaries, Please


             If I say, Please, I dont wish to talk about XYZ then its not honored.


             If I say, please, after six straight years of eating fast food I can no longer eat such empty calories because I sometimes feel like Im going to have a heart attack then its not honored.


             If I say, Please, dont call me derogatory names or purposely put me down or waste my time then its not honored.


             If I say, please dont waste my time then its not honored.


             Otherwise, truly Im Ferdinand the Bull smelling the flowers.


             Yes, the multi-cultural implants from New England tell me not once and not ever have they ever had as much difficulty shopping and being in public than in Minnesota. I agree.


             Minnesota simply emotionally and psychologically beats down people of color who happen to be customers until people of color are supposedly supposed to go home and not ever show their faces anywhere in public ever again. Its not going to happen.


             Racial discrimination is true to form.


             Most of New England is about 99.7% Caucasian yet the Caucasians of New England are quite comfortable conducting business with people of color who happen to be customers.


             In New England theres an open mind to multi-cultures.


             In Minnesota theres a closed mind to multi-cultures.


             Minnesota has to get its racially discriminatory house in order.


---  ---  ---



As Kindly as Possible


             No matter how much money or how little money Ive ever had Ive always and mostly spent my money on local vegan foods.


             Over two decades ago the Native Americans told me food is medicine and only food elongates life expectancy for which people live a long healthy time or not. Ok.


             Over two decades ago the Native Americans told me not to be afraid to smoke 100% tobacco cigarettes since burning tobacco is a prayer to the gods and burning tobacco has been a practice over thousands of years. Ok.


             Over two decades ago the Native Americans told me if I were to healthily live a long life then only healthy foods would help me towards such endeavors. Ok.



6 Years an Organic Vegan


6 Years a Fast Food Eater


             Yes, one ought to always be a little hungry rather than full or stuffed.


             Yes, the human stomach is no bigger than the human fist.


             All the stomach can fit is food the quantity or the size of the human fist then stop. When once more hungry then again enjoy a healthy small snack or another healthy meal.


              Well, with my spoken consent and given permission Ive spent the last six years of my life eating commercial fast food garbage from August 2012 through May 14, 2018.


             Primarily, I ate commercial fast food garbage since I was ill with uterine fibroid benign tumors and pharmaceuticals for which dont allow regular bowels therefore one must force soft foods through the system to keep regular.


             Yes, on-and-off Ive also eaten commercial vegan fast food garbage from September 2006-August 2012.


             Yes, I was a vegan for six straight years and love every minute of it even though not once did I ever lose a pound.


             Yes, from August 1987 through May 2004 our family or on my own purchased organic bulk foods from either directly local organic farmers or local Co-Ops.


             Yes, I love anything vegan and organic and non-GMO and grass fed and cage-free and no hormones added or no antibiotics added and fair trade.


             Yes, Ive come to the end of this road.


             Yes, after six straight years of eating commercial fast food garbage Im here to tell anyone, the outcome is unhealthy.



6 Straight Years of Fast Food


             After twelve years of personally analyses and data and record keeping and food diaries and reoccurring patterns:


             As of the month of May 2018 I chose organic pesticides any day over hardened arteries from fast food garbage.


             Forget, the documentary Super Size It made by the director who spent one month of fast food daily intake.


             Please, dont ever try six years of fast food garbage because at the end of six straight years of fast food garbage experimentation then one can barely catch ones breath and one feels heavy in ones body and at times nearly one feels as though ones about to have a heart attack, however, one doesnt.


             For some reason with fast food garbage ones always on the verge of feeling like the hearts about to explode and pharmaceuticals somehow enhance the deterioration of muscle tissue and bone density along with fast food garbage makes for a deadly combination.


             Personally, Im addicted to pharmaceutical methamphetamines or anti-depressants or pharmaceutical speed because such chemistry keeps my body thin and the acne completely goes away otherwise status quo.


             Personally, Id take pharmaceutical methamphetamines for the rest of my life except one constantly feels like on the edge of a heart attack and one doesnt breathe well or breathes deeply.


             After six straight years of fast food garbage I still love the immense instant gratification I get from fast food garbage, however, not once and not ever have I ever liked the plastic after taste which stays in ones mouth for hours afterwards.


             After six straight years of fast food garbage then all of ones bowel movements smells exactly like fried foods.


             After six straight years of fast food garbage then I do slightly feel as though my heart may or can or might give out, however, my heart is strong yet enoughs enough.


             After six straight years of fast food garbage then its any surprise Im not 300 pounds. I got lucky.


             However, petite or small or thin or skinny doesnt mean healthy.


             Healthy is about nutrition.


             Skinny or thin is about less quantity of food.


             After six straight years of fast food garbage its any wonder Im not dead since the Indigenous dont create enzymes or have gut bacteria to process fast food garbage.


             Yes, fast food garbage is a great and excellent way to slowly kill oneself which as of May 14, 2018 Ive stopped eating fast food garbage in order to live to be 110.


             After six straight years of fast food garbage Im surprised I havent stroked out.


             Yes, the Maya gods watch over us.


             Yes, the only commercial fast foods Im ever willing to eat ever again are fruits and vegetables and fair trade non-GMO and no-hormones and no antibiotics and cage-free and grass fed only.


             Yes, the only sweeteners Im willing to consume are raw honey or Zevia vegan sodas or endangered species dark chocolates or agave.


             Yes, with fast food garbage one doesnt realize how much ones starving while the waist line increases.


             Yes, I was meant to be here and live through this, however, no more. I can barely breathe.


             Sugar is complete poison to my body.


             No more. I cant consume ice cream or sugar. I feel like Im going to die and its no such exaggeration.


             Yes, Id rather fast then eat fast food garbage.


             Yes, the only reason why I didnt die in the last six years is because I have low-blood pressure otherwise Id be dead from six straight years of fast food garbage.


             Only cruel enemies wish for others to die young.                            



             Yours Truly;




Word Count: 1,784

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,917 +


Tuesday, May 29, 2018


A man devoid of sympathy is not a man but a monster.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Precedent (something that went before so as to serve as an example for a subsequent act)


Their request was approved because she did wish to set a precedent.

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A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 2:48pm CT, 6:19pm CT


Happy Tuesday!


---  ---  ---


             Ramadan 2018:


             Yes, one tends to gain weight during the Muslim month long fast of Ramadan.


             Yes, at 4:14pm CT today I broke Ramadan because I didnt have breakfast. I almost made it to sundown.


             Yes, tomorrow Ill pick up Ramadan again for the next two weeks of fasting.


---  ---  ---




             No, I dont ever stalk anyone.


             Most people know text communications may take me anywhere from a year to a decade to respond back over text. No news is good news.


             For the past decade my text patterns have been a known fact to hundreds or possibly thousands of peoples.


             No, I dont have any social media.


             Yes, I know exactly what social media is and how the programs run.


             Usually, I show up on peoples online metrics, what? Once per decade? Or every other three years, however, seldom.


             No, I truly dont make the time to look up peoples digital footprints unless parties get talked about and their specific names come up in conversation or direct email or official business records require to be summarized to other parties who directly ask about specific individual parties then I get back to inquiring parties with correct information by looking up the URL then copying over for others to look over and to have for their own records.


             Yes, summer 2017 I went four weeks without a cell phone since my cell phone disappeared in Duluth, MN therefore Ive been gathering phone numbers here and there even though some parties refuse to please text back some of my best friends phone numbers therefore therere best friends Ive been trying to reach and speak to about certain situations since their intelligence and specific expertise is what I personally require most.


             Yes, in 2006 my computers list of professional and personal roster of contacts disappeared therefore Ive been gathering contacts over the past decade even though some parties refuse to please allow me to directly email some of my best friends emails therefore therere former co-workers and some best friends Ive been trying to reach and speak to about certain situations since their intelligence and specific expertise is what I personally require most.


             Yes, people know who I am since weve either worked together or broke bread together or held interesting conversations over the telephone or in person relaxed and sat back and smoked 100% American Spirits cigarettes after a long hard days work.


---  ---  ---        


             Do Not Try This At Home:


             One must be taught and given guidance:


             Yes, either slowly or fast or medium pace the Maya are taught to run 100 miles barefoot, if ever needed to pass any type of dire and important message or communications. Yes, barefoot running is almost the best way to go even on tarp or pavement. Barefoot running has awesome grip right below the toes on the feet pads. Barefoot running, one doesnt run on ones heels. Theres nothing lighter than to run barefoot. Plus, one clocks in better personal times while barefoot running than with any type of technological running shoe. Running shoes are all about technology.


             Who doesnt love technologically advanced tennis shoes or running shoes? Yes, as a viewer of sports I truly like to watch track-and-field and marathons. No, I dont have the body for running. Absolutely not. My Indigenous bodys made to rear children. Running events are some of my favorite sports to watch even though I run as slowly as any turtle I watch running events because its truly a feat of heroism. Yep. Our peeps know Im a slow runner unless Im inspired by organic healthy vegan foods, however, Ive proven I can run 100 miles through the forests and woods. One starts training with 50 mile runs then compete (or not) in 100 mile run marathons to be approved to become a professional musher with sled dogs. Yep. It was a test.


             Side Excerpt: No, not once have I ever personally ripped or cut the bottoms of my feet while running especially not through forests or the woods or on pavement. The only time Ive ever burned my feet is on hot sand or frozen sand. No, not once have I ever even slightly burned the bottoms of my feet while walking across hot coals which in 1998 Middle Eastern Muslim male friends taught me how to walk on and across hot coals which unburned feet are considered a sign in which one tells the truth when one walks across hot coals and ones feet dont burn at all therefore on-and-off for about twenty years Ive walked across hot coals without once or ever even slightly burning any skin of any type. The coals felt more like warm baby blankets or any warm bath. Yes, Ive been put to the rigorous test by men across the globe and Im dainty and dont like to camp anymore or ever again or canoe or water boating or swimming. The last time I solo camped on private woods and private property was in 2010. The End.


---  ---  ---


             Stalling I must get this right.



Introductions All Around


             Yes, even with All Access backstage passes Im still personally not able to get back stage anywhere therefore our Executive Producers will take it from here, our people will take it away and speak business Caucasian to other business Caucasians without me in the picture. Ok.


             Yes, anyone with any type of professional talent Ill make introductions all around without ever having to meet with me.


             Yes, once introductions are made then take it away and run with it.


             Yes, one of my best friends told me summer 2017: Our parents not only made sure we made friends, however, the right type of friends. Ok.


             Personally, to me theres no such thing as the right type of peoples. To me: humans are human.



Dearest Entertainment Industry Personnel


             Dearest Entertainment Industry Personnel; please allow free access and safe passage to all and any of the specific famous peoples and celebrities and bosses and Executive Producers I require assistance in making direct contact with each specific party to personally introduce peoples I believe leaders ought to personally meet and know and have fun together since in 2006 my computers personal and private roster of contacts went missing by a quasi Minneapolis, MN documentary executive producer I fired for incompetency while face-to-face.


             Yes, summer of 2018 through the front door therell arrive by post hand written letters by my hand to specific bosses and famous peoples and celebrities to make direct contact with our peoples since such bosses and Executive Producers and celebrities and famous people already either worked with me or received hand written letters from me or spoken over the phone with me about my former documentary film career or are either neighbors or best friends of my New England, Harvard family in Rockport, MA or our friends in Cambridge, MA.


             Status quo. Personally, I dont seek for anything for myself.


             No, I dont want anything.

             No, I dont need anything.


             Hollywood knows Ill probably be seen in the same stitched up t-shirts and clothes for the next three years.


             Hollywood knows I refuse to take a single penny from Hollywood until I specifically go to Hollywood with an itemized budget primarily about sustainable organic vegan foods and preparation and budgets for fulltime writing.


             If any Entertainment Industry Personnel is thoughtful enough or kind enough and willing enough then please take the envelop with my name Gabriela Long (nee) in the Twin Cities of Minnesota then youll get my undivided gratitude and tons of gushing over the blog back here in September 2018.


             Lets do this:


             Lets rock n roll.





No, not a Newspaper Add

Rather a Massive Call

You know:

When a Call Goes Out in Hollywood

Looking for Talent


             Okay, lets start at the very beginning.


             Please, pass on the word. Thanks.



Sarah Green

Executive Producer


             One of my dearest and most beloved and respectful none sexual uncles on the Elwell side of the family in Rockport, MA is a man who grew up and is best friends with an excellent Executive Producer by the name of Sarah Green who in the year 2000 spoke to me at length about how to get a digital documentary film company off the ground and hold 100% copyright to my feature films. Sarah told me I could call her anytime, however, I havent had Sarahs personal phone number since 2006 therefore by post Ill mail her at her NYC offices.


             Yes, Sarah Green is a personal friend of our New England family and I have someone quite talented here on the line who I believe requires an introduction from me to Sarah Green to them. No, I dont need to be any part of any negotiations unless directly asked otherwise I keep my nose clean and out of others business.


             My main question is: I wonder if Sarah Green conducts business with Emmy award winning Executive Producers who happen to be Caucasian women? No, not me.



Jennifer Bloom

Executive Producer


             One of my former and most respectful and respected none sexual co-workers is now Executive Producer Jennifer Bloom (on the set of Session 9) whos been to Costa Rica and once she found out Im from Costa Rica then we began to understand and trust each other on a deeper level since she knew money and fame were the last things on my mind.


             Once Jennifer found out Im from Costa Rica then she began to demand for me to go first in line and in front of her even though Id been taught to not ever eat anything from catering before any 1st Director or 2nd Director ate.


             Jennifer Jen Bloom would take my elbow and nudge me to get into the catering line before her and eat because she saw the well written signs all over my face about how healthy foods is the only thing I live for aside from the obvious such as love and respect and art.


             Jennifer had a terrible cold at the end of filming Session 9 and I wanted to give her holistic medicinal medicines for her cold, however, I didnt want her to be scared of me as someone who believes in holistic healing therefore I kept my mouth shut.


             Yes, Jennifer Bloom, I wept the second to the last day of filming because I found mutilated animals in the woods and I got scared and wept and cried then the last day of the shoot I took off and went skateboarding.


             Guess what, Jennifer Bloom, on the set of Session 9 I discovered records of my great-grandmother on my grandfathers side and shed spent time at Danvers State Hospital and no one in our family had discussed or ever talked about it to this day. OMG. I almost fell over.


