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Tuesday, September 30, 2014


“A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to

against every government,

and what no just government should refuse,

or rest on inference.”

Thomas Jefferson


“I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy

of our monied corporations

which dare already to challenge our government

to a trial by strength,

and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

Thomas Jefferson


“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism

to the tempestuous sea of liberty.”

Thomas Jefferson


“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated

than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”

Thomas Jefferson


“It is error alone which needs the support of government.

Truth can stand by itself.”

Thomas Jefferson


“But friendship is precious,

not only in the shade,

but in the sunshine of life,

and thanks to a benevolent arrangement

the greater part of life is sunshine.”

Thomas Jefferson


Verisimilitude (the appearance of truth)


To lend verisimilitude to their accusations they ascribed them to higher authority.


---  ---  ---





Middle Eastern


October 2014


            An Open Letter to Our Dearest American Citizens and Civilians;


            Dearest Ones, there’s nothing that I might write that will change your mind about war.


            Dearest Ones, since I cannot change your mind about war then might I possibly be able to persuade your hearts to soften towards peace.


            No, I’m not any more or less intelligent than anybody else about war.


All that I know is what I read and listen to behind private closed doors.


Even those private closed-door opinions of the elite leave me in a cold sweat and in awe that the elite care less if ‘Middle Income Earners’ or “Middle Class” Americans live or die in domestic or foreign battle because the very elite’s business is to further conduct further business to amass and to generate and to accrue great and vastly selfish private fortunes that not even their descendants seven generations down the road shall be able to spend fast enough because the interest is enough to make somebody’s head spin.


            No, I’m no one to tell you how to think or feel about war.


            Yes, I come to you as your Ut-most humble literary servant.


            Yes, I come before you as your dearest friend because we, too, have a stake in this great nation of ours.


            No, I shan’t even so much as consider trying to persuade you away from war because your mind seems already made up according to yesterday’s war mongering and propaganda news based corporate polls.


            Yes, I was astounded and shocked to find that some seventy percent of Americans had already ‘thrown in the towel’ and believe that war is imminent (about to happen) thus and therefore the general consensus seems to be that America’s headed towards a full-on war with troops on the ground so what’s the point?


            The point is that mature global citizens don’t consider war a pointless and continually aimless affair in search of solving our world’s problems by further murdering or killing our Middle Eastern Brothers and Sisters as collateral damage in exchange to eradicate religious extremism.


            The point is that Americans aren’t so easily coaxed or harassed into a meaningless two-thousand years war simply and only because some radical extremists calls America names or bullies her or murders our tourists and journalists while beheaded or maimed on camera. No.


Americans aren’t manipulated or easily persuaded or forced or scared or terrified or bullied into another war with maniacs because to enter into war with religious maniacs will only in turn create maniacs out of us.


Americans aren’t war mongering lunatics or maniacs in the likes of religious extremist murderers and killers. No.


            What seems to surprise me most about Americans is that they tend to ‘throw in the towel’ all too easily or quickly ever since the creation of corporate cable news outlets. (Wake up because corporate cable news outlets are pure entertainment.)


            What seems ever so astounding about Americans is that mostly we tend to ‘throw our hands up in the air’ and give up the ever so important philosophical fight.


We tend to concede (give in) to war without any moral or ethical debate about what’s right or wrong in without putting up any dispute to get involved in a two-thousand years war against people who are probably too tired to do their own dirty biding thus they manipulate others around the world to do their killing for them because America’s government is too much of a sucker to say, “No, thank you,” and walk away.


Realistically, are Americans such suckers and ever so easily swayed by corporate or special interest groups of the American politicians to kill off or murder our Sons and Daughters in a futile and worthless two-thousand years war that has nothing to do with us, anyway. No.


            Americans don’t seem to understand that Saudi Arabia is stinking richer than most Americans’ greatest imagination.


Saudi Arabia is stinking rich right along with other near-by Arab countries, however, most surrounding Arab nations haven’t lifted a single finger in any modern fight till now and that doesn’t mean anything until the world sees some action from Saudi Arabia or other Arab nations otherwise it’s a whole lot of hot air in search of more blood oil money.


If or since such rich Arabic nations ever so much as desired to stop “ISIS” or “ISIL” or any other religious extremist lunatics from murdering innocent Syrian bystanders then surrounding Arabic nations would have done so by now yet they haven’t even though war’s right nearest to their backdoor and backyard.


            Americans don’t seem to understand that Americans are puns used for political collateral damage in a war that has absolutely nothing to do with America in the first place.


No matter whichever way any moron may argue for war only to provoke or to instigate the deaths of our own American soldiers such arguments may only hold any basis for fear or manipulation.


            Americans don’t seem to understand the history of a two-thousand years war in the Middle Eastern region thus we tend to believe that it’s something that was established with 9/11 about thirteen years ago.


True, that all of the Saudi Arabians were flown out of America the day after (correction) 9/11 hit yet and nevertheless 9/11 was manufactured and cultivated by our American government at that time of 9/11.     


(Fact. Rachel Maddow does an entire investigative analysis featuring a two-part documentary series about how our American government duped its people into 9/11.)


            In our short history since 9/11 and thirteen years of continuous war: One would come to think or conclude several of many such things as A) Americans would have “thicker skin” by now about the Middle East and their lunatic two-thousand years war B) Americans wouldn’t be so quick or apt to go and fight some religious extremists’ war for them C) Americans would learn how to decipher and choose their wars better rather than run around like scared chickens choking on their last breath of air while their severed head lay next to their nerve twitching bodies (no pun or disrespect intended) D) Americans would learn global war history so that they wouldn’t get further duped into believing ignorant made up stories about nothing E) Americans would abhor war F) Americans as a collective would grow a strong backbone and spine and sit up and pay attention to the Middle East manipulating them into giving the Middle East a piggy-back ride all the way to their military war bank G) Americans would not be so easily spooked or scared by television commentators or politicians about the topic of war H) Americans wouldn’t be so easily duped into committing illegal war in Syria when America hasn’t been “officially” asked to intervene I) Americans wouldn’t ever so foolishly fall for the lie to fight a war for the Syrian “Assad Regime” and Syria’s totalitarian tyrant because to do so is no different than if America would’ve fought WWII on the side of the Nazis and Hitler // (Yes, the Syrian “Assad” totalitarian regime murders (present tense) their own Syrian people in cold blood and such a regime doesn’t  think twice about serious consequences because now the Americans fight for the Syrian “Assad Regime” and America does all their dirty work for them) J) Americans wouldn’t be so confused about all of the different impoverished Middle Eastern militant rebel sector groups that there are if America packed up and left such a bloody region because a “Holy War” isn’t won by politicians’ bombs only can such a devastating “Holy War” be won from within any culture that which can and must take a “Holy War” and turn it into peaceful resolution by changing the radical ideology of religious fanaticism K) Americans wouldn’t be so easily manipulated into every stupid bloody war that came along with no end in sight if they read L) Americans wouldn’t be so easily scared by rebel groups that fight wars with our very own weaponry that we gave Iraq then Iraq’s rebels stole from Iraq only to have our own weapons now used against our American troops M) Americans must not fear some barefooted half starved religious fanatic lunatic from coming into their bedroom because the odds of that happening are less than winning the lottery N) Americans must stay vigilant yet and more so precisely intelligent and well informed about global current events than fearful gossip O) Americans must do some thorough reading otherwise scare tactics are ever so easily imposed upon them P) Mass corporate media and corporate government relies on the ignorance of Americans because it’s easier to control the masses when they panic about the “boogieman” underneath their bed Q) Why is it that every little thing spooks Americans when gun violence or Republican’s “War on Women” or Republicans’ refusal to raise the minimum wage is far more a reality than some starved radical rebel religious extremist dressed in homemade sandals and bed sheets? R) When did Americans lose their “fuck you” and here’s a middle finger to go along with that “fuck you” attitude towards war? S) When did Americans lose their independence to free think? T) When did Americans become so easily driven like a bunch of cattle? U) When did Americans stop debating politics or religion? Don’t be afraid: Debate “ain’t gonna bite ya” in the rear end unless you literally bite another first then we’ve got issues. V) When did Americans lose their free spirit to make decisions of their own? W) When did Americans make politicians experts? Careful. X) When did Americans lose their “anti-war” spirit? Y) When did Americans decide that in order to solve the world’s problems that America ought to enter and stay in an exhausting everlasting war only because politicians tell us so? Z) When did Americans lose their will to live and began to die for war?


            In conclusion: It’s no good to saunter off and fight someone else’s two-thousand years “Holy War” because that very act will drain America of our valuable time and effort and energy and resources.


            What is it that keeps politicians and global leaders from suggesting the possibility of a strong right arm in doing nothing?


We know America’s got the might so must we constantly flex our war muscle?


            What is it that keeps politicians and global leaders from suggesting that we not go into any further war with any more countries in the Middle East?


            The suggestion to do nothing is a brilliant one that only a strong leader can propose because peace is conducted by sane people and not blood thirsty lunatics.


            When America does nothing to fight another’s two-thousand years “Holy War” and chaos of the Middle East then America will find new speed “bullet” trains installed as well as new streets and schools and public libraries and places to free think as well as new aqueducts and fiber optic wireless free public internet service and a tablet in the hands of each and every single student in our nation and, and, and scholarships and free meals for every single student in every single public school across America and, and, and...


            Imagine peace rather than boring old war.


            Imagine prosperity rather than dull bloody chaos.  




            There’re rules to war.


            America may only enter into war if and when…


            Learn the rules to war otherwise Americans will ‘get taken for a ride’ by politicians and corporate interest groups that don’t care if American Middle Income Earners live or die in someone else’s battlefield.


            Americans aren’t suckers because we’re free thinkers.


            Yes, I love America thus I write with America in mind.


            Yes, I know America to be spectacular so stop getting spooked by everything especially barefooted “boogiemen” in torn bed sheets running around with our stolen guns and tanks and ammunition.


            Be more concerned to overthrow this bloody Republican Party that hates Americans with a passion.


            Oh, beautiful Ones; no longer be afraid of our own shadow.


            It isn’t good to be afraid of ‘everything’ or ‘everyone’ otherwise we, too, shall become radical fanatic ideologues afraid that the world’s changed ever so much and left them far behind in their caves to dwell and contemplate their hatred for modern civilization.


We’re not afraid because we’re better than fear itself.

We’re better than that.


With All My Love;



Word Count Goal: 1,356

Word Count: 2,082



*)         Day #220 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Monday, September 29, 2014


“A wise and frugal government,

which shall restrain men from injuring one another,

shall leave them otherwise free

to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement,

and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”

Thomas Jefferson


“Experience demands that man is the only animal

which devours his own kind,

for I can apply no milder term

to the general prey of the rich on the poor.”

Thomas Jefferson


“When angry count to ten before you speak.

If very angry, count to one hundred.”

Thomas Jefferson


“The God who gave us life,

gave us liberty at the same time.”

Thomas Jefferson



Arrant (out-and-out, very much so, downright)


His actions proved him to be an arrant fool.


---  ---  ---




            No, I don’t ever expect for strangers or acquaintances or distant peers to like me, however, I do demand respect and dignity and grace because everyone deserves as much.


            Despite what you might think of me: By-and-by I’m told by people closest to us that I’m quite genuinely kind as a person.


Actually, adult equals closest to me: (circa, 1987-1989 (non-school peers) say that I’m still the same sweet ten year old that they met when I was first adopted.


They tell me that I’m still their beloved friend who watched out for them at beach parties while they got harassed or bullied by the mean boys.


At the time, we openly shared dreams and broke bread served with a smile and laughter.


To this day, we still break bread together and share our dreams with smiles and laughter.


We love each other as only siblings ever could. We’re not even blood related yet we’re bonded through space and time and land (tierra).


Our beloved ones refuse to lie to me thus they tell me that I’m still the same sweet soul who doesn’t get jealous or envious of others and only wishes others the very best of everything. They tell me ‘sweet old nothings.’


            When strangers first meet me they take a step back and tell me that they expected to meet a “bitch” because my writing is ever so forward or direct or clarify my emotions just so.


            Yes, on paper I like to exercise the right to my alter-ego which happens to be a curmudgeonly old man in the likes of my former Finn-Minnesota Grandfather who is still beloved and liked by many thousands of people across the state and the country and the world over.


            Despite the fact that some people’s deepest wishes might seem to secretly believe that I were possibly and truly a “bitch” such notions will only disappoint them because in person I value respect and dignity and decency and in treating others as “equals” especially when distant peers or acquaintances haven’t conducted themselves decently towards all others while in community or breaking bread.


            If I’m directly a stern disciplinarian with another then it’s only because I disapprove of the disrespect bestowed upon an entire village or community.


If I continue to be short with others then it’s only because “the damage’s already been done” even though peace is established I will keep an arm’s length approach and let the other know that I disapprove of their continual misconduct against others in a group. (Go right ahead and kill yourself, however, don’t kill everybody else right along with you.)


If I’m cold in demeanor then it’s only because another ripped out my heart and forced me to eat it right in front of everybody else and pretends like nothing’s the matter thus we shan’t repeat that meal plan ever again.


If I’m conceited then it’s only because the mere sight of another makes me ill and I’ll hold back the gagging reflex not to projectile all over a birthday cake.


If I’m cold it’s because I was unjustly or unjustifiably excluded then there’s nothing more to be said between us ever again.


If I’m cold then it’s because I was wronged, no matter how much another might pretend not to have tried to literally kill me off.


If I’m silent then it’s because I’m translating.


If I’m extremely silent then it’s because I’m writing down by verbatim everything I hear.


If I’m nervous then it’s because another’s smell is setting me off.


If I’m nervous then it’s because I’m talking over the phone which mostly everything gets lost in translation anyway.


If I’m clumsy then it’s because I feel severely judged without forgiveness or decency in sight thus I continue to get clumsier with each passing minute because I simply and only want to get the hell away from another’s discriminatory burning gaze.


If I’m discretely looking around for an exit then it’s only because I’m about to walk out of a ‘joint.’


If I’m put off then it’s only because another adult so much as thinks that he or she can either preach at me or downright insult me to my face by directly calling me a derogatory name or accuse me of a crime without evidence (only gossip) or so much as presume to lecture me or so much as to presume that which’s deeply guarded inside my locked heart.


If I’m sheepishly shy or weirded-out with another then it’s because they’ve directly either lied to my face or lied about making me a co-conspirator to their lies or lied behind my back about me without my knowledge only to find out later that I was used in a lie and the culprit told everyone that I was the one who told the lie when I hadn’t yet I’m the one made to carry the burden of someone else’s lie.





