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Monday, June 29, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 8:42pm CT

Word Count: 901

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Monday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---




            Note #1: 2019 and 2020 Commencement Speeches


            *) Yes, I have two commencement speeches to write in 2020.


            Yes, every single day I think about what to say in these two commencement speeches for 2019 and 2020.


            What is there for me to say? Nothing. Nothing at all.


            Yet, the entire world knows I have plenty to say to the class of 2019 and 2020.




            Please, have patience with me.


            Please, have patience with me since I’m a Green Sea Tortoise.


            Mainly the only time I make to write is at sundown otherwise my days are filled to the brim.


            Yes, I have plenty to say to the class of 2019 and 2020 because adulthood is mature and all adults understand each other to know we know better to do better.


            Look; degrees are excellence.


            Look; life is messy.


            Personally, I love mature adulthood.


            Yes, each and every single day comes with responsibilities.


            Yes, I give myself over to a million-and-on- responsibilities per day.


            Note #2: Move away


            If one is annoyed or behind someone else then move away.


            In public one must not ever comment on any aspect of another’s humanity because life is complex, for sure weird and difficult thus mature adults keep the peace at all times and control their emotions without ever having to make any public humiliating commentary because people are already a little bit anxious and nervous to be out in public thus any faux pas, mistake or accident is just that.





World, I’m present




I’m present.


Yes, I’m healthier

Than I’ve ever been before


Yes, finally I learned

How to shrink

My thyroid tumors



My job is to be an equal partner


No, I’m not a side kick


Yes, I’m asked to

Live, work and play

At all times



My Literal Job

Is To Smile



Now, I’m under


To smile

All the time




My other

Literal job





Is not

To wear

A brazier



My other job

Is to be quiet

While my




Or sings


Directly spoken to



No, I don’t care

About the spotlight


Yes, I already write

In front of more than

7 million readers

Thus and therefore

I’m comfortable

Sitting to the side

With my cell phone

Or my laptop





World, I’m present







Finally Peace


Simply, after three weeks

Of no swearing

All Peace is now



We made the Peace.


Yes, finally,

We Matured

And Turned into

Two Mature Adults


Into our full adulthood


We no longer fight

Finally, we understand each other.




My Significant Other

And I are having more fun now

Than ever before


We play together

Because we work together


As a person living with throat cancer

Personally, I don’t want to hear myself

Talk and reiterate the same point



Finally, we are getting someplace

Impressive I knew

We could therefore I’m

Genuinely happy about

The many aspects of

Our relationship


Yes, I find myself

Capable of happiness


Yes, we find ourselves

Genuinely capable of happiness


            Well, understanding someone has nothing to do with love.


            Love has nothing to do with respect.


            Respect has to do with good manners, proper appropriate behavior at all times and a positive attitude especially in debate and speech and not name-calling.


            The basic guideline to an excellent relationship between spouses is to be on one’s best behavior with one’s spouse at all times.


            People are different as night and day.


            Psychology teaches us not any human is like another.


            Psychology teaches us even a monogamous couple in any relationship doesn’t exactly know exactly occurs in an intense situation because each person’s perspective is so different from their spouse so the best thing to do is to become an “active listener.”


            Yes, finally, I matured and quick.


            Yes, the last three weeks have been intrinsically absolutely serene and calm.


            No matter what, no one may break my intrinsic calm space and positive attitude without coming across like an idiot.


            No matter what is going on, no one may interrupt my intrinsic positive self speech and the ability to keep calm, cool and collected while embodying firm, direct, sober and serious and relaxed attitude.


            Personally, I’m not ageist, racist, bias against differences because I’m intelligent enough to know we’re all One Human race of the same biological species.


            The reason and the main and only reason as to why one must respect any other human is because any one human is a biological gift to the earth since the human species split into two cells from one single cell into ameba and into lemurs and branched off to ape-like humanoid into this, me and you and us and the entire world and all of the human race.