             Once I discovered the New England familial records then I couldnt stop excusing myself to go up to the records room to continue to look over patients forgotten records strewn all over the floor to continue to find more clues about great-grandmothers whereabouts since I knew my family wouldnt ever talk about her due to their New England upper stiff lips.


             Jennifer Bloom always understood my Indigenous ways and sentiments. Jennifer Bloom understood me as well as Hollywood understands me.


             Yes, Jennifer Bloom is a respectful and smart and intelligent and kind woman and I have someone quite talented here on the line who I believe requires an introduction from me to Jennifer Bloom to them. No, I dont need to be any part of any negotiations unless directly asked otherwise I keep my nose clean and out of others business.


             My main question is: I wonder if Jennifer Bloom conducts business with Emmy award winning respectful Executive Producers who happen to be Caucasian women? No, not me.



Peter Mullen

Scottish Actor


             One of my former and most respectful and respected none sexual co-workers is actor Peter Mullen (on the set of Session 9) whos danced a platonic jig with me and knows my face, smell and name and handwritten letters and many times weve broken bread together and platonically partied.


             Yes, I do owe Peter Mullen an overdue letter by about 18 years, however. I dont ever know what to write therefore I dont. Only once in 2016 I did sit down to write the overdue letter, however, there wasnt anything for me to say.


             Yes, Peter Mullen it was me who ever so quietly whispered your name to you and scared you half to death, however, you became ever so taken aback which the look on your face scared me therefore I stayed silent and didnt say a word. No, it wasnt a ghost. It was me. I backed up and walked off the set since I didnt want to add anymore confusion to the mix.


             Yes, Peter Mullen I wept the second to the last day of filming because I found mutilated animals in the woods and I got scared and wept and cried then the last day of the shoot I took off and went skateboarding.


             Yes, Peter Mullen is a respectful and smart and intelligent and kind man and I have someone quite talented here on the line who I believe requires an introduction from me to Peter Mullen to them. No, I dont need to be any part of any negotiations unless directly asked otherwise I keep my nose clean and out of others business.


             My main question is: I wonder if Peter Mullen conducts business with Emmy award winning respectful Executive Producers who happen to be Caucasian women? No, not me.



Sarah Jessica Parker

Actor, Executive Producer


             Supposedly, Sarah Jessica Parker is a long distant cousin of ours on the Elwell side from Rockport, MA. Okay. I dont know. I dont care. Since therere hundreds of us in our direct branch of the family then I dont ever go out of my way to get in contact with anyone much less long distant relatives.


             However, lets put it to the test.


             If truly, were related and we do actually have any access to each other through Executive Producer Sarah Green then I have someone quite talented right here on the line who I believe requires an introduction from me to Sarah Jessica Parker to them. No, I dont need to be any part of any negotiations unless directly asked otherwise I keep my nose clean and out of others business.


             My main question is: I wonder if Sara Jessica Parker conducts business with Emmy award winning respectful Executive Producers who happen to be Caucasian women? No, not me.



Brad Anderson



             One of my former and most respectful and respected none sexual co-workers is Director Brad Anderson (on the set of Session 9) whos quite serious and quiet and doesnt ever flinch and is direct in communications and to the point and doesnt laugh or smile while directing a film. Not once did I ever see director Brand Anderson crack a smile.


             Yes, Brad Anderson I wept the second to the last day of filming because I found mutilated animals in the woods and I got scared and wept and cried then the last day of the shoot I took off and went skateboarding.


             Yes, Brad Anderson is a respectful and smart and intelligent and kind man and I have someone quite talented here on the line who I believe requires an introduction from me to Brad Anderson to them. No, I dont need to be any part of any negotiations unless directly asked otherwise I keep my nose clean and out of others business.


             My main question is: I wonder if Brad Anderson conducts business with Emmy award winning respectful Executive Producers who happen to be Caucasian women? No, not me.



Brendan Sexton the III

American Actor


             One of my former and most respectful and respected none sexual co-workers is actor Brendan Sexton the III (on the set of Session 9) who is a method actor and a jokester and a prankster and quick to smile and laugh and capable to respectfully speak to any woman of the crew on set.


             Yes, Brendan Sexton the III I wept the second to the last day of filming because I found mutilated animals in the woods and I got scared and wept and cried then the last day of the shoot I took off and went skateboarding.


             Yes, Brendan Sexton the III is a respectful and smart and intelligent and kind man and I have someone quite talented here on the line who I believe requires an introduction from me to Brandon Sexton the III to them. No, I dont need to be any part of any negotiations unless directly asked otherwise I keep my nose clean and out of others business.


             My main question is: I wonder if Brendan Sexton the III conducts business with Emmy award winning respectful Executive Producers who happen to be Caucasian women? No, not me.



Ms. Cyndi Laupers

Public Relations Executive Producer

Is and Always will be my Friend

We Platonically Love Each Other













Eric Stoltzs

Friends from Fort McCoy

Are some of my Friends














Carson Daly

My Respectful Former Boss














             Yours Truly;




Word Count: 2,917

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,917


Friday, May 25, 2018


Dowries and legacies bring no luck.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Balmy (soothing, refreshing, mild)


There are many balmy days in spring.

---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 1:47pm CT, 3:34pm CT


Happy Friday!


---  ---  ---


             No, the direct and peaceful Portland, Maine Muslim Americans and I dont live in any compound.


             Yes, the direct and peaceful Portland, Maine Muslim Americans and I live on a seven block radius suburban Muslim American neighborhood. Thank you.


---  ---  ---


             Mindfulness, Purpose, Intension:


             About Text Introductions: Relax, intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans.


             Intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans are as obnoxious as ever with their inflated egos and superiority complexes to only understand and demand to only be communicated in rigid Caucasian English otherwise such individuals seem to fall apart and complain about the tiniest little things rather than be flattered anyone cares about what Caucasians have to say at all since most people of color are over racist discrimination in communications, people actually do have accents.


             Most people of color ignore Caucasians.


             Most families of color ignore Caucasians like the plague.


             Healing of the Whole System. Ok.


             As an English as a Second Language adult supposedly Im terrible at texting according only to intellectual Caucasian Midwesterners, especially intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans and intellectual Caucasian people from Iowa. Whatever.


             All I ever want to say to such egotistical people is to please get over yourself.


             However, in Minnesota as a person of color one must always stay quiet and move slowly and not ever make any sudden movements or feed cookies to intellectual Caucasian peoples and pet them on the head otherwise intellectual Caucasian peoples Narcissistic tendencies flare up and Caucasian people become destructive and punishing towards peoples of color whenever Caucasian people arent exactly catered to in Caucasian communications.


             Intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans communicate like plantation owners who require for people of color to be whipped into shape otherwise the intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans destroy the reputations of peoples of color who dont think or feel the same way as The Caucasian Way.


             The intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans get incredibly irritated and frustrated and angry with my texts while anyone else across the globe thinks my texts are hilarious. Thanks.


             No, I dont ever expect or wait for anyone to text me back. Absolutely not. Were all busy with life and with healthy lifestyle choices and work and this and the other and making money.


             Technologys at ones earliest convenience and not a demand.


             People know I dont care about money.


             People know times far more valuable than money.


             Nothings, too, serious to ever laugh about.


             Yes, with the Maya theres purpose and intent with anything.


             Yes, overall Im a happy human who sees the large picture.


             No, I dont do random.


             Random and I dont get on.


             No, I dont do manic.


             Manic and I dont get on.


             Eight hours of practiced nightly sleep through two straight decades. I sleep like a rock.


             Regular and disciplined nightly sleep and I are best friends.


             Yes, for over a decade once per year on the month of my birthday if I were to stay up to text then either Hong Kongs on the line or Im writing relaxed and direct and straight forward lengthy text introductions to people across the globe because itll be another year before I make further introductions.



Personally, I dont get easily offended


             Personally, I dont have anything to hide.


             Personally, I read like an open book. Its obvious I read like an open book therefore Im extremely direct with my intensions and feelings and emotions and the intellectual Caucasians allow for my written content because my sentences make logical and rational sense, however intellectual Midwestern Caucasian Minnesotans hate how long my texts read and intellectual Midwestern Caucasian Minnesotans wish I would write outlines, however, text is completely relaxed in tone.


             Personally, I think intellectual Midwestern Caucasians are insecure or egocentric or angry or power hungry whenever spoken to or communicated in any other fashion other than Caucasian fast spoken English communications.


             Over text I dont write term papers.


             Texting isnt for business.


             Textings like wearing flip flops at the beach.


             Emails for business.


             Emails like wearing a suit jacket at the office.


             Personally, in good weather I like to go barefoot especially on safe and vegan and peaceful private properties and laugh amongst others or learn or discover at a moderate meandering pace since healthy lifestyles long distance running as an anecdote.


             Yes, either slowly or fast or medium pace the Maya are taught to run 100 miles barefoot, if ever needed to pass any type of dire and important message or communications. Yes, barefoot running is almost the best way to go even on tarp or pavement. Barefoot running has awesome grip right below the toes on the feet pads. Barefoot running, one doesnt run on ones heels. Theres nothing lighter than to run barefoot. Plus, one clocks in better personal times while barefoot running than with any type of technological running shoe. Running shoes are all about technology.


             Yes, on my birthday month no matter how much I may annoy the intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans I do purposely text introductions and introduce people to each other to connect and go on and participate without me involved and with me completely radio silence for years or decades because intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans dont ever trust what I have to say therefore intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans will go on and make tens of millions of dollars together and not worry to ever have any of us cross any specific paths especially not with me for any reason since my direct speech patterns seem to be vinegar to intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans.


             Personally, I was taught vinegar is truly healthy.


             Vinegars healthier than honey.


             The properties of vinegar are healthier than honey.


             Honeys still sugar.


             Yes, for about a decade in the month of May Ive been doing extremely private text phone introductions for all and any parties to meet and hopefully become great friends and partner up in healthy and equal opportunity capitalist and business ventures and respectfully and monetary succeed without having to directly communicate with me at all because the intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans dont seem to trust Im real and I have a heart and Im naturally sweet natured and dont lie unless I put myself on the line for others reputations and get more nervous by the second and make the lie worse which is obvious whenever I lie therefore I dont lie. I dont.


             Telling lies is one of my weaknesses.


             English enunciation of terminology is one of my weaknesses.


             Yes, I know what the words mean.


             Navigating by car is one of my weaknesses.


             Yes, Im extremely direct in speech and conversation.


             Yes, Im a terrible text speller and terrible text writer.


             Yes, I leave the intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans to get filthy rich together as well as wealthy to donate to sciences, mathematics and art and music education and nutritional vegan education and organic education in the public school systems.


             The past isnt real.

             The past no longer exists.


             Thoughts arent real.

             Thoughts are liquid.


             No, Im not a hopeless romantic.


             Yes, people tell me Im more of a hopeful romantic.

             Is there such a thing?


             No, in life I dont daydream.


             Yes, I have a million and one responsibilities each day.


             No, Im not a god therefore Im not a prankster.


             Yes, Im cheeky.



Directness in Direct Communications

Direct Communications is for

Brave and Intelligent and Humble Humans


             Yes, my direct speech style makes intellectual Caucasian Minnesotans extremely uncomfortable.


             Oh, well.


             The rest of the world doesnt seem to get bent out of shape whenever theyre uncomfortable since being uncomfortable is part of the human experience.


             Please, get over being uncomfortable.


             Only first world citizens believe its their right not to ever be uncomfortable. Newsflash.


             My speaking voice is quite different from my writers voice.


             My writers voice is highly critical.


             My text voice is like my speaking voice which as a speaker I love to and tend to gush about other people.


             Yes, whenever I conduct text introductions to several parties at once then texts done on purpose and with intent and mindfulness to speak truthfully and then completely let go and allow for others to make their own independent connections. Have fun. Cheers.


             No, Im not jealous or envious of anyone. Im not.


             No, I dont personally consider myself ugly or anything derogatory.


             Yes, Im extremely Indigenous in direct speech.


             Yes, my closest friends know I have nerves of steel and abundance in patience except around certain incredibly great smelling Caucasian men then I tend to lose my train of thought and trip over my own two feet (which rarely happens) therefore I stay away and will continue to do. Personally, I dont need or want anything. Status Quo.


             Yes, whether people like each other or agree or disagree, its best to peacefully and calmly do positive conflict resolution.


             No, the text introductions arent about me.


             The text introductions are back story for all parties to be aware of not getting lost in translation then they can meet and have fun and get wealthy together and drink, eat and be merry and retire together in vegan organic communal living and bring about affordable food, medicine and housing to the rest of the country.


             Yes, my intellectual Caucasian Minnesota brothers are my intellectual Caucasian Minnesota brothers and not once have we ever talked about having consented sexual intercourse with each other much less ever French kissed or held hands or anything.



Yes, Im Incredibly Direct in Communications


             Yes, since 2005 my intellectual Caucasian Minnesota brothers have been angry at me for directly sitting down with them in front of each other and at the same meeting and by name directly addressed each and every male present to please directly consider marriage to me without being sexually attracted to me or I attracted towards the men and primarily to marry me for my safety as a woman of color. They said no and we continue with our friendships. Ok. Water under the bridge. That ship has sailed.


             No, Im not manipulative.


             Yes, Im thoughtful and extremely forward.


             Yes, thinking is the hardest work there is to do to learn, change, grow and if needed then shift gears to get back on the path were all chosen to be tailored to our specific lives for each individual.


             Yes, above all types of love I believe in platonic agape love.


             No, at this very moment I dont hold a crush on anyone.


             Yes, I love the looks of men however I dont seek any romantic relationships.


             No, most people dont ever sexually arouse me.


             No, at this moment Im not in love with anyone much less anything to consider moving across country.


             Yes, the Twin Cities, MN is where I reside and will most likely reside for life, unless...


             Yes, Id like to be able to work out of Los Angeles at least one full month per year.


             Yes, Ive already been invited to work in Los Angeles for the entire month of January 2019 however I dont believe Ill be able to get away.


             Yes, multi-culturalism is my set destination.


             Yes, my intellectual Minnesota Caucasian friends have visited and stayed as guests with my New England, MA Harvard family as well as Minnesotans have visited other New England, MA friends.


