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Thursday, August 20, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 11:09am CT, 12:25pm CT, 1:50pm CT

Word Count: 2,575

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Thursday!


            Happy wellness!


            Wear a mask. It’s the law.


---  ---  ---


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


            Please, don’t give Donald Trump anymore air time.


            Undisclosed armies are militia and Americans’ Constitution reads by the 2nd Amendment to “bare arms” against any unknown entities known as “traitors of the state” because taxpayers are the majority two-thirds and we want to know what exactly our Constitutional dollars go towards so there better be Insignia which states “Police,” or “FBI” or “CDC” and so forth.


            No, tear gas is not to be utilized against peaceful American demonstrators because “The Battle of Versailles” wasn’t exactly a battle more like en masse of starving French “commoners” went ahead and by right took over the palace and imprisoned the monarchy and brought the monarchy to the guillotine which is a blade to slice off the head at the neck. Yuck. Yikes.


---  ---  ---


            Moral to a Tale:


            Yesterday, I heard WCCO’s Mike Max talk about a story about a man who threw a tortoise against the wall and the tortoise came back a year later and asked the man why he would purposely hurt the tortoise like that then the radio got turned off and I had to work on graphics. I never heard the rest of the story, however. I can’t stop thinking about the rest of “Maxi’s” story.


            Thanks, Max and all of his moral tales gives me hope and strength to go on and conduct myself as well as I can under the pressuring circumstances to work hard and be abused by white people in Highland Park, St. Paul, MN.


            Why don’t white women get as abused as Indigenous women?


             My secret in life is I listen to WCCO even though I’ve been put down for years for listening to WCCO. I love WCCO. The talks give me hope for our future.


            Personally, I hate what Lindus Construction did to our home because our home is destroyed by the incompetence of Lindus.


            Lindus will someday end up in jail for the terrible construction work they do.


            Anyway, Amelia and Frank are my heroes.


            The talk radio hosts of WCCO radio are my heroes because they give me something to think about other than the verbal abuse I endure each and every day.


            Thanks, WCCO.


            This writer thanks you from the bottom of my heart.


---  ---  ---


            Pandemics: Man made


            Now, I dropped $250,000.00 for my undergraduate degree.


            $150,000.00 were in grants and scholarships.


            $100,000.00 were in loans which I paid back by the age of 40.


            Now, my white private liberal arts education taught me all viruses are manmade and not to ever believe viruses suddenly occur.


            So, because I dropped so much money to get educated then I do believe viruses are lab made.


---  ---  ---


            Bernie Sanders:


            Personally, I was informed Bernie Sanders dropped out otherwise I would’ve still voted for Bernie Sanders. What the hell.


            Is Bernie Sanders running or not because no news will reach us here in MN?


            No one will give me a straight answer.


---  ---  ---


            Ontrak Inc. Stock:


            At 1:41pm at $67.40


            Well, I’m going to trust you with my money.


---  ---  ---








Healthy as a Horse



Narcissists are the most

Emotionally unstable people


Please, stop calling me

A nigger


My soul hurts


The reason why I wail and cry

Is because I can’t handle

The stress of verbal abuse

And constant verbal attacks


Yes, it’s my right

As a woman to

Weep, cry and wail

Every time I’m called a “cunt”

For up to three hours


What am I doing here?


Hoping to be seen

As a complete human

And not just as a maid

Or as a whore


What am I doing here?

Hoping to be heard


Personally, I want to be seen

As an entire human and

Not as a maid


            No, I’m not sure why narcissists fly off the handle when you approach them with any type of concern, question or grievance.


            No, I’m not emotionally unstable.


            Simply, I’m traumatized thus I cry like a baby after two hours of being called a “whore” or a “spic cunt.”


            My soul hurts. I don’t know what to do about the verbal abuse because it won’t stop so I cry because no matter how much I ask to please stop calling me names, nothing changes.


            After three hours of being called a “cunt,” a “spic whore” and a “slut” and “nigger” then I cry like a baby because my spouse is rather ruthless and takes everything to the nth degree.


            Personally, the rage and intense outbursts of any narcissists will scare anyone.


            The intense outrage will scare the living life out of anyone.


            Yes, I’m terrified of verbal abuse without end and to be left on street corners, parks, bars, stranger neighborhoods and locked out for up to eleven hours.


            Personally, each time I get left on street corners and parking lots and parks and bars then I cry like a baby because two years of abandonment have left me raw and on my last nerves.


            Personally, each time my spouse drives away and leaves me on some street corner then I don’t know if I’m going to go homeless or get raped or murdered.


            Personally, there’s no stability except bouts of rage and more rage and my very life is put at risk by being abandoned and having to walk miles until my abuser calms down and decides I’m gorgeous and worth having around.


            My soul is being broken in two.



No, I don’t care what

The Twin Cities thinks of me


If you see me crying in public

Is because for hours I

Have asked my spouse to stop

Calling me a “cunt nigger”


Minnesota, why are you so hateful


Minnesota, you’re breaking

A Costa Rican’s heart


            Personally, I don’t care what anyone thinks of me whenever I cry in public because I’m doing quite well for being put down all the time. I have now come up with a self defense mechanism which is to cry loudly and to constantly repeat the words, “Please, don’t call me a ‘cunt’ just because I asked a question.”


            Personally, I don’t care what anyone thinks of me whenever I cry in public because daily I’m accused of cheating when I have done absolutely nothing to warrant constant abuse.


            Personally, I don’t care what anyone thinks of me whenever I cry in public because it’s my right as a woman to wail and weep for the soul when the soul gets harmed.


            Personally, I don’t care what anyone thinks whenever I cry in public because my heart and soul get crushed with public humiliation as I get sexually harassed for hours by being called a “whore” for talking to any male band member about music, art, life and their wives.


            Personally, I don’t care what anyone thinks of me whenever I cry in public because I cry from being tremendously hurt.


            Personally, I don’t care what anyone thinks of me whenever I cry in public because I work hard and put in long hours as a maid and indentured servant and graphic designer without any pay.


            No, I don’t know why a narcissist isn’t able to calmly talk about anything which they dislike or greatly disagree.


            No, I haven’t ever met anybody who flies off the handle and is constantly putting me down and doing their best to kill one’s soul.


            No, I haven’t ever dealt with this much verbal abuse.


            No, I haven’t ever met anyone who controls the food portions and tells you when you can bathe or eat and how much to eat and when to eat.


            No, I haven’t ever put down and put down and put down until there’s nothing left other than to wail and weep and cry to please stop hurting me by constantly calling me a “cunt.”


            There’s not one square inch of the Twin Cities, MN where I haven’t been called a “cunt” or “ugly” or “spic whore” or a “slut.”


            There’s only misery with the narcissist because their ego is grandiose.


            There’s no ego like the narcissistic ego for which their moms destroyed any glimpse of humanity or hope.


            Personally, I’m so traumatized by the word “cunt” thus I begin to instantaneously cry in public because my soul can’t handle the words “spic” and “cunt” and “nigger.”


            My struggle is real with a mentally ill person who doesn’t stop verbally attacking for hours for asking simple questions.


            The narcissist has a great way of making their domestic partner look insane because the narcissist picks apart your very own humanity and destroys the very foundation to one’s humanity.


            The narcissist is a child so you have to be real careful with their egos because a narcissist is in constant search of needing to hurt the ones they love because narcissists are missing the real core of their being so they want praise and servitude rather than equal partnership.


            A narcissist will go from zero to sixty within seconds and goes terribly irate if one questions anything about their world.


            A narcissist is a moving target and rules don’t apply to them as they do everyone else.


            A narcissist always wants “special treatment.”


            A narcissist puts all of their emphasis on their looks because their inner world is missing their humanity.


            A narcissist is a whiner and a complainer and speaks ill of everyone.