            Yes, I do get weirded-out by people no matter how “attractive” or “wonderfully charming” they might seem to come across to others especially if another has that look of self-righteous indignation as to so much as to think that they know “everything” about me or when others totally and completely presumably think that they’ve got me all figured out then don’t make me laugh so hard as all that.


Most people don’t know themselves well enough to have figured out their soul thus to so much as to pretend to have another figured out, is the greatest lie that ever was.


            Yes, I pick up on other people’s weird or odd vibes when they either don’t like themselves or don’t feel well about themselves.


I mirror their emotions back at them thus insecure people hate me because they think it’s an intrinsic personal quality of mine rather than so much as to consider that it might just be their queer or odd energy.


            Yes, I’m an emotional mirror.


If others aren’t comfortable with themselves then I tend to mirror that which they can’t stand within themselves. It can be absolutely and incredibly fascinating to watch me reflect that back at them.


            No, I don’t ever start out a conversation meaning to mirror someone else unless another gets queer or odd on me then good luck with that.


            No, I don’t expect for strangers to talk to me so let’s not even so much as pretend like I do, however, if a lovely stranger can and does speak to me without throwing food at my hair then I shan’t read or mirror them.


I’ll simply pass a most beautiful and pleasant time with them discussing just about anything.


            Yes, when I get serious in discussion it’s only to gear the conversation away from me and towards something more general than myself because I only speak about myself with close and personal and intimate friends.


            Yes, I love to talk about the weather and weather patterns and bird flock migrations and the many different types of beer or wine or music or historical figures or literature or poetry or theories or food or recipes or television shows or films or, or, or…


(But let’s not talk film shop unless you’ve ever made at least five cohesive feature length films otherwise it’s futile to talk shop with me. I know what is and what isn’t so there’s no pretending with me about my field of expertise.)


Please, let’s not talk about me or you for that matter.


            No, I don’t care what others do for a living because I’m not that shallow.


            Yes, I only care that others are respectful and kind to all living organisms.


People who don’t know me well (or at all) have told me that they thought of me as some “cold hearted bitch.”


Well, I’m not cold hearted.


            Yes, I was born in the human form therefore I’m a mammal and quite warm blooded.


            Yes, I’m ever so difficult to get to know because it’s my nature.


            No, I don’t ever mean any ill intent or ill will, especially not against my enemies.


I love my enemies as I do… (A little joke.)


            No, I’m not an aristocrat because I’m an American and no true and real American is ever an aristocrat by law.


            Yes, I’m a patriot.


            No, I’m not a show-off.


            Yes, I know a lot about a lot of things.


            Yes, I’m quite good at a lot of different disciplinary forms however others won’t ever know it because I don’t ever mention it, ever.


            Yes, I’ve been humbled by life therefore let’s not put on airs.


            Yes, I deeply love.


If I’m talkative then it’s only because I like you or take an interest in what you say because it smells like factual truth.


When I speak to you as though you’re the center of the universe it’s only because you are and not because I want to get into your pants.


            Yes, I’m a mature adult woman.


            Yes, I’m a happily married woman even though we fight like cats and dogs.


            Yes, when people are cruel to Eric then all holds barred.


            Yes, I have feelings.


            No, I’m not a reptile despite what some might think.


            Yes, I’m a loyal friend or enemy till the very end.


            Yes, we watch out for my enemies especially when they have no clue that we do.


Yours Truly;



Word Count Goal: 991

Word Count: 1,635



*)         Day #219 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



P.S. Word Count: there’s still a carryover surplus.


Furthermore, every word’s been accounted for since Friday, September 12, 2014.


Since Friday, September 12, 2014 all ‘make-up’ vocabulary words have been completed.


Now we hold a surplus of words rather than a shortage. That’s remarkable. I still came in at 1,009 words over instead of under.


Friday, September 26, 2014


“A coward is much more exposed to quarrels than a man of spirit.”

Thomas Jefferson


Abnegation (denial, refraining from indulgence, give up)


We are urged to practice self-abnegation.


---  ---  ---




            No, I don’t expect anybody to like me, however, I do demand respect because everybody deserves respect and dignity and grace especially when one goes ‘out on a limb’ for all the rest.


            It appears as though our American corporate mass media is off balance and their audience has known about this subliminal mass media imbalanced truth for quite some time.


            Either ‘puff pieces’ are produced or hysteria-based pieces are entertained and compounded upon the good American people day-after-day without any relief in sight.


            There must be some type of corrupt scheme to all this corporate mass media madness in which either executives or producers don’t seem to be able to correct their falsehoods or they’re completely incompetent or oblivious to their imbalance that which holds a treacherous outcome to offset the balance of the people’s power by throwing the people off guard by giving them a continual shove as any bully does in the playground of woes and you know what happens to bullies, don’t you? Yep.


Any storyteller or broadcaster or news anchor or reporter whose main purpose is to bring about awareness and factual informational news then must first and foremost do so through the many truths established through evidence and facts: Yes, such a thing such as evidence still does indeed exist in the form of facts.


Either something did or didn’t happen.


            It appears that facts have become obsolete from storytelling or broadcast or newscast standards because facts are the brains behind any operation and there seems to be no brains to modern reporting or news reporting in general.


To establish facts is to take a real good and hard look at whatever topic it is that anyone studies or researches for the main purpose and sake to establish basic foundations originated upon rock solid evidence such as: who, what, where, when, how and possibly why.


The ‘key’ to storytelling is honesty no matter how creatively a story is structured or told or laid out.


            When any story is told for the main purpose to fill up time and empty space then that’s what’s considered or known as a ‘puff piece’ in mass media and storytelling.


Any ‘puff piece’ is considered fluff because such an item holds absolutely no significance or differential value in the everyday changes in the lives of people thus it’s watered down sugar candy without any substance, mainly lies.




            A ‘puff piece’ can also be applied to art.


When fashion designers or professional artists produce ‘puff pieces’ it's mainly done because such a fashion designer or artist is a ‘washout’ or without any good intent or ideas or caring ability towards and about their audience.


A ‘washout’ can be of any age.


A ‘washout’ is a person in their field who’s run out of ideas yet they hang onto their claim to fame (with their claws scraping ledges) or to their ‘infamous’ name because that’s the only thing that brings them face-to-face with an audience, however.


A ‘washout’ produces ‘puff pieces’ mainly and only because they’re dead inside.


A creative death is a type of death that denies any creator the luminescence to produce for others other than their ego.


When professional artists or fashion designers become all done for’ then it’s difficult for them to admit such an honest truth to themselves thus they continue to produce ‘fancy’ and expensive garbage until eventually and finally such a person is forced to step aside into the obscurity of background shadows so that they may saunter off into retirement so that at such a time if they so much as choose to get their lips cut open and filled with silicone then they may do so because only a ‘washout’ believes that only youth have a good shot at happiness and don’t seem to ‘connect the dots’ that happiness comes from selfless acts of love and kindness towards others because that’s what self respect is in its ultimate and immediate form.


            Now, any professional artist or fashion designer or reporter or anchor or broadcaster or storyteller or writer can ‘drop the ball’ any day of the week.


It happens.


People ‘drop the ball’ all the time, however, the trick is to own up to one’s mistakes because ‘everyone’s’ watching so it’s not any big secret when mistakes get made.


People are human and do and will make mistakes yet such mistakes must be appropriately corrected or such an individual comes to be known as a ‘hack’ in their field.


            When such a professional ‘drops the ball’ and if they don’t correct their mistakes then they tend to lose their way through a vastly complex and difficult game of shallow and lazy outcomes because such ‘washouts’ tend to ride on their popularity or looks rather than their brains or proper and classical forms of conveyance to relay to their audience that they’re still on the side of the people rather than on the side of malevolence or ill intent because for whatever reasons such professionals gave up on themselves and others long ago, somewhere along the way.


            It’s difficult for most people to produce high quality work all year round yet for those whom do so it’s mainly because they’re passionate about the work that they do or they were extremely well educated and their intelligence shows in their work.


It’s no good to be a ‘one hit wonder.’


It’s simply no good to be a ‘one trick pony.’


The secret to success is that one can and will and do their very best mostly if not always.


The reason why individuals either become “folklore” or “heroes” to the people is because the people can tell when artists or workers or designers give it their very best rather than dress models in sheer curtains and call it a dress pattern or copy the 1980’s Barbie doll attire and call it modern design when it’s already been done before and killed to death.


It’s not good enough to be fat and rich and famous.

It ‘never’ was and it shan’t ever be.




            The reason why Leonardo da Vinci’s legacy still moves us to the core of our souls to this very day is because he created and designed with us in mind.


He thought of us.


He thought about us.


Yes, indeed.


Mr. da Vinci thought of you and me.


He created with the year 2014 in mind and that’s what makes him one of the greatest lovers of humanity as well as one of the most special people that ever came to be.


Everything that Mr. Leonardo touched he did it so that we might survive and thrive and become enlightened with intelligence rather than lead by the darkness of ignorance or arrogance or shallow self centeredness or fear or, or, or…


He intended for us to feel special and loved and respected.


Master Leonardo da Vinci didn’t waste time considering his fragile ego and how good he would look on camera if only he could create ‘puff pieces’ to fill up time and space. No.


Master da Vinci loved humanity so much so that he put his every bit of fiber and bit of heart and sweat and soul into every single piece of art he ever designed because it wasn’t the look of his designs that made them humanely friendly it was Leonardo’s brains that instilled trust and love and empathy and compassionate peace in everything he touched even if it were weaponry.


            Don’t you wish to be more like Mr. Leonardo da Vinci and less like a menace?


What’s the point of going into any field of study or profession that one’s greatly passionate about and eventually or completely ruin it for the masses? There’s no point.


What’s the point of contributing to more garbage?


If one so chooses to be a designer or an artist or storyteller or a professional in any field then isn’t it our job to get real compassionately passionate about our industry or at least ensure that each and every single day we leave the world just that much better than how we found it that morning? Yes.


            There shan’t ever be another exactly in the likes of you thus won’t you put your best foot forward and contribute in the likes of Mr. Leonardo da Vinci?


            There shan’t ever be another exactly in the likes of you thus won’t you want to make contributions worth the scrutiny and criticism of the masses?


            There shan’t ever be another exactly in the likes of you thus won’t you want to create with others in mind other than yourself?


            There shan’t ever be another exactly in the likes of you thus won’t you wish for your designs to become helpful and inclusive rather than dangerous or deadly or exclusive to others?




            Yes, I’ve held the great fortune and honor to meander throughout the streets of Florence, Italy. (Yes, it’s a fact.)


Yes, I’ve strolled through such magnificent streets and markets and galleries and museums and bistros and plazas all in search of one of the greatest men that ever lived, Master Leonardo da Vinci.


Yes, in my meanderings and wanderings throughout such vastly gloriously historical streets of one of the most beautiful and artistically inclined cities that I’ve ever encountered (other than Barcelona) I found Mr. da Vinci in the very grooves of stone sculpture and marble.


It was indeed breathtaking to meander through the same streets as that of one of the most prolific masterful intellectual minds of the age.


            Can you imagine six hundred years after your death people from all over the world fulfilling their artistic Mecca to sight see the places in which you were born, existed, created and died.


            Can you imagine leaving such an artistic intellectual legacy that six hundred years later all those to come after you still hail your name as something of intellectual clairvoyance and astuteness and as one of the brightest lights of hope for another six hundred years of clarity and technological advancement?


            Can you imagine being seated at the table of such greats?


            Imagine it.


            It’s only individuals who advance civilization that set their minds at work to make the lives of the multitudes better by designing with love rather than empty or shallow nothingness.


            It’s only people who can envision the future that create with future unborn humans in mind.


            It’s only people who believe in the Humanities and the equal rights of all men and women and children that design for the thriving survival of our future people.


            It’s only the very people who use their intellect rather than their bubble gum brains that propel us forward towards another age of wisdom and clarity and invention and enlightenment and discovery and facts and knowledge and truth and kindness.


            Are you he?


            Are you her?


            Are you our next Leonardo da Vinci?


            If so then prove it so -- again and again and again as only any Master can.


            If not then step aside for the real Mr. da Vinci to claim his intellectual throne to step into the bright spotlights to be known by our people and his audience as only any honest man can.


            We await his return.


            Until then the people have to contend with stupid fashion notions that get women raped or technology that’s goofy-looking or ugly or doesn’t work or news that tells lies.


             Oh, ‘where art thou,’ our dearest Leonardo da Vinci?




            It is the works of Leonardo da Vinci that compels me to become better at this literary craft for the sake of future unborn humans.


            It’s the selfless and tireless legacy of Leonardo da Vinci that compels me to strive for more than mediocrity or pettiness.


            It’s the genius designs of Leonardo da Vinci that compels me to strive as an artist in these shallow times and insecure industry.


            It wasn’t until I studied up-close and personal the sculptures of Leonardo da Vinci that I realized how much he not only understood the frailty of humanity yet also the immensity of it.


            It wasn’t until I studied up-close and personal the sculptures of Leonardo da Vinci that I realized how much fun he had finding the ultimate spiritual muse that bound all men and women as one in spirit.


            It wasn’t until I studied up-close and personal the sculptures of Leonardo da Vinci that I realized that he lives inside the very folds of skin and chest cavity of my every breath.


            No, this isn’t to say that I’m the next Leonardo da Vinci because only the masses will make that known, plus those aren’t my intensions for a legacy.


This is only to say that Mr. Leonardo da Vinci and all humans share one certain aspect in common.


We breathe the same recycled air as Mr. da Vinci once did and that binds us as Brothers and Sisters through space, age and time.


The very fact that we breathe the same air as Mr. da Vinci once did only means that we’re closer to history than we realize thus creating a much stronger link to our humanity’s history than we perhaps give history its due credit to enlighten us.


            It wasn’t until I studied the Mona Lisa that I realized just how fascinating a man Mr. da Vinci’s work really is.


I understood his innate and deep understanding about and for humor. I realized just how funny he was as a person and began to lean towards his inclinations as a man.


            He was not only a man of his time yet also a futuristic man that understood all too well the significant partiality and study his work would impress upon others who so much as cared to understand his time and place in history.


            It wasn’t until my eyes dug grooves into his very sculptures that I understood da Vinci’s deep understanding for detail in the overall outlook of his work to tell an entire story from beginning to end without cheating his audience out of the wonder and awe and splendor of his creations in their entirety from rock to formation.