             Yes, Minnesota and Massachusetts know each other.


             Yes, my Harvard New England, MA families know my blue blooded Harvard group of male friends.


             Yes, Harvards graciously gone home with me to New England.


             Yes, the blue blooded Harvard gentlemen do exist.


             Yes, vegan and organic New England, MA born and raised blue blooded Harvard men and I none sexually dated and got to know each other well over the study of organic farming and Holistic medicinal medicine in the year of 2000.


             Yeah, Minnesota and Harvard and Massachusetts go way back two decades. Peeps know each other well. Extremely well.


             Yes, some of my best friends over the past twenty five years are Ivy League born and raised Japanese who live in Japan.









             Yours Truly;




Word Count: 2,027

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,518 + 1,202 = 3,720 + 2,027 = 5,747


Thursday, May 24, 2018


Better suffer an injustice than commit one.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Perspicacity (keen judgment, ability to see through)


He is noted for his perspicacity in analyzing a problem.

---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 9:07am CT, 11:43pm CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


             The United States of Americas Anthem:


             As of this morning I have it on good authority one isnt ever required to stand up for the American National Anthem. Ok. Thanks.


             The American flag has nothing to do with the military or troops.


             The National Anthem has nothing to do with the military or troops.


             The National Anthem is about the American citizens and civilians.


             Yes, correct legally and by law as American citizens and civilians we may burn the American flag and no one may get fired from their jobs. Ok. Cool. Thanks.


             Yes, correct legally and by law as American citizens or civilians we may burn the American flag and no one goes to jail. Ok. Cool. Thanks. What a Republic democratic socialist country!


             By law its Americans legal right to burn down the American flag. Ok.


             One can sit or kneel or stand or not when the National Anthem is present. Ok. Thanks.


             For the next decade Ill personally kneel whenever the National Anthem is present.


             The only purpose for which Ill kneel whenever the National Anthem is present is due to black men murdered by police personnel.


             Yes, in August 2017 as a woman of color I was fortunate enough not to be murdered or raped by suburban Caucasian police who snatched or kidnapped me therefore I know the law isnt on my side therefore for the next decade Ill kneel for the National Anthem in solidarity against racial discrimination specifically done by the hand of police personnel.


             Unfortunately, as an adult of 41, I still consider police personnel our friends rather than a police state. Ok.


             Yes, each and every time Ill kneel in solidarity for the very lives of black or African American men, I can only hope black men Americans wont forget women of color and the brutality women of color face with police personnel. Thanks.


             Yes, for the past four years the black Muslim Americans have been followed and stopped and frisked or searched without any probable cause here in the suburbs of the Twin Cities therefore for the next decade Ill kneel for the National Anthem.


             Americas a dangerous place to live or shop or run errands or publically and peacefully hang out especially when ones any persons of color.


             Americas persons of color live through The Reign of Terror II.



The Mayan Afterlife

7-9 Houses of the Underworld


             Yes, only in Mayan prayer form: have I ever burned many books with blatant told lies such as the book Three Cups of Tea or any plagiarists speeches such as Last Ladys 2018 copied speeches from former First Ladys previous 2016 speeches Ms. Michelle Obama or Martin Luther King Jr.s plagiarized Boston Universitys doctorate dissertation as well as many plagiarist public speeches throughout his career (sigh) or H.G. Wells entirely word per word plagiarist novel.


             Imagine: If I were to plagiarize then Id be hanged by the nearest lamp post right here in my own home state of Minnesota.


             The greatest aspect of Massachusetts is no matter what I write I shant be burned at the stake. Thank you!


             Wow. Personally, I thought the NFL had more power and pull than one ignoramus and hateful man such as president 2018 who squawks like ill mannered chickens.


             To be a woman is one thing.


             To be a man is another.


             Personally, I think president 2018s hormones are off and most likely president 2018s mind and brain secretes, too, much estrogen (female hormones).


             The reign of terror II by president 2018 is almost and nearly over.


             President 2018 is here only through the blink of an eye.


             President 2018 knows quite well when president 2018 transitions (Death, passes away) then president 2018 will be going straight into the Mayan underworld to answer to the Mayan gods for all of president 2018s familial corporate thievery.


             Yes, president 2018 must seek out the correct and legitimate Maya Shaman doctors to learn how to get through the seven to nine houses of the Mayan underworld because the Mayan gods are pranksters and love to prank humans.


             Personally, I think president 2018 wont make it beyond the Jaguar house or the Fire house of the Mayan underworld.


---  ---  ---


             Suburban Hate Crimes against the Muslim Americans:


             The Muslim Americans are my surrogate family.


             The specific Muslim Americans have adopted me and Ive adopted them. The Portland, Maine Muslim Americans from Somalia arent ever getting rid of me.


             As of this week Monday the Muslim Americans had our trampoline slashed with a knife right across the jumping mat.


             The Muslim Americans believe the hate crime perpetrators are the neighbors directly behind our familial properties.


             Personally, I dont know who destroyed the Muslim Americans childrens trampoline.


             No, there were no eye witnesses therefore no one knows anything.


             Forget the trampoline. Its not about the trampoline. Its about safety for our Muslim American children.


             If anyone thinks or believes they can commit hate crimes then most likely such perpetrators believe they can commit bodily harm which we wont allow for bodily harm. Property damage is one thing and direct bodily harm is another.


             Yes, the Muslim Americans called the suburban police and a case number has been administered to this particular hate crime. The neighborhood crimes on record.


---  ---  ---


             Quiet Food Rebellion and Social Change:


             Yes, Americas on the cusp of natural change.


             Yes, the best way to quietly and socially rebel against corporations and this 2018 White House Administration is to purchase organics, vegan, fair trade, non-GMO, cage free, grass fed, no hormones and bamboo made clothing.


---  ---  ---



President 2018


             No, I dont know why president 2018 self-loathes.


             No, I have no idea why president 2018 is such a brute without a soul.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 hates Mexican American children and their beautiful parents.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 hates military families and their beautiful children.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 hates transgender military troop members.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 hates any Republics democratic socialism.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 is obese while the Muslim Americans and Mexican Americans and Caucasian low-income Americans make sure their children eat first while the adults go with very little food.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 is guided by dark forces.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 is terrible at business.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 is an ignoramus about global diplomacy.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 doesnt speak or enunciate proper English.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 makes use of hate speech.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 is corrupt.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 thinks civics is business.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 doesnt have an extensive vocabulary.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 doesnt respect political opponents.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 is a male chauvinist.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 is a hater.


             No, I dont know why president 2018 is.



             Yours Truly;




Word Count: 1,202

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,518 + 1,202 = 3,720


Wednesday, May 23, 2018


The richest inheritance can become a burden.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Vantage (favorable spot or condition, advantage)


From my vantage point I could see all that was going on.


---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 4:21pm CT, 8:15pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


             Aldis isnt Nutrition:


             Aldis is mainly garbage food.


             Yes, I eat garbage food from Aldis whenever Ive absolutely no money or therere no other food stores around for miles.


             In the Twin Cities I dont afford mass transit (expensive) therefore I walk, skateboard or drive.


             Aldis is for when ones low-income and hungry and starving and food insecure.


             Aldis is the German companys expired and leftover foods.


             Aldis meat is best not to ever be eaten at all for any reason.


             Aldis meat tastes like complete garbage.


             Aldis meat is the last food Id eat on Earth unless starved.


             Yes, Id rather fast (go with only water or tea) than eat Aldis food, any day.


             Aldis food and drink is expired drink and food.


             When will north, Minneapolis open up an affordable Co-Op?


---  ---  ---


             Back Story:


             Hollywoods Executive Producers Green Light:


             Graciously, Im ever as grateful to get Hollywoods Executive Producers permission and the green light to go ahead and write about Hollywoods Maoris Peoples from New Zealand. Thank you.


             Hollywood, Ill tell you anything you wish to know.


             Hollywood, I hold no grudges.


             Hollywood doesnt want my film scripts.


             Hollywood wants my books. Ok.


             Hollywood and Ive been best friends for exactly twenty-five years.


             Hollywood and I werent on speaking terms for the past seven years.


             Hollywood knows for the past thirteen years Ive purposely kept my distance from Los Angeles.


             Hollywood wants me to think of safe business ideas. Ok.


             One week ago Hollywood and I got on the horn.


             One week ago Hollywood peacefully approached me and weve already broken bread over excellent and expensive and clean junk food local vegan foods in St. Paul, MN.


             Yes, theres such a thing as vegan junk food.


             Mostly anything frieds junk food.


             Summit Avenue and William Mitchell Hamline School of Law: Thanks.


             As of last week my stomping grounds are St. Paul, MN.


             Yes, Im able to peacefully run errands at local vegan and organic Co-Ops and shop in St. Paul without any racial discrimination or sexual harassment. Thanks.


             Victoria Streets remarkable.



Local Vegan Organic Meals is the New Golf

Yes, Foods Medicine

Yes, Times worth More than Money

Yes, Experiences are worth more than Money


No one shuns Hollywood


             Yes, since 2010 the modern socially posh and affordable kind humanitarian experience in business is to peacefully share in healthy vegan local foods rather than in golf.


             Yes, I spent over twenty years in some of the most exclusive and private country golf clubs in New England, MA and for decades I was in the restaurant. No, I dont golf if I can help it however, I love to watch golf.


             Vegan foods more complex than golf.


             Yes, for the past fifty years the multimillionaire Americans invest in local vegan and organics and non-GMOs and fair trade and no hormones and cage free and grass fed only meats or kosher, no pork, no pig.


             No, not once did I ever think Id go back into business at all much less especially not with Hollywood.


             Personally, I thought once my documentary filmmaking career was over (2011) then not ever again would I go back into business especially not the entertainment business as a 50/50 percent silent partner with Hollywood.


             Golfs fine, however.


             Hollywoods got anyone whos anyone in their back pocket.


             No one shuns Hollywood except me due to very good circumstances and reasons and logic.


             Hollywoods free to be modern Hollywood since Hollywoods Caucasian and white educated specifically in medicinal foods and holistic healing bodywork.


             No, I dont personally care for Chinese medicinal herbs.



No one Shuns Hollywood

Hollywood knows mostly anyone


             With the internet the new 21st century economic currency is social currency and Hollywoods got the crme de la crme.


             No, personally I dont ask to specifically meet or communicate with anyone other than Hollywoods executive producers whose platonic smells I adore and already know and trust and wait to be given the green light or not.


             Hollywood knows I dont send fan letters because to write is to be an intelligent being and I havent ever wanted to waste my words.


             If I were to write any types of letters (by post) then its only because Im compelled to do so yet who writes letters?


             No one writes letters.


             Letter writing is considered a joke since the practice no longer exists. Plus, no one reads letters. I dont, especially when hundreds of written letters did come in (2007-2008).


             We used to throw away strangers letters. The only time I ever sat down to read any letters is if the letters were written by Indigenous or Native American writers then the letters were worth reading otherwise people did send my former documentary film company their pictures and phone numbers.


             Care packages usually dont go out with letters much less to strangers unless its the troops overseas.


             Hollywood knows I test the entire system by being a bit cheeky. Nothings too serious for laughter.


             Pranks can cause Caucasian people to either get insecure or direct or dismissive. I like to learn about Caucasians without having to actually interact with them since Caucasians dont seem to understand the struggle.


             No, Mayan writers arent ever going to take the time to sit down and write any letters unless theres something for which must be said and mostly who wants to say anything unless its worth saying such as clean water action.



Vegan Foods the new Golf


             To platonically gather over local healthy vegan foods or non-GMO or organic foods or fair trade tasty organic coffees is the future of platonic business meetings and none sexually harassing dating.


             When one sits down to any vegan or organic meal with another then one sees much about the others gracious enjoyment for the most vitally important aspects to life: excellent healthy affordable local vegan and organic foods and drink.


             Golf vs. Vegan food for business transactions, well, vegan food wins each and every time. Why?


             Who doesnt love to eat excellent healthy local vegan foods?


             People rather eat affordable local vegan foods than play golf which golf takes decades to do well.


             Yes, Id rather share in any healthy vegan meal than golf.


             Yes, Hollywood conducts platonic business with pleasure over local vegan foods since Hollywood wants to live to see 110 years of age. Ok.



Hollywood only eats Organic or Local Vegan

             All Hollywood knows is Healthy Foods and Drink

Yes, I agree Vegan or Organic is the only way


             Hollywood wants my intuition and smarts and ideas and thoughts and business mind as a storyteller which storytellings obviously my path.


             No, Im not a Holistic healer.


             No, Im not a Holistic Shaman.


             Yes, Im a storyteller.


             Yes, in Indigenous cultures storytellers are esteemed higher than Shamans or holistic medicinal healers since stories is what peoples listen to heal themselves.


             Thoughts arent real.


             Hollywood will establish goals to minimize sexual offenses in film and television production workplaces as well as aim for the goal to zero casualties of sexual offenses in any vegan establishments especially volunteers.


             In the near future vegan foods will be paid by American taxpayers taxes to freely feed any American children, youth and students on American soil three square vegan local meals per day or organics or non-GMO or no sugar or no hormone or grass fed only animals or cage free animals or fair trade foods and fair trade produce and fair trade vegan organic local drinks.


             In the near future vegan foods and drink will be paid by American taxpayers taxes to freely feed any American child or adult.


             Please, begin the 2018 process to pass local memorandums to pass bills into laws to set aside budgets to feed all children, youth and students three decent square vegan local meals per day. Costa Rica does it. Why not the United State of America? Yes.


             Costa Rican children, youth and students get three vegan square meals per day such as rice and beans and vegetables and fruits which is practically local vegan daily nutritional intake.


             The near future will be more like Star Trek in which peoples or workers or citizens or civilians wont get paid to do work since mostly peoples will know how to program code therefore money wont matter since money doesnt matter anyway other than for shelter and food.


             Artificial intelligence will change income inequality.


             The first two-decades of this century are almost over.


             Were in The Digital Revolution.


             Holistic America must do well by large masses of populations and not only by the multimillionaires or people who purposely choose to afford expensive local vegan organic foods and drink.



Affordable Local Vegan Organic Foods and Drink

Ought to be Affordable to All Populations


             Hollywood knows very well foods medicine since medicine comes from plants.