            The only real aspect to respect is to keep in mind each human is a miracle to be alive because birth human is as difficult as birthing whales which is quite difficult.


            Yours Truly;




Friday, June 26, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 8:57pm CT

Word Count: 1,162

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Friday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---





World, I’m present




I’m present.


Yes, I’m healthier

Than I’ve ever been before


Yes, finally I learned

How to shrink

My thyroid tumors



My job is to be an equal partner


No, I’m not a side kick


Yes, I’m asked to

Live, work and play

At all times



My Literal Job

Is To Smile



Now, I’m under


To smile

All the time




My other

Literal job





Is not

To wear

A brazier



My other job

Is to be quiet

While my




Or sings


Directly spoken to



No, I don’t care

About the spotlight


Yes, I already write

In front of more than

7 million readers

Thus and therefore

I’m comfortable

Sitting to the side

With my cell phone

Or my laptop





World, I’m present







Finally Peace


Simply, after three weeks

Of no swearing

All Peace is now



We made the Peace.


Yes, finally,

We Matured

And Turned into

Two Mature Adults


Into our full adulthood


We no longer fight

Finally, we understand each other.




My Significant Other

And I are having more fun now

Than ever before


We play together

Because we work together


As a person living with throat cancer

Personally, I don’t want to hear myself

Talk and reiterate the same point



Finally, we are getting someplace

Impressive I knew

We could therefore I’m

Genuinely happy about

The many aspects of

Our relationship


Yes, I find myself

Capable of happiness


Yes, we find ourselves

Genuinely capable of happiness


No, we’re not pathetic

No, we’re not basket cases

No, we’re not sad

No, we don’t hate

No, we’re not haters

No, we’re not disrespectful

No, we’re not cruel

No, we don’t have ulterior motives


No, we don’t

Go out of our way to

Talk, text, call,

Social media or any other

Retirement activities

Because we’re running

Two empires in the

Midst of COVID-19

As well as


Riots and looting


We did it!

We struggled to

Get our act together


Yet we did

Because it was imperative

To mature,

Get alone

And become

A rock star duo


No, I don’t ever

Sit anywhere near

My significant Other

While he sings or plays music

Because I don’t


However, my significant other

Will directly call me by name

To poignantly direct me

And tell me to please

Sit at his feet and

Continue to type

On my laptop

Because he knows

I’m blogging

About the first time

In our two year


We actually get along,

Are genuinely in mutual

Respect and understanding

Of each other

And actually will

Talk to each other

Rather than to

Yell, scream and swear


Our world has done

A polar opposite

And we’re off to the races


We turned a corner

We hit the ground running

And matured


We did it!


We became a solid team


We are people

Who don’t mind the long work days,

Because the nights are to relax

Before the next work day


Well, unfortunately, I don’t

Want to admit this,

However, as tycoons

We don’t take any days off


We work every day


We work holidays


We work birthdays


We work


Yes, we set a pace

And the days are long

Yet manageable in pace

And schedule and timing


We’re successful

At work, however

We are now successful

At playing together


We did it!

We keep

A peaceful home.


We love each other very much


The cool thing is this:

We’re genuinely in love with each other


We’re lucky.

We got over

Our stupid power struggles


On Thursday, June 25th

For 11 hours

I repeated myself:


“I need you to not call me derogatory names.”

“I need you not to insult me.”

“I need you to calm down.”

“No, I haven’t ever cheated on you.”

“No, I don’t want someone else.”

“Please, don’t scream, swear or yell.”