            A narcissist has no alliance to anyone unless people are sycophants.


            A narcissist hates everyone because they hate themselves.


            A narcissist is always insecure therefore they make life unstable.


            A narcissist doesn’t care if one gets injured or hurt so long as the narcissist feels good about themselves.


            A narcissist has no God, country or loyalty except for instant gratification.


            A narcissist is tiresome, bothersome and purposely cruel.


            A narcissist only aligns with people who can do something for them because narcissists don’t know how to give without wanting something in return.


            A narcissist is someone you have to keep up with or they leave you behind because they think their spouse is weak for not being able to constantly have immense output for them.


            A narcissist is someone to be quite afraid of, however.


            More importantly a narcissist doesn’t know when to stop publically humiliating their spouse by putting them down and calling them the most horrible names.


            Personally, I feel worn down and like my soul suffocates.


            If a spouse ever talks to the opposite sex about anything then the narcissist explodes and goes on to call their spouse a “cunt” and a “cheater” and the epithets fly out of their mouth for hours afterwards.


            The narcissist actually wants to kill their spouse and because they can’t actually murder then narcissists murder the soul by putting down their spouse for up to twelve hours a day when narcissists are charmers and fake nice to everyone else then go home and complain about how much they hate everyone who tries to talk to the narcissist.


            The narcissist is two-faced.


            The narcissist is cruel and demonic.


            The narcissist wants to take every inch of self respect and dignity and grace from their spouse by constantly calling their spouse a “nigger.”


            Personally, I can’t stand being called a “nigger” “spic whore” or “cunt.”


            The narcissist always thinks one’s against them thus they’re against you.


            The narcissist thinks they’re God therefore one has to treat them like a God, except I don’t then I take the brunt of the abuse.


            The narcissist only likes others for what they can do for the narcissist therefore one has to constantly praise the narcissist or the narcissist falls apart.


            The narcissist is quite vain.


            The narcissist doesn’t know when to stop the verbal abuse therefore one has to constantly walk on egg-shells and be quite careful as to what one says to a fragile ego.


            The narcissist hates everything and everyone because they’re constantly jealous of everyone.


            The narcissist doesn’t ever appreciate anything good in their life so they’re always easily bored and unsatisfied especially with peace.


            The narcissist hates themselves thus and therefore they hate everyone else.


            The narcissist mind is mental.


            The narcissist mind is all or nothing.


            The narcissist mind is a personality disorder.


            The narcissist mind is weak.


            The narcissist is an abuser.


            The narcissist is a user.


            The narcissist is super ultra sensitive like a child.


            The narcissist is incensed and a harasser.


            The narcissist is a pathological liar.


            The narcissist is a bully.


            The narcissist is a gas-lighter.


            The narcissist is constantly looking to entice melodrama.


            The narcissist isn’t a fun roller coaster ride rather an outright abuser.


            A roller coaster ride is fun and safe while verbal abuse is incensed and insane.


            The narcissist wants their spouse to be greatly unhappy because the unhappiness of the other makes the narcissist rather happy.


            The narcissist is usually a talentless hack therefore one has to baby bad talent and lie to the narcissist and tell them how cool, wonderful and awesome they are until one’s exhausted of stroking the other’s ego.


            The narcissist doesn’t ever compliment one’s spouse except about one’s pussy or vagina.


            The narcissist is constantly in pursuit of being told they are fantastic and beautiful and amazing when really a narcissist is a soul sucking vampire.


            A narcissist isn’t really a person.


            A narcissist is half a person who only hangs out with drunken teenagers because a narcissist can’t handle the mature company of other grown adults in their sixties.


            The narcissist is Peter Pan who wishes to marry Wendy yet refuses to leave “Never land” for the more beautiful London views and grow old with Wendy who is the only one who will truly love him and adore him and make him an entire whole human except the narcissist always wants to play little boy so the narcissist chooses boyhood for his entire life and lives and dies a miserable lonely death because he knows he passed up Wendy which is the best thing for which will ever happen to him except Peter Pan decides to live the rest of his days with Tinker Bell who is just as insane as Peter Pan.


            A narcissist is insecure and they feel powerless thus they take away their spouses power by belittling the spouse and insulting them and harassing them and name calling in public thus and therefore I weep, cry and wail after an hour of hearing the word “nigger cunt.”


            Personally, I’m being destroyed for a little bit of narcissistic comfort.


            The struggle is real.


            Racism is real especially in biracial relationships.


            The white person is always more liked and gets preferential treatment by other white people while the narcissist abuses their spouse and publically humiliates them by threatening the relationship and constantly calling their spouse a “nigger cunt.”


            My spirit is being broken.


            My soul hurts.


            I look like I’ve seen a ghost.


            I look like I’m ready to die from a heart attack due to the verbal abuse.


            Yours Truly;




Tuesday, August 18, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 11:42am CT, 1:33pm CT

Word Count: 1,684

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Tuesday!


            Happy wellness!


            Wear a mask. It’s the law.


---  ---  ---


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


            Please, don’t give Donald Trump anymore air time.


            Now, I’ll be voting for a one Mr. Joe Biden. Yep.


            Undisclosed armies are militia and Americans’ Constitution reads by the 2nd Amendment to “bare arms” against any unknown entities known as “traitors of the state” because taxpayers are the majority two-thirds and we want to know what exactly our Constitutional dollars go towards so there better be Insignia which states “Police,” or “FBI” or “CDC” and so forth.


            No, tear gas is not to be utilized against peaceful American demonstrators because “The Battle of Versailles” wasn’t exactly a battle more like en masse of starving French “commoners” went ahead and by right took over the palace and imprisoned the monarchy and brought the monarchy to the guillotine which is a blade to slice off the head at the neck. Yuck. Yikes.


---  ---  ---








Healthy as a Horse



No, my husband isn’t

Literally a womanizer



Yes, within the last two years

Literally my husband

Has been sexually accosted

Because I watched the video

And it’s disgusting

To watch women

Sexually harass

A man


For some reason it’s

Worse to watch a man

Get sexually harassed

Than women


My husband and I don’t

Understand why everyone

Thinks they get a say

In our relationship

And try to put themselves

In between us


Actually, some dynamic has changed

And the more people

Are rude to us

Then the closer we get

To one another


We have a much bigger life

Than bars, hang outs

And drunk twenty-something



Last night I fell hard

For my husband


For the first time ever I

Realized and understood

The deep fear

My husband has for

Over-sexualized women

Thus he has turned

Into a complete

Male chauvinist



Women are just cunts

To my husband

So they are also to me


Wow, last night I fell

Deeply in love with

My husband because

He actually showed me

His loyalty


For the first time in two years,

I realized exactly how much

My husband

Is in love with me

And it’s a considerable amount


No, my husband isn’t

Literally looking to

Sleep or fuck or hook up

With anybody



Let’s put it to bed

Because we have the greatest

Sex Life


We’re extremely attracted to each other


Look, we can barely keep

Our hands off each other

Plus we pursuit

Intellectual, artistic and relaxing pursuits


Nobody actually thinks I’m literally “ugly”


“Ugly” is an insult to throw me off my game

Well done


Being threatened that my husband

Will cheat is only a threat

To get me to stop

Complaining about the creepy women

Who throw themselves at my husband


No, my husband hasn’t ever

Stepped out of

Our monogamous heterosexual exclusive



My husband had a woman

Grab his hands and place them

On her breasts

And the bouncer screamed at her

And threw her outdoors


My husband had a woman

Grab his face

And force kissed him

Thus he ended up with Herpes


What a bummer


My husband tells me he

Had forty years to choose

Any woman of his liking and

My husband purposely chose me

Because I’m intelligent, smart and beautiful


Yes, my husband thinks I’m

Drop dead gorgeous


No, nobody actually thinks I’m ugly


Seriously, you take one look at me

And you know I’m good looking


Yes, I know I’m quite beautiful.