            It wasn’t until my eyes chiseled away at his sculptures that I understood his tenacity and remarkable knowledge of the future.


            It wasn’t until I understood Master Leonardo da Vinci’s time that I began to grasp the very deep complexities and difficulties those which he lived through or witnessed or was either forced into or fortuitously became a part of without meaning to.




            No, Master Leonardo da Vinci isn’t my muse.


            Yes, every artist has at least one muse or several.


            With an arm’s length sort of answer one of many of my muses is humanity.


            Yes, I do well by humanity because I love her every contour line without ever having to make a mess of things like needing to introduce myself with some cheesy opening line even so much as to simply establish platonic friendly gestures which could eventually turn into a strong friendship without sexual intercourse.


The only introductory line I’ve got that’s real and kind is, “Hello.”


Yes, I see humanity as both masculine and feminine.


Yes, I make love to humanity each and every single day.


What do you think writing is?


Love making, of course.


The best type of platonic love making is writing because it’s clear and concise.


Writing isn’t a guessing game not even when establishing friendly borders towards platonic friendship.


Only a coward makes amuck out of the written word and translates it to be something ‘scary’ or ‘fearsome’ and turns words into awkward moronic disposition. Only idiots run away from written words because they’re afraid of what cowards are; tremendous souls.


To write is to write with clear intension and promise to do well by another.


            No, I don’t ever lose my way because my muse(s) aren’t as enticing as my creative work is because really my work is ten times more fascinating than any oily muse.


My muse might simply be beautiful or handsome yet I keep her or him as far away from me as I possibly can so as not to get disappointed with his or her inability to speak well or if they’re stupid or without a sense of humor or bland or smelly or boring or, or, or… then I don’t become disappointed that my muse is less intelligent than I.


The reality of any muse is ever more so dull than the dream.


Nope, I haven’t slept with my muses because Lord knows where they’ve been or who they’ve spread their legs open to.


I’ve always considered muses to be a little dirty therefore it’s best not to get directly involved with them unless… however.


Muses are a significant aspect of art yet it’s best to not play with their emotions or to use them for emotional fulfillment because a muse can’t ever really live up to an artist’s expectations unless the muse is some type of genius or another artist themselves, however, the number one rule is not to make another artist one’s muse because artists have a certain disposition more so geared towards work than play even though we often prefer to play than to work, although it always comes back to work.


            In conclusion: I think that what’s happened to corporate mass media and anchors and reporters is that they’ve lost all knowledge of history or any sense that the world’s watching them as well as they’ve lost the ability to find an arm’s length muse to love and guide through this world without ever touching them or much less destroying them.


With Love;



Word Count Goal: 2,854

Word Count: 2,990


To clear up any mathematical confusion: I held a surplus of exactly: 1,146 words going into Thursday, September 25, 2014 thus I cleared 10,000 words last week. Thank you.


Total Word Count for the week: 9,863 + 1,146 (surplus) = 11,009



*)         Day #216 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Thursday, September 25, 2014


“It takes time to persuade men

to do even what is for their own good.”

Thomas Jefferson


Vernal (occurring in spring, growing time, fresh)


The vernal flowering shows that winter is over.


---  ---  ---



No Blog today because there was too much other business.


Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 854

Word Count: 31



*)         Day #215 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


“It is our duty still to endeavor to avoid war;

but if it shall actually take place,

no matter by whom brought on,

we must defend ourselves.

If our house be on fire,

without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without,

we must try to extinguish it.

Thomas Jefferson



Onomatopoeia (the sound a word helping to give its meaning)


The use of onomatopoeia enhanced the effect of the poem.


---  ---  ---


Edits were made.

(As always.)


---  ---  ---



Happy second day of fall!





            No, I don’t wish to write today.


            Yes, I wish to curl up with a novel and call it a day.


            So much has already happened today and this grey and stormy weather makes me quite sleepy.


            Yes, I sense and feel that I must continually re-address “ISIS.”


            However, war is such a bore and burden to write about.


            War is for lunatics and having to address such a topic is as heavy as tar and feathers.


            Okay, I’ll make a real effort with this writing tool.




            Seven years ago we interviewed a woman in her eighties.


That full length motion picture shan’t ever be released anywhere.


(That particular film will sit and ultimately rot and collect dust inside a cool and dry vault for the next “one hundred years of solitude.” Yes, we’ve made many feature length documentaries that shan’t ever see the light of a widescreen projector because well, what’s the point? There isn’t one.)


            Seven years ago as we quickly shot our way through a full length documentary feature (fall 2007) about The Great Depression we also made many discoveries about racism and being perceived as ‘only’ a “Spic” woman of color behind the camera.


We held specific interviews which dealt mainly about The Great Depression as a main subject matter and topic of discussion.


Not only were many of our interviews a complete and utter waste of time.


But also our interviews became as annoying and as irritating as far as interviews go because our interviews also turned into real downers and depressing to discover the many truths about the upper classes and their point of view on The Great Depression.


(Finally, I’m able to write about the many difficulties of documentary filmmaking interviews and some of the most uninteresting people alive especially alcoholics because alcoholics and drug addicts make for the most utterly boring people to interview because they waste so much precious time on nonsensical subject matter that pertains to nothing. Such interviewees become cowards and get deeply scared to specifically talk about a particular subject matter that which they agreed upon. Mostly, I came to discover that people think themselves fascinating, however. Seldom does one find people who can converse about many subject matter other than themselves or their personal experiences because many don’t know the basics about history or science or mathematics or linguistics thus one’s bound to get stuck listening to their quite personal theories on life that mostly don’t make much sense other than to feed their ego.)


            Our interviewees didn’t wish to speak to us about The Great Depression even though beforehand they’d already agreed and signed personal release forms.


Beforehand our interviewees were informed about the subject matter which we were to discuss.


Our interviewees were also made aware that it would take at least thirty minutes to an hour to sit down for a good and thorough interview.


As soon as our interviewees arrived and saw that I was a woman of color then they decided to terminate their interviews or immediately upon taking a seat they became startled by bright lights and mics.


Those whom chose to terminate the interviews early and got up and indignantly left did complain at the door to our ‘white’ male producer that I wasn’t a white director thus they refused to sit down with me.


(Okay.) (I got used to it. Moving on. What’s a woman to do? Nothing.)


Those interviewees who did stay; they did go on to speak at length about anything other than The Great Depression and rather they chose to speak about fishing or soldiers’ uniforms and material quality of uniforms or the many ‘gay’ dinner parties they threw during The Great Depression.


            “We didn’t know The Great Depression was going on because we were too busy throwing dinner parties,” expressed one of our interviewees.


            We were shocked to discover that many of our interviewees had no idea that The Great Depression was upon them or that The Great Depression ever existed until we brought it up to them. (Seriously, no joke.)


Many didn’t realize that The Great Depression took place because they were too busy putting together or attending exclusive dinner parties and they had no time to bother with such trivialities.


            Each time that I redirected the conversation away from ‘gay’ dinner parties and directed our interviewees to specifically speak about our subject matter at hand our interviewees gave us menacing and cruel looks of discontent such as: “How dare you not amuse me?”


Continually our interviewees kept giving me a look that said, “Fuck off” and stop asking me about The Great Depression.


Finally, I had to stop each one of our interviewees and directly asked them as to why they even so much as chose to sit for the camera when none of them wanted to address the main subject matter at hand.


Many prudishly crossed their arms and legs away from me and pursed their lips and sat in silence for a long time.


Finally they answered, “Because I thought it would be fun.”


How dare they be such timewasters?


(I could’ve almost killed them with my own bare hands. No, interviews are neither something which one does to pass the time or one does for fun. They wasted our time and they knew it yet they made it seem as though it was our fault and problem that we were there in the first place and had inconvenienced them. They were a bunch of spoiled retarded rich brats without lives of their own. I hated their stupidity and arrogance. That’s the worst combination of trait in any human. A dumb human who’s arrogant about being dumb sure is creepy. It doesn’t even make sense does it? Nope. How can anyone be arrogant about being dumb? They can’t. Not really.)





            What’s the point of me disclosing all of this information exactly seven years later?


            Well, let me see.


            What’s the point of not understanding current events?


            What’s the point of being inundated with current events?


            Is it better to know or not to know?


            Is it alright to be oblivious and ignorant to a nation’s plight?


            Is it best to hide away from one’s own history?


            Is it best to face the truth about current events?


            All these years later I’m still deeply puzzled to comprehend our interviewees’ oblivion about The Great Depression.


            To be oblivious about The Great Depression is as ignorant as not knowing that 9/11 occurred.


            I mean: I don’t know what to say. Really.


            Except that I believe that it’s best to know any truth no matter how small instead of just a lot of meaningless jargon or nonsensical information taking up precious good quality air.




            “ISIS” is all so very much complicated a topic.


            All that you really need to know for ‘Cliff Notes’ is that good people make terrible idealistic decisions to saunter off and kill and murder their Kin folk and their national Christian and Muslim Brothers and Sisters all in the name of some deeply indoctrinated murderous religious ideal twisted and justified into hatred.


            I could be more specific and poignant, however, why?


            You can read, can’t you? Yes. Then look it up.


            What seems to puzzle me the most is why such a strong terror war campaign on the part of the United States of America’s mass media occurs upon our doorstep?


            Instead of dealing with facts, why does the corporate mass media feed the American people so much panic and fear tactics to a fault?


            If anyone has any brains in their upstairs then they shan’t get scared by our American corporate mass media’s fear and panic campaigns because 9/11 took place thirteen years ago and by now the American people can see quite clearly through the bullshit.


No, it’s no good to continually keep any nation’s people in a constant and perpetual state of fear and panic and hysteria because A) the stress will kill them young B) they shan’t be as good or as productive workers as our nation requires them to be C) there’s no hope or a bright outlook in war or fear or panic tactic campaigns D) it’s a bore E) constant and habitual fear or war campaigns are nothing but propaganda F) have no fear about fear itself because it’s a bunch of hot air and a waste of our valuable time.


            What will it take for America’s corporate mass media news outlets to stop running around like chickens with their heads cut of or as though they were suddenly set on fire.


            It’s all silly business because when any nation’s people does care to watch CNN’s supposedly professional anchors or reporters run around filled with stage fright then they come across as such liars because ‘everyone’ knows that after work CNN’s anchors and reporters will retire to their private limos and penthouses and fancy private ‘gay’ dinner parties and forget all about the great and strenuous ‘trail of tears’ they left behind while they bullied an entire nation into panic and hysteria and fear.


Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 1,078


Word Count: 2,224



*)         Day #214 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



            Literary Disclaimer:


            My world-renowned literary mentors and coaches and Masters all tell me that I’m ‘right on track’ for the type of training I’m doing.


The Masters tell me not to worry about my literary mistakes.

Simply to fix mistakes each and every single day which I do.


The Masters point out that writing and editing are two quite distinct and separate functions to writing thus to continue on my literary journey and road to success.


My literary mentors are quite proud of the improvements and edits I’ve made over the past twenty years because they simply realize that editing is more difficult for me than writing is, however.


No, I’m not to give up on this tremendous disciplinary effort because I’m almost half way done through my 30,000 hours of Masterful work.


Yes, my literary Masters have been with me throughout this journey ever since 2000.


The Masters aren’t giving up on me thus I shan’t give up on them either because I trust them implicitly to do well by my teachings.


The Masters say to go easy on myself and to learn to enjoy this intimate and difficult and publically wonderful roller coaster ride of words and discovery.


Yes, I’m my worst critic.




The Masters call me a “word smith” and an “artist.”


Yes, I blush at their compliments.


“Head up. Shoulders back.”



---  ---  ---



We give “Scorpion” tele show five (5) stars. (Magnificent!)


We give “Gotham” tele show two (2) stars due to their outrageously violent content yet five (5) stars for their overall visual look.


We give “Downton Abbey’s” (new season) tele show five (5) stars.


We give “Halt and Catch Fire” tele show five (5) stars.


Yes, I can’t gush enough about quality television that doesn’t make humans look like “retarded” half naked cheerleaders with their vaginas hanging out.


The Era of the stupid rapist violent football jock and dumb cheerleader is now over.


Hip! Hip! Hooray!


Hopefully, now civilization may evolve as it naturally ought to.


Thank you everybody for making our lives ever so fulfilled as we deal with another round of illness and operation.



---  ---  ---



            Truly, I’ve come to enjoy a talk radio show called “Sports to the Max” mostly on Monday through Friday from 7-9 P.M. on WCCO Radio.


However, I only tend to catch it from 7-7:30 while I drive.


No, I haven’t researched the talk host’s name.

No, I have no idea who he is.


Nevertheless, the more deeply philosophical he becomes about sports and outdoor recreation then the more I believe in him and trust him to tell the good people any truth about anything.


The more philosophically inclined he gets with his listeners then I trust him to give us a glimpse of hope and to guide us (as a people) out of these dark times into more light filled ones no matter how difficult his philosophies might be to endure.


I trust this stranger’s voice as much as I ever did my speedskating coaches to tell me the truth about life’s philosophies which such amazing men did so often tell me the epiphanies about life.


I’ll be ever grateful to my former coaches for having the courage and the tenacity to tell me many truths because only strong and articulate and compassionate and intelligent people can do that with others.


Yesterday, I loved this radio voice’s ever humble story about being worried that his temporary front tooth was going to fall out while ‘on air’ or television.


Oh, my heart went out to him for having the guts and glory to share such a significant and humble story over the radio waves.


Yesterday’s story made me a believer in his storytelling capacity for telling any truth as small as it might seem.


Thank you.


I’ve been deeply moved by this gentleman’s words and philosophical outlook on life in general all summer.


He gives me hope specifically about the sports world. He truly does. (No, I shan’t go out of my way to meet him. It’s not like that.)


Tuesday, September 23, 2014


“It is always better to have no ideas than false ones;

to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong.”

Thomas Jefferson


“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences

attending too much liberty

than those attending too small a degree of it.”

Thomas Jefferson


“The whole commerce between master and slave

is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions,

the most unremitting despotism on the one part,

and degrading submissions on the other.

Our children see this, and learn to imitate it.”

Thomas Jefferson



“I hope our wisdom will grow with our power,

and teach us, that the less we use our power

the greater it will be.”

Thomas Jefferson


Synchronized (made to happen at the same time, agreed in time)


The aviators synchronized their watches before they left the briefing room.


---  ---  ---




“Hispanic” is a made up word for “Latino”

that more closely resembles the word “Nigger.”