At the end of 11 hours

Of verbal abuse:

For the first time,

Wholehearted apologies were made

I was told I’m maturing by leaps and bounds


In the last three weeks,

I no longer disgrace myself

Even when or if I’m

Publically humiliated,






Pressured to think a certain way,

Made fun of,


Made lewd gestures,

Called derogatory names,

No swearing,

No yelling,

No screaming


Simply, I no longer swear


My significant other

Tells me the following:


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has improved my entire life


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has made me more valuable than ever before


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has showcased my strength and grace


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has made me more gorgeous


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has shown real leadership


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has proven my character


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has proven I can and do hold my tongue


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has proven I have A-game


Three straight weeks of no swearing

Has made me ready to date a billionaire



Yes, I’m right here

By choice


I fell in love


Yes, I’m here

By choice


I always knew

We could become great



Yes, I’m here

By Choice


My Significant Other

Wants us to become a

“Power Couple”



Yes, I’m here

By choice


My Significant Other

Wants us to be

“The Envy of the town”

By being genuinely happy



Yes, I’m here

By choice


My Significant Other

Wants us to start running

Instead of him drinking

Large consumptions of alcohol

Each night


Yes, I’m here

By choice


My Significant Other

Wants us to retire to Greece


Yes, I’m here

By choice


My Significant Other

Wants me

And I want him


Happily Ever After


The End



The reason why

We didn’t abandon ship

Is because we knew

Sooner or later

We would mature

And move forward

And run two empires

Plus learn to play together


We made it!


Friends, no reason to call concerned


We got our

Business in order


Well, we are

Husband and Wife


We live together

We work together

We play together


We actually

Really like each other

And we obviously

Love each other

And now we

Respect each other

In communications


I can breathe


For forty years

Women have been

Pathetically throwing themselves

At my significant other

While he tells the

Horror tales

And he didn’t

Want any






Or Overly sexualized women


He choose me

I chose him






We won!


            Yours Truly;




Wednesday, June 24, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 8:22pm CT

Word Count: 900

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Wednesday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---





World, I’m present




I’m present.


Yes, I’m healthier

Than I’ve ever been before


Yes, finally I learned

How to shrink

My thyroid tumors



My job is to be an equal partner


No, I’m not a side kick


Yes, I’m asked to

Live, work and play

At all times



My Literal Job

Is To Smile



Now, I’m under


To smile

All the time




My other

Literal job





Is not

To wear

A brazier



My other job

Is to be quiet

While my




Or sings


Directly spoken to



No, I don’t care

About the spotlight


Yes, I already write

In front of more than

7 million readers

Thus and therefore

I’m comfortable

Sitting to the side

With my cell phone

Or my laptop





World, I’m present






A Life In

The Day

Of A Tycoon




No, I don’t ever hit my head

Up against any wall


Yes, when I worked with

Asperger children

They did


Hit their head

Against the wall


The sound

Of skull

Hitting a wall

Was heartbreaking


Yes, the main reason

As to why my brains

Are always intact

Is because

Writing is

All legal

As well as






Writing is expressing

Oneself through words



Don’t mince words



A long day’s work


My Significant Other

All I want to do

Is watch

The sun

Go down

And relax

And write


My feet Throb

And hurt

And no matter

How hard, well or much

I work

I don’t get paid


I don’t get new tennis shoes,

Clothes or whatever I need

For personal self care


I make soap and water

Look stylish


I make being overworked

Look good


I’m an awesome worker




            Well, I get up at 5:00am and I do one hour of Yoga, one hour of prayer and one hour of meditation.


            During this timeframe, I make the bed, make coffee, I brush my hair and my teeth, I wash my face, and I get dressed for the day. 


            At 8:00am I go to an attic and fold mounds of old clothes into drawers to get the attic ready for construction to finish the attic, however. I must first organize the entire attic which is an incredible project for one person since the attic is full of miscellaneous items, objects and clothes. 


            At 10:00am there’s a breakfast meeting.


            We discuss the itinerary for the day.


            At 10:30pm I clean up breakfast meeting/breakfast dishes.


            At 11:45am I water all of the plants or literally cut down trees by myself.


            At 12:00pm I head into the office.


            At the office I check a graphic design computer.


            At the same time I have another Stock Market computer running. I take calls, I make calls, I answer questions, I pay bills, and I take care of business. I keep up with all and any accounts.


            At 3:00pm I take a coffee break.


            At 3:30pm to 4:30pm I either build a film studio and prime and paint or I go and grocery shop then at 5:00pm I prep for dinner.