             Plants are more or less free for anyone to gather or hunt.


             Hollywood knows very well vegan organic local foods must be open to the free market and affordable to all and any citizens and civilians to purchase or preferably for free since Bit coin is begun to change the stock market exchange.


             Hollywood knows it best to legalize prostitution.


             Hollywood knows it best to nationalize organic vegan foods.


             Hollywoods known it best to eradicate beauty pageants.


             Hollywoods known it best to eradicate obesity.


             Hollywoods known it best to eradicate stress.


             Hollywoods known it best to eradicate football and soccer therefore zero head injuries.


             Hollywoods known it best to nationalize free vegan organics and make local vegan organics mainstream.


             Its already 2018.


             Americas fallen behind due to greed.



Affordable Nationalized Vegan Organic Foods

No Hormones/Non-GMOs

All Grass Fed Meats

Cage Free

Fair Trade



             In the near future when nationalized vegan organic local foods are free (cost zero to local citizens and civilians) then the local populations will be free to have time to think of better ways to improve our civics, voting, mathematics and sciences and architecture and free market economy and the arts and crime will be at a standstill as well as diminish racial discrimination.


             The reason why theres petty crime is because peoples and families go hungry or go food insecure or consume vegan fast food garbage or commercial fast food garbage.


             American families with children make the least amount of income in America, 2018.


             American families with children dont have any retirement.


             American families with children dont have any savings.


             The near future will be more like Star Trek in which workers wont get paid to work for money rather for free local vegan food and environmentally friendly shelter with clean water since the internet and computer program coding and innovative scientific advancements and creative progressive smart thinking will eradicate the need for money since taxes will pay for healthy vegan local foods and drink and there wont be any need to purchase foods due to the fact work will be more about innovation and the arts and music and storytelling and food as medicine rather than grind away in any field for low wages.


             America has to make great change in order to heal.


             The entire structure of how workers work and free environmental housing and free vegan local food is possible to change through memorandums and local votes to allocate tax funds towards the education of healthy vegan organic local nutrition rather than garbage fried potatoes and empty calories without nutrition and hormone filled meats in school cafeterias.


             Food must have nutrients otherwise its a waste of time to eat.


             The exchange for taxpayers taxed future vegan organic local foods will redefine men and women and children and youth and students and future workers wont have to get naked or undress or perform any sexual acts for bosses or other co-workers since food will be freely provided at school or places of work which holistic vegan organic foods ought to be free and open to all citizens and civilians such as in Costa Rica theres no army therefore every child, youth and student has a right to eat three square vegan meals per day which the government budgets from taxpayers taxes.


---  ---  ---


             Stalling I want to get this right.


---  ---  ---



Hollywoods Maoris Peoples

of New Zealand


Papa Joe (Deceased)

Atarangi or Ata

Is the Daughter of Papa Joe


             Western medicine considers medicine a business. Ok.


             Lets go with it.


             Medicine is for profit. Ok.


             The only way to begin this social movement and organic vegan revolution is through social change from Hollywoods very own legitimate Maori Holistic healers and legitimate Shaman and legitimate Holistic doctors who only practice in the United States twice per year.


             If one ever needs to then please make it to the Maoris.


             Hollywoods legitimate Holistic Maori healers have the answers when it comes to Holistic healing and Holistic medicine.


             Only look to Hollywoods Maori and get direct references to seek American Holistic Shaman or Holistic healers connected through Hollywoods Maori because therere many charlatans.


             Hollywoods Maori will be paid in currency. Yes.


             Hollywoods Maori have proven to be true to form.


             Well begin with the trust of each other:


             Yes, this is the modern world therefore the legitimate Holistic medicinal Shaman and Holistic medicinal healers will enter the free stock market exchange and make holistic medicine mainstream since medicines been around for fifty thousand years and no ones got a claim to medicine since medicine is a field and not property.


             Knowledge is free.


             Holistic treatment is now paid for with currency then the healers can made a decent living wage.


             One must be well versed and studied in deep tissue massage as well as combinations of foods for medicinal purposes.


             Yes, as of today the free stock market will shift over to affordable mainstream organic vegan local foods and affordable Holistic medicinal healthcare and healthy affordable Kombucha drink as well as free clean water for all American citizens and civilians, children, youth and students and workers and elderly.


             Yes, affordable organic vegan local foods are now the new mainstream since Americans like preventative medicine.


             Yes, affordable organic vegan local foods are now the new mainstream since Americans dont seem to afford last centurys Western opioid pharmaceutical medications or mediocre racially discriminatory national Western healthcare.


             Holistic mainstream vegan organic food will once again become medicine rather than pay for overpriced pharmaceuticals opioids which opioids cause patients to go constipated.


             This is a new century.


             As of today well begin to nationalize organic vegan foods through local referendums up for vote.


             By Western standards medicine is considered a business. Ok.


             Yes, from today forth each and any local legitimate Holistic medicinal Shaman or legitimate Healer will be paid in currency to do their vitally important medicinal work to make a suitable and sustainable living.


             Yes, Ive been researching Shamans and healers and Holistic doctors for about 25 years.


             Yes, legitimate Shaman and healers will get paid in currency in the same way or manner as pharmaceutical Western doctors get a paycheck since mainly Western doctors are known to be bad at their chosen fields of expertise.


             Yes, legitimate Holistic medicinal Shaman work or healer work will be monetarily paid with currency preferably in dollars or local foreign currencies therefore legitimate Shamans and healers may make a decent and fair living wage in exchange for their quite necessary Holistic services.


             Yes, I reiterated.



             Yours Truly;




Word Count: 2,518

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,518


Friday, May 18, 2018


Better a pushcart with your own money than a store with someone elses.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Pedantic (making a show of learning, being formal or precise)


He is pedantic in all his actions.


---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 8:53am CT, 6:22pm CT


Happy Friday!


---  ---  ---


             Stolen Healthcare Benefits:


             Yes, theres an entire multimillion dollar communications small private company in downtown, Minneapolis, MN full of white collar workers suffering as of Tuesday this week when the employees learned the miser accountant masterminded to steal and take away all of the employees husbands and wives and domestic partners and childrens healthcare benefits. OMG.


             The private communications companys miser owner and miser accountant are stealing all of the employees healthcare benefits to save the company money then the owner may continue to illegally spend the private companys money on terribly overpriced and ugly and unattractive menopausal commercial quasi art rather than strengthen the employees who bring in tens of millions of dollars in revenue for the company.




             Instead of thanking the employees rather the company has given the employees a kick in the stomach.


             When terrible and inhumane decisions such as these are made then such business owners and their toadies go straight to hell in the afterlife.


             The Mayan gods will await these two Caucasian rich women to get their buttocks burned off in the first house of the underworld.


             Yes, in the first house of the afterlife if one takes a seat then the seats are made of hot burning fire.


             Yes, Mayan gods are pranksters. 


             No, I dont mind going on national healthcare.


             What I do mind is little babies and children having their posh health care stolen and taken from them by two rich Caucasian women.


             Minnesota families suffer this week.


             Whats wrong with Minnesota rich?


             Minnesota rich are greedy.


             Minnesota rich love to watch others starve.


             Minnesota rich are stupid leaderless cowards.


             Minnesota rich make stupid decisions.


---  ---  ---


             Hollywoods Here:


             Hollywood knows Im incredibly direct in communications and Hollywood doesnt take any offense as to how incredibly direct I am.


             Yes, Hollywood knows Im extremely unpopular in Minnesota due to extreme Indigenous racism therefore Im to be a complete silent business partner and no ones to find out Im the silent partner.


             Hollywood knows my dream has always been to live in a respectful and intelligent and vegan or organic or wholesome creative and artistic commune or community living without ever having to take my clothes off or be made to feel like a prostitute or feel pressured to have sex with anyone in exchange for vegan food or recyclable and biodegradable shelter.


             Yes, I pray to Allah and the Mayan gods to bring immense and good financial fortune to Hollywood here in MN then I can make revenue and profits behind the scenes as a quiet business partner to donate.


             Muslim Americans have ideas about setting up Autistic medical care facilities in Somalia.


             After nine months of looking for communications work in Minnesota and applying for jobs to clean toilets as a domestic worker, Hollywood got fed up and called.


             Hollywood knows the Indigenous dont do isolation.


             Hollywood knows the Indigenous are communal.


             Hollywoods called, babe.


             Well, Im not allowed to leave and find work in Hollywood.


             Therefore Hollywood came to me and/or us.


             Yes, I have absolutely no money of any type.


             Yes, Hollywood knows I have absolutely no money.


             Yes, Hollywood knows I dont pretend to have any money.


             Yes, Hollywood doesnt want my money. Thanks.


             Yes, Hollywood knows I work as a butler.


             However, Hollywood knows I have content and content is king.


             Yes, as of Wednesday this week Hollywood approached me to become 50/50 business partners.


             Yes, Hollywood wants my film scripts, however.


             More precisely Hollywood wants to partner up as a business partner therefore I have.


             Hollywood wants to be 50/50. Ok.


             Hollywoods not greedy.


             Hollywood wont steal my work.


             Hollywood wont leave me penniless.


             Hollywood will platonically share vegan snacks with me.


             Hollywoods known me for twenty years.


             Hollywood knows I keep my distance until now.


             Hollywood and I arent grudge-ful or revengeful.


             Hollywood and I are best friends.


             Hollywood wants me to make immense amounts of money.


             Hollywood knows Im Indigenous and Mayan.


             Hollywood doesnt want other Mayans.


             Hollywood wants this Mayan.


             Yes, I need Hollywood and Hollywood wants me.


             Okay, Hollywood, lets make tens of millions of dollars.


             Yes, Hollywood knows Im a King Maker.


             Yes, Hollywood knows Im not able to make any money for myself. However, I can make others rich and famous.


             Lets go. Im sick and tired of watching the Minnesotans children starve or go food insecure.


             As of Monday I dont know what happened?


             As of Monday the Cosmic toxic sludge waste changed and bright skies opened up.


             As of Monday everyone and their grandma have come out of the woodwork (text) and stand strong beside me. Ok.


             Well, Hollywood Ill do my best by you.


---  ---  ---



St. Paul Producer Faux Pas


             Yes, December 2017 I took the wrong advice from Caucasian Minnesotan males and learned Indigenous arent able to approach Caucasians in the same manner as Caucasians approach each other.


             Yes, summer of 2009 I was a volunteer apprentice for a company titled Lost Staging in north, Minneapolis, MN. (Great skateboarding.)


             Yes, I was literally the second in charge after the boss.


             Yes, I ran the books and business and private emails.


             Yes, I did scheduling and distributed payroll.


             Yes, I watched and worked as a volunteer apprentice then quickly became a true and tried friend to the boss since I wasnt there for exchange of money or connections rather wisdom, knowledge and know-how about stage building while the boss had less than one year to live and pass from prostate cancer.


             Yes, with a seasonal staff of fifty smart and intelligent and capable crew and artisans and contract workers such brilliant individuals built the best and most secure stages in the world (from ground up to the roof.)


             Since the mortality rate was zero therefore I was specifically sent there and learn to build the best stages from the best and help run the best Midwestern stage company (in the world) as a seasonal volunteer apprentice.



Faux Pas Happen I


             Yes, summer 2009 I was offered to do a photography shoot with a band called or named Dave Matthews Band and Mr. Darius Rucker (sp, terrible at spelling any names) however when I showed up at the HD digital video studio and waited for 15 minutes at Studio A then no one showed up therefore I simply took the afternoon off and skateboarded.


             Yes, Ive been made responsible and been the last one to check all of the mens crews stage work for national acts (especially the roof and beams) and be the one to give the green light to go or not to the boss.


             Yes, summer of 2009 I was offered to meet a one Mr. Prince at some Island? I dont know. It might not even be an island. Is Harriet Island an Island here in the Twin Cities? I must have it totally wrong. I have to look it up. I dont even know if its in Minneapolis or St. Paul.


             Anyway, something about a local musician not liking the way I looked as a volunteer apprentice therefore I was told to go and sit down by the Mississippi water front and I did for about four hours when a crane came to me and flew over and I did some of the best nature photography in my life.


             Yes, summer 2009 I was offered to do mass media photography at the press box with newspaper photographers therefore I went to the ticket booth and was told I wasnt on the list even with full back stage pass access as crew and always serious instructions to go and climb to the roofs side beams and be the last one responsible to rapidly check the work of the rest of the crew and be back to the house or main floor where the sound board and sound equipment is run.


             Yes, Ive climbed spotlight stands more than I would ever care to again.


             Yes, I set up entire sound boards.


             No, for the Dave Matthews Band concert I wasnt granted access to be able to do my volunteer apprentice therefore I video recoded interviews of the working staff and left and drove back four hours to the Twin Cities.



Faux Pas Happen II


             Yes, summer of 2010 I was a volunteer apprentice for a master welder who was fulltime employee at the Guthrie Theatre (spelling) as well as part time employee as stage builder and welder for large national musical venues.


             Yes, at a private and undisclosed location in south, Minneapolis, MN in the Seward neighborhood for an entire summer 2010 as a respectful volunteer apprentice I refurbished and welded an entire former Guthrie stage and volunteered at a private organic garden and volunteered to schedule contract crews to stage projects and contracts in general as well as privately volunteer to look over the blueprints of stage setups for maximum safety.


             Yes, I was the second to the boss.


             Yes, summer of 2010 I was offered to meet a one band named or titled as U2 however the backstage passes didnt ever arrive on time therefore I didnt bother to show up at the ticket window to be rejected therefore I wrote/blogged about how expensive the U2 tickets were.


             In late summer of 2010 the welding master and his best friends at the Guthrie gave me a free ticket to some theatre awards show here in Minneapolis in September of 2010.


             Yes, I skipped out on the awards show and went in search of French fries and instead was asked to please platonically accompany a renown sound engineer to his home on a tour bus and ended up silently sipping on a natural beer while a child dined on midnight dinner with her nannys assistance and I waited for the sound engineer to change shirt and apply deodorant before we headed backstage for Alice in Chains at First Ave. I had no idea. I didnt care. I didnt know. I still dont know. I still dont care.


             Yes, I and an entire crew of a one Ms. Ani DiFranco (wrong spelling of the name) invited me to a Bloody Mary at the crews hotel rooms to none sexually and maturely hang out and talk mass media digital engineering.