            “Hispanic” is a made up word for people who are either too lazy or stupid or moronic to understand Central or South American or Latino or Indigenous bloodshed historical heartbreak or sacrifice.


            First, a “Spaniard” is a person from Spain or someone with Spanish European origins or heritage or real recipes or actual familial blood and flesh and bone history.


            Second, a “Latino” or “Latina” is from Central or South America or someone with Central or South American origins or heritage or real recipes and actual familial blood and flesh and bone histories.


            Third, a “Chicano” or “Chicana” is Mexican-American from Mexico or someone with Mexican origins or heritage or real recipes and actual familial blood and flesh and bone history.


            Forth, a “Tico” or “Tica” is Costa Rican from Costa Rica or someone with Costa Rican origins or heritage or real recipes and actual familial blood and flesh and bone history.


            Fifth, a “Puerto Rican” is an American from the United States of America or someone with American origins or heritage or real recipes and actual familial blood and flesh and bone history.


            Sixth, an “Indigenous” holds “specific rights based on their historical ties to a particular territory.”


            Seventh, the word “Hispanic” isn’t to be used for all Spanish speakers specifically from Central or South America because the bloody and damning history of the Conquistadores who murdered our Indigenous Peoples in cold blood and decimated most Indigenous bloodlines and languages (those very bloodlines and languages that shan’t ever exist forevermore) is to throw acid on a deeply racist and oppressive gouging wound that doesn’t seem to heal because the powers that be continually pick at it.


To call “all” Spanish speaking Central or South American Peoples “Hispanic” is to shove deep historical oppression in their face that which implies that Latinos, too, were “Nigger” slaves to the Conquistadores and were forced to give up their lands and languages and culture and way-of-life.


To use the term “Hispanic” for all Spanish speakers especially those from Central and South America specifically those whom hold absolutely no Spaniard or European origin is to whip them into submission and to oppress their histories by implying that nothing terrifying or horrific ever occurred between the Europeans and the Indigenous of Central and South America.


            No, people from “Puerto Rico” aren’t from “Costa Rica.”


            Yes, “Puerto Ricans” are Americans so get with the program.


            If one were to use the word “Hispanic” then one only means to imply Spanish Europeans or possibly Portuguese and that’s that.




            “Hispanic” is a made up word for “Latino” or “Latina.”


            “Hispanic” is a made up word meant to oppress.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word meant to mock history.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word meant to destroy.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word meant to ruin.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word filled with ignorance.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without heritage.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without language.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without love.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without recipes.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without music.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without breath of life.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without flesh or blood.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without possibility.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word without origin.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word used for hatred.




            Simply and only because the North Western “Native Americans” of the United States of America are satisfied with ‘whites’ calling them “Indian” which also the word “Indian” more closely resembles or signifies “Nigger” that such a word as “Indian” doesn’t justify for ignorant or racist contemporary culture or pop-culture or mass media culture to get away with underhandedly calling “Latinos” “Hispanic-Niggers” simply and only because Latinos don’t seem strong enough or educated enough to stand up for their modern rights not to be called a derogative word.


            “Hispanic” is a derogative word used by advertisers whom their heads are shoved so far up their asses that they can’t see whichever way they fuck themselves over.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word carried out with the very intent and portrayal of the blatant truth about how ignorant any advertiser truly is so that advertisers might operate some idiotic or racist campaign against the beautiful Latinos and Latinas of Central and South America.


Mostly advertisers simply wish that such a racist campaign is implemented without the knowledge of Latino People while with one hand some idiotic advertiser spits in their face and with the other hand advertisers beg for Latino consumers to purchase advertisers’ overseas Chinese cheap and poorly made products at markup.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word used by advertisers that implies that advertisers don’t have an education beyond the third grade.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word to tell the beautiful Latinos and Latinas of Central and South America to erase their histories and to learn a “new” language of the dollar bill.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word that insults the very root of a strong Latino cultural fabric without having the guts to come out and say, “Fuck you,” to someone’s face.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word that is only used either by the ignorant or uneducated or cowards.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word that implies to erase any proud Latino or Latina history which celebrates the tapestry of real Elders’ storytelling rather than some empty made up words to sell dirt.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word used by advertising liars who worship false idols in the form of dollar bills.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word used by advertisers who hate Latinos and Latinas of Central and South America yet advertisers pretend to be ever so sweet as pie in the face of those innocents which advertisers hate with a passion because advertisers don’t seem to educate themselves about American history much less any other nation’s history.


            “Hispanic” is a made up word in the same way that this morning’s ‘Today Show’ pretended that Paula Deen isn’t a racist or that she doesn’t believe that the very word “Nigger” isn’t oppressive and used to insult the very institutions that made her fat and rich.


What a real cunt this morning’s ‘Today Show’ proved to be.


            Yes, this is where I actually meant to write the word “cunt.”


This morning’s ‘Today Show’ proved to stand for the everlasting racist dollar as the producers flashed the face of a racist cunt on television. (Yep, read it and weep.)


What are ‘white’ producers thinking?


Broadcast executives and producers aren’t thinking about how to best respect their audiences since they continually prove to be some of the dumbest and dullest people one can ever come across whose only sole and soul purpose is to sell racism and cheap goods onto The People.


This morning’s episode of “Today Show’ and Paula Deen only proved that ‘white’ people wish to put a band aid over a tremendous culturally racist gouging wound that doesn’t seem to stop hemorrhaging no matter how much ‘white’ Americans pretend like racism doesn’t exist in the latter part of 2014.




            Racism exists in the year 2014.


            Racism is all too real and painful.


            Racism is a byproduct of a societal culture that which refuses to become an adult and responsible for its history and deeds.


            Racism is greatly ignored and well practiced.


            Racism is a deadly and dangerous discipline in America.


            Racism is a well implemented institution in America.


            Racism is well ingrained and volunteered.


            Racism is a form of hatred.


            Racism is fear of the unknown.


            Racism is ignorance.


            Racism comes from all fronts.


            Some of the most racist people I’ve ever met were People of color. What a damn Shame.




Yes, I swore.


Finally, I’ve gotten over literary swear words.


Yes, I’m a human adult and when I swear then I mean it.


No, I don’t waste swear words.


No, I don’t use swear words in everyday spoken language because I’m not a modern donkey’s ass.


Yes, I got over the shock of literary written swear words and I suggest that you do the same also.


It was this summer, 2014, that Mr. Kurt Vonnegut helped me towards that endeavor to learn to get over the shock of literary swear words in writing.


(I finally sat down and read through almost all of Mr. Kurt Vonnegut’s novels and anyone who so much as believes that his novels are collegiate then either such a person is A) jealous of Kurt Vonnegut’s literary abilities B) collegiate themselves C) without the ability to pump out such great and articulate massive volumes of work D) without brains.


From here on forth when I use literary swear words then I mean it.


No, I shan’t apologize for the usage of swear words.


Let’s all get over ourselves.


Yes, I’m glad that it took me twenty years to get around to finally reading Mr. Kurt Vonnegut’s work. I’m profoundly changed forevermore.


(Thank you very much.)



Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 1,535


Word Count: 2,457



*)         Day #213 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


            Personal Note:


            No, I wasn’t going to share with you, however.


            My intimate and wonderfully vivid dream as of early this morning was magnificent.


            A group of important ‘white’ peers sat at a roundtable and held a most important discussion about their true and ultimate understanding of me as a human person.


In my dream, it seemed to be made clear that after twenty years of being misunderstood by my ‘white’ peers that they finally arrived at a united consensus that they understood that they didn’t understand Mayan Indigenous ways, however.


They also arrived at the conclusion that simply and only because they were ignorant of Indigenous ways that that wasn’t any grounds for not caring or wanting to understand me as a human thinking individual.


            When I awoke, a heavy weight or burden was lifted.


For the first time in my life I finally understood my ‘white’ peers’ fears about me. I understood their deep level of cultural ignorance.


In my dreams I was granted the green light to mingle and mix with any of my peers that I so much as wished or so desired to do so.


In my dream I was granted the green light to interact and to reach out to anyone I so much as cared to learn more about and to ask real and truthful and profound questions of them and to break bread and share in laughter.


I was granted the freedom to ask those very questions that I’ve always wanted to ask through the great strength in ability and divine grace of respect and love and goodwill without testing my peers.


            My dream makes a tremendous amount of difference to me.


            No, I shan’t be calling up anyone (not, in this reality, anyway) because I’ve been greatly burned and ostracized by my ‘white’ peers and because of that reason alone I stay as far away from them as I possibly can because I know them far better than they’ve ever known me.


Personally, I think that many of my ‘white’ peers are filled with a dark poison. Personally, they’ve frightened me with their cruelty thus no one can pay me enough money to go near them.


            In actuality, I’ve been greatly misunderstood and wrongly judged by my ‘white’ peers without forgiveness or grace and that’s how I know them to be some of the most dangerous people I’ve ever encountered thus I go ever so quietly and hold my breath so as not to ever be noticed by any of them so that I don’t fall prey of their envy or jealousy or hatred of me.


Literally, when we happen to be in the same room then I quietly slip away without any of them ever noticing that I was there or that either of us ever shared or occupied the same space because my ‘white’ peers are as racist and cruel as their Ancestors before them and I cannot allow for them to break my heart ever again.


            My personal prayers to the Mayan Gods: Is to allow for me to quietly slip away unnoticed by any of my peers as I make my way through the Universe.


This prayer to the Gods is for the Gods to protect me from my peers and not to ever have them see me, yet I see them thus I run (not literally run. I walk unless there’s a fire and even then I hate to run.)


It’s an easy prayer since I was treated so insignificantly or small by so many of my peers, however.


Many went out of their way to be personally insulting to my face so I couldn’t have been all that small or insignificant to my peers even though in many aspects they were insignificant to me only because their obvious cruelty was immense. 


Thus the Gods grant me the flexibility and the cloak-of-invisibility to not ever be noticed by anyone.


It’s tremendously wonderful to be unrecognized or unnoticed by one’s peers especially when we’re invited to sit at the same private tables or private boxes at sporting events or private booths at the theatre.


We don’t attend.

What’s the point?


Most likely cruel youngsters remain as such well into their adulthood and that’s such a bore.


Yes, I’m aware that I hold more power than the whole lot put together simply and only because I’ve been granted more accessibility to information as a blue blood especially when I’ve had nothing: I’ve held the most valuable resource in the world…


            In my other real life of dreams it’s quite reassuring that my ‘white’ peers have finally arrived at the realization that they’re culturally and insanely crazed with harsh judgment or misunderstanding and now they’ve finally begun to admit that they don’t know anything about the Mayan Indigenous traditional ways or honor or grace or respect or a deep bond or Brotherhood or Sisterhood or caring love or appreciation.


Yes, I love my ‘white’ peers, however.


I only socialize amongst a very few seldom of them. People who respect and love and trust and peacefully break bread without going out of their way to hurt others.


No, I neither give my crazed ‘white’ peers the chance nor the opportunity to practice their racism or classism upon me because I live a sane and calm and quiet adult life without melodrama or greed or empty shallow dreams of fortune and fame.


No, I’m not a cutthroat, however.


Yes, I can become a beast like any other human animal.




Monday, September 22, 2014


“Walking is the best possible exercise.

Habituate yourself to walk very far.”

Thomas Jefferson


“Whenever you do a thing,

act as if all the world were watching.”

Thomas Jefferson


“I believe that every human mind feels pleasure

in doing good to another.”

Thomas Jefferson



Vesture (garments, clothes, apparel)


For special occasions the vesture worn by him was brilliant.


---  ---  ---


Yes, English corrections were made!!!


Oh, my Gosh!

I can’t tell you how much it stinks to be English as a Second Language adult. I keep thinking that I’m going to round a corner and get better at this darn difficult English language, yet, again, I don’t and I’m also an avid English reader.


I’m laughing so hard at all of the silly little mistakes I make.

Laugh with me otherwise you’ll end up crying.


---  ---  ---






            So many vastly important lessons learned while educating one to train any adult male dog such as our “Freeway” who turned three years old on July 4, 2014.


            First off, spring 2014 we made the grave mistake to purchase an extended rope leash.


We soon discovered that those extended rope leashes cut through skin like sharp butcher knives.


We’re only grateful that “Freeway” didn’t get his legs chopped off by such an unfriendly dog leash knife as all that.


We threw away such a weapon into the garbage can because it was no good.


There was absolutely no point in giving away such a leash to another family who would’ve possibly come across such difficulties as we did.


Any product that draws blood is a mean and cruel and insane product not worth anyone’s hard earned dollars.


            If you would’ve seen our wrists towards the latter part of spring 2014 or towards the beginning of summer 2014 then any stranger would’ve thought that we were “cutters” or suicidal mental cases, however.


That wasn’t or isn’t the case.


We suffered through some serious cuts that tremendously hurt for weeks at a time.


It took since March 2014 through September 2014 for our scars to completely heal and finally disappear, those specific scars which left deep imprints around our wrists.


            Second of all, we’ve learned one of the most valuable lessons there’s to learn with our dog which he used to uncontrollably bark while riding inside the car.


Please, purchase a specific doggie car-riding body harness and strap your dog in-and-down into the backseat seatbelt so that they’re good and tight and secure and safe.


            The moment we dropped a little bit of ‘dough’ (money) (nothing, really: something like twenty-five bucks) on a doggie car-riding body harness then all (if not most) of our dog’s loud barks seized-to-exist.


Thank the Gods for that because I thought I was going to lose my marbles, however.


I neither did lose my marbles nor shall I do such a ridiculous thing as all that now that I’ve made it to the age of thirty-seven years as a fully and well developed brain and as a mentally healthy adult.


What would be the point of losing my marbles now that I’ve been given a clean bill of mental health? There wouldn’t be any point in losing my marbles now.


Instead of losing my marbles, we became pro-active and sought out concrete solutions to our dog’s immense car riding bark problem because it became nearly impossible to drive with “Freeway” in the backseat while he barked a high-pitched sound that bounced off the backseat window and directly into our eardrum.


            “Freeway’s” bark was ever so painful inside my eardrums that I considered…leaving him at home even if he did defecate the carpet in the same spot each and every time when he got scared.


The options were either to put up with “Freeway’s” loud car bark or pick up feces each and every time we returned home.


We decided to take “freeway” with us when we run to the downtown studio or errands through drive-thru windows or doggie friendly places which we believe that almost any place in America ought to be dog friendly specifically for those folks with service dogs because service dogs are workers and not pets.