            During dinner I work as clean-up crew to two master chefs who don’t like any type of mess while cooking thus I run around.


            Some days, rather than paint then I take care of all of the vacuuming and any of the necessary dusting.


            Everyday I take out the garbage and the recycling.


            Everyday I do whatever is required of me.


            Each week all of these responsibilities get done and plus.



The Domestic Violence

Has Stopped


Yes, I concede

Yes, I will smile





Yes, I’ll smile and smile


Bad Social Disposition


On Saturday, June 6th, 2020

Purposely, Three Times

My head

Hit pavement


Yes, the front of my head

Was grabbed by my hair

And my head was

Banged against the

Concrete Floor


Three times,


And with intent to harm

I heard the tremendous

Sound of concrete

Whence my head hit


Yes, video is King


Yes, I sustain injuries

In the name of Love


Yes, people tell me

I’m a liar


The bruises

On the side

Of my left temple

Have been there for

Two weeks


No, I still haven’t gotten

My speech back


Yes, I’m slurring words

Because my left temple

Met the concrete


No, I don’t lie

About violence




Yes, I have to go in

For an MRI

To see if I have any

Hairline Skull Fracture




            Each day I work 16 hour days.


            No, I don’t l ever rush at anyone.


            No, I don’t ever put violent hands on anyone.


            Each time we socialize I can always guess the one woman in any group who will make a B-line for my significant other.


            Hanging out and socializing has to do with people placing their genitalia before anything else.


            The difficulty is having every needy woman starving for attention constantly


            To be continued…


            Yours Truly;




Thursday, June 11, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 8:24pm CT, 9:14pm CT

Word Count: 661

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Thursday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---





World, I’m present




I’m present.


Yes, I’m healthier

Than I’ve ever been before


Yes, finally I learned

How to shrink

My thyroid tumors



My job is to be an equal partner


No, I’m not a side kick


Yes, I’m asked to

Live, work and play

At all times



My Literal Job

Is To Smile



Now, I’m under


To smile

All the time.




My other

Literal job





Is not

To wear

A brazier



My other job

Is to be quiet

While my




Or sings


Directly spoken to



No, I don’t care

About the spotlight.

Yes, I already write

In front of more than

7 million readers

Thus and therefore

I’m comfortable

Sitting to the side

With my cell phone

Or my laptop



My hair has to heal


Yes, the reason

Why I must wear

My hair like

“Princess Leila”

Is because

My hair

Has been ripped

For the last time.


The strands

Of my hair

On the top

Of my head

Literally won’t

Neatly lay down

Thus I must contend

With my hair as it is


Yes, I’ve been told my job

Is to smile and nothing else



Yes, I’ve been told

I’ve been chosen

Above all women



Yes, I’m informed

I’ve been


To do the job

To run the estates,

Properties and businesses

Because I’m

The One


Yes, I’m invited to be

Here and help

Run everything



Yes, I’ve been informed

This job requires

More than just a pretty face

And a smiley face



This job as a

Significant Other

Requires a great

Deal of perfection,



And return investment



Yes, I can have the output

Of ten people


Yes, in one day I

Get more done than

10 people.


Yes, I’m a valuable worker

Yes, I’m low maintenance

Yes, I hardly require much

Yes, I’m the most relaxes person

Yes, I can get up and be ready

To go within minutes


Yes, this job requires

A humble attitude





Insists I

Go anywhere

He goes

At anytime

Of the day or night


We live and

Work alongside

Each other


When we communicate well

Then work seems like play


Yes, we “hit the ground running”

Yes, we work all day.


No, not one single woman

Who flirts

Gets admittance


The empire requires to be run

Rather than spent

On frivolous



Yes, I run the accounts

Because not a penny

Gets lost

Under my watch


Primarily, I’m here

Because I’ve been told

I have smarts, beauty and brains.