             Nonetheless, the entire crew directly told me to my face because of who I am, I wasnt allowed to meet their boss even though the crew could make it happen at any time.


             The crew explained I wasnt allowed to meet their boss because I was, too, kind even though extremely direct.


             The crew members told me they were doing me a favor not to get verbally abused.


             Most crew members tell me this even though I dont ever ask to meet their bosses. I dont care.


             Yes, Im not at complete liberty to say exactly why, however.


             The crew explained it to me in direct and full detail and I warmly smiled at them and they understood I didnt care so long as we got to talk about digital sound technology.


             Yes, some famous people have directly asked to meet me, however, the crews wont allow for it. Okay. Thanks. Cheers.



             Yours Truly,




Word Count: 1,886

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,065 + 1,862 = 3,927 + 1,886 = 5,813


Thursday, May 17, 2018


He who needs the fire must fan it.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Abrogated (called off, annulled, nullified)


The treaty was abrogated by the invaders.


---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 6:46pm CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


             Israel: May 1989-2018:


             Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization or terrorist group.


             My only concern with May, 14, 2018s Palestinian (69?) death count is the fact one-thousand or more innocent and peaceful Palestinian bystanders and peaceful workers and peaceful demonstrators and peaceful students and peaceful women and peaceful men and peaceful children were in the crowds at the border between Israel and Palestine.


             In other words: It wasnt only Hamass implants in the crowd.


             Genuinely, on May 14, 2018 there were innocent bystanders.


             There must be other peaceful solutions.


             There must be another way to resolve conflict without having to ever shoot military bullets into any crowd of peoples of anywhere.


             Oh, I can only imagine military shooting bullets into any public crowd must be any horrific experience defending fence borders.


             No, I dont have anything to say about how Israel chooses to defend the border between Israel and Palestine although for thirty years Ive been informed Israel is run by orthodox Zionist Jews who in the streets publically and verbally shame little Jewish children if the children arent fully covered in full religious attire.


             Zionists supposedly are misogynists.


             Zionists supposedly are chauvinists.


             As for Palestine it would be appropriate not to shut off the lights or the water on the mainly Muslim civilian populations.


             As for Palestine it would be best to stay clear of any physical violence of any type.


             As for Palestine it would be best for Palestinian peoples to peacefully demonstrate without any weapons and to peacefully gather and peacefully assemble and peacefully march for their basic human rights such as electricity and water and food.


              As for Palestine it would be best for Palestinian peoples to peacefully create commerce (business) for their own benefit such as legitimately legally private business ventures to make revenue and profits to put into Palestinian educational public budgets and three free square meals for all children and students.


             The West Bank is in Israel.


             The Gaza Strip is in Palestine.


             Yes, in general throughout the world Hamas is considered hostile terrorism.


---  ---  ---


             Hamas are considered human terrorist groups:


             Hamas. No, not hummus. Yep.


             Hummus is a dip or type of food. Yep.


             Hamas are/is mostly a physically violent extremist religious sector of humans.


             Ok. Hamas.


             Hamas are/is mostly a physically violent extremist religious sector of humans as a group for which is like most any other physically violent extremist religious sectors anywhere in the world.


             Hamas are/is mostly a physically violent extremist religious sector of humans who may operate from anyplace, however in this instance more specifically about Palestine, 2018.


             Hamas are/is mostly a physically violent extremist religious sector of humans who reside or work or commute in the Gaza Strip of Palestine.


             Hamas are/is mostly a physically violent extremist religious sector of humans who either tend to bomb or destroy the fence between the border of Israel and Palestine without any guns in sight.


             Hamas are/is mostly a physically violent extremist religious sector of humans who in general volunteer to be suicide bombers or such ridiculous ideas.


             Hamas are/is mostly a physically violent extremist religious sector of humans who destroy rather than create.


             Hamas are/is mostly a physically violent extremist religious sector of humans who may utilize men or women with children to do physically harmful acts of public bombings as volunteer suicide bombers.


---  ---  ---




             ZTE cell phones are awesome.


             Most certainly Id have to do in-depth research.


             Something about some type of business violations and president 2018.


---  ---  ---


             Fashion Faux Pas Announcement 2011-2018:


             Ever since Thanksgiving 2011 baby boomers continually bring up the fact the zippers on either mens or womens jeans slide down. Ok.


             Modern times is a time in which zippers on jeans slide down and all generations across the board understand this therefore Americans wear undergarments or underwear in which throughout the day publically or suddenly adult Americans check for our specific jeans zippers to secure and make sure the zippers up. Ok.


             Dysfunctional modern fashion.


             No matter how expensive or inexpensive most jeans may cost mostly for the past seven years Americans are empathetic to difficult zippers on any type of new jeans, designer or not.


             Moving on.


---  ---  ---


             Ella Fitzgerald:


             Ella Fitzgerald was a diarist and her storys nothing similar as the depictions of any television series or films.          


             Yes, I love to read anything autobiographically written in the first person and from the persons very own voice.


             Otherwise, who knows what a biographer will write about anyone, really.


             Yes, accurate autobiographies are awesome.


             Yes, accurate autobiographies make for fast reads even when the books written within historical factual context are about 800 pages.


             Yes, Id like to spend my retirement reading autobiographies.


             Although, nothing beats a good short novel.


             The novel is the epitome of literary aptitude.


---  ---  ---





Juntas were in El Salvador


Sandinistas were in Nicaragua


             What? Im not supposed to know who I am.


             Au contraire.


             No, Im not some fantasized ideal woman.


             No, Im not perfect.


             No, I dont care about perfection otherwise I wouldnt ever write or blog with spelling errors and such.


             Yes, I know perfectly well who I am.


             Yes, I know perfectly well where I came from and where Ive been and where I am and where Im going.


             Yes, my Costa Rican Harvard Elders sent me back to Minneapolis, MN.


             No, I wasnt sent back to the suburbs of the Twin Cities.


             Yes, I was meant to only stay in Minneapolis, MN primarily for the extensive community gardens and green spaces and private gardens and skateboarding and multi-cultural demographics and affordable housing and communal living and racial safety and general subway public transportation and culture and the arts amongst entrepreneurs and venture capitalists and attorneys no matter how much Caucasian Minnesota men tend to wrongly believe women past the age of thirty (30) dont have any say or power in Minnesota.


             According to Minnesota Caucasian men, mainly Minnesota women under the age of thirty are considered more or less sexually easy or women under thirty are at mens sexual disposal.


             Supposedly, the only power women under thirty have is sex and after thirty women have absolutely no power of any type. Ha.


             Yes, as early as 2006 my Duluth, Minnesota high school friends have visited me in Costa Rica and met my family and friends and platonic surfing brothers. Yep.


             People know each other.


             Yep, Minnesota people know pitch dark when the sun goes down while remarkably good guests in surfing villages amongst wonderful locals.


             Yes, the Minnesotans know my jungle/beach village.


             Yes, the Minnesotans know my jungle/beach peeps.


             Yes, in 2013 my six best friends from upstate New York forgave the very fact Id ethically told on them to the private colleges chancellor in December of 1997 (correction on date) about the fact we had all contracted scabies and were placed in Quarantine for one straight month.


             Yes, I told on my upstate New York best friends since my friends had played campus god as Florence Nightingale and tried to heal their off campus Springfield, MA friends with scabies.


             Noble, however. I dont believe in the endangerment of larger populations.


             As recently as 2013 we found our way back to each other and laugh at how funny it all was. Who cares? Nobody cares. We got over it.


             Mostly now my Upstate New York friends (Buffalo) have children and are incredible people doing incredible things in the world.


             Yes, my New England, MA friends have visited me in the Midwest and have met family and friends.


             Yes, my extended LA family of friends who work in Hollywood cinema know I didnt get a hold of anyone when I was in Los Angeles, 2017 since most people were dealing with deaths and work and this and the other.


             Yes, most of my best friends of thirty years live in either San Francisco or in Barcelona and not once have I ventured out to vacation and possibly safely skateboard San Francisco, if at all possible.


             Most likely San Frans steep hills are quite dangerous to skateboard. Im certain of it.


             Yes, every single friend I adore either lives in Duluth, Minnesota or in San Francisco or New England or Boston or Manhattan or SoHo or Barcelona or Costa Rica or Los Angeles or Somalia. (As of right now one of my best male friends is in Somalia.)



Birth Facts


             Yes, my birth fathers name is Victor Estrada from El Salvador.


             Yes, my birth mothers name is Guadalupe Estrada from El Salvador.


             Yes, my birth grandmothers name is Concha.


             Yes, there ought to be factual records as to when Concha worked at the Venezuelan consulate as a cook according to my adopted parents from Duluth, MN and Rockport, MA who learned according to Costa Rican orphanage.


             Yes, there ought to be factual records of Guadalupe Estrada who flew into Costa Rica in April of 1977.


             Yes, Guadalupe Estrada left El Salvador in 1977 after she took a bullet to the head and obviously lived and survived.


             Guadalupe Estrada left three Salvadorian children and one Salvadorian husband behind in El Salvador to take a plane flight to Costa Rica while eight months pregnant.


             Yes, factually Guadalupe Estrada flew into Costa Rica in 1977 according to adopted parents and orphanage.


             Yes, even though Ive spent 18 years looking for records there must be records someplace.


             Yes, Guadalupe Estrada was factually married to Victor Estrada in El Salvador according to the orphanage.


             Yes, factually there ought to be records of Victor Estrada who was considered a Mayan peasant freedom fighter in the mountains of El Salvador according to adopted parents and orphanage.


             Yes, the orphanage told all of this information to adopted parents.


             Yes, theyre three older birth siblings in El Salvador.


             Yes, theres one birth brother in Costa Rica.


             Yes, our younger birth brother in Costa Rica also lived in the same orphanage as we did only years apart after we were already adopted.


             Yes, weve been trying to get the three Salvadorian siblings out of El Salvador for nearly 18 years.


             No, Im not allowed to set foot in El Salvador.


             If I were to set foot in El Salvador then there might be dire consequences


             Yes, only once in 2017 I did considered a weak plan to have my Central American friends drive me into El Salvador as most of my friends and family drive or walk or private plane or public transit with me into foreign countries without anyone ever knowing Im not a local since I look Central American and speak fluent Spanish and no one ever asks or checks my passport.


             No, sometimes I havent known Id crossed into foreign countries until my friends or family have told me much later. Ok.


             No, I wont venture into El Salvador.


             No, I have no business in El Salvador.


             Yes, I know about El Salvador.


             Yes, my birth father and birth mother are both 100% Mayan Salvadorian.



             Yours Truly,




Word Count: 2,065

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,065 + 1,862 = 3,927


Tuesday, May 15, 2018


The suspense is often worse than the ordeal.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Blithe (joyous, gay, merry)


Shelley called the skylark a blithe spirit.


---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 4:31pm CT


Happy Tuesday!


Happy Ramadan!


---  ---  ---


             No, Im not scheduled to go to Duluth, MN for another 9 years.


             Yes, Duluth, MN is still one of the most racially dangerous places on Earth for me to visit.


             Yes, anyone who resides in Minnesota and looks anything remotely Indigenous or Native American must be extremely careful to live in great and grave danger of physical violence or racial hate or hate crimes or racial crimes.


             Yes, mostly Minnesotans are haters of the Indigenous.


---  ---  ---


             A one Mr. Banksy:


             No, I neither go out of my way to meet a one Mr. Banksy nor do I pretend to know a one Mr. Banksy nor do I know the sound of a one Mr. Banksys voice nor would I know a one Mr. Banksys general smell nor penmanship.


             No, I dont have a crush on a one Mr. Banksy.


             Yes, according to the written articles about a one Mr. Banksy is indeed and in fact male.


             Yes, a one Mr. Banksys art work is my favorite art work in the entire world.


             Yes, Mala Rodriguezs work is also my favorite.


             No, I dont have a crush on Mala since we dont know each other from anything.


---  ---  ---



Monday, May 14, 2018


             My 41st Birthday was the best birthday of my life.


             Yesterday, at 4:00pm I upheld my psychiatric appointment with a revered and wise and well respected and smart Minneapolis, MN eighty years of age psychiatrist at a private practice who on November 2017 implored to take me off of 5mg of the anti-psychotic drug known as Olanzapine.


             In November of 2017 as respectfully as I could I implored my psychiatrist to please allow for me to stay on the 5mg of the anti-psychotic Olanzapine until May 14, 2018 primarily for me to prove to myself I was either semi-psychotic or not.


             Well, my psychiatrist first knew in November of 2017 what I later came to find out and confirm on my own in May of 2018 which is Im not at all psychotic or mentally ill therefore I dont require any medications, however.


             As of May 14, 2018 at 4:30pm Ive taken and transferred all of my medical healthcare business out of the racist suburban healthcare system and will place my healthcare in the hands of multi-cultural Minneapolis doctors and nurses especially for thyroid tumors.


             Yes, I found out if one isnt psychotic or bipolar and takes anti-psychotic drugs then one faints and fainting aint pretty.


             With fainting one hits the ground hard and the falls hurt each and every single time.


             When one takes anti-psychotic drugs and one isnt psychotic or bipolar then one begins to exhibit familiar signs of deadly and quiet cardiac arrest symptoms.


             After eight years (2009-2017) of hemorrhaging not once did I ever pass out or faint from the heavy loss of continual blood.


             No, I no longer hemorrhage at all since August 2017.                    


             Even though I dont require any drugs, on May 14th, 2018 I implored my psychiatrist to please place me back on 10mg of Escitalopram (methamphetamines, speed) for neck and chin acne and slight #3 numb thyroid neck pain and weight loss for the thyroids sluggish metabolism and this and the other and temperature control.


             My doctor told me I wasnt semi-psychotic on August 2017.


             On August 2017 I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms of 20mg of Escilatopram to nothing.


             On June 2017, I took it upon myself to quit all completely and on my own without the knowledge or medical direction I was supposed to reduce the dosage rather than completely stop. Who knew? Definitely not me. Im not a medical doctor at all.