Yes, I know


Yes, no matter how

Much white people

Call me “ugly”

I don’t feel “ugly”

Therefore I feel quite beautiful

Thus I am



No, my husband doesn’t have crushes

On teenagers

He simply feels bad about

How unloved the drunk teens are


No, my husband isn’t insane

To have any type of relationship with

Any teenage


No, my husband doesn’t have crushes

My husband has eyes for only me


Yes, I realized it last night



Last night the teenage children

Truly scared and traumatized

My husband


For the first time ever I

Understood how scary and creepy

Over-sexualized women are


Personally, I don’t know why women

Are overt about their sexuality


Especially when eight

Dumb teenage girls

Nearly get on top of

A fifty-six year old man


Look, last night my husband

Sat me down

And Explained to me

Within the last 5 years

Young horny women

Constantly throws themselves

At my husband

And he’s terrified of the horny

Look on each one of their faces

Thus this makes

My husband

Utterly uncomfortable

Because he senses

He’s dehumanized

And objectified

And a piece of meat

And a bank account


My husband knows he’s been

Here for the past 40 years

And no one would date him

Or ditch him or end up

Babying dead squirrels

On dates


Or women would get undressed,

Or force themselves unto my husband

While all he wanted was a wife


Yeah, most women throw themselves

At my husband

However, it’s the most pathetic display

One will ever witness


Finally, I feel bad for my husband

Because he has ADHD

And tends to look around

And double takes and triple takes

Because he was brought up

Military and he likes

To be quite aware of his

Situation and location

Thus women interpret

My husband looking around for a wife

Except my husband is quite secure

With me because I’m

No sycophant


My husband says

He’s been waiting for me

For the past forty years

Because he was looking for me


My husband says he could’ve had

Any drunk teenager, any prostitute,

Any stripper, any female drug dealer

Except they all made him

Feel empty, lonely and shallow


My husband likes to threaten

He will go out and sleep with

Everyone he pleases

Except my husband is

A real loyal and true mate


My husband is constantly

Having to deal with creeps

Because my husband

Only draws from his sexual

Energy to interact

So when inappropriate

Women are about

To put their hands

Down his trousers

Then he panics

And realizes he looks

At every woman like

A piece of meat



My husband explained to me

He gets real turned off

By women who move in

On him because

My husband is extremely

Dominant and in control


Now, last night for the first time

Ever in two year

My husband moved close

To me and took refuge

In me

While a group of eight women

Walked by my husband

With smiles as large as saucers

And took a picnic about 50 yards

From us

Then the mentally ill

Eight young women dipped

Their toes in the water

Then suddenly all eight women

Came ashore and got about 10 feet

Away from us and had to be

Terribly noticed as to who

Had the greatest vagina

Of them all

Except the lunatics

Truly scared my husband

And he moved all of his

Belonging right next to me

And kissed me


My husband explained that he chose me


My husband asked me to please

Not follow anyone’s lead

Other than his



My husband tells me he’d

Been a bachelor for 40 years

And at any time he could’ve

Taken any wife

Because women have been

Throwing themselves at him

Even some women have gone

So far as to inappropriately touch

My husband’s thighs


My husband tells me to not

Pay any attention to anyone

Especially not his mother

Or bar people

Or river people

Or any other type of people


My husband and I have no

Clue as to why twenty-something

People think they can place their

Two cents about our relationship


Yes, every morning and every night

My husband calls me his wife.


Yes, as of the last three days

My husband drinks less

And is more in tune with me

About the creepy horny

And oversexed women

Across the city


My husband wants me to know

He doesn’t want anyone else


My husband wants me to know

He’s ADHD therefore

Looks around everywhere


Yes, for two years my husband

Has threatened to go and sleep

With other women

Because I have been arguing for

Three major points in the relationship


1. Since I do the volunteer

Graphic design for free


Then I asked for a brand new

Pair of tennis shoes

Every six months


Finally, this week I had this clause

Written into a contract

Its official

I get tennis shoes

And we won’t have to

Argue about this any longer


2. Please, don’t throw it in

My face I have hyperthyroidism

Therefore I have an

Incredibly fast metabolism

Therefore I burn off

Calories by blinking

Please, don’t tell me what to eat,

How much to eat

And when to eat

Since I’m living with some serious

Thyroid condition

And throat cancer



(Working progress)


Serious, the white man before me

Used to make $16.00 per hour

Doing the same job description

As I do and I don’t get paid

Because I’m part of the family

Therefore I must work for free


3. Please, don’t treat me like a maid

In which I have to do all of the cleaning

All the time

For the entire household


Please, don’t have such daunting

Unrealistic expectations of

Me to constantly be a maid

To the entire household

Or a slave

Or an indentured servant

From the moment I start work

At 7:30qm

Right before the stock market

Opening bell


Mostly what I hear are commands

Rather than a shared life

As teammates

Thus finally I have

Somehow made this quite well

Understood that I work

For food and praise


My room and board

Mainly covers domestic responsibilities

Not advertisement sells

Or graphic design


Yes, I go above and beyond

Any average expectations


            Yours Truly;




Saturday, August 15, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 12:21pm CT, 6:41pm CT, 7:12pm CT

Word Count: 3,735

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Saturday!


            Happy wellness!


            Wear a mask. It’s the law.


---  ---  ---


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


            Please, don’t give Donald Trump anymore air time.


            Now, I’ll be voting for a one Mr. Joe Biden. Yep.


            Undisclosed armies are militia and Americans’ Constitution reads by the 2nd Amendment to “bare arms” against any unknown entities known as “traitors of the state” because taxpayers are the majority two-thirds and we want to know what exactly our Constitutional dollars go towards so there better be Insignia which states “Police,” or “FBI” or “CDC” and so forth.


            No, tear gas is not to be utilized against peaceful American demonstrators because “The Battle of Versailles” wasn’t exactly a battle more like en masse of starving French “commoners” went ahead and by right took over the palace and imprisoned the monarchy and brought the monarchy to the guillotine which is a blade to slice off the head at the neck. Yuck. Yikes.


---  ---  ---




            *) Quickly


            *) Time is money and I don’t have any therefore time is even more pressing.


            *) Time is more valuable than money.


            *) Time is everything.


            *) Money doesn’t buy love.


            *) Money doesn’t even buy respect.


---  ---  ---


            More Notes:


            Stimulus Checks:


            Look, I don’t ever want to be a politician.


            Barely, can I figure out the three different graphic design software programs (actually I got this) to match one single Photoshop outcome.


            Yes, our systems are outdated therefore I have to jump from graphic design program to graphic design program therefore “jumping through hoops.”


            Look, the above sentence is to convey I’m doing research as fast as I can about graphic design and the stock market and etc., etc., etc.


            Yes, the Highland Park housewives have promised me their vote.


            Yes, nearly anywhere I go I tell everyone I’m an artist and a writer and everyone tells me they don’t care all they want is to see me run for office because everyone feels safe and comfortable with the fact I’m direct and straight forward and I don’t mince words and I’m tough as nails, even tougher than most men.


---  ---  ---


            Stimulus Checks:


            Yes, I have done the math.


            The government is required to support each American adult with $800.00.


            Yes, the government will pay the rent because Mr. Trump got the Americans killed with COVID-19.


            Yes, the government will spent $3 trillion dollars for the Americans.


---  ---  ---


            No Physical School:


            All schools ought to be shut down effective immediately.


            It’s a pandemic.


            Who cares if our students get behind?


            So long as our young aren’t dead because we can’t afford our children and youth to be sick.


            Seriously, I’ve been thinking about this decision since March 2020.