I come with the tri-fecta

Thus and therefore

I get asked about everything

And usually my answer

Is correct







Yes, I’ve been told







Yes, I’ve been told

All I need is

An attitude adjustment

Thus and Therefore

My only job is to smile



            Yes, my only job is to genuinely smile.


            Yes, I’m emotionally intelligent enough to know exactly how to genuinely smile even when screamed, sworn or yelled at or publically humiliated or treated as an afterthought which I don’t allow.


            Most people’s life experiences are their own.


            Most people’s life experiences are not ever two alike.


            Most people’s life experiences are uniquely their own.


            Most people haven’t lived my life.


            Yes, I’m a terrible bicyclist.


            Yes, I’m terrible at grammar.


            Yes, I’m terrible at spelling.


            Yes, I’m terrible at geography.


            Yes, I’m terrible at directions.


            Yes, I’m terrible at enunciation.


            Yes, I’m terrible at pronunciation.


            Yours Truly;




Wednesday, June 10, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 7:26pm CDT, 9:21pm CT

Word Count: 954

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Wednesday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---





World, I’m present





Yes, once is a mistake


Yes, twice is a pattern


Yes, three times is a habit



My Faux Pas

Yes, I apologized


Yes, yesterday, I had a faux pas

Yes, whimsically, I groped

My significant other

Thinking we were

Hidden far enough

Into the garage

Except passerby walkers

Saw us.



Nope, not once

And not ever

Have I ever


My significant other


Yes, I was astounded

I had done so.

So out of character for me


Yes, immediately

We went


And profusely I


Because it was such

A weird impulse

Also, I was though-roughly

Embarrassed since I haven’t ever

Groped anyone in my life


Once is a mistake

Thus I’ll forgive myself

And move on and move forward

I have a healthy self-esteem

Therefore I can forgive myself





Mr. Car


Mr. Car is the

Stern, Sober,

And direct



Next door neighbor

Who doesn’t give me

Or any other woman

A second of his time




The reason why I

Trust Mr. Car

Not to cheat on

Mrs. Car is


Mr. Car


Give anybody

A second of his day

Since he

Diligently works

Away on his garden

Year after year


Both Mr. Car

And I know

Each other’s existence exist


Mr. Car and I don’t ever crush on each other


Once I made the mistake to ask

Mr. Car the following



“Excuse me, I don’t mean to

Interrupt you,

However, I am going to

Interrupt you. Are you composting?”



Mr. Car

said, “Yes”


“Thanks.” I went back

To my cell phone

Since I’m addicted

To my cell phone


No, I don’t drink any alcohol.


No, I’m not brain damaged.


As of this week, I have passed all of the

Psychological tests





Yes, I can still write to the caliber

Before Saturday, June 6th, 2020

Therefore I’m present


Yes, with Harvard Ivy League

Psychologist parents

Then weekly

For life one passes

Strict verbal, written

And comprehensive

Psychological tests


Yes, I pass the psychological tests

Because I’m genuinely and

Organically kind



Yes, I’m a ‘no’ person

Safety first

Safety first

Safety first



In two-years

Not once

Had I heard

Mr. Car’s wife

Sound so sweet

To her own husband


For two years

I’ve been waiting

To hear the next door neighbor

Talk to my

Significant other

Like she

Had just urinated herself


Yes, my significant other

Complains about how

People wave hello

And stop and talk to him

Because then he gets behind schedule

Throughout the day


Time is money.




No, don’t front with me.


On the other side of us none

Of the married neighbor women

Speak to my significant other

Unless with their husbands present

Or not ever


The number one difficult

For my significant other

Is the timewasters

In his life in the form

Of acquaintances, strangers,

Neighbors, co-workers

And others


No, I don’t ever go out of

My way to speak to

Anyone’s husbands

Unless the husbands speak

To me first

Otherwise, we’re stewards of

The estate and properties


We work smart

We play hard

We relax

Sunset is a time to unwind


No matter how beloved anyone is

Or how hated

People exert energy

Which is neither

Here nor there


No, I’m not here to impose

Myself upon anyone.