             For the third time, my psychiatrist informs me I was snatched by the white racist suburban police without having my rights read or without taking me to jail for verbally self-defending myself when I stupidly and extremely remorsefully made an immature death threat in gesture to threaten to kill my domestic partner who has 100 pounds on me by saying, Oh, if I were to kill you then Id put a knife in your back. I couldnt help myself. Im a writer and have colorful language.


             No, not once and not ever did I make an attempt to get any knife of any type.


             Immediately I left the premise and placed distance between us except the mistake I made was to return half an hour from the neighbors to get a sweater and the racist police were at the front door. I became scared and peacefully declined to speak with the racist police then all hell broke loose and almost and nearly a year later I finished dealing with such an ordeal as of this week.


             No, I wasnt detained rather I was snatched according to the psychiatrist.


             Yes, I do wonder what snatch means.


             Yes, Ill have to look up the word snatched.


             Yes, its been made quite clear to me the only way to get a divorce in Minnesota is if women are physically beaten.


             Yes, a threat has been made quite clear to me Im not to leave the Twin Cities for any reason otherwise three Caucasian family members will most likely do their best to have me placed in a mental institution for a prolonged amount of time even though Im cleared and passed my nine month psych evaluations from August 2017 through May 2018.


             Yes, a threat has been made quite clear to me Im not to leave the state of Minnesota otherwise three Caucasian family members will most likely do their best to have me placed in a mental institution for an extended amount of time even though Im cleared and passed my nine month psych evaluations.


             Yes, for five years since October 2013 Ive lived with the knowledge of having thyroid tumors and await further medical instructions.


             Yes, thyroid is most often than not misdiagnosed as bipolar, however, Im not bipolar and I proved Im not.


             Yes, I won my life.


             No, not once have I ever considered or tried to physically harm myself even though my half blooded adopted sister from the same birth mother and different fathers did attempt suicide three times in her teens.


             No, murder isnt my cup of tea.


             No, pre-meditative murder isnt my cup of tea.


             Yes, I love animals and dogs.


             Yes, summer of 2010 I spent the entire summer learning how to organic garden without killing a single worm.



             Yours Truly;





             Post Script:


             Happy Ramadan 2018:


             Last week the Muslim Americans and I had terrible sinus colds.


             For one entire week we were legitimately ill from our ear, nose and throat.


             Today, the Muslim Americans and I (neither am I a believer of the Islam faith nor do I pretend to be Muslim) begun to fast from sunup to sundown for the next month then at sundown each day we feast and always have something small to eat before the sunrise.


             As of today theres no Shedan devil here (most likely incorrect spelling.)


             As of today ones own sinful deeds are totally upon the individuals responsibility until the end of Ramadan.


             One must refrain from all sinful or hurtful deeds and murder happens to be on the list of most sins therefore we say Muslim prayers and daily fast for one continuous month.


             As of tomorrow and for the rest of my natural life, Ill once more attempt to cut out all table top refined sugar and candy bars and any sugar sodas except for dark chocolates and natural fruits and agave.


             We fast.


             We fast for a month.


             Palestine: Monday, May 14, 2018:


             No, I didnt expect to get sentimental and silently weep one single tear as the newsfeed showed video of Palestinian youth and students and workers murdered and attacked by one of the best trained armies in the world, the Israeli army.


             As for peaceful negotiations and a Two-State Solution between Palestine and Jerusalem as direct next door neighbors, peace would be awesome to see in ones lifetime.


             Dearest peaceful friends and friends families as of this moment on the ground in Somalia, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, South Africa, the Republic of Congo, Kenya, North Sudan and South Sudan, Egypt, Liberia, Lebanon, Yemen, Qatar, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Israel and Palestine and any other nation Ive forgotten where our friends and their families reside:


             Dearest peaceful and amazing peoples of Africa and the Middle East; the real American citizens and civilians who annually make an yearly income of $38,000 (dollars) per families of four mouths to feed and clothe per each household does indeed watch and read the news about overseas and abroad since our friends and their relatives and our American troops are on the ground in Africa and the politically turbulent Middle East and obviously many other parts of the world such as South East Asia:


             American citizens and civilians keep count of American troops annual suicide rate and death toll or death count and statistics as well as air drone strikes of local deaths in the damning collateral damage of 16 continuous years war.


             As the real Americans whose wages havent risen since 1954 alongside the rise in cost of living and the rise in cost of housing as taxpaying mature American adults we make sure the children always eat first before the adults do even though some of us have gained weight primarily only since I lived on high carbohydrate bagels and butter most of this past winter (2017-2018.)


             The Muslim Americans get thinner and thinner over the years.


             Unlike most Muslim Americans personally I bulked up this winter in case of injury throughout a long and bitter cold winter of shoveling snow which shoveling snow is the number one cause for heart attack due to the heavy lifting in which most Americans arent able to afford the recently badly revised National Healthcare Acts costly premiums which are too expensive for real Americans as well as medication is quite expensive for most real Americans who live on $38,000 per yearly income per households of four with two fulltime working adults and 2.5 children.


             Here in America we keep an eye peeled for good news about the American government making sound global decisions rather than have our president 2018 openly conduct collision and obstruction and corrupt business deals to line his personal pockets and the pockets of his already immensely grotesquely rich (not wealthy) family who utilizes the American government to negotiate illegal bankrolling deals rather than institute diplomacy and peaceful negotiations amongst any and all nations willing to participate in a peaceful state of ONE united globe or ONE united world.


             Dearest Palestinian Peoples; the American people conduct a moment of silence in your name and ask for the Palestinian people to please understand Americans arent okay with any type of presidential corruption overseas or abroad especially not Plutocratic systems or familial Oligarchs who eat out of the palm of the White House and who steal from the mouths of American babes in their mothers arms here in America and while on the ground families struggle while mainly our Mexican family refugee mothers and their children and immigrant mothers and their children of Central and South American origins get forcibly separated and snatched at the border from each others arms in the same manner as the Holocaust of 1938 in which 6 million murdered Jews were murdered by Hitler and Hitlers Totalitarian Fascist Regime while the Jewish children were separated from their Mothers and Fathers.


             Americans understand Russian cyberspace attacks and Russian robot farms and Russian cyberspace trolls stole the American citizens and civilians election of 2016 and through corruption and collision and obstruction Russia crowned president 2018 still withstanding president elect who has yet to be prove and be cleared of many illegal and corrupt acts by way of collision of general American elections and conspiracy to act upon the best interest of Russian foreign entities or foreign bodies.                                                        


             Palestinian peoples; please keep the working food insecure Muslim Americans in your Ramadan prayers as we keep the Palestinian peoples in our Ramadan prayers throughout a month long fast.


             The Americans, we send our respect.


             Americans look to peace.



Word Count: 2,065

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,065


Friday, May 11, 2018


             Hello, all.


             Where have I been for the past two days?




             Dealing with a major sinus cold and been in pajamas for the past two days.


             A winter cold is one thing.


             A summer cold is somehow worse than a winter cold.


             Well, wishing all an amazing weekend.


             See you next week for 5,000 words.


             Climbed into a cozy pile of blankets and am watching Northern Exposure.


             As of this spring, many Native American and Mayan arts have come my way.






Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Men become more brotherly during prosperity.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Bourgeois (belonging to the middle rank in society)


In Marxism the bourgeois population are the land owners.


---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 12:32pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---



Uptown, Minneapolis, MN

May 2018


Gang Physical Violence


             Within the past 24 hours Uptown, Minneapolis, MN gang violence has been brought to my direct and personal attention face-to-face.


             Yes, Uptown, Minnesota is near and close to my heart.


             No, Im not personally able to afford to live or frequent Uptown, Minneapolis, MN since Uptown is expensive in the words of


             Personally, I dont know any local or national or international gang members.


             Nevertheless, I do know north, Minneapolis, MN prostitutes and pimps when I worked and did documentary film work in downtown, Minneapolis, MN and north, Minneapolis, MN the spring and summer of 2011.


             Yes, non-sexual field research work took place for one continuous year to conduct as far as downtown, Minneapolis tourism (clubs and hotels and bars) and prostitution according to interviewees and their own personal opinions on the subject matter of north, Minneapolis prostitution and the legalization of prostitution 2011 as well as taxed revenue specifically and only towards public education to offer free meals and free education for all citizens and civilians.



Uptown, Minneapolis, MN


             Let me think


             Its been six years (2004-2012) since Ive lived in Uptown, Minneapolis, MN.


             Yes, I do miss Uptown, Minneapolis, MN since Uptown is my home away from home.


             If I were to go anywhere in the world then its the local watering hole in which we all feel safe and comfortably peaceful amongst the local clientele who are mature and laidback and know how to have a good time and relax in public with a drink or two.


             Writings about good memory.


             No, I havent been to Uptown since August 2017.


             When I lived in Uptown, Minneapolis, MN from September 2004 through August 2012 in August of 2012 I was indeed followed through the streets of the very neighborhood I lived and frequented and participated as any mature and peaceful pedestrian directly walked right into the Co-Op while on my heels and approached the ATM directly behind me and the 54, 240 pound man stood right over my right shoulder in which I could feel his hot breath on my neck and to the beloved Mayan gods my account had absolutely no cash to withdraw and in disgust the black man directly walked out of the store and continued down the street in a silent huff.


             For about a block the black man had been on my heels and decided to stay afoot of my heels directly to the ATM. I went about my business since I didnt ever imagine the black man would rob me from inside any store in the middle of daylight rush especially not while in front of hundreds of people for witnesses with store cameras all around.


             The Mayan gods are incredible. Im lucky there was absolutely not one single penny to withdraw from my bank account on August of 2012. I was hoping Id have twenty dollars. However, I didnt have any amount to withdraw from.


             Yes, according to some tribal North American Native American teachings the person who has nothing for wealth is indeed the richest person in the world.





             In the eight years (2004-2012) of living in Uptown, Minneapolis, MN there had been three local newspaper accounts of one murder and three different circumstances in which tourists were held at gun point and completely robbed across the street from Calhoun Square back behind by the parking lot car entrance and ticket booth, each time.


             Even though my flat was on 28th and Dupont Avenue locals hardly ever ventured as far as the 12 blocks to Calhoun Square unless to attend the cinema and not anymore beyond the 8 blocks from the former Rainbow which Uptown locals tell me is now a Cub Foods.


             In 2009 (Id have to look up dates) I was followed for about five blocks by a 60, 310 pound Native American man. I was walking back from the former grocery store (The Rainbow) with heavy paper bags filled with groceries and definitely and absolutely no cash in any of my pockets since all of the money went towards food.


             Neighbors and locals mostly didnt ever venture beyond the UPS store on Hennepin or Kinhdo Vietnamese restaurant or the ACE Hardware store.

                                                                                                                                                 Mainly nothing bad ever occurred throughout eight years of Uptown living.


             Yes, I did take it upon myself to bi-annually frequent a former shop called Heartbreaker which carried some of the most beautiful and inexpensive brand new fine knit sweaters from a line of clothes called Divine which the affordable store used to stand down the street from Calhoun Square and the clothing store is no longer there. I always wanted to get up the courage to apply and work there since I adored the clothes which were well chosen by the stores buyer(s).


             When the clothes were no longer in season then the sweaters went on sale for no more than $5.99 and the quality of the clothes were excellent and the styles and fashions were modern and outdoor rugged ultra-feminine blouses and dresses and sheer tops with tank-top under-layers and correct amount of ruffles and dainty materials with strong durability which could be thrown in the washing machine and no rips.



Female Bicyclists


             In 2010 (Id have to look up dates) Id a gun pointed directly at me by a 55, 110 pound Native American man while I walked on the walk/bike path lane on Hennepin directly across the street from the Walker Museums offices on Groveland.


             Yes, I spent four years (August 2006-fall 2010) walking 4 miles per day yet I weighed nearly 173 pounds and didnt ever take off any of the weight because I ate granola and one cup of granola has 800 calories according to the New England Journal of Medicine.


              Mostly from August 2006-fall 2010 I averaged about 4 miles of daily and workweek walks straight through the middle of Loring Park around 7:00pm by way of behind the Hyatt Hotel and across the street from the Caribou Coffee and Target Head Quarters and the IDS building.


             Uptown is awesome yet as early as 2004 many female bicyclists had been purposely hit by car drivers or female bicyclists purses or bags would be pulled off of their physical person by passengers in cars.


             The Uptown women bicyclists had deep and large bruises and marks and cuts to show the physical violence against the rugged and feminine female bicyclists whose only year round mode of transportation was/is their bicycles.


             As pedestrian women and bicyclists we looked out for each other.


             As pedestrian neighbors and pedestrian acquaintances we looked out for each other.



No Prostitution Here


             Personally, on early summer mornings I was constantly asked if I was a prostitute and asked how much I cost.


             No, I havent ever been a prostitute nor am I one now.


             Even dressed in my rugged corduroys or rugged jeans and feminine pink flannels or graphic skateboarding t-shirts and skateboarding Puma sneakers as I went out-and-about early in the mornings in search of awesome local hot straight up black coffee while on transit on my skateboard no more than two miles away from my flat then mostly middle-aged white men or middle-aged Greek looking men in their outdated jaguars would slow down and drive right alongside me while I walked or skateboarded on the sidewalk and alluded (who knows how this word is spelled?) as to how much I cost without any hesitation to be direct. I usually placed flowers in the passenger car seat and walked off without a word.


             As it has been explained to me: in Minnesota Latinas are mostly considered or women of color are mostly considered automatically prostitutes.


             Theres no way to consider Latinas as writers or broadcast engineers or skateboarders.


             As far as I understand it, mostly Minnesotans believe Latinas or women of color are all prostitutes and therefore treated as such. Whatever.


             No, I couldnt walk from my flat to get coffee on the corner of Hennepin and Lyndale without being solicited for sex.


             Automatically in Minneapolis my darker skin pigmentation supposedly says Im a prostitute except for the locals know Im pretty straight and narrow and a square in search of incredible drink and food for snacks rather than large meals.


             Fair trade pastries and coffee are my weakness.


             Mostly, while living an Uptown existence constantly while at stores I was asked to clean up messes or to take out the garbage or to help customers or I was completely ignored or given the evil eye by female waitresses or female hostesses whenever I went out specifically in search of Italian sodas which are some of my favorite, however, I havent had an Italian soda since summer of 2012.


             Uptown, Minneapolis, MN is the only place where Ive ever purchased Italian sodas on the menus anywhere in the state of Minnesota.