            If I had children there’s no way I would “throw them to the wolves.”




            No way would my children attend school in a pandemic even if I couldn’t afford to work, I would rather die of starvation with my children and know we could make it together rather than have my children be taken from me due to other parents’ stupidity.


            Priorities, people.


            Why aren’t politicians and business people really intelligent about what matters most? Human life matters most.


            Why aren’t Americans very intelligent about the history of pandemics?


            After pandemics everyone gets rich, except by then 1/3 of the population has seized and a great and deep hole is left upon the heart of any nation.


            Americans are idiots about COVID-19.


---  ---  ---


            All Lives Matter:


            Black people are rude.


            Personally, I believe black lives don’t matter more than other lives because black people are entitled and racists and mean and cruel and uneducated so no one cares if black people get killed, murdered or dead since black people don’t seem to make much of a contribution other than to complain.


            Why should the rest of us care, since black people are for the most part violent, loud and abrasive with the expectation of a hand out as if everyone owes black people something for which no one owes them anything for singing out on the streets like black people are always in “black face.”


            My life is worth more than most black peoples’ because I actually worked for my education and earned it and I do the graphic design for our company and sell advertisements therefore I don’t have to sing for my supper because my body and wits and intelligence already work for a living and I contribute as much as 10 people in one single day.


            Personally, I don’t believe white lives matter more than other lives because white people are entitled and racists and mean and cruel and uneducated so no one cares if white people get killed, murdered or dead since white people don’t seem to make much of a contribution other than to complain or live off interest or off the government which the government ought to pay citizens to live.


---  ---  ---


            All Lives Matter


            Especially mine because I’m 100% Maya and there aren’t many of us left.


            Now, the Maya prophecies have the Maya ruling the world at the end of 4500.


            Only the Maya go on to live and start the world over because no one else seems to have the presence of mind to shut up about everything that bothers them and get to work on gardens, raising children and doing the very best by our elders without our elders being complete assholes to younger generations.


            Look, the Maya go on to seed and replenish the world while all the other races murder each other off. We don’t care.


            Kill each other off simply keep you ugly faces out of our face and don’t scream, yell or swear at us and don’t murder us because even though the Maya are being slaughtered all over Central America right now, we still do the very best we do and we quietly continue to grow gardens because the Maya have been promised to be the meek who inherit the Earth.


            Personally, I don’t care if white and black people kill each other off because the Maya are slaughtered each day and we live with the mass murder of our Indigenous without screaming about the injustice.


            Daily massive genocide occurs to the Maya while black Americans and white Americans complain about injustice and inequality here in America while we have politicians to represent us and stand up for us as American citizens and civilians while the Maya have nothing or no one and we starve and fight for our lands while the corrupt politicians murder us for our jungle land to deforest all of our trees.


            Wake up, America.


            Nobody likes a whiner and complainer and verbal abusers and harassers.


            Personally, I think white and black people are demonic and haters.


            Black people and white people are cowardly thus a turn off.


            The Maya are meek and intelligent therefore we inherit the Earth there’s prophecies and Codex which explain to the Maya exactly what is happening this year and what will happen each year all the way until the year 4,500.


            We know what’s going down thus and therefore we’re not afraid to get slaughtered because it’s all been written like a road map for us to follow and understand.


            The Maya aren’t alone.


            We have the power and blessing from the Gods therefore we’re meek and intelligent beings.


            We’re not mystics and fucked up in the head.


            We’re mathematicians and scientists thus no one can “pull the wool over our eyes.”


            The Maya are so cool everybody else is just stupid about complaining about race.


---  ---  ---






Healthy as a Horse



When All I Hear

For One Straight Hour

“Fuck you,”

“Fuck you,”

“Fuck you,”

Then I either cry

Like a baby

In public or on the toilet

Because I get yelled

While on the toilet



Now, time on the “crown”

Is sacred ground

As well as



The criticism doesn’t ever stop

From the moment I awake

Until I go to bed,

All I hear

Every day is

Every single little thing

For which goes wrong

However, the rest of the

Family must

Take responsibility

For having to go ahead

And put blame

On me

When I’m honest, safe and protective


Yes, once a year,

If I’m extremely sick

With a fever then I do

Go ahead and eat all of

The ice cream in the refrigerator

And I don’t want to be put down for it






This is an actual record

To the letter

(With a broken left wrist and all)

Yes, I still go ahead and

Continue to keep a “blog” rather

Than jump into the Vlog

(Video log)

Because whence I go

“Vlog” then oh, well

Life is over as we know it


2020 has been the year

For which children

Under the age of 10

Ask me to please

Be on Television

Because it’s only

Native American little girls

Who tell me they think I’m



Thank you.


Well, the blog

Started out with

Only two people

As broadcast engineers


Well, well-adjusted children

Who aren’t creepy and wear their

Tennis shoes correctly tied

And don’t wander around aimlessly

Without adult supervision

Or without shoes and

Get real manipulative real

Fast and gets rather

Personal with strangers for which

Will get little children in trouble

Aren’t children I trust

Because children are creepy

To begin with


Now, I don’t write to read my

Writing because I don’t ever

Read my writing

Except once for a thorough

Read-through then I

Don’t ever again want

To read my own writing


Yes, any professional may approach

Me about editing my blog

Into a book

Because good luck

No, I’m not ever going to go back

And read any of my blogs.



What’s the point?


Aside from minor spelling check

Or minor sentence structure,

We all know this

Blog has been brilliant

From the start

Because as an artist

Not ever did I begin

To publically write to have

Anyone see my writings

Because Lord only

Knows I’m a terrible speller.


Yes, a terrible speller.

The entire world knows.


However, what’s saving me from

Brain damage and

Any type of brain deterioration

Is that I’m always able to

Structure the most

Grammatically correct

Sentence structure

With logic and reason

Thus and therefore

My brain’s intact


Mainly, when I have terrible spelling

Or bad sentence structure

It’s primarily because

I’m writing fast to get

The thoughts out

And every seasoned writer

Knows exactly what’s occurring

I’m typing fast as lightening


Not ever have I

Given anyone any reason

Not to understand me

As a writer because

Everything for which I

Have written is done well,

With modern swear words

And the awesome ability

To go ahead and

Correctly in context

Utilize swear words

Eloquently, bluntly,

Directly for the entire

7 million people to understand

As well and as correctly

As possible across the globe


As a humble Maya Indigenous

Not once did I ever think anyone would read

Personally as an introvert

I hoped no one would read

Except this is as public as it gets


This is a world stage platform

Thus and therefore I have conducted

Myself quite appropriately for the times

And for the modern expectations

Of me as a mature adult woman of color


I did it!

I started and finished this blog

In front of the entire world


Yes, as of May 2020 I

Completed ten years of Blogging

And thankfully I didn’t get murdered

Because bloggers are the main

Murdered writers of their genre

Across the world

Thanks, world!


Nearly, I’ve almost been murdered

In MN for stating

My blunt and awesome opinions


Yes, for ten years I kept vigil

Of all of the thousands of bloggers

Who ever so humbly did wrote

In front of the world about

The real life events

Bloggers observed

In their corner of the Earth

R.I.P. Bloggers


Bloggers are more valuable

Than millionaires

Any day of the week


No, I’m not bragging about 7 million

Readership because this blog

Started out with two engineers

Then three of us

As broadcast engineers


Now, the moment I go

Live with a Vlog the

Broadcast Engineers have projected

Five million in the first month

And I don’t want to deal with

That much pressure


Possibly twenty-five million viewership

Within the first year

Simply and only

Because video is King


Because I can impromptu talk about

Any subject matter intelligently,

Eloquently and with respect

For all and any opinions

And I look great on camera

Because ultimately I’ve been

Told I’m gorgeous

By anyone other than white Minnesotan


Yes, even attorneys, doctors and engineers

As well as

Tycoons and housewives

Like to ask me what I think

Because I can speak well

About any subject matter

Because I don’t drink alcohol

And I’m extremely well studied

In most subject matter

Like Benjamin Franklyn

And every word I utilize

Makes sense with logic and reason.