Look; this is what my dad told me

About mature adulthood:


“‘Gaby, mind your own business.

Unless; asked to help problem-solve

For intelligent solutions

Otherwise keep quiet

And don’t pass any judgment

Because nothing is as it appears.

Also, Remember

Don’t ever go out of your way

To break-up anybody’s day

Because time is money

And each time any person

Stops production

And is made to

Subtly and forcibly interact

With any needy stranger, friend or neighbor or co-worker

Than production slows down

And the value of lifestyle decreases

Because mainly all people want to do

Is relax

Yet a million-and-one responsibilities

Do get met each day

So remember to ‘keep your head down’

And work on your own projects

And don’t ever bother anyone

About anything

Because people’s lives are


And people must leave people alone

To do their complicated and complex lives

Unless people approach you

Otherwise don’t ever seek U

Unnecessary attention

Because it’s obvious

Neediness has only to do with loneliness

And the desire for sexual intercourse, however

You must live, work and not get caught up

In any possible sexual encounters of any type’”





Yes, time is money


Nope, when 10 people a day stop

Us on the street to say hello

Then each encounter actually

Sets us behind throughout our day

Each text

Each call

Each needy encounter

Sets us behind schedule

Which means sets us behind financially


No, famous people aren’t

Approached by the locals

Because famous people

Actually make money


Yes, infamous people

Are approached

Without ever making any money

Because infamous people

Are local folklore

Because everybody

Knows of them

Yet the infamous haven’t

Proven fame status

Unless talent is developed



No, I’m not any type of real snub

Unless serious oppressive measures

Are exposed


No, I’m not any type of snub

I’m a real foodie

Because I grew up eating

Rice and beans for





For the first

Ten years of my

Costa Rican



Yours Truly;




Monday, June 1, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 8:56am CDT, 9:54am CDT, and 10:02am CDT

Word Count: 1,926

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Monday!


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


---  ---  ---




Follow The Law

Stay Home


We Comply with

The 8:00pm Curfew

Yes, correct.


No, we haven’t ever

Peacefully demonstrated.









We want to retire.


We don’t want to

Peacefully demonstrate



We bike to get groceries.


Thursday’s bike ride

Was the most comfortable

Without any police presence

(minus burned buildings)


The People

Are quite respectful,

Mind their business

And don’t harm others




Leadership communities

Is like Costa Rica

Since there’s not much money,

The Citizens and Civilians

Police themselves

And people get along


Yes, they do

There’s no need to call the police

Because there’s no police

To hike out into the jungles

Thus citizens and civilians

Keep their hands to themselves

And mind their business

Unless a group effort

To defend innocents


Go about one’s business



No, I don’t want to

Peacefully demonstrate.



No, I haven’t ever

Peacefully demonstrated

In my entire life



Peaceful demonstrators

Are our young, youth

And mature adults

In their 60’s, 70’s


Please, don’t harm our babies


Please, don’t harm our local babies


Please, don’t hurt our babies


Our “babies”
















Peaceful Sit-ins




The People decide


It’s not possible

To arrest all of us


We guard our neighborhoods



The People

Protected Ourselves

When the Police wasn’t here

For Four Days


The police were supposed to

Have a peaceful presence

Not Force!


Yes the police are

Supposed to allow

For Peaceful



We will not stand by and

Watch as the police fire



Rubber bullets

Upon our People


This isn’t Palestine


If we need to burn Minnesota

Down to the ground then we will

And I personally will get in there

And help burn it down myself

Even though I don’t

How to start a bonfire

Without much effort


We’re laypeople

We don’t know how to fight


We’re laypeople

We don’t know how to do violence


We’re laypeople

We don’t know how to start fires.


My goodness, I don’t even know

How to start a proper bonfire


Why violence?

Never violence


Simply, peaceful sit-ins

Because the police are

Targeting women of color and

Pepper spraying women.