Service dogs do tremendously help out those with physical or mental handicaps or with mental illnesses such as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and that’s a “win-win” situation for everybody involved specifically for the general public when the general public shops amongst the less stable of customers who can and do sometimes scare the dickens out of the general public when the mentally ill go off or emotionally explode at the top of their lungs in the middle of some isle.

            Yes, I did almost get into a few and close car accidents.


            No, I’ve not ever been as nervous or afraid as I was while driving with a neurotic barking dog in the backseat.


No matter what we tried, our dog didn’t seem to be able to relax about passing cars or other dogs or walkers or bikers or, or, or…


Personally, I began to consider the sanity of our dog and came to discover that he most likely felt insecure thus he barked his head off.


            Whatever you do: Please, while you drive don’t look back at your barking dog because you could possibly end up killing yourself and / or your dog and / or innocent bystanders and / or other motorists.


            Seriously, the moment we placed the doggie car-riding body harness on “Freeway” then his loud bark stopped all at once and that sane silence is music to our ear.


Once more we have peace in our lives when we drive which is almost every single day except on the Sabbath unless...


This particular doggie car-riding body harness is like witnessing a miracle before your very own eyes.


Now, we’ve got peace of mind once more while in the car.


I can now drive without the possibility of driving off the road.


            Third of all, if you haven’t heard of the “Easy Walk” then I can’t gush enough about this genius invention.


While out on walks with “Freeway” he pulled so hard on his leash that I seriously thought that I might just re-dislocate my left shoulder.


No matter how much I continued to train “Freeway” to do well by me and to obey my commands the entire leash and harness exercise seemed futile between us.


Anytime that “Freeway” saw a squirrel or a rabbit he’d tug and pull ever so hard that the intense pain in both of my shoulders left me shuddering for hours afterward.


I began to dislike my relationship with “Freeway” very much, however. It wasn’t until this August 2014 when strangers stopped us and suggested to us the great and ingenious solution to try an “Easy Walk” harness.


We ran out that same day and purchased an “Easy Walk” and ever since there’s been no tugging or jerking or almost dislocated shoulders.


Thank you.


Seriously, from the bottom of our heart: Thank you.


Our lives have positively changed forevermore.


            No, we didn’t realize that walking our dog could be so much fun because for an entire year from July 2013 through August 2014 we suffered through some of the most difficult walks we’ve ever known aside from having a gun directly pointed at me by a Native American man right across from the Walker Museum or being followed home from the Rainbow store in Uptown by a Native American man.


            Both Eric and I are avid walkers.


We get out and walk seven days a week thus we didn’t want to lose our freedom and love for walking, however.


“Freeway’s” former dysfunctional body harness and leash made our walks some of the most challenging and difficult walks we’ve ever had in nine years of both Eric and I walking together almost each and every single day during that nine year span.


No matter what’s happened or what’s going on in our lives, we make it a priority to walk.


Now that “Freeway” doesn’t tug or pull or jerk on his harness or leash then once more walking has commenced and become a glorious and highlight in our everyday lives.


            Fourth of all, dogs have their own language and it’s best to learn it and to immediately master it and abide by it.


No matter how ‘lazy’ I desire to be with “Freeway’s” daily training I must first learn to cerebrally retrain myself each and every single day otherwise it could become real trouble for us.


            For example: since I’m an Indigenous woman then I like to have my husband walk in front of me while I ever so gently place my hand on one of his shoulders so that if we were to encounter a pouncing black panther then Eric can take him head-on instead of me, however.


I like for men to go first because I was hardwired that way as a child. Plus, I’m a slow walker and I don’t want to hold anybody else up so out of courtesy I allow for others to go first even though that’s considered a no-no by most Western cultures.


When Latino or Indigenous women place a hand on their men’s shoulder then either it means that a couple is romantically or sexually involved or such men are blood related brothers or cousins or uncles to the women and take on the roll as protectors to such women in their clan or tribe. (Such men and women must be blood related for such an act of intimacy to be exchanged between one another.)


When I’ve linked arms with Western white male friends then such an act has meant absolutely nothing of romantic significance to me because I don’t tend to think like a Western, not completely, anyway.


‘Linking arms’ means something different to the “Spaniards” from Spain.


Latinos don’t link arms unless it’s children or young women who bestow a tremendous amount of love for their sister-friends, however.


Most Latinos refrain from touching each other contrary to popular belief unless we’re greeting each other then we give a respectful peck on each cheek without grabbing the wrists of women and bruising them.


            Quickly, I came to discover that in a doggie world then one must always go first otherwise the doggie tends to believe or comes to think of himself as the ultimate alpha and will take on the roll of leader over any human thus humans must make it a point to always, first enter and exit their homes before their doggies do otherwise, hell on Earth.


As difficult as it is to retrain my brain to first enter and exit before our dog each and every single time then I must otherwise “Freeway” begins to push his weight around with me and that greatly annoys me to have an eleven pound dog play ‘rough shot’ with me.


            It’s weird, however.


            I was wired for men-in-general to take the lead unless they’re crappy at leadership then I can take the wheel just as good or better than any man can or does.


I’m an incredibly capable woman and that’s what makes me so handy to have around or to have on anybody’s corner.


I’m hard wired to allow for men to take the lead not because I’m not capable of leading, more so precisely because I tend to think slower on my feet or tend to panic and go into shock and freeze.


            Mostly Western women tend to scream their heads off when they panic while I tend to go ever so quiet as well as quietly still and freeze because early on in childhood I learned that the best way to survive six foot long snakes or poisonous frogs or wild boar or black cats (panthers) or beastly poop flinging monkeys or poisonous plants or scorpions or crocodile was to go gravely quiet and barely breathe to ensure my survival which works tremendously and beautifully well.


Yes, I’m hardwired to quietly survive as most sane animals are.


Mostly animals (more or less) quietly go about their business because drawing too much attention to themselves can mean becoming a noon meal to some other larger beast.


            I’ve come to learn that “Freeway’s” doggie language is to bark (when he gets nervous or insecure) and when he does that instead of talking over him I’ve learned to “shhh” him or to take out a penny can and shake it directly at him.


            Yes, I didn’t realize that each and every time I spoke to him with English words: (to please stop his bark) that that meant for him to continue his bark because to him it was attention and any attention is better than none even if it’s negative attention.




Now, I’ve become a pack leader even though that lead position has greatly challenged my beta (caretaker self) to the core of my childhood hardwired brain.


It’s tough to be multi-cultural much less a multi-species family.


Yes, I’ve learned more than I ever thought I would on the road to becoming a good and kind mother and owner and pack leader to “Freeway.”


We’ve fallen head over heels in love with “Freeway.”


We couldn’t imagine our lives without the little tyke.


Truly Yours;



Word Count Goal: 1,696


Word Count: 2,161



*)         Day #212 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Friday, September 19, 2014


“Conquest is not in our principles.

It is inconsistent with our government.”

Thomas Jefferson


“We did not raise armies for glory or for conquest.”

Thomas Jefferson


“I abhor war and view it as the greatest scourge of mankind.”

Thomas Jefferson


“Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable,

than to right themselves by abolishing the forms

to which they are accustomed.”

Thomas Jefferson


“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another

as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.”

Thomas Jefferson


Onerous (burdensome, oppressive)


An onerous group of youngsters imposed themselves upon a neighborhood as a punishment.


---  ---  ---




            According to contemporary (2014) psychologists or psychoanalysts or psychotherapists: Public screaming or yelling or constant harassment of others or cruelty against others is considered a form of mental illness. Yep. (Read it and weep.)  


            The best way to deal with “mentally ill” people is to ignore them.


            Personally, one of my greatest mistakes in life has been that I’ve assumed way, too, much in that I’ve presumed that mostly “everyone” is mentally healthy, however.


            Boy, have I been proven wrong.


            Yes, children and youth can also be “mentally ill” or mentally disturbed although it’s best to wait for a complete diagnosis after their brains are fully developed and formed at around late twenties or early thirties.  


Nevertheless, any pattern of perpetual or continual abusive harassment or violence or cruelty or general abuse towards innocent bystanders does prove that “mentally ill” children or youth are mentally disturbed and chemically imbalanced mostly because the mentally healthy can and do stop destructive or impulsively abusive patterns of violence or cruelty against others and themselves.


            In other words: Mentally healthy people do and can create positive change in their lives especially after someone else has pointed out that they require change in their misbehavior then the mentally healthy will seek to make those very changes which do more precisely fall-in-line with respectful and organized and sensible modern and cultural practices.


If and when year-after-year any person doesn’t seem to change their patterns of violence or abuse or cruelty against others then most likely that individual(s) is and will be considered “mentally ill” by psychoanalysts unless one seeks out professional help and does prove the entire world wrong by creating robust and healthy and strong positive change then one’s mentally healthy yet again it can also prove...


            Hence one’s inappropriate misbehavior has been pointed out to the mentally healthy then the mentally healthy do stop themselves from any further destructive patterns of violence or cruelty because they do learn to change as well as to how to best cope or deal with other more destructive forces in nature without further perpetuating or implementing more pain or hurt upon others or themselves.


            Hence one’s inappropriate misbehavior has been pointed out to the “mentally ill” then the “mentally ill” do prove to be mentally disturbed because they don’t seem to change their inappropriate misbehavior or patterns of cruelty or abusive nature against others who are more so innocent than the “mentally ill” are predisposition or environmentally transformed into “mental illness” due to their disposition in life.


The “mentally ill” don’t seem to stop themselves from destructive patterns of violence or cruelty or harassment because they seem incapable of teaching themselves new neurological pathways or new brain patterns of positive and productive change thus the “mentally ill” get stuck repeating the same boring impulsive patterns of cruelty or abuse or violence against others and themselves.


Most likely the “mentally ill” won’t change throughout their lifetime because they’re hardwired for that type of stunted self reflection or immaturity or intellectual underdevelopment or chemical imbalance to begin with thus its best not to place anyone in the hands of the “mentally ill” because the “mentally ill” are well, disturbed in the brain or as my retired psychologist M.D. father says, “fucked up.”


            The best way to prove that one isn’t “mentally ill” is to stop hurting oneself and those around them.


            The best way to prove that one isn’t “mentally ill” is to stop any pattern of violence or abuse or cruelty against the self or other innocent bystanders.


            In the first place, the mentally healthy don’t go out of their way to abuse or harass or to implement cruelty upon others and that proves them mentally healthy because they have a great deal of empathy and compassion towards others as well as others’ wellbeing.


Mentally healthy people aren’t so selfish as to emotionally terrorize others.


The “mentally ill” do terrorize others simply and only because they aren’t able to meet their deepest needs insofar as self-nurturance or positive self attention or they don’t seem to hold a greater or deeper respectful capacity towards maturity or development or growth.


When children or youth continually publically scream or yell or harass others for years at a time especially after they’ve been respectfully asked not to do something inappropriate then their continual violent tendencies in misbehavior proves that they’re either sociopaths or emotionally inept or “mentally ill.” (Poor souls trapped inside their own cerebral prisons of disconnect with reality and discontent and madness.)


            Personally, I believe that “mentally ill” children or youth are more difficult to deal with than “mentally ill” adults because mostly mentally healthy adults misunderstand “mental illness” in children or youth thus such adults have a tendency to treat “mental illness” in children or youth with pity or “kid gloves” towards such mentally afflicted children or youth rather than deal accordingly with the “mentally ill” which is to stay as far away from them as possible because such cruel and abusive children or youth are disturbed in the same way as my father has acknowledged our neighbor’s children to be because such “mentally ill” children and youth can’t seem to prove to anyone that they can indeed stop themselves from publically yelling or screaming or harassing or abusing or terrorizing the rest of the neighborhood. Okay.


According to my father, kids such as our neighbors are “mentally ill.”


I get it now.


Ignore the “mentally ill” forever because they’re “fucked up,” says my father.


            Personally, I believe that “mentally ill” children or youth are creepy because they develop a violent tendency to go out of their way to want to hurt innocent bystanders. In other words they’re sociopaths without empathy for others.


“Mentally ill” children or youth seem to develop an innate indifferent cruelty towards peace or positive conflict resolution and that’s what makes them ever so chemically imbalanced with a strong propensity towards madness.


It seems that “mentally ill” children or youth develop a regressed tendency to go out of their way to harass or do harm against others simply to fulfill some warped aspect of a deeper troubling brain chemical imbalance within them.


            No, I don’t personally blame “mentally ill” children or youth for their terrible disposition or lot in life, however.


Finally, I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut and avoid “mentally ill” children or youth like the plague because what else is there to do as a mentally healthy adult other than to self preserve? (Right? Right.)


            Now, any child or youth that so much as goes out of their way to continually harass or who are abusive against others then such children or youth tend to have learned that cruelty or violence is a great way to get attention thus when they go out of their way to oppress or terrorize anyone who so much as stands in their way of bad conduct then “mentally ill” children or youth lash out because they’re not mentally capable or strong or healthy to correct their wrong doings. Creeeeepy.


            Within the past two years, I’ve come to learn the most significantly difficult and valuable lesson of all.


            The most complicated lesson I’ve ever learned in my adult life is to ignore the “mentally ill” who pretend to pass off for “mentally healthy.”


            Since, I’m certified and deemed and qualified mentally healthy by six professional psychoanalysts within the past twenty years then ‘I’m flying in’ with positive change towards happiness.


I’ve begun to learn to hide deeper within myself and to literally hide inside our home (at all cost) as other neighborhood adults do and such an act of self preservation doesn’t make us prisoners.


Contrary to popular belief about being a “recluse” (which we’re not) when one lives amongst “mentally ill” abusive neighborhood children then the best method for coping is to hide from their terrorism and madness.


Adults in this neighborhood don’t show their face otherwise “mentally ill” children or youth go out of their way to purposely insult or harass or belittle or abuse or become directly confrontational with mentally healthy adults or purposely “mentally ill” children are cruel thus it’s best not to give such “mentally ill” children an easy opportunity to abuse others because when the mentally healthy realize that “mental illness” and instability is the root cause of their evil then run and hide! (Seriously.)


            For the past three weeks I’ve done nothing but hide ever since I learned to ignore “mentally ill” children and youth.


            No, I’m not “Boo Radley,” however.


            Yes, I’m prepared to save any child or youth from imminent danger if I must especially my enemies’ children because I refuse to curse them because their lives are already difficult enough as it is since they’re “mentally ill.”


Any curse that I’ve ever bestowed upon my enemies’ children then I’ve already asked the Gods for forgiveness and the deal between us is that I must…for seven years.


            This positive change didn’t come about too late.