Yes, I won my freedom

And my life


Because I did the difficult work to

Write in front of the entire world

As a volunteer blogger

And I always made sense which

The only goal to writing

Is to make sense



There’s no repetition in writing

Thus I’ve learned to speak

Quite well and eloquently impromptu,

However, I don’t make good arguments

Because I must think of the

Serious and real life consequences

Rather than think about numbers

Or think about points to make

For the purpose to win an argument



In other words:

When it comes to the responsibility

Of economics

Then I have to think of numbers

In terms of real events


How many mouths

Will we feed without

Breaking the bank


Yes, I’m aware once I go

Vlog then the entire world

Will take over and watch

Or possibly only a few

Broadcast engineers,

Entertainment attorneys

And myself


Look, for 20 years I’ve

Fought acne

Because I have a low immune system

While I fight cancer


No, I’m not hideous to look at


Yes, my skin is hideous to look at.


Yes, extremely ugly looking skin.


Yes, the ugliest of the ugliest of women

One will ever lay eyes upon.

Ha, Ha, Ha.


Yes, I mean, real ugly.

Ok, well, let’s move on to

The next lesson


Plus, I’m told by white people

I’m ugly because I have pock marks

So I already don’t want to hear

From the rest of the world

How I’m the ugliest

Woman alive

Because I have pock marks

Because some of my favorite

Actors or actresses

Have either scars or pock marks


Ok, I accept I’m ugly.

There’s nothing I can do about it.

I was born. I live.

Someday as an old person

I will die, until then

Making the bed,

not ever looking

At the stocks

Simply researching the companies

Of the stocks of shares

To sell or buy


Look, researching the companies

Is a complete nightmare

Of being under mounds of

Piles of research

And up to one’s eyeballs


Once one knows

What the companies stand for

Then one goes ahead and trades

Or not




With intent and purpose I

Went ahead and green-lighted

The trade of Nikola because

Nikola will change the topography

Of delivery trucks across

The nation


No, there’s no need to have in-person

Learning when remote

Computer classes have higher scores

And more personal approach to learning

And terrific for all students to get their

Lessons done and their homework

Correctly done

For anyone looking to become

A multi-millionaire artist/thinker


America, as adults all money is research

Therefore homework is the only way

To be stinking rich

Because stock market research

Is homework

Which makes millions of dollars

Because homework is work


Yes, in one day t

The boss lost $600,000.00

Therefore I’m here to take over


Yes, in the last six weeks I

Made up $500,000.00

For the boss and his shares

And this week he lost $600,000.00

So I have to start all over again



COVID-19 Vaccination


Kodak, I’ve known you my entire life


Kodak, our family has invested in you


Kodak, I invest in you


Kodak, I know you


Kodak, you know me


Kodak, you know my family


Kodak, go forth with blessings

And come up with the

COVID-19 vaccine


Look, America

COVID-19 is bacterial warfare

From China thus and therefore

China will be shut off to

The rest of the world of commerce

For the next

100 years.


We don’t allow for the Chinese Hitler

To run the world



The Geneva Convention begins now


China, how could you killed

The world?


Oh, no!



Purposely, I’ll let

Go off $600,000.00 in

Shares in Chinese stocks

And wipe clean the slate

Because China, you, murdered

The world and this is

Considered genocide

Bacterial warfare



The Chinese borders are closed off

Until August 15, 3020


All Chinese students are welcome to

The United States to study

For as long as they wish or desire


All Chinese tourists are welcome to

The United States to be

Respected tourists

For as long as they wish or desire


Have good clean fun


Welcome, to all and any

Wholesome hard-working

Non racists or rude

Chinese Citizens and Civilians


Well, let’s do this right





Yes, I’m terrified

To show my face on

A Vlog in front

Of the entire world

With throat tumors

And acne pock mark scars


Oh, goodness


Simply because

Supposedly I’m extremely ugly

So I need to gather

The courage to jump

Into the Vlog

Except my confidence

In so far as my looks

Has been rattled

Thus and therefore I

Need to jump into

The project like

Jump rope


When I don’t know what to do

Then I stall



All I’ve ever heard

For 32 years

Of Minnesota living

Is just how ugly

I am to look at

Because I have pock marks

And acne


Well, life threw me a curve ball

And I have been fighting

Cancer since November 1997



All I ever hear is that I’m ugly

So now I have a slight complex

And I’m scared to start the Vlog

Because supposedly I’m hideous

To look at

I’m not sorry

There’s nothing I can do

Because this is the temple

The Maya Gods

Equipped me with


Yes, I guess, I’m extremely ugly

To look at

So I don’t know what to do

About how ugly I am

Thus I stall to start

A Vlog

Because I don’t have

Time or money

To do wardrobe and makeup

Therefore I’ll look as I

Do each day

After 4 hours of Photoshop graphics

Or four hours of selling ads


Yes, I fired the boss

And I’m now the boss

Because I will be selling

$250,000.00 worth of annual ads

However, it will take me one

Complete year of

A learning curve

To learn to sell


To carry the publications empire

On my entire back


The boss is fired.

I’m the boss

Literally, I’m training to be the boss



Yes, I’m actually fair and fair


Being called ugly everyday

Is getting me down

Because my soul isn’t ugly


Yes, I can understand

My temple/body and face

Is hideous to look at

However, I have

An awesome soul and spirit


Well, I just don’t want to put

My face on video and possibly have

The whole world tell me I’m

Ugly because I have pock marks

From the cancer so

I stall because I know

My skin looks ugly

From the pock marks

From 20 years of fighting cancer


Look, I’m considered the most

Ugly woman alive

Because of the pock marks

So the moment I show

My face with the acne scars

And throat tumors

Then game over,

Not only

Will the Minnesotans

Tell me how ugly I am

The rest of the world

Might also jump at that

Except, it’s the rest

Of the world who supports this

Blog while Minnesotans

Don’t believe I can even

Formulate one sentence


The whole world might send arrows

And wound my heart

Because I realize I dress

Like a man

However, I’m all



When people meet me in person

Then people comment they think

I’m the most gorgeous woman

They have ever been around

Because I’m extremely

Sober, strict and serious

Therefore I have a sense of humor

And I’m funny

Except when I’m sworn at

Or any of my body parts

Badly talked about


Finally, I have acquired a thing

For which

Even so much

Any slight sign

Of aggression

And I tend to squeal

And yell

Like a kicked dog

Because the greatest fear

Of my life

Has settled deep into

My bones and I’m terrified

To get killed or

More precisely murdered

By intention or not


Look, most multi-millionaires I know

Are quite poor

Especially house poor


Yes, I’m warned

The only condition

For me to stay

Is to stop



I have

This week I was flawless

And I didn’t once scream

While left on street corners

Or sworn at

And called a “spick cunt whore”

Ha, ha, ha




Yes, I kept my cool for all women kind

Yes, I did it

Yes, I controlled my emotions

However, I didn’t allow myself to be abused

By constantly saying;

“No, I’m not a whore.”

“Yes, I’m a graphic designer.”


I win because I’m

The sunshine and sunshine

Is a God

Or many forms of gods


No, I don’t ever consider myself a God

Because I pass fecal matter


Yes, I’ve been taught the Maya

Are from the stars and we’re of the Gods

Therefore we’re of the Divine


The moment one sees me

And I open up my mouth

To say something kind, smart and intelligent

Then the entire room understands I’m

The most innocent and safest person in

The room because I don’t allow my ego

To get in the way especially

When one corrects rude men

From refraining from calling

Any woman “ugly”

Or “cunts”




            Yours Truly,



Monday, August 6, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 9:52am CT, 12:39pm CT, 2:51pm CT

Word Count: 3,513

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Thursday!