We don’t care

What the police think of us

Because the police

Seem to think we’re idiots


Even when the police

Wasn’t here

Last week

For four days

The civilians and citizens

Held down our

Twin Cities

From looters and rioters


Where were the police?


The police were nowhere for 4 days


The citizens

Held down

Our neighborhoods

From getting burned down

When there

Was no police here

For four nights


Thus why would we be afraid to

Peacefully demonstrate

With sit-ins

When we lived

Through the worst

Of the riots

Without any police help



The People









And injured our




Tonight, if we must

Then we’ll break curfew and

We’ll peacefully demonstrate

With a sit-in


However, we don’t want

To do anything political

Because we want

A good night’s rest


Minnesota, there’s really no curfew

Except follow the law.


Stay Home.



Even during Marshall Law

One has the right to do

Quiet sit-ins



Although, not highly recommended


Millions join in





Twin Cities’


Citizens and Civilians

Have policed


And we do a better job

Than the police does


The police isn’t ever here to


The People

Only to


The People,


The People

Or murder

The People




Don’t understand

The People

Will, have and do

Drive our very own

People to the hospital


In neighborhoods

Of color

One can wait all day long

Until one bleeds out


For 20 years

Murderopolis lives

In a “war zone”

While the Police

Get away with murder


The police aren’t

Ever really here

Thus last







The streets

By daytime

Felt safer with

Only the citizens

Than with the police

Any moment

One encounters or sees police

Then the probability of death

Goes up exponentially

Therefore we stay as far away

From the police as possible


The People have learned to

Not ever rely upon the police


People rely upon themselves





No, we’re not looters.

No, we’re not rioters.

No, we’re not demonstrators.


Look, I don’t have any money,

Shoes or shampoo

Still yet I don’t loot


Seriously, I went

Down to the ground and witnessed

Looters and the thought

Of shampoo

Went across my mind

Except I’m a proud American

Thus I continued

To video tape

As my feet hurt from

Old tennis shoes

And shampoo is super expensive

Thus I naturally take care of my

Hair with water and soap

While my hair gets super dry

And daintily I walk on my toes

So the heels of my feet

Don’t cry out in pain

From old worn out

Tennis shoes


Seriously, I don’t have the money

Therefore I don’t shop for anything new

Yes for 20 years I’ve worked

As volunteer engineer,

Volunteer tycoon


To multi-millionaires

Who don’t pay

For graphic design

Thus I go without shampoo

Or new shoes


Yes, shoes,

One buys

Otherwise one can’t

Really or truly be

Proud of one’s new shoes


No, I wouldn’t dare loot

For new tennis shoes

Because shoes

Is the quintessential

Sign of independence





Yes, I’m a peaceful writer housewife.

If I have to then I’ll demonstrate myself.


No, I don’t want to see anymore teargas

Or rubber bullets upon our people



National Guard,

Look, we’re so happy to see you


National Guard,

The time right now

Is 8:45am and b

By law

The National Guard

Must stand

By the People’s side


National Guard,

We’re artists, workers, builders,

Professionals and


Citizens and Civilians


National Guard,

The police are supposed to

Have a quiet presence

Nothing else


National Guard,

Thanks for coming

To The People’s aid


National Guard,

You must not ever


The Police


Our Police kill

Our People


Here, in Murderopolis

We, the people clean sidewalks

Because we’ve been living in

A war zone for the past

2 decade

(20 years)


Here, in Murderopolis

Even since 1995

We understood

The Peaceful




Would clean up

After mass murders,

Police’s murders,

Serial killers


Gang murders


The Twin Cities looks

Beautiful from the outside

Yet quite dangerous

And deadly


National Guard,

Most Peaceful Local

Citizen and Civilians

Do get off the streets

By no later than


Unless at a public function

Like live music


National Guard,

As of this moment,

I call upon

All Locals

From all over

The United States

To go into their homes,

Lock the doors and stay there.