            Finally, after two years of struggle and adversity.


            I found peace within myself because I’m that mentally healthy and smart enough to learn better to do better.


It took me a while to relearn this old method of self preservation because in my sane and mentally healthy mind I tried every new and different approach that I could muster from one year of assistant teaching fifth and sixth graders. Nothing worked.


Nothing worked thus my father told me to stop doing anything about the “mental illness” of others and to forevermore ignore and avoid “mentally ill” children and youth and adults. Okay.


            Please, ignore the “mentally ill” because they sure can truly affect your health and wellbeing since they’re not thinking about you or anyone else for that matter because they most likely won’t care how you feel, anyway, because they don’t have the brains to be mindful or thoughtful since they’re “mentally ill.”


Careful, with “mentally ill” people who don’t look out for an entire village because they don’t have the stability or ability to do so and only seem to derive happiness from self importance or vanity or self-aggrandizing egocentric tendencies or ideals about their narcissistic cruel nature and chemical imbalance which shields them from everyday reality causing them to live in a world all of their own imbalanced brain chemicals.


            Yes, for the first time in two years I’m happier than I’ve ever been ever since we moved to this neighborhood.


Now, that I literally hide inside our home I’ve finally learned true happiness insofar as to how to deal with “mentally ill” children and youth.


We had the terrible misfortune to live amongst “mentally ill” children and youth who publically scream and yell and litter their garbage on our yard and up-and-down the block and around the park.


            No, I’m not quite sure as to what happened, however.


            Once I learned the type of progressive change that I needed to make within myself I’ve become elatedly happy (okay, maybe not that happy) and filled with compassion. I revel in this new found change and positive outlook within myself.


            ‘Now, get off our lawn.’


Truly Yours;



Word Count: 1,877


Total Word Count for this week: 10,639



*)         Day #209 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Thursday, September 18, 2014


Allaah (Alone) is Sufficient for us,

and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs (for us)

[Aal 'Imraan 3:171]


And walk not on the earth with conceit and arrogance

[al-Isra' 17:37]


And turn not your face away from men with pride

[Luqmaan 31:18]


And be moderate (or show no arrogance) in your walking,

and lower your voice

[Luqmaan 31:19]


And give not a thing in order to have more

(or consider not your deeds of obedience to Allaah as a favour to Allaah)

[al-Muddaththir 74:6]


“O ye who believe!

Do not squander one another’s wealth in vanities,

but let there be amongst you traffic and trade by mutual good will.”




Omnivorous (devouring everything)


A child, who is an omnivorous reader, reads everything.


---  ---  ---


Correction: “ISIS” all capital letters.


“ISIS” is an acronym for “Islamic State of Iraq.”


Correction: from “Arabia” to “Saudi Arabia.”






            According to contemporary (2014) psychologists or psychoanalysts or psychotherapists: Violence and war is considered a form of mental illness. Yep. (Read it and weep.)




            Alright, let’s address “ISIS.”


            Fact: there’re about one thousand (1,000) members in this Middle Eastern extremist terrorist violent murderous ISIS group.


            What do we personally know about ISIS?


            Absolutely nothing.


            Our deepest condolences to those persons whom were lost through and by the means and dark and cruel hand of ISIS.


            Allah knows best.


            Allah knows the more sinister motives in men’s hearts.




            Our American government is doing a fine job of keeping the American people under constant and perpetual fear about ISIS.


(Americans, please don’t be afraid about ISIS because much of that propaganda comes neatly wrapped in a tiny little bow on top of a cheap gift box in the form of war propaganda advocating for more American bloodshed which is completely and utterly without grounds to ask the Americans to go shed more blood for Saudi Arabian “blood oil.”)


Yep, Americans already know about Saudi Arabia’s misconduct in the Middle East thus I get to write about anything that’s public knowledge.


            How are Saudi Arabia and ISIS connected?


            Saudi Arabia is connected to war torn Middle East in the sense that Saudi Arabia holds a tight grip around the neck of that specific region’s purse strings.


Saudi Arabia had and does and is willing to shed innocent blood in the exchange for keeping their oil refinery business booming.


Saudi Arabia is no different than that of the United States in which our oil railway system explodes and decimates landscapes and villages and towns. (Same violent outcome except different means.)


(Yes, it’s here on black ink against the backdrop of white digital paper. Our history requires to be written more so precisely so that our present humanity may record its own history more correctly otherwise we’ll eventually end up in the grave, decayed and forgotten and misunderstood by future generations and that’s not ever a good thing.)


            Let’s not be foolish because we’ve had enough foolishness to last us for the entire of the rest of this century.


            My father told me not to be afraid thus I write to the American people not to be afraid along with us.




            The last time we looked: Some insignificant and small and extremist religious fanatic murderous group didn’t make our American government piss in its pants.


Any threat of violence is always serious business because violence and war is created and developed and shaped and formed and maintained and manufactured and manifested and perpetuated by those “with a few loose screws” or “some screws missing” in their brains.


            In other words: only the mentally ill choose violence over words or war over peace.


No real vitally strong or healthy leadership ever chooses to saunter off to war when peace is the grand price to win.


Can the American and Saudi Arabian governments really afford to perpetuate any more violence or war or fear in the Middle East? (Absolutely not.)


            I neither know nor do I pretend to have any answers.


            What we do wonder is this: What is it that keeps our international leaders from bridging the gap in matters of differences and mending collapsed walls of distrust and confusion and hatred.


            As far as we figure it: world leaders and diplomats and business people really don’t seem to want peace because war is all too lucrative to their bottom line.


Could you imagine living in a mansion bought and paid for with Saudi Arabian or American “blood oil money” or with the innocent lives of children, men and women?


We’d feel slightly queasy each and every single day of our lives if that was our reality as to live under such a bloodshed roof.


Any fool that chooses to war or fight in the name of some made-up ideal is either delusional with self-aggrandizing notions that their farts don’t stink or completely and totally ignorant as to how to negotiate any peace process.


            Yes, we can only imagine that negotiating any war is ever so much more easily done than negotiating peace otherwise everyone would be negotiating peace, however.


Peace doesn’t seem to make as much money as war does and thus our international leadership seems ready and qualified for insanity when they choose to murder our global citizens and civilians in cold blood all in the name of “blood oil money.”


            No, I’m not pointing any specific fingers.

            No, I’m not certified or qualified to send anyone off to an insane asylum (thankfully) much less would I like such a responsibility or power.


Nevertheless, could you imagine deciding to advance with war when only a few menacing qualifiers stand directly between war and peace?


            How dare I speak or write as such.


            I’ve proven to be a sane individual who shan’t propose that our American government saunter off and slaughter our enemy much less innocent bystanders such as women, men and children who starve and make a meager wage from the livestock they keep much less am I willing to propose to murder our Iraqi Brothers and Sisters whom live in caves because that’s all they can afford.


It’s ludicrous to so much as to even consider a small minority of a thousand extremists an immense threat to a larger majority because then that means that we give these murderous insane the power to overpower the world with mental games.


I refuse to play any games, yet I can see how the game is rigged and played.


            How dare I speak or write as such.


            I’m the next literary ‘Mr. Kurt Vonnegut’ whether you like that or not I’m the one sitting here putting in the thinking and writing hours and concentrating on peace and not war because nothing’s more sane than seeking a justifiable means towards a more peaceful resolution.


            How dare I speak and write as such.


            Well, I dare.


            What are you going to do about it?


            I’ll tell you what you’re going to do about it.


            Absolutely nothing except think hard about peaceful outcomes.


            I’ve given this thinking and writing business enough complex thought to know the difference between any foolish remark and any factual evidence when any truth’s developed and honed before your very eyes for the entire world to witness a literary woman think and write like many others before me who’ve lain down their souls to advance human civilization within justifiable metaphorical quantum leaps.


            Don’t you know that the divine power of the Gods’ Will hovers slightly behind and above me each and every time I write?


I’m not writing alone.


The Gods’ Will this literary piece of written tapestry to be woven thus these words shall be written because as I sit here inside this space of poetry and meaning and words ‘We’ (the Gods, my soul and flesh) create a calm opposition to violence or war.


Any alternative to violence or war is pure poetry bringing one closer to their divine Gods.


            Dearest Beloved Ones;

            Please don’t be afraid of ISIS or war or death.


            Give me one good reason as to why the American people ought to be afraid of one thousand fanatic religious lunatics.


            The last time we looked: the sane didn’t fear that the insane were going to take over the world because logic and reason shall prevail and peace is the alternative to tearing each other limb-by-limb into small little pieces.


What are we?

Rats or humans?


I choose to be humanely human because there’s really no greater poetry than that.


Humans are intelligent and beautiful and capable of finding peaceful resolution to the ugliest and more sinister aspects of war business.




            What is it that keeps world leaders in a perpetual and constant state of feigned panic? Money.


            What is it that keeps world leaders in a perpetual and constant state of feigned fear? Money.


            What is it that keeps world leaders in a perpetual and constant state of propaganda? Money.


            What is it that keeps world leaders in a perpetual and constant state of war? Money.


            Do world leaders not have all of the tools or skills or knowledge available to them to create peace? Leaders have.


Leaders have everything they need so what’s the problem.


Otherwise, when leadership can’t or refuses to make or keep the peace then they’re business people with special interests for their bottom line and not for the people’s safety or livelihood or education.


            When leadership can’t or doesn’t seem to be able to seek peaceful resolutions then should they lead? No.


            When leadership can’t or doesn’t seem to be able to seek peaceful resolutions then should they be granted a place at the negotiating table? No.


            Weak leadership can’t and shouldn’t live off of bread and fear alone otherwise that’s lunacy and made up fluff which makes the masses annoyed and justifiably irritable to be surrounded by such uneducated ignorance and non-stop insane war talk.


            Weak leadership can’t and shouldn’t instigate constant and continual perpetual war propaganda because The People get ever so tired of such lunacy and greed to have politicians beg on their knees to please consider going off to war in the name of “blood oil money.”


No real strong and mature leadership ever constantly begs their people to go off to war every decade of their history.


            Weak leadership can’t and shouldn’t talk war, war, war all the time because then such politicians only beg and plead with The People for the permission to have The People sacrifice their family members and adult offspring to death or potential and crucial endangerment and such political war talk is filled with lunacy to perpetually ask any reasonable body of hardworking citizens and civilians to allow politicians the permission to have The People’s beloved ones murdered and killed in cold blood all in the name of “blood oil” is indeed insanity when The People bailed out corrupt banking institutions only to have such quasi leadership party on the backs of the American People and lost The People their homes and forced them to go homeless all in the name of sacrifice for one’s nation and country.


In that case have politicians forfeit their adult offspring to war and then we can talk sacrifice and war and peace.


            War is lunacy.


            War is insanity.


            War is chaos.


            War is violence.


            War is bloodshed.


            War is sacrifice.


            War is…


            What will it take for our American nation to raise a better quality of leadership?


            What will it take for our American leadership not to drool or go corrupt at every turn that any Saudi Arabian “blood oil” dollar is dangled before their face?


            What will it take to stop this war talk madness?


            What will it take to seek out peace?


            What will it take to establish peaceful prosperity?


            What will it take to establish long lasting peaceful solutions?


            What will it take to reconsider peace?


            What will it take to reeducate our global leadership?


            What will it take to rewire the brains of leadership?


            What will it take to stop war propaganda from spreading?


            What will it take to stop fearing ISIS?


            What will it take to come together as one planet under peace?


            What will it take to understand the complex aspect to peace?


            What will it take to inspire peace?


            What will it take to stop murder war mongering?


            What would it take for Saudi Arabia to get their act together?


            What would it take for Iraq to get their act together?


            What would it take for Syria to get their act together?


            What would it take for Afghanistan to get their act together?


            What would it take for Palestine to get their act together?


            What would it take for Israel to get their act together?


            What would it take for Russia to get their act together?


            What would it take for the U.S. to get their act together?


            If peace isn’t the alternative to war then what is?


            Further bloodshed? (Absolutely not.)


            Our global leaders can find peaceful solutions and ought to put the people first and set down their political greed and desire to murder our globe all in the name of oil and under the pretense of Allah’s wishes because no man can justify murder in the name of The All Mighty Allah.


It’s unnatural to reason that Allah would allow for his creation to be killed in cold blood all because of some murderous religions propaganda bandwagon.


            The United States of America’s citizens and civilians are here to stay so get used to a modern and peaceful difference in any matter of opinion.


Americans don’t go around killing Muslims because Muslims pray five times a day to Allah thus radical Islamic extremists don’t even so much as ‘have a leg to stand on’ when they spew their murderous propaganda to have Americans killed or murdered because that’s contradictory to Islam and that means that such murderers’ lie in the face of Allah and how dare anyone lie and spit in Allah’s face to justify murder.


How dare thee tell such lies and not once consider that the world got smaller and people can and will think for themselves.


Peace at all cost.


Truly Yours;



Word Count: 2,247



*)         Day #208 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014


“I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America,

the sale of a book can become a subject of inquiry,

and of criminal inquiry too.”

Thomas Jefferson


Omnipresent (present everywhere at once)


Judging from the assignments given some think we are omnipresent.


---  ---  ---




            According to contemporary (2014) psychologists or psychoanalysts or psychotherapists: Laziness is considered a form of mental illness. Yep. (Read it and weep.)


Now, there’s a time for everything.

Especially a time for rest.

So let’s not get all queer about definitions.


Only each individual knows when and how much rest they need towards continued success for and about their health and wellbeing and pocketbook.




            I’m ever so lucky as to receive e-mails from young men ages eighteen through twenty-one who’ll ask that if they sit around their parents’ basements and smoke pot and play video games then will they, too, have a good chance at becoming documentary filmmakers. No. (Most likely not.)


            Young men write things like: “I mean, dude, all those hours spent on video games, add up, right?” Yes.


Yes, those hours do add up, however.


Those wasted hours don’t add up towards a double major in filmmaking and writing much less documentary filmmaking.


No matter how much a young fellow may wish it to be otherwise hard work is still hard work.


No offense, because Americans are quite touchy about what I write, however, (with all of the abuse I’m about to receive once I upload this entry) Why are young people so dumb or lazy?


No, seriously.

I’m not being malicious in tone or intent.

No, I’m not being facetious, either.


            Let’s deconstruct this for one moment: What is it that drives any pot smoking or alcoholic to compose a one sentence e-mail to an obscure professional independent filmmaker and ask her: “so if I smoke pot and play video games then will I eventually make films?” No.


I’m not quite certain as to how laziness and desire are connected.