            Happy wellness!


            Wear a mask. It’s the law.


---  ---  ---


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


            Please, don’t give Donald Trump anymore air time.


            Now, I’ll be voting for a one Mr. Joe Biden. Yep.


            Undisclosed armies are militia and Americans’ Constitution reads by the 2nd Amendment to “bare arms” against any unknown entities known as “traitors of the state” because taxpayers are the majority two-thirds and we want to know what exactly our Constitutional dollars go towards so there better be Insignia which states “Police,” or “FBI” or “CDC” and so forth.


            No, tear gas is not to be utilized against peaceful American demonstrators because “The Battle of Versailles” wasn’t exactly a battle more like en masse of starving French “commoners” went ahead and by right took over the palace and imprisoned the monarchy and brought the monarchy to the guillotine which is a blade to slice off the head at the neck. Yuck. Yikes.


---  ---  ---






Healthy as a Horse



Intimate Partner Abuse

Abusers Know Exactly

What abusers do


Personally, I don’t know why

Abusers lie and say they get abused

When abusers are always

The first to throw a punch



Finally my Harvard

Ivy League

Psychologist parents

did me

The greatest favor

To psychologically

Analyze my abusive spouse


My parents say that most

Alcoholics don’t beat up

Their spouse


My parents say that most

Likely my spouse was raped

As a child

Therefore he has some

Serious anger problems

And chooses to hit me

Yet is quite charming

With drunks and teens and women

And always looking

For attention anywhere

He can get it


My parents say my spouse

Is bipolar since bipolar

Runs in their family


My parents tell me

Not to take the abuse

Too personally

Because my spouse

Is literally mentally ill


My parents explain to me

Most mentally ill people

Are safer than

Non-mentally ill people


My parents say my spouse

Is literally bipolar therefore

I now know the problem

Is with my spouse

Who requires to

Be put on some

Type of bipolar medication


My parents say

Most alcoholics aren’t abusive

Mainly, abuse has to do

With early life abuse


My husband likes to tell everyone

I’m crazy and bad mouth me,

And gossips about me,


My spouse’s psychological

Evaluation came out today and

He’s literally insane

According to Harvard psychologists


Okay, I can work with insane,

However, I don’t do violence

Because I’m starting to lose

Nerve endings


My parents say the reason

Why my husband is always

Putting me down and beating me up

Is because he’s not medicated


My parents say the reason why

My spouse lies about me so

Much and tells his mom

I’m a whore is

Because my spouse is bipolar


Poor man


As of today, I once again

Check out of mental illnesses


Yes, I’m a “bitch” because

My spouse is a womanizer

And an abuser



My parents say

It’s not me

Because I live with

A man who takes too much

From me

And gives nothing in return



My parents tell me I’m addicted

To an abuser so I’m

To partially blame for

Staying with an abuser


My parents say I’m in

A bad situation

And anytime my spouse

Is ready to punch me

Then I must call the police

To save my own life



My parents say

My husband is an abuser

Because he can’t or won’t get over

The fact he was raped as a child


No, I wasn’t ever raped as a child

So I don’t have the same hang ups

As people who get raped as children


My parents can analyze and understand

The complex gravitas of being bipolar

And a child of rape


My parents say

Most men who were raped children

Can’t control their mouth

And they go on and swear for

Hours because they have a

Personality disorder

So after 11 hours

Of being called a “cunt”

People with personality disorders

Can’t stop themselves

Because they don’t see other

People as humans so they

Abuse to the nth degree

Until there’s nothing left of their mate

Because all a personality disorder

Wants to do is to

Crush and hurt and murder the other

Not okay


For hours I’m constantly yelled at,

Sworn and belittled, denigrated, used,

Abused and harmed


My parents tell me

My husband is causing me

Serious distress

With his violent tendencies

To always want to

Create fear, shame and guilt


The reason why young drunk

People call me “crazy”

Is because I don’t get drunk with them


My abusive husbands doesn’t

Ever admit to his abuse

So of course, I come

Across as “crazy”


Except anyone who’s ever been

Abuse can see through the

Lies, manipulation and hatred

And his mental illness



The problem with abuse

Is one becomes quite

Traumatized so

One can’t ever fully relax

Because an abuser

Is always looking

For any excuse

To literally

Punch you in the head

Or tear out your hair

Or kick you in the head

Or punch you in the ribs

Or punch you in the breasts


The problem with getting

Punched in the head

Is that it makes one

Sensitive to light

And loud sounds

Even though daily

One gets screamed at

And sworn at


Once you stop being afraid

Of getting punched in the head

Then one takes away

The power of the abuser

Because much abuse

Is threats

To bodily harm

So you can’t be afraid

To take a punch

To the head

Even though I’m terrified

To get murdered

By one single blow


If my husband murders me

Then he must go to jail

For the rest of his life


If my husband puts me in a coma

Then he must be sued

For everything he is worth

Because my husband takes

Advantage of being white and a male


Yes, I now know

How to take a punch

Like a man

Although, afterwards I cry

Every time


You have to gracefully

Take the punches to

The head without dying

So you do your very

Best to protect your head


Getting hit on the left

Temple is the worse

Because you lose your speech

You begin to stutter

And develop

A speech impediment

And you can’t

Quite formulate spoken words

So people think

You’re drunk all the time

Except its physical abuse


Getting hit in the head

Is like watching yourself

Have some degenerative disease


The problem with getting

Sucker punched

In the head

Or kicked in the head

Is one develops

Parkinson’s type of symptoms

In which you can’t walk properly

And you stumble

And your body parts

Legs and feet don’t

Quite properly function

Because you develop nerve damage

So the ability to move

Fluidly gets taken from you


The problem with

Getting punched

In the head is that

You lose feeling

At the bottom of your feet

So you can’t gauge distances

So when you go to step

Off a curve and walk

Then you walk

Like you have Parkinson’s

Tragic, really


However, the abuser cries

And promises they will never hit

You again until the next time

And there’s always a next time

So don’t get delusional

And don’t get your hopes up


Abusers abuse because they like to abuse


I’m starting to walk

Like Mohamed Ali

When he had Parkinson’s


Yep, right now I have developed

Parkinson’s like symptoms

At the bottom of my feet

I have nerve damage

And I can’t gauge distances

When I step off

A curve

Because I’ve lost feeling

At the bottom of my feet


Going from grass unto concrete

Is the worse because

The bottom of my feet

No longer can sense

The difference

Between grass and concrete

So I stumble as

Though I’ve had a stroke

And only white rich teenage

Girls laugh at me

And I don’t care

Only I know how much

I’ve been beaten

And It’s starting to show

In my body


I look good, however

I feel like I’m slowly

Getting murdered

And nobody cares

Much less my abuser

Who is constantly screaming

At me if I so much as

Say “hi” to any man

Other than my abuser


My body is slowly

Being tuned into an

Eighty year old body


My body shakes

With light tremors

And I walk like I’ve

Been an alcoholic

My entire life

Which I barely touch alcohol

However, from getting hit

In the head so often

Once a month

For two years

(Or once a week)

I now have been

Aged by about four decades

And I can’t get the nerve endings

At the bottom of my feet

To reconnect with

My brain’s sensory perception


Imagine, I’ve lost feeling

At the bottom of my feet

Because I’ve been

Punched and kicked

In the head so often


Abusers know exactly what they do

Abusers abuse

So long as no one catches them


Personally, I don’t know why abusers

Like and thrive off of abuse

Except abusers like abuse

So abusers abuse


The problem with

Domestic violence abuse

Is that one slowly

Gets murdered

In front of everyone

While everyone calls you

A “liar” and “crazy”