National Guard,

Nobody harms, loots or burns down

Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Except locals and

The Locals don’t even

Start controlled


Because violence

Is frequent here

Thus we take shelter

And don’t bring attention

To ourselves


National Guard,

Please protect our




The housewives

Will have

To dress

In Pink Tutus

And go do a peaceful sit-in

All dressed in pink

For breast cancer awareness


National Guard,

You work for The People


National Guard,

The Locals

Don’t loot,

Don’t riot

We’ll peacefully demonstrate

With a sit-in

If we have to



Last Night’s blog


We Comply with the 8:00pm Curfew


No, we’re not looters.

No, we’re not rioters.

No, we’re not demonstrators.


Yes, I’m a peaceful writer housewife.

If I have to then I’ll demonstrate myself.


No, I don’t want to see anymore teargas

Or rubber bullets upon our people


Tomorrow, if there’s teargas

Or rubber bullets

Against any Minnesotan

Then “The Housewives”

Will burn down the country


Housewives don’t allow our youth to be

Hit with rubber bullets or teargas




We’ll comply by the curfew law, however.

Tomorrow night

There better not be any complaints

Of teargas and rubber bullets



We’re peaceful locals.

We’re cancer patients.


Let the city burn, however,

No one gets gassed or rubber bullets

Because we’re not Fascist Nazis



We’re America, damn it!

The National Guard stand

For the Housewives

Who care about our youth?

And peaceful protestors

When the police don’t


No, we don’t burn down buildings.

We sweep debris in front of our homes and streets.

Yes, our greatest weapons are blogs and brooms



World, I’m present.



Healthier than ever before in my life




National Guard


Hi, good evening.


Please, don’t harm

Our Citizens and Civilians


No, Peaceful Local Demonstrators

Aren’t militia groups


No, Locals aren’t rioting or looting


Please, understand

Locals sweep up the debris

As quickly as we can



If the police decide

To shoot

The People

With rubber bullets


The People

Have decided

To Burn it all to the ground


Minnesota doesn’t trust

The police

Therefore the police must not be

Derogatory, forceful or violence

Or vengeful


Yes, in Minnesota,

We will defend ourselves.


Yes, if Minnesotans get killed

Then Minnesota

Will fight back


If need be,


We’ll kill our police

Because our police kill us


The Twin Cities

Is already destroyed

So if we have to

Protect our People


The Police have no power here


Plus, the Twin Cities hates

The murderous police


The police are assholes.

Yes, correct.

We all know it.


The police had the chance

To do this peacefully


Instead, the police have gone all

Wrong about this social unrest


The police were supposed to

Have a peaceful presence

Not Force!


Yes the police are

Supposed to allow

For Peaceful



We will not stand by and

Watch as the police fire



Rubber bullets

Upon our People


This isn’t Palestine


If we need to burn Minnesota

Down to the ground then we will

And I personally will get in there

And help burn it down myself

Even though I don’t

How to start a bonfire

Without much effort


We’re laypeople

We don’t know how to fight


We’re laypeople

We don’t know how to do violence


We’re laypeople

We don’t know how to start fires.


My goodness, I don’t even know

How to start a proper bonfire


Why violence?

Never violence


Simply, peaceful sit-ins

Because the police are

Targeting women of color and

Pepper spraying women.



We don’t care

What the police think of us

Because the police

Seem to think we’re idiots


Only the rich and

The police get away with murder

While the rest of us watch

Brown and Black people

Get murdered by

The police or white people


If we need to burn down

The motherfucking country

Then we will.


Stand down

Stupid fucking

Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Police because

At this point

We, the People

Have nearly no mercy


Peaceful demonstrators

Are our young, youth and mature adults

In their 60’s, 70’s


Please, don’t harm our babies


Please, don’t harm our local babies


Please, don’t hurt our babies


Tonight, if we must then we’ll break curfew and

We’ll peacefully demonstrate


Minnesota, there’s no curfew.

Even during Marshall Law

One has the right to do

Quiet sit-ins.


Although, not highly recommended



Let’s go!


“You kill us,

We’ll fight back.”

(A graffiti quote)


            Yours Truly;





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