Uptown Street Art


             Yes, in many ways I gave up on frequenting Uptown cafes and restaurants, however, I did make a commitment to live in Uptown because I love the creativity of intelligent local artists who over the decades ride their bikes and wear gorgeous bright tights with skirts and also wear remarkably beautiful one-of-a-kind earrings.


             Yes, I made a serious eight year commitment to Uptown because the creative artistic street stickers on metal posts by local artists were remarkably political and talented.


             Yes, the street art and creative street stickers of Uptown, Minneapolis and the West Bank of Minneapolis is phenomenal pieces of intelligent creative work which inspire me to be further creative.


             The Uptown intelligent stickers and sprayed stencil creative street art is a modern phenomenon and one closely linked in the style of a one Mr. Banksys work.


             Yes, Banksys work is my favorite art work in the entire world. Yes, how remarkable to stay anonymous (unknown artist) all these decades.


             No, I neither go out of my way to meet a one Mr. Banksy nor do I pretend to know him nor the sound of his voice nor his general smell nor penmanship.


             Yes, according to the written articles about a one Mr. Banksy is indeed and in fact male.


             Yes, I wish I did anonymous visual art work, however.


             In writing workshops we were taught we had to put our name to any literary arts or to any writing whatsoever. Ok.


             Yes, Uptown sprayed stencil creative street art reminds me of a one Mr. Banksy and rather than relocate to London I revel in the incredibly beautiful pieces of local creative sprayed stencil street art work which brings a smile to anyones face with witty and intelligent visual art work and words or not.


             Yes, Uptown was a bit, too, physically violent and racially discriminatory for my taste.


             However, Uptown is a jewel of a place to be kept reasonably priced and adored and kept well and kept running by the locals and tourists since Uptown is the beating pulse of the Twin Cities simply because the artists live and work from there.


             Uptown is where its at even though the artists and middle income workers barely can afford the rise of lifestyle cost or expensive housing which is wrong to squeeze out the artists like hotdogs and intellectuals and workers when Uptown is the only home some professional artists known for more than five decades as well recognized artists, socialites and painters represented in TIME Magazine.


             Uptown no longer has affordable housing in which a studio apartment ought to cost no more than $500.00 per month with all utilities included since limited space is limited space and cramped living quarters no matter what the layout of a studio apartment.


             A one bedroom ought to go for no more than $650.00 per month to $730.00 per month with all utilities included otherwise its highway robbery.


             Wages havent gone up since 1954 therefore affordable housing ought to be an American right such as healthcare is a right.


             Discretely, as always Ill ask around about Uptown.



             Yours Truly;





Word Count: 2,029

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 2,029


Friday, May 4, 2018


Even the birds in the air despise a miser.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Vapid (empty, insipid, spiritless)


His vapid remarks had no influence on the people.


---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 12:12pm CT


Happy Friday!


---  ---  ---


             Parental Permission vs. Disney Movies:


             Yes, throughout the years, the Muslim Americans and I discuss Disney films.


             No, the Muslim Americans children arent allowed to watch any Disney films.


             Most black Americans or African Americans or Muslim Americans Ive ever met since 2009 dont allow for their children to watch any Disney films.


             Yes, mostly black American parents express their concerns about constant happy endings or specifically about how no one lives like that.


             If Id been blessed with children then I wouldnt have allowed for children to watch Disney films until much older rather than in their formative years.


             The Muslim American women guarantee non-parents also get a say about the public behavior or conduct of children in general since most adults pay property taxes which such taxes go towards public schools.


             As a property caretaker I dont seem to bring myself to pick up childrens small dolls head because the story of how the dolls head appeared there must be an awesome story.


             As a property caretaker for two days I didnt seem to bring myself to pick up childrens dropped laundry because the story of how the childrens clothes appeared there must be an awesome story.


             The children dropped clothes for an entire length of a block.


             Its windy country.


             The only real clean place in the Midwest is downtown, Minneapolis since the Goodwill Ambassadors clean up downtown.


             As for the rest of the windy Midwest we do the best to keep up with property garbage even though wind is wind.


             Windy is windy.


             No, I no longer volunteer to pickup any block neighborhood garbage, (2002-2016).


             Yes, garbage says, were here.

             Personally, I fell in love with childrens garbage.


             One can tell exactly where the children have been. Ha.



Peaceful Lifestyle


             Yesterday, for the first time in about nine years (2009-2018) I completely blocked out a child who screamed for about five seconds and stood about 15 feet away from me.


             We stood and soaked in the sun and smiled at one another.


             We greeted each other.


             The Muslim American women tell their children not to scream.


             The Muslim American womens children immediately obey.


             Oh, my regular hormones are finally mine once again. I give thanks and praise.


             The Buddhist Sanskrit meditation sitting in the Lotus Position must be working or otherwise Im once again myself happy-go-lucky fulfilling responsibilities without a care in the world and nearly and almost completely blocking anyone or anything out since mostly potentially nothing is to be taken personally unless directly in communications with another face-to-face.


             Yes! My hormones are quiet.


             Yes! I won this terrible disease of uterine fibroid tumors through eight years (2009-2017) of continual growth of uterine tumors and surgeries.


             For women who have calm pregnancies then mostly the pregnancy hormones go towards the nourishment of the literal fetus.


             For women who arent at all pregnant yet pregnancy hormone liquids excrete (emit, send out, expel, ooze, leak) or secrete (exude, ooze, emit, produce, squirt) when massive uterine tumors press against the walls of the uterus signaling the body theres mass inside the uterus therefore such mass must be nourished, however and still yet theres no fetus to support or feed or nourish only tumors which healthily live and thrive therefore the fetus pregnancy liquid hormones go all over the body rather than directly to the womb and the pregnancy liquid hormones continue to circulate throughout circulatory system of the body making the body bloated and swollen and inflamed with serious nerve ending pain which I doubt pregnant women get severe nerve ending pain. When I was pregnant I felt no nerve ending pain.


---  ---  ---



Quiet the Mind Meditation

In the Lotus Position


             Lets cover the basics:


             Theres only one singular inner voice which sounds very much the same as our verbally out loud speaking voice to another person.


             Theres only one singular inner voice which sounds very much the same as our speaking voice into a recording device.


             Usually most people write the way they speak.


             In life one doesnt hold anymore than one speaking voice.


             How do I explain?


             When one speaks then theres no possibility of multiple different voices coming out of ones mouth.


             Only one vocal voice speaks per one mouth at a time.


             No, neither do most people nor I ever see lights or streaks of colors of lights when we listen to music.


             If I were to literally see invisible sound suddenly turn color then Id probably fall over.


             If I were to see different streaks of colors of lights when musical sound plays then its only imagined in my minds eye.


             Whenever I imagine I see musical sounds in color then its only because one musical theory exercise we were taught to think differently about musical sound such as in color even though not once in my life have I ever literally seen the breath of any musician turn color.


             Mainly, I can imagine the color wheel of hot or cool musical sounds as an imaginary analogy to sound waves.


             Breath is clear and sound is mostly invisible unless seen through sound waves.


             However, when I hear music I hear musical sounds and I can either picture or think of musical notes written on sheet music.


             When one sings then suddenly two different types of sounds dont all at once come out of one mouth.


             Verbal speech or song is usually only one singular voice unless ones an extraterrestrial of some type.


             Finally, Im average intelligence.


             My thoughts think one word at a time in the same way in which I speak.


             No, therere no ramblings in my mind otherwise truly I wouldnt be able to concentrate to write with logic and reason.


             Writings all about logic and reason.


             No, therere no jumbled thoughts here.


             Its obvious I think one word at a time.


             No, theres no screams or shouts in my mind otherwise the thought process would be incredibly obnoxious to do.


             No, theres no screams or shouts in my mind otherwise truly I wouldnt be able to concentrate to write anything down.


             No, most people dont hear two or more inner voices otherwise please consult a medical professional.



One Voice


             Writing about Buddhist Sanskrit meditation specifically sitting in the Lotus Position is quite difficult to write about since such a subject requires much definition and terminology and description and basic outliers for most readers to land on the same page.


             Okay, no matter how smug Caucasian Westerners get about meditation then one must know ones singular inner voice will peacefully guide one through meditation and mostly the singular inner voice is one voice for which keeps lists and thinks of things as mundane such as what to prepare for dinner?


             The singular inner voice is quite basic and doesnt hold any grudges or judgments since the singular inner voice is more concerned with finishing tasks or keeping track of basic time or responsibilities.


             Mostly the singular inner voice isnt smug or careless or cruel or mean.


             Mostly the singular inner voice is caring and significantly wise with thoughts of basic timing or scheduling of lifestyle and events or passage of immediate time and thinking about passage of near immediate life as life unfolds over time.


             Mostly the singular inner voice doesnt think about aging or death or anything morbid.


             Mostly to go completely silent in ones mind would either be a feat of heroism or insanity not to hear ones inner voice.


             When were quiet is when we mainly hear our singular inner voice thus the singular inner voice must be trained to be kind and an excellent friend to the self or the id.



Meditation is Work


             Sitting meditation in the Lotus Position neither completely silences the mind nor silences thought process.


             One continually thinks unless were dead or asleep.


             Can one imagine a silent vacuum of no sound in ones mind or in ones surroundings? One would be asleep.


             The whole point to sitting meditation is to concentrate on ones breathing and ones posture.


             The entire point to sitting meditation is to quiet ones singular inner voice and to not notice whatever is in the background for environmental sounds and to slow down the breathing and heart rate.


             No, sitting meditation doesnt take away ones problems.


             No, sitting meditation doesnt create any vacuum of silence especially when a dog licks ones feet.


             No, theres no absolute silence anywhere in the world when the wind blows or traffic sounds or the furnace or this or the other.


             The whole point is to quiet the inner voice and do nothing except take some awesome time for the self to learn to practice purposeful breathing and purposeful posture in the Lotus Position.


             No, sitting meditation doesnt make someone richer, or more attractive or famous, not for which I know, anyway.


             No, sitting meditation is to mainly be verbally quiet and find inner quiet to be mindful about posture and breathing.


             No, theres no an immediate answers as well as problems dont solve themselves through sitting meditation, however, theres a quiet calm over the entire body when one slows down the circulatory system and breathes and sits in straight rod posture as the central nervous system reconfigures new fired off neurons transmitting signals to change.


             Yes, Buddhist monks are regular people and within recent modern times taken to prostitution and alcoholism.


             Yes, even Western Caucasians who do sitting meditations can be extremely angry individuals and scream and shout when they communicate face to face.


             Yes, even Caucasians who do sitting meditation can be extremely conniving or manipulative about the practice of Buddhism.


             Yes, sitting meditation is personal and one doesnt have to share anything about ones personal sitting meditations with others.


             Yes, sitting meditation is a breathing prayer.


             Yes, sitting meditation is a dance prayer.


             Yes, sitting meditation is another extracurricular activity.



             Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,679

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,654 + 1,790 = 3,444 + 1,679 = 5,123


Thursday, May 3, 2018


The fault-finder will complain that the bride is too pretty.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Plausible (seemingly true, reasonable, trustworthy)


His excuse for being late was acceptable as plausible.


---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 11:24am CT


Happy Thursday!


---  ---  ---


             Correction from fare to fair.


             Ah, English. English mainly sounds the same as many other different words yet the spelling is completely different.


---  ---  ---


             Corrections on dates were made.


             Corrections and main basic edits or misspellings were made.


             English as a Second Language adult.


---  ---  ---


             Literary Thoughts:


             Art is the sophistication to civilize any wild beasts.


             Well, Indigenous Central American female life expectancy is 68.


             However, I hope to live to see 80.


             By the time one turns 40 then theres no reason to ever take ones life in general therefore one must go forward and age with grace and see what wisdom life has to offer.


             As far as wealth is concerned, one doesnt generally take their wealth with them when one seizes to exist. Ha. What a cruel joke.


             Aside from the basics of placing a roof over ones head and putting food on the table theres also the joyous celebration to be creative and create art with canvas and oils or musical instruments or computer graphics or writing or dance or theatre or media.


             Aside from the toil of lifes work most humans enjoy the ability to intelligently think for themselves and step outside the box and produce any type of creative disciplinary creations within the main basic disciplinary art structures.



Finance vs. Charity


             Self discovery is a weeklong spa.


             Self discovery is a three weeklong quiet retreat.


             Self discovery is taking up a drumming class.


             Self discovery is learning how to make homemade hummus.


             Self discovery is spending time in the great wilderness.


             Art is disciplinary mediums.


             Art is weekly discipline.


             Disciplinary is art work.


             Art work is work.


             One can age with the passage of time, however, not get feeble.


             Yes, I can see myself as a writer until the end of my days.


             Once one is given a talent or a skill or ability then one doesnt squander skill away.


             Yes, itll be awesome to be done writing a weekly private citizens blog for public read.


             No, I dont hate blogging.


             No, I dont hate writing.


             Personally, I dont like to publically write.




             Nonetheless, my good reasons for writing a blog or good reasons to take self portraits as a photography series to get better at digital photography which mainly has to do more so with a strong Indigenous spiritual belief system to portray Indigenous women in some type of intelligent literary and visual medium in communications form.


             Especially when Indigenous women in the arts dont make much or any money unless involved in big budget projects or philanthropically financially invested in Indigenous female art which is rare for most or any female artists to have any financial support or financial backing yet Indigenous female artists will create with financial support or not because creation is of the highest form of grace or highest form of sophistication whether anyone likes or agrees with artistic license.


             500 Years is a documentary about Guatemalan Maya genocide in 1982. I carry the film around close to my heart.


             Mayan Hands is a company by Guatemalan Mayan women who create beautiful fashion accessories. I carry the beautifully embroidered goods close to my heart.


             Hoping and waiting for affordable production of fashion design of Salvadorian Mayan clothes.



Financing Produced Art


             Indigenous female artists dont look for charity.


             Indigenous female artists look for stable finance as any male artist does.


             Indigenous female artists look to sell their work no differently than male artists to carve out a decent wage or decent living and career and profession for themselves.


             The creative work of any Indigenous female artist is always bigger than herself.


             The creative art work of any Indigenous female artist isnt about herself rather about the times for which she lives in.


             The major contribution of any Indigenous female artist is to record the times and place for which shes born into.