Only because drunk rich

Teenagers get angry when

You put a stop to

Your 55 year old husband

Getting drunk with teenagers

Or anyone under the age of 20


My husband allows for

Drunkard teens and people

In their 20’s to call me

An “ugly bitch”

Because he loves to see me

Get abused


My husband’s pass time

Is to abuse me


Abusers are constantly

Looking for ways for other

People to abuse you

So abusers gossip

Like old women

And tell lies

However, an abuser

Won’t ever admit

The truth and tell

Everyone the reason

Why I’m bent out of shape

Is because I’m physically,

Psychologically and emotionally

And verbally abused

So I stand up for myself


Recently, I’ve talk to women

And told them I get called

An “ugly bitch” by

My husband’s drunkard

20’s acquaintances

And each woman says she would

Personally punch any man in the face

Who would dare

Call them an “ugly bitch”

I thought so


Yes, women tell me they would

Punch any man for calling

Her an “ugly bitch”


Ha, ha, ha



Can you imagine a 55 year old

With only teenage drunk acquaintances


When someone doesn’t have

Friends their age

Then they don’t get challenged

And no one puts them in their place

Because insane drunk little

Kids can only kiss ass


Drunk teens are boring


Oh, the teen drunks hate

That I don’t allow

For my husband to

Get drunk with them

And seduce teens

Or be seduced by teens

Because when people are drunk

Then they’re retarded


For some reason daily

I get wrongfully accused

Of being a cheater

Even though my husband

Constantly reminds me

He’s going to fuck a teenager

And such talk ought to put him in jail


Each time my husband tells me

Or threatens to fuck a teenager

I ought to punch him square in the face

Except I don’t resort to violence

Only if I must self protect

Then I start lifting heavy object

And throwing them

Because I’m terrified of

Brain damage


My husband knows I’m quite intelligent

So he has a thing for hitting me in the head

Because I secretly think he

Wants to see me brain damaged like him


My pride and joy are my brains

So my husband is constantly

Punching my head


Abusers don’t seek out the weak

Abusers seek out the strong

So they can break you down

And kill you


What’s the point of being a husband

If all you want to do is kill

Or murder your wife


My husband’s only nice to me

When he needs something from me


My husband easily develops crushes

On teenagers

However, if any man so much as

Says “hi” to me then for

Ten hours afterwards

I’m called a “whore”




Yes, I purposely publically humiliate

My abusive husband

Because he calls me

A “cunt” up to

Ten hours a day


Especially when a man

Whispers to a woman

That he thinks she’s a “cunt”

Or keeps telling her

To “go fuck cocks”

Then I loudly repeat everything

He says to me really loudly

For everyone to hear because

If a man thinks he can continually

Call a woman a “cunt” then

He better get used to being

Publically humiliated

Since no man who

Professes love ever does

Such abominations against any woman


Yes, I’m terrified of getting murdered


Finally, I hit a wall

And I’m constantly scared


My body and intuition have caught up

With me and I’m genuinely scared

For my life as I know it


More so than death,

I’m scared of brain damage

Like my alcoholic husband

Who is literally brain damaged

And constantly in a fit of rage

Even if you were to state your

Opinion he finds any excuse to hit


My nerves are on edge


By 5:00pm each day

My husband gets drunks

And tells me he

Wants to fuck 15 year olds



How am I supposed to feel?

Being told everyday

I’m “ugly” and a “cunt”

And my husband is going

To go and purposely pursue

And fuck 15 year olds


Alcoholics are pathological liars

And manipulators


Alcoholics lie a lot

To cover up for their abuse


If one has a different opinion

Than an alcoholic

Then an alcoholic

Finds any excuse

To physically hurt

Their partner

Then lies about it


Ha, Ha, Ha


Alcoholics are pathetic

In their own right


No, I can’t believe

How many insane

Young Highland Park,

St. Paul, MN

Alcoholics I have come across


Why are rich white people alcoholics


Why are rich white people’s teen’s alcoholics


Personally, I can’t believe anybody

Allows their young and beautiful

Rich drunk or dumb teenage girls to

Hang out at The Monument

Because there’re only

Mainly two types of people

At The Mon,

Drunken rich teens

Or old men drug dealers

Who are literally gangsters


The funniest thing is

Watching a demographic of

White rich drunk teen girls

And their black old men gangsters

Who supply teens with their drugs


Now, I’ve come to the conclusion

That it’s best to get punched

Hard once on the head

And have the abuser relieve

His hatred and anxiety

Then to be called a “cunt”

For ten straight hours


Being called a “cunt” for ten hours

Is like getting repeatedly punched

With no end in sight


Personally, I think it’s

Best to get punched, brutalized

And kicked and choked

Than be called a “cunt”

For ten hours straight


No, I don’t like to get punched

However, I’d rather get punched

Than be called a “cunt”


Yes, I do get my feelings

Gravely hurt by being called

A “cunt” for ten straight hours


My husband is a light weight

The moment he drinks any alcohol

Then he becomes incensed

And begins to call his

Mom and I “cunts”


After a pattern of being called

A “cunt” every day then

One understand the gravitas

Of the insane alcoholic brain


The insane alcoholic brain

Is cowardly, incensed

And insane


Literally, it’s been explained to me

Alcoholics are insane people



Insanity is what I’m living in

I didn’t know the Highland Park,

St. Paul, MN alcoholics

Were so insane

And entitled


Mostly Highland Park is

Centered around teen

Alcoholism and cocaine

So by the time

These teens turn 21

They’re already insane

And their brain development

Is young so they’re already

Hormonally insane


Drunkard teens

And people in their

Early twenties are

Brain damaged and insane

I know first hand


The alcoholic teens

And alcoholic twenty something

Call me “crazy”

Because I hold different

Opinions than my husband

And because I find

It incredibly inappropriate

To constantly be under the age

Of 21 and try to seduce

An old 55 year old drunk


The alcoholic teens

And alcoholic twenty something

Call me “crazy”

Because I don’t thinks it’s okay

To be sloppy drunk every night


Yes, I’m terrified of

Getting severely punched

I’ve become so terrified

I yelp like a kicked dog

Every time my alcoholic

Husband gets right into my

Face and grimaces

And places a fist in my face

I now yelp and squeal

Without getting hit

Because the very threat of

Getting hit has traumatized me


Not ever before have I been more

Scared in my life than

I am now


My goal is to walk away with

My brains intact

However, the struggle is real


I get beat up by white people

And all other white people let

It happen then they call me

A “liar” and “crazy”

Except I live by a live-feed

So everything is video recorded


Yes, I know exactly how

George Floyd felt

In his final eight minutes of death

I do

I know what it’s

Like to be held face down on a pillow

While my husband’s knee digs

Deeper and further into my spine

While he punches me on the sides

Of my ribs


The seconds seem like hours

And you have to hold your breath

While one struggles to get free

From being face down on a pillow

And shoved and forced to swallow pillow


Yes, I’ve been beat up so much

I’m actually finally scared


No matter what,

I don’t or I’m not able

To shake off the feeling

I’m only seconds from getting

Choked, punched or kicked

Or dragged by the hair

So a type of fear

Has settled deep into my bones


The reason why I can’t stop

Being afraid is

Because a surprise attack

Is always a threat


            Well, at least I don’t get hit, punched, kicked, choked or my hair pulled.




            Now, I have to content with daily ten hours of being called a “cunt,” Slut,” and “whore” and “ugly” and “garbage” and “talentless” which I’m not any of these insults.


            Personally, I don’t understand why race is such an issue in America because black people hate every race and aren’t ethical or fair.


            Personally, I don’t understand why race is such an issue in America because white people hate every race and aren’t ethical or fair.