(I’ll research the cerebral aspects between both links.)


Yet, that odd attitude towards life seems contradictory to that of anyone who were truly deeply interested in any specific industry or field of study that which any fascinated parties greatly desired to participate, then most likely they’d get their asses up and off of their couch and clean up: teeth, hair and skin and get dressed and do an extensive online research through any positive methods to achieve their goals. (That made sense. No, I’m not stoned. Yes, I’m sober.)


Online research is almost within anyone’s reach otherwise there’re always public libraries.


Research is there for the purpose to teach oneself anything there’s to be learned about any interest that so much as compels one to consider any field a prospect for a career in the endeavor to meet short and long term goals. Whew!




            I don’t know.


            I don’t have any real answers as to why our young falter to grasp the more complex aspects about ambition or a strong self propelling drive towards design or creation or innovation for the sake of future generations.


We seem to live in an era in which almost everything is driven by an individual mentality and not an all encompassing healthy village output to finding real concrete solutions.


In America group dynamics are horseshit because people are constantly set up to fail simply because there’s always someone around the corner waiting to sabotage someone else’s true efforts or ready to compete without any awareness as to how important it is for an entire village to work together to survive and thrive and move forward with the very best intentions to distribute broad wealth and knowledge and resources to all across lines and barriers.


            I can understand why young legal adults drop out of society and smoke “weed” because what’s the point to it all.


Right now there doesn’t seem to be any point to living in the United States of America only that that’s a pure and insignificant lie.


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that youth is overrated.


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that if one hasn’t made their fortune by thirty then they’re nobody. (Not true at all.)


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that of a pedophile mentality.


(Who wants to masturbate to twelve year old looking models when they can hold a real conversation with real adult humans?)


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is to ‘never’ mature and become fully formed adults who pay their bills and does whatever they legally must to make it in a harsh and difficult world.


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that youthfulness is better than age and experience and a 401K or retirement.


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that everything’s supposed to be easy otherwise it’s not meant to be destined.


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that fame and fortune are attainable by all. (Simply not true.)


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that television characters are real.


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that entertainment is something to be copied in the real lives of Americans. (Absolutely not.)


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that education is boring. (How dare anyone think such an ignorant thought?)


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that one doesn’t need an education to make it out there in the big bad dog-eat-dog-world.


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that ‘ignorance is bliss.’


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that without money people are nothing. (Hardly.)


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is to spoil their kids rotten into filthy mental submission to ‘retarded’ drooling capacity.


The greatest lie that Americans ever fell for is that logical and reasonable laws and rules apply to everybody else, however specifically not to them.


            Whoever said that life is going to be easy or that life is supposed to be easy?


Whoever told you such tremendous lies most likely hated your guts for lying to your face without any real intent to save another while risking their own reputation.


Someone lied to you simply and only for the sake to make a fool out of you.


Did they ever express in a lengthy letter just how their hearts were ripped from their chest when they put themsevels in the line of fire for your sake? No? Then the lie wasn’t worth its breath of sacrifice.




            I can understand that the opportunities that were ever so promised to young Americans aren’t there anymore therefore this culture seems like a huge big fat lie in the face of adversity, however.


When young people falter, it’s only because their culture fails them to meet many certain or great expectations of the larger culture in and of itself.


Young people aren’t only computer savvy and creative and intelligent and wonderful they’re also passionate about equal rights for all and that’s what makes them ever so tremendously superb to watch them develop into mature adults.


            I do have a lot of confidence for the young people of America because it’s in our American nature to ‘never’ stop fighting the good fight.


America’s where it’s at because we’re lucky enough to lead from within and when anything wavers or requires change then citizens do just that for each other because we owe it to one another to believe in liberties and freedoms and civil rights that must be granted to all men and women under the law.


We’re lucky to be alive in these tremendously difficult times because in truth our time is no more or less different than any other hard times.


Our time holds challenges that require for us to meet head on. However, those challenges don’t define us nor shape us because only maturity and wisdom and experience do that for us.


How we react to challenges is far more important than the challenges itself.


We shall overcome because our ancestors did.


There’s no option other than to overcome challenges and difficulties otherwise what else is there.


Americans are great at adapting to change.


Not only do Americans create equal and just change: Americans also innovate solutions that further instigate personal and societal freedoms which took us to the moon and will cultivate new efficient green energies that have begun to establish new industries never before seen because we must consider the world as one.


Americans aren’t the type of people to bury their head in the sand.


Americans are a courageous bunch and what makes Americans so damn special is that we know the difference between wrong and right.


Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to it!


Yes, we can do it.


Let’s once again become passionate and motivated by logic and reason and science and mathematics and thought and philosophy and classical beauty and the stars and all that’s innovative so that we may get out of this ignorant and uneducated Dark Age and fall back in line with our inner most incredible selves.


America, I’m cheering you on because we love you.

I love you.



-----   -----   -----


            No, personally, I’m not lazy because:


            For example: A snow removal worker or ski lift operator doesn’t work in the same manner in which a writer does or a welder doesn’t work in the same manner in which a filmmaker does therefore each is unequivocal without comparison to the other in output or skill or ability because some aspects of disciplinary work are simply more difficult than others. Yes, it’s true. (I would know. I’ve worked in all of the above positions.)


Even though I’ve worked exhaustive jobs, nothing is more exhaustive and difficult and complex than writing is.


Nothing compares to the deeply tiresome and difficult aspects of writing.


Some days, I’d almost rather dig ditches than write because digging ditches or shoveling snow is far easier an endeavor than writing ever will be.


Writing’s some of “the” hardest work there is. Yes.


And that’s why not everyone’s cut out to be a writer because not only do you have to know how to research well and know about extensive global history and the humanities in general and have grit and style and mental strength and stamina and grace and ability as a storyteller as well as make sense each step of the way with each word that gets strung together like a pearl necklace so that one creates meaningful change otherwise no one understands what the hell you’re talking about and that’s just a waste of everybody’s time and energy and space.


Writing isn’t like interpretive dance or painting swirls on a canvas and calling it art because with writing one has to convey something meaningful worth interpretation otherwise get a hobby and make it a good one.


Bad writing is terrible, however.

Mediocre writing’s a nightmare to sit through.

Everybody knows that.


And that’s the reason as to why people rather put a bullet through their brains than go to most local poetry readings because poetry readings are pure torture and we all know that to be one of those human truths that’s difficult to admit yet important to be honest about.


Truly Yours;



Word Count: 2,189



*)         Day #207 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Personal Notes:


            Yesterday, we discovered that I have fluid-filled cysts (as in plural) inside of my thyroid gland. No, as far as we know it’s not cancer. I have yet to go to an endocrinologist and have a needle biopsy done on my throat.


Also, last September 2013, due to uterine fibroids I weighed a whopping 166 pounds and today I weigh 150 pounds.


At this time last year my blood sugar glucose was 156.


Today as of this morning my blood sugar glucose is 79.


No, I’m not diabetic.


            Yes, I’ve begun to wear tops that are size “small” and that’s designer made clothing so it’s true to size.


(As of this summer 2014 we’ve begun to purchase and wear designer clothes even though we make our online purchases through an outlet discount store which happens to be at “Armani Exchange.” It’s been explained to me that “Armani Exchange” is outlet. We don’t care. The quality of their clothes is far better than my ten dollar t-shirts ever were.)


Yes, I’ve begun to wear size 8 pants and there’s still plenty of room.


Yes, ever since we quit eating sugar on February 2014 my weight hasn’t dropped but the inches have.


I weighed around or close to 150 pounds in December 2013: I still weigh 150 pounds today, however. (No, we don’t owe a scale.)


Today, my inch or tape measurements are the same as Victoria Secret Model’s measurements.


I feel and look tiny.


My main doctor says that I must lose many more pounds until I’m 137 pounds. Nevertheless at that point I’ll probably look as though I’ve withered away to nothing.


If I look too waif at 137 pounds then I’ll put on an extra five pounds and keep it at that because a little bit of fat is sexy as all get out, in case I get sick and need that bit of fat to get me through another illness or operation.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...

They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”

Thomas Jefferson


Ominous (foreboding, threatening, menacing)


The ominous clouds on the horizon almost made them cancel the trip.


---  ---  ---




            According to contemporary (2014) psychologists or psychoanalysts or psychotherapists: promiscuity is considered a form of mental illness. Yep. (Read it and weep.)


            According to my father: any human who goes around “whoring” themselves amongst complete strangers is mentally ill.


            Listen: On average most Americans don’t seem to be smart enough to decipher reality from television thus programming has to be closely monitored for the safety and mental health of Americans.


When it comes to television and Americans then one must not put stupid ideas into their heads because many Americans actually are ignorant enough or mentally ill to consider television more of a reality than real life ever is to them.


            What is it that makes many Americans not seem to be able to decipher reality from television?


            What is it that makes many Americans lose a real grasp or grip on reality?


            Who’s to even know the answer to that?


            I bet Mr. A.O. Scott could analyze such findings.


            Now, I don’t presume to know anything.


            What leads me and others in our broadcast industry to conclude that many or most Americans don’t seem to decipher the difference between television from real life?


For example: why do retirees take FOX News ever so seriously when it’s meant to be entertainment television yet they see it as the word of God?


Seriously, the answer is ignorance or a lack of education.


Nobody wants to be considered “ignorant” yet that’s what our Southern bible thumping retirees are: “Ignorant” (unaware, uninformed, badly informed, rude, bad-mannered, ill-mannered, impolite, ill-bred, inconsiderate and boorish).


            The main aspect which leads me to make such a cultural distinction about many modern Americans not being able to decipher reality from television is the mare fact that women are still considered property rather than on equal terms with men yet modern women allow for such an atrocity to occur to them.


As crazy as it may sound it seems as though modern American women don’t mind getting treated as property otherwise modern women would’ve taken the issue of rape or sexual assault or harassment a lot more seriously before now than they do today.


If modern American women were truly serious about not being considered property then they’d be a more advanced or sophisticated or intelligent species by now when it comes to their equal rights and equal pay.


If modern American women really didn’t want wish to be treated like objects then they wouldn’t act like objects on display.


If modern American women really didn’t care to be treated as property then they’d fight with all their might to have their equal rights granted to them rather than spend two hours on their hair and makeup each day before they head out the door and try and get lucky with some sexually transmitted penis full of pus or herpes.


It seems as though modern American women have intellectually regressed with this past decade’s economical downturn and for the most part women don’t seem to understand the vastly complex low standard of their ignorance.


            Modern American women seem to talk a lot yet they don’t say anything of importance when it comes to their sisters’ safety from rape or sexual assault or harassment.


It’s any wonder as to why one in five women do get sexually assaulted while she attends college.


One must consider as to the reasons why modern American women allow themselves to be treated like property or as lesser beings than that of dumb and horny men who don’t seem to control their impulses labeling such men mentally ill.


            Intelligent and beautiful American women like ‘to talk a big talk’ when it comes to their supposed equality yet purposely modern American women do publically show off their vaginas and breasts in exchange of nothing (not even money) because sub-standard pop-cultural shallow ideals and quasi pop-stars represent themselves as “feminists” thus confusing the already sub-standard intelligence of young modern American women everywhere.


Frankly, any shallow pop-idol that can ‘pull the wool over everyone’s eyes’ so much so as to have their audiences consider their pop-idol any form of “feminist” Is not only a one trick stage performance pony as well as a liar.


Such a pop-idol liar isn’t any type of intelligent being only a “showman” who’s cunning and underhanded and something evil and ultimately sinister to collect 400 million dollars off of the backs of women who have or will get raped or assaulted because modern American men are too stupid to think for themselves therefore modern American men take their cues from idiotic pop-whores and come to trick themselves into thinking that other private citizen women must also want to be treated like a pop-idol’s mediocre performance gets delivered because modern American men also fall prey to believing that women feel “special” when men place their crotch deeply into her vagina in a public dance floor and women will take it up the crotch from strangers because if she doesn’t “take it” then she’s not game and if she’s not game then she’s considered not to be worth anything according to the sub-standard pop-cultural messages and garbage out there that stupid American people take as a truth rather than lie.


Americans sure can’t seem to decipher entertainment from reality.




{Don’t ever call me a liar unless you have the balls to do it to my face.


Whenever I’ve lied I’ve done so in order to save another’s reputation and ruined mine. Consider it a gift. It’s on me.


At least I’m not some mentally-ill pop-idol planting lies into the heads of dumb and ignorant Americans.


We’re here to discover the many truths there’re to be discovered for ourselves otherwise all of this writing is meaningless and worthless and that it is not because I’m not wasting my valuable time on discoveries other than those that must necessarily be made. (Correction.)


I refuse to tell you how to live your lives, however.


I’ve quickly become the needle that will point you in the right direction because I’ve lived and learned and experienced and survived a retarded and fast decaying and ignorant American culture that seems to brag about nothing at all except how to rape and beat their women and children and get away with it just so that men might watch another Thursday night game of a fast dying sport of football. Whew!}




            What can I say?

            Absolutely nothing.


            I’m still smarter than most of you, however.

            I’m not the smartest and that’s what keeps me in check.

            Because I’m able to admit that I’m not the smartest then that makes me even smarter because it means that I’m not delusional.




Modern American men and women have lost all sense of reality.


As much as any one-trick pony pop-idols may try to justify their acts as meaningful such talentless hacks are such when they refuse to admit to their audiences that it’s all a trick and not real life and neither to be considered as real nor to be replicated nor copied.


When any pop-idol repetitively rubs her crotch as a quasi symbol of feminist freedom then she misrepresents herself and her true motives and only she knows perfectly well that she doesn’t have any other moves thus she lies to her audiences because she’s not any type of leader in any industry only inside the folds of soapy magazine pages that must be sold to the general public so that thirteen year old boys can masturbate to nothing save for fluff and empty pumping air with the ever rapid movements of their upwards and downwards stroking motion to their baby penises while they dream of fucking their pop-idols who revel in the mare thought that little boys masturbate to her success and quasi sexual allure.


Ride that pony! Boys, ride her.


To call a repetitious crotch stage grabbing act “feminism” is to harm all modern American women and trick them into more lies and rape and assault.


Many American women must wonder why they got raped in the first place by fraternity boys or jocks and who’s to say when women run around showing off their vaginas and breasts because their pop-idols plant that seed (inside their heads) that whore-ism is a modern approach to feminism when it’s a complete and utter lie to listen to anyone other than a feminist scholar pave the road for the rest of us.


A pop-idol isn’t anything other than a doll. Period.