             The public creative or artistic work of any Indigenous female artist is a major contribution to selflessly share any ideas or thoughts with others.


             Art isnt ever selfish.


             Art is a contributor to further civilization.


             Art isnt ever a people pleaser.


             The creative art work Indigenous female artists create is important since art isnt about the artist rather art is about the art work or the creative mediums in which female artists practice.


             Most female artists go along and create at their kitchen tables or screened-in back porches or any little nook of any room female artists may find to call their own space for their work spaces.




Indigenous Female Artists


             In 2000 when I professionally started out in the entertainment industry there were hardly ever any Indigenous female faces to be seen.


             As a trained writer and photographer I found it my responsibility to intelligently create through artistic mediums even when no one would pay or purchase the literary or visual art or creations as a Maya Indigenous female artist creator of words and pictures I have a responsibility to represent.


             My purpose as a writer and as a creative human is about exposure to different ideas and cultures which the most successful cultures are cultures with high levels of multi-cultural demographics.


             Yes, my ultimate goal is to privately write and publically publish novels (ages 43-53) for a decade then for another decade write film manuscripts (ages 53-63) then publically publish books of poetry (ages 63-73).


             One can write about one novel per year.


             Most novels arent any more than 250 total finished pages.


             Personally, I like 150 pages to a novel and not much more.


             Also most film scripts are about 120 pages.


             How many film scripts is it when one averages about five pages of writing per day?


             5 pages Xs 5 days = 25 pages.


             25 pages Xs 4 weeks = 100 pages.


             About 5 weeks to complete one film script.


             Plus another week to do any major edits or rewrites.


             6 weeks total to write 120 pages.


             365 days per year - 30 days - 30 days - 30 days (summers off) = 275 days of writing divided by 42 days (6 weeks) of writing one single film script = 6.5 film scripts per year Xs ten years = 65 film scripts.


             One Haiku or one stanza poem per day per five days per week per month per ten years. Ha.


---  ---  ---



Quiet the Mind Meditation

In the Lotus Position


             Well, on-and-off since approximately 1992 (eighth grade) and 1994 (tenth grade) Ive been practicing either relaxation breathing techniques and exercises or Ti-Chi movements or sitting Buddhist Sanskrit Meditation to quiet the mind.


             No, my mind doesnt ever race.


             Only Caucasian people tell me supposedly my mind races, however, my mind doesnt race. Im constantly present. What else is there to life? Typing takes concentration and rhythm and moderate speed.


             Yes, I like to get plenty of sleep.


             Yes, Im well disciplined in the hygiene of sleep.


             No, I dont stay up and create art unless one a decade I have a large enough space in which I may explore possible modern dance movements without being stared at otherwise the decades go by and most of the creative work I do is sitting down at a computer even choreography gets written out on the computer rather than actually dancing-out the steps to choreography.


             Whenever I seldom dance then such any dance isnt about my vagina or sexuality rather dancing is about releasing energy or saying prayers and expressing spirituality to the Gods.


             Dance is like jazzercise classes.


             One gets to sweat out a prayer similar to sweat lodge.


             No dancing isnt the same activity as consensual sexual intercourse.


             Yes, Im average intelligence to have one single thought at a time.


             Two thoughts at once? Impossible.


             Really, some humans hold more than one inner voice (the same as ones speaking voice) then please consult a medical professional.


             Doing Lotus Position Buddhist meditation is hard work on the body.


             No, Im not a Buddhist American.


             No, I dont practice Buddhism.


             Yes, I practice Sanskrit Buddhist sitting meditation techniques and breathing exercises in the Lotus Position.


             No, not any type of sitting meditation completely creates a vacuum of silence.


             Complete silence isnt natural.


             No thoughts or no ideas are rather unnatural.



One Inner Voice


             The singular inner voice is continuously at work to make lists or this or the other thing.


             No, the inner voice isnt destructive.


             Yes, my inner voice speaks in the same manner as to which I actually verbally out loud directly speak to another person.


             No, Im not into manic episodes to doing anything.


             My body doesnt do manic.


             My body likes to pace itself like a long distance runner unless literally I publically walk then I walk NYC style.


             No more than one hour of meditation is necessary per day.


             Mainly, Buddhist Sanskrit Meditation occurs in the Lotus Position with arms out and forefinger and thumb touching.


             Now, I dont want anyone to be disappointed at how difficult it is to quiet our one single inner voice.


             The whole point to any type of sitting meditation is to sit in complete silence yet the purpose isnt to silence the inner voice since such any feat of heroism is nearly impossible.


             The entire point to practicing Quiet the Mind sitting meditation is to focus on ones breathing and to hold good posture while seated in the Lotus Position for nearly up to an hour.


             Most non-extra terrestrial meditation is geared towards the focus of breathing and posture and nothing much more else.


             Most breathing and posture meditation has nothing to do with making contact with extraterrestrials. 


             Yes, its been explained to me the reason why Westerners do sitting meditations is to get in contact with extraterrestrial life form.


             No, I dont do sitting meditation to make contact with any extraterrestrial life form.


             The reason why I choose to do sitting meditation is to keep a conscious or mindful attitude about my breathing and Lotus Position posture which is quite a lot of work to maintain great Lotus Position posture.


             Mainly, the reason why I began to once again do sitting meditation is to Quiet the Mind and to sharpen the mental skills to not ever allow for anything or anyone to bother me which nothing much bothers me now.


             The main purpose to do Quiet the Mind meditation is to practice mindfulness by holding good posture and breathing.


             The reason why I do sitting meditation through posture and breathing is to work on my terrible posture and flexibility.



             Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,790

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,654 + 1,790 = 3,444


Wednesday, May 2, 2018


God used the principles of nature to create language, and the principles of language to create Man.


(Leo Rostens Treasury of Jewish Quotations)


Orthopedics (science dealing with prevention or correction of deformities in the skeletal system)


Some physicians specialize in orthopedics.


---  ---  ---


A book: Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Street Etiquette.




Chapter 9.

Page 136


Never speak to your acquaintances from one side of the street to the other. Shouting is a certain sign of vulgarity. First approach, and then make your communication to your acquaintance or friend in a moderately loud tone of voice.


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Hello. Hi.


Upload: 12:37pm CT


Happy Wednesday!


---  ---  ---


             Clean Heroin Needles:


             Please, for the love of anything humane dispense free and new and clean needles to any heroin addicts and dont ever judge what heroin addicts go through because it seems like torture.


             Yes, the government ought to set aside budgets for which new and clean needles ought to be dispensed as any respectable and wise public service to the demographics at large.


             One needle exchange between parties is enough to contract HIV and develop into AIDs and theres no need for another AIDs epidemic.


             Safe than sorry.


---  ---  ---




             Two days after I began to consume e-cigs I had to stop because the pain directly behind the belly button was a bit much.


             Yes, Im back to smoking 1 to 3 American Spirit 100% tobacco cigarettes without any preservatives.


---  ---  ---


             Stand-up Desk:


             Personally, ever since April 2018 Ive once again begun to sit down on a high chair stool rather than to stand on average five hours per day at a stand-up desk while at computer work or typing.


             The latest research shows how standing for long periods of time over the years is incredibly bad for the heart and standing can lead to cause heart attack therefore Im once again sitting down to do computer work. Ah. Wonderful.


             Since February 2013-April 2018 I stood for five years and I love being able to sit down once more.


             Since I no longer have any signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome then theres no need to ever again stand for any reason I can think of.


---  ---  ---


             Non-Muslim American:


             No, Im not any type of Muslim American convert nor do I have any plans to convert to Islam anytime soon.


             No, I dont ever feel any type of pressure to turn Muslim or to convert to Islam.


             Yes, Muslim Americans do have more Civil Rights and Civil Liberties than Middle Eastern Muslims.


             No, Im not Muslim American.


             No, Im not Jewish American.


             Yes, Im Mayan American.


             No, Im not Atheist.


             Its been brought to my direct and personal attention I have the wrong English terminology.


             Atheism believes one is ones own God.


             No, I dont believe Im any type of God(s).


             Yes, Im considered agnostic.


             Yes, as an agnostic American each August since 2010-August 2017 Ive made annual verbally out spoken Mayan prayers except this year Ill silently pray in the same manner as one decade of weekly visualization meditation sessions to quietly sit in the Lotus Position and think-away physical disease or think-away physical pain or to think-away thyroid tumors.


             No, as any mature adult I shant ever again for as long as I live verbally out loud verbalize any type of Mayan prayers to create vibrations. The time has now come and gone. The time is now over. I fulfilled seven years of out loud Maya prayers. My catechism is now done.


             Evangelicals are also taught to say out loud forms of prayers.


             Personally, I dont like to have to say any verbally out loud spoken prayers (August 2010-August 2017) since spoken prayers are an art form to say any decent prayer takes practice and years and years of conditioning. Im terrible at saying beautiful prayers. I mainly speak whats on my mind in the moment in the same way or form or manner in general Buddhist Sanskrit meditation is random thoughts about anything one thinks about without any delusions simply, random thoughts which come to the forefront of the mind.



Seldom Practice


             Yes, my favorite prayer is The Lords Prayer.


             Mainly, because I grew up in the Episcopal church and attended church from 1987-2006.


             Personally, I dont like to weep in public unless occasionally drunk (once a decade) from hard liquor which the last time I publically wept was in 2004 with a large group of women at a watering hole.


             Personally, I dont like to cry in public unless under the influence of Oxy-Contin (August 2010-October 2013) (correction on date) (once while driving wept on November 15, 2012) or under the influence of horse tranquiller (August, 2017) otherwise crying in general especially in public isnt any type of activity Ive ever liked to do.


             Yes, since spring 2002 I learned about how professional women wept at work specifically newsrooms or production news rooms mainly cried out of frustration and crying is allowed and not anything to be, too, alarmed about since modern culture accepts public forms of weeping or crying or even wailing when the most unexpected truths reveal themselves 


             Although, Ive cried in public and by modern standards public crying is reasonable standards.


             Public crying isnt my cup of tea to weep or wail or cry in public.


             If I were to reasonably loudly weep then its in my bed under the covers with muffled sounds and only for no more than an hour then deeply fall asleep exhausted of weeping or crying.


             The last time I cried or wept or wailed was August 2017.


             No, I dont have any need to cry.


             For the most part, I only have one private cry in bed about once every two to five years unless by mistake I happen to see any video in the mistreatment of animals especially dogs then Ill cry a subtle and silent and quiet single private tear.


             Whenever Ive publically cried Ive cried with other women drinking alcohol or specifically three times in my lifetime Ive nearly wailed in the Salvadorian Mayan fashion (September 2000, December 2003, August 2017) otherwise happy-go-lucky one goes about ones life fulfilling mature health and hygiene and responsibilities and relaxation.


             The first and last time I ever dry-heaved was January 2002.


             The first and last time I ever puked (upchucked, became ill, vomited) onions through my nose was in November of 1998.



Extracurricular Activities


             Its been brought to my direct and personal attention Im not utilizing terminology correctly. I believe theres some type of divinity in the universe(s) for which isnt ever born or ages or dies and is, therefore Im agnostic. Okay.


             Yes, it took me about twenty years of personal laywoman independent studies and research about religion to learn I didnt want to be either Buddhist or Taoist or Christian or Muslim or any other religion since attending Mosques or Temples or Churches or Monasteries seems another extracurricular activity in which one pays for membership to attend services or social activities.


             Yes, Ive attended all of the four religious gathering spaces mentioned above.


             Yes, in my twenties I was engaged to a Muslim American man.


             Yes, some of my closest friends are Muslim Americans.


             Yes, I live amongst the Muslim Americans.


             We get along beautifully since we respect and abide by Muslim traditions such as men and women dont hardly ever touch at all and peace is key-and-center and no one ever screams or shouts at each other during conversations and theres no criticism and theres no judgment about religion or lifestyle choices or physical diseases or physical illnesses or physical pain.



What do I think?


             Mostly conversation with Muslim Americans is quite relaxed and laidback, however.


             Conversation with Muslim Americans is full of wisdom and knowledge and discoveries.


             The Muslim Americans desire for me to learn as much as possible about current famous (2018) hip hop and rap artists and to hold a conversation with Muslim Americans about the hype of hip hop and rap.


             The Muslim Americans wait to speak to me about the sensationalism of hip hop or rap music videos.


             The Muslim Americans wish to address the corruption of hip hop and rap.


             The Muslim Americans wait to address and talk about the politics and comedy of a one Mr. Bill Maher for whom I dont know nor do I pretend to know.


             The Muslim Americans know I dont pretend to know anyone I havent ever much met or talked to or smelled.


             Yes, in Minnesota a one Mr. Bill Mahers politics is mentioned in conversation at least once per week. No, I dont ever bring up any shows I watch.


             Usually, I get around to watching Real Time on a Saturday or a Monday and by then people are chomping at the bit to discuss the weekly political issues on the show over coffee or tea.


             The Muslim Americans wish to discuss HBO which I dont pretend to know anyone there.


             The Muslim Americans wish to know about celebrities since the Muslim Americans keep up with all types of mass media for which I dont.


             The Muslim Americans are into Netflix and binge watch and so do I.


             The Muslim Americans wish to talk to me about West World even though I dont ever go out of my way to get in touch or in contact with anyone from the show.


             The Muslim Americans wish to discuss Artificial Intelligence with me.


             The Muslim Americans dont want to discuss any actors in the show West World rather the Muslim Americans wish to discuss Artificial Intelligence.


             The Muslim Americans wish to discuss the iphone 10 cell phone since they know Im in love with tech.


             This morning the Muslim Americans showed me the iphone 10. Wow. Slick as ice and dainty, too.


             Personally, I dont afford an iphone even though the Muslim Americans tell me Im definitely someone who ought to invest in an iphone.


             Personally, I think Id have to handle a dainty iphone with much care or most likely Id fracture the screen.


             Personally, I think the iphone 10 is slick as ice.


             When I write we: its the Muslim Americans and me.


             Therere hundreds of Muslim Americans and only one me.


             The Muslim Americans are patient with me.


             The Muslim Americans know it takes me weeks to text back even though we see each other each day.



             Yours Truly;





Word Count: 1,654

Word Count Goal for the week: 5,000

Word Count for this Week: 1,654


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