            Three weeks ago, a woman at the top of The Monument on the Mississippi Boulevard on Summit Avenue saw and witness me get shoved and pushed on the cliffs.


            Can you imagine it, a white woman witnessing a white man pushing and shoving an Indigenous woman down the cliff?


            All of the rich white drunk teenagers and all of the twenty-something drunks think I’m an idiot for fighting with words to get my husband off my back and to respect me.


            If I state my opinion then I get called a “cunt” for ten hours straight.


            If I make a statement like please don’t call your mom a “cunt,” “slut,” or “whore” then I get the brunt of one drunk’s anger.


            Each day my husband reminds me he can get any woman he wants and fuck anybody.


            Seriously, anybody can do that except mature adults don’t talk like that.


            Yes, I’m on raw nerves.


            Each day by 5:00pm my husband has already downed about three to six margaritas and on his way to drown his abusive sorrows into an entire bottle of wine.


            My husband is very charming and pretends as though he’s abused except I’m the one who literally takes the punches on the head which even punching someone in the head is illegal in athletics.


            Personally, I’m learning alcoholics find any bit of excuse to get upset so they can have a reason to punch their domestic souses and then they blame the physical violence on the victimized spouse.


            My spouse spent the entire month of April and May 2020 looking for teenagers he has crushes on.


            No, I couldn’t make up any of this.


            My husband is infatuated with teenagers and how much he’d like to fuck them.


            Everyday it’s thrown in my face that I’m “ugly” and “fat” and my husband finds ways to make fun of me without actually taking responsibility for finding ways to make fun of me.


            If I come across as “crazy” then fine because psychologists have explained to me everyone is “crazy,” however. Not everyone is insane.


            My husband is literally insane because each day he finds a way to get severely drunk and if I so much as say “hello” to anyone of the opposite sex then I get punched or severely verbally abused.


            If anyone ever has a crush on me then I get severely punched or verbally abused.


            You can’t win with an alcoholic.


            An alcoholic doesn’t understand the extent to which they cause great discomfort, fear, humiliation and anxiety.















            Yours Truly;




Wednesday, Monday 5, 2020




(Leo Rosten’s Treasury of Jewish Quotations)



---  ---  ---


A book: “Manners Culture and Dress: of the Best American Society, including social, commercial and legal forms, Letter Writing, Invitations, &c., also valuable suggestions on Self Culture and Home Training” By Richard A. Wells, A.M., Illustrated, King, Richardson & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., and De Moines, Iowa, 1891.


Dress Etiquette.




Chapter 26.

Page ?


For breakfasting in public

or at the house


The above passage is indeed correctly re-copied unto this page.


---  ---  ---


Upload: 6:54pm CT

Word Count: 1,019

Word Count Goal for the week: 1,000

Word Count Goal: 1,000


---  ---  ---


            Hi. Hello.


            Happy Wednesday!


            Happy wellness!


            Wear a mask. It’s the law.


---  ---  ---


            Bernie Sanders all the way!

            (Please, write-in Bernie Sanders’s name into the ballot. Thanks!)


            Bernie Sanders has my vote.


            Ilhan Omar isn’t to be trusted because any anti-Semitic speech is any anti-Semitic speech.


            Impeach Donald Trump.


            Please, don’t give Donald Trump anymore air time.


            Now, I’ll be voting for a one Mr. Joe Biden. Yep.


            Undisclosed armies are militia and Americans’ Constitution reads by the 2nd Amendment to “bare arms” against any unknown entities known as “traitors of the state” because taxpayers are the majority two-thirds and we want to know what exactly our Constitutional dollars go towards so there better be Insignia which states “Police,” or “FBI” or “CDC” and so forth.


            No, tear gas is not to be utilized against peaceful American demonstrators because “The Battle of Versailles” wasn’t exactly a battle more like en masse of starving French “commoners” went ahead and by right took over the palace and imprisoned the monarchy and brought the monarchy to the guillotine which is a blade to slice off the head at the neck. Yuck. Yikes.


---  ---  ---






Healthy as a Horse


Aside from small

Medical aspects

Such as

Poison Oak

Or a light cough


I feel stronger

And more beautiful

Than I have

Ever been in my life




Wear a Mask


America, let’s beat

This deadly



Let’s go.


I’m right here.


Right here


I’m always here.


America, knows I

Continue to write

In public for all of our sakes


Yes, I deserve a medal

For being a dedicated

Artist Citizen Writer

Even though my

Writing doesn’t pay



No, I don’t know what happened?


Everything fell into place


The violence

Completely stopped


As of yesterday

We became one


My Husband

Sees me now


Ha, Ha, Ha


When we get happy

Then everybody else

Gets thrown off their game


The entire goal

Is to support couples


Couples are the

Back bone of America


            Well, what a difference two years makes.


            Seriously, we’ve been married for the past two years.


            Yes, we’re married because we live together.


            No matter what anyone says, living together is being married.


            Our relationship has been turbulent at best.



Weekly Psychological Tests

You pass the tests as I do


            Yes, weekly I pass psychological written tests. I win.




            The exams are easy.


            The written part is the most difficult aspect of the psychological tests to pass.


            There’s nothing more imperative than to pass the written part of the psychological tests. The only way to pass the written portion of the psychological tests is to think like a writer. Yep. Be introspective, think, process, analyze, judge and correctly criticize no matter how harsh or disemboweled.


            If one is off even by one word then the entire psychological evaluation is thrown off and one has to re-take the psychological tests so no one gets put in any mental institution because using swear words in a correct alliteration is to be quite intelligent.


            No, saying the word, “fuck,” “fuck,” “fuck,” or “bitch,” “bitch,” “bitch” isn’t sane rather utilizing swear words in the correct order and correct context and alliteration is more important than “swear screaming” like the mentally who repeat the same swear word again and again which is rather monotonous.


            Look, I know the rules to civilization and I follow them to the letter because there’s times when women can candidly speak their truth without getting into much trouble without ever coming across as simply insane rather as a gorgeous women who can do swearing lectures and such swearing lectures are quite gorgeous to be a witness to because someone is taking the time to ensure the mature endeavor of another.


            Yes, I’m quite lucky to be able to pass all weekly psychological tests for the past two decades otherwise my white Ivy league Harvard psychologist parents will be the first ones to put me in a mental institution therefore even when my parents have gone up against me then other psychologists have taken over and entire teams of psychologists have passed me as someone to be “free” because I’m someone who proves to be a whole and well adjusted woman and quite intelligent because I have empathy and I care what happens to all people plus I’m ethical and just and fair therefore anyone in any room understands I’m the safest person in the room with the great interest of the entire body of people rather than only the beautiful or rich or the loud and obnoxious.


            The written portion of the psychological test is the most imperative because such written tests don’t hide anything therefore one’s cognizant and comprehensive skills are put to the test especially since writing “shows” everything.


            Writing doesn’t talk.


            Writing shows an entire picture of what’s really going on because writing is quite transparent.


            The only difficulty with written tests is the mere fact such written psychological tests don’t give any leeway.


            All one can do for the written portion of the psychological test is to get it right or not at all.


            Each week I take my administered psychological tests, I pass the entire tests because I’m a writer and writers are here to think and process and analyze and greatly criticize.


            Look, the main difference between mental illness and no mental illness is whether people are short tempered without any provocation and if people take personal offense to everything and/or if people contently do the same process over and over with the same result and not any new positive solutions.



Yes, I gave up fighting

For my rights as

A woman


Yes, I have decided

Not to get

Stressed out


Yes, I’ve decided

To live and

Learn to control

My stress levels

No matter how rude

Or obnoxious or harassing

Anybody else might be


Yes, I was chosen above all

Other women to be here


Other women don’t seem

To like my happiness

















            Yours Truly;





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