A pop-idol is a cut-out doll that one gives her paper wardrobe changes between sets and nothing more.


A pop-idol has no business conducting the moral and ethical setting of culture because all she’s there to do is to collect a pay check and anything other than that would be considered rude by most modern definitions.


A pop-idol isn’t any type of cultural expert or scholar on the subject of feminism and she must not pretend to be otherwise. Case closed.


Do you want to re-discover a rock star true feminist modern scholar?


Look up: Camille Paglia.




            No, I don’t believe that any man has the right to rape any woman even if she were to walk into a room stark naked and begun to masturbate in front of an entire room full of men then I’d slowly back away because most likely she’s either brain dead or mentally ill.


Hands off unless she’s ever so inviting to get gang-raped by trash.


No woman is ever that horny unless men get lucky enough to drug her up and use her like a rag doll.


            Intelligent and beautiful American women wish to be desired yet they don’t wish to be used as objects because believe it or not women have a soul and so do men.


            Rape and sexual assault and harassment are all about power.


            Rape or assault or harassment doesn’t have anything to do with sex. (Get that through your thick skulls.)


            Personally, I’ve discovered that lesser and horny men without impulse control and power hungry men are perverts.


            Seriously, this past summer (2014) I was cornered by a Muslim Iraqi skinny perverted twerp at the “Gay 90’s” and after about an hour of wearing me down with his advances he took it upon himself to forcefully stick his hand down and up my shirt and under my bra and grab a feel of my breast and pinch my nipple.


Oh, my God!


I almost killed him.


Yet, I panicked and froze.


I went into shock and that’s why I didn’t react faster.


Seriously, if I were ever to get assaulted by him I’m afraid I’d kill this asshole motherfucker on the spot.


Careful, now.


Women can kill especially when it comes to self protection.


            Yes, this August 2014 I was sexually assaulted at the “Gay 90’s” by a one hundred pound Muslim Iraqi pervert and their establishment allows for that to happen because I’ve been informed that he does that to all of the women who go there and that he seems to have become a permanent fixture.


The only reason why I didn’t kill him right there and then was only to save the establishment from a murder / self defense trial.


Seriously, the thought crossed my mind to murder this man in cold blood in front of everyone present.


Aside from the quite complex and difficult aspects of that hour long interaction. As a woman I had to entertain a pervert because not only was he forceful yet he was meek and horny and had a strong grip. Weird. How can a man try and be so suave and yet such a bully. It’s a twisted combination, that’s for sure.


            Another instance: this past summer (August 2014) I had some skinny Somali pervert corner me on a dance floor and he so much as took the liberty to kiss on the cheek while he strongly gripped my wrists and offered me to “buy” me water.


The reason why I hate the “W Hotel” in downtown, Minneapolis is because such an establishment allows for such perverted fixtures to come and take over their social scene as well as prostitutes and pimps and no one blinks twice because it’s such a great kickback for everyone involved.


The classier the joint then the more high end pimps and prostitutes will hide among foreign tourists. Great place to hide.


            Another instance: At the “Poorhouse” club a white gay man’s friend invited us to the V.I.P. section, however.


The invitation only came with the demand to perform for the men like we were stripers.


A white gay male pervert said to me: “No, don’t worry. I’m gay.” Like that made the harassment any better when actuality it made it all that much more terrible.


The asshole proceeded to flip me around and pinned me up against a railing while he dry humped me from the back as though his gayness made it any better that he performed against my will.


When I tried to release myself from his forceful grip he said to me, “Ho!” as though I was his horse, “Settle down. Easy. Turn around.”


He continued to dry-dance-hump me from the back.


I just stood there and didn’t move a muscle as though I was a rag doll and took it yet it was quite obvious that I wasn’t playing the same game that he was.


I was disgusted to have ever participated in any gay rights activism just because this gay male thought that he could use me for his personal amusement as a woman of color like we don’t already have enough to contend with and the crux of it all is that he most likely ended up being my male nurse for one of my medical procedures. How awkward is that. Indeed.


Can you imagine it?

Your male nurse as well as your perpetrator.



This is a small town.


I’m utterly and totally disgusted by the entire gay community who used to look out for their heterosexual sisters and now we’re just rag dolls to dry-dance-hump like any other trash male does to women when he has absolutely no self respect for himself.


            Don’t assume that women like that sort of dance.


            Because women don’t.


It’s just that women feel that men expect them to lower themselves to men and so they do, however.


Intelligent and modern women know that dry-dance-humping is an archaic 1990’s style of interaction that just won’t go away because Americans are too poor to become sophisticated or classy thus they stick to their one non-dance move and refuse to learn any real steps to any real dance because then it might just mean that they’d have to educate themselves about anything at all.


            Personally, I attribute power struggles and sexual violence to boredom and ignorance and economic desperation.


I think that modern men must have small dicks otherwise they wouldn’t go around trying to shove them so far up women’s jeans.


Truly Yours;



Word Count: 2,507



*)         Day #206 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Monday, September 15, 2014


“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics,

in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.”

Thomas Jefferson


Oligarchy (government by the few, power invested in a few leaders)


In days gone by some countries were ruled by an oligarchy.


---  ---  ---




            Over a phone conversation this past summer 2014 my father told me to be respectful, however.


I’m not to ever be so “kind” ever again to perfect strangers while in public because my father told me that what I don’t seem to realize about people in general is that many are mentally ill whether they might be narcissistic or egocentric or self-centered or sociopathic.


My father informed me that just because I’m sane it doesn’t mean that others are also sane. Yes, I’m “crazy” like anybody else, however. I’m not insane. Well, that’s a relief.


My father told me to guard my heart and not to allow for others to walk all over me or to mock me or make fun of me because the meek shall indeed inherit the Earth.


My father told me that what I don’t seem to realize is just how “fucked up” most of the American populous truly is and how mentally ill they are. Okay.


            Because I’m the daughter of a retired M.D. psychologist I get the behind-the-scenes reports about contemporary American psychological status or standing.


My father finally broke the news to me that narcissistic or egocentric or self-centered or sociopathic people aren’t only mentally ill yet also dangerous to have one surrounded by such lesser forms of humanity because such people are only looking out for number one and that means that they’d probably injure or harm those nearest to them in exchange for a few pieces of silver or go so far as to get others killed or murdered.


What makes such characters ever so dangerous to be around is that they probably are the type who eventually harm or injure their closest friends or they’re the type who’d betray their beloved ones without thinking twice as to what that might do to others.


My father said that once a narcissist or sociopath injures or hurts or harms close and beloved friends then most likely such a self-centered egotist learns that it’s easy to hurt or harm others thus a cycle of violence or manipulation begins to reoccur in their lives.


A narcissist or a sociopath will refuse to apologize or to feel any remorse for their wrong doings thus egotists can and will perpetuate such patterns of misbehavior and abuse and violence because other sheep become too terrified to call out a bully or a sociopath on their misbehavior thus an egocentric mad man or woman only has friends who are frightened by him and not in love with his pathos or ethos because everybody knows all too well that such cultural freaks uphold to continual murderous cravings thus such a type of mentally ill person’s friendships are with people who don’t want to fall prey to such enemies.


The only reason as to why egocentric maniacs have friends at all is because their friends are either timid or frightened so much so that such people will keep a sociopath close and near-by, so that the bully or sociopath shan’t harm them in the same manner that the sociopath already perpetrated a cycle of violence against other innocent bystanders. Whew!


            Throughout my lifetime I’ve taken major blows to my person, livelihood and reputation to stand strong for the overall safety of any group instead of kissing the rear end of one or possibly a few sociopaths who came together for the overall main purpose to do harm to an overall group or clan. I’ve won again and again!


Yes, I might’ve walked away without my personal belongings or with only a few friendships, however.


I’ll tell you this: I sleep like a baby and my conscious mind doesn’t worry me or bother me about the rotten and mean things that I didn’t ever do to others.


I’m a strong individual and thankfully I’ve had the strength to stand up for weaker individuals.


Yes, I’m a lucky bastard not to have my conscious mind play tricks on me when the lights go down at night because one can only ever be so cruel to others and then the demons of one’s mind come out to play to drive narcissists insane with the aroma of their self-aggrandizing ego.


I can only imagine that that type of spiritual bankruptcy or breakdown begins to take a toll on other lesser forms of their humanity causing such individuals to lose sleep or age rapidly or be unhappy or miserable all by themselves knowing perfectly well that no one really loves them only that others seem frightened by the power that such fools did steal or beat others into submission or beat others to the punch when others only extended an olive branch.


            When people get ever so wrapped up inside their heads as to believe that they’re the most beautiful or the smartest or the most successful without fault then they enter that ever so dangerous place of self delusion.


Yes, I love to reflect back the delusional aspects of cracked or desperate souls because it bugs them so much that one has got their number.


No, I don’t ever make an asshole out of myself for my benefit.


Yes, I’ve made an asshole out of myself to test the goodwill and cheer and kindness and humanity in others and to place them on a spectrum of sanity to decipher just how appropriately could react.


If they’re truly the type of people that they so much as preach about or desire to be seen or perceived as such then they’ll always act upon their larger intellectual and instinctual feelings to be kind to lesser creatures than themselves and act the part of the bigger man or woman.


Otherwise they’re simply and only substandard or subhuman or subpar to their ideals causing them to embody a lie about their entire being and such people aren’t leadership quality only merchants or street peddlers or managers.


            It helps greatly when a self delusional person comes from money or has avenues to money because then they can live in Manhattan without ever having to wake up to the ever so harsh realities or realizations that in their wake they left behind a world of hurt that which isn’t appreciated by entire groups or clans of people.


How scary for narcissists or egotists not to be able to show their face anywhere in sight because no one really cares if they live or die.


No matter how successful or wealthy sociopaths become, hence they’ve greatly harmed or injured others then good luck with that because what they don’t seem to greatly understand is that others will be sickly sweet to their face yet they’re not to ever be trusted to lead forevermore, or ever again.


In many ways narcissists write their own social death no matter who they’ve socially maimed along the way because they can’t ever be trusted by an overall group of people to tell the truth or to go out of their way to put others above themselves because that’s what humane people do. Humane people look out for the overall health of a group and that’s what makes a leader a leader.


Nevertheless, such narcissistic losers must not ever return to those mini microcosms of hurt because they know perfectly well that others would indeed extend a peace offering out of pity only to drive any such narcissists’ guilt and shame deeper into themselves pushing them to the brink of self awareness and deeper understanding for humanity at large and that’s any narcissists greatest challenge and weakness.


Indeed, they don’t have a heart and time proves it so.


How to be humanely humane is any narcissists or egotists greatest destructive force because they can’t seem to muster genuine kindness for others.


            A villain isn’t any type of hero to their own story when they’ve hurt so many they’ve claimed to love.


            A villain that’s purposely hurt or injured or gravely harmed others is nothing and he knows it perfectly well. He knows that truth better than anybody else especially when he’s all alone and by himself.


            Such a villain gets setup in life by “mommy” and “daddy’s” money, however.


The greatest disadvantage about such delusional villains is that they have no clue how to unconditionally love for no other reason other than to love another more so than one would love oneself thus the villain lives out her days lonely and full of self loath or contempt for their miserable selves.


            The whole point to a hero’s story isn’t to turn and face a magical mirror and ask each morning and each night: “Mirror, mirror on the walk who’s the fairest of them all?” No.


            The entire point to a hero’s journey is to learn to take care of themselves so that they may learn the capacity to take care of entire groups of clans and lead by example.


            The entire point to a hero’s journey is not to carry the world on his back. No.


            A hero must learn to carry the entire world’s best aspects in his heart or he perishes and seizes-to-exist without a legacy that shan’t last any longer than a year of mourning.


            To be the type of hero that gets remembered for seven generations is one great feat of heroism.


            To become the type of hero that gets remembered for all of time is to be the kindest and wisest of them all.


It’s not enough to make current history for the sake of self fulfillment.


Only the wind and the water and celestial dust know how impressive any human hero is in the overall culminating complex and vital circumstances in any historical content in context to their lives.


            A hero cares what happens to others.


            A villain only wishes that you’d go away and die a slow death.


            A hero builds a strong foundation of self love and of a caring nature and respect for all.


            A villain hates everything about themselves thus they must talk themselves up every chance they get.


            A hero never dies yet a villain gets forgotten as soon as they walk out the door.


            A villain becomes demented with jealousy and envy.


            A hero gets asked to be a part of life while a villain gets to be too much thus everybody takes a deep sigh of relief when villains don’t show up.


People get relieved not to have to break bread with villains while a hero might at first make others slightly a bit nervous yet others can count on any hero to be wisest and kind to all.


No matter what happens a hero will set his personal feelings aside and dine with entire villages like they’re his Kin.


            A villain’s only kind when he wants something.


            A hero’s a friend to all while a villain is only a friend to a miserable few.


Yours Truly;



Word Count: 1,819



*)         Day #208 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Friday, September 12, 2014


“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government

those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations,

perverted it into tyranny.”

Thomas Jefferson



Mayhem (maiming a person, disfiguring act)


The murderer committed mayhem on his helpless victim.



Welcome back.


Hello, again.


It’s already 5:03P.M.

Let’s see how far we can get with this literary exercise.



-----   -----   -----


No, it’s not any form of cancer.

No, it isn’t cancer.

No, it’s not cancer.


Yes, I’ll require open throat surgery.


            No, I shan’t be susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease any more or less than any other fellow because I don’t have a “thyroid condition.” (It’s my pituitary gland that seems to be ever so fragile.)


            No, I shan’t lose my marbles any more or less than anyone else in old age. Whew!


            What I do have is a “nodule” or “lump” expanding inside of my thyroid gland even though it’s not detectible by the naked eye.


            Yes, this will be my third operation three straight falls running.


            Yes, I seem to get bad medical reports each September tenth of each year.


            No, I’m not dying, any more or less than anybody else.


            Yes, I’m scared.


            Yes, open throat surgery sure scares me far more so than two previous uterine fibroid surgeries (Myomectomy.).


            We leave it in the hands of our Gods and excellent surgeons.


            Yes, this “nodule” or “lump” inside of my thyroid will have to be surgically removed by the end of October 2014.


            Yes, everything will be alright.


            Yes, right now I’m strong and healthy.


            No, my shoulder rotator cuff doesn’t hurt anymore.


            Ever since our new dentist fixed my white cracked filling then all joint pain seized-to-exist within an hour. Wonderful!


            No, I haven’t had any pain in my joints in almost two weeks come this Tuesday.


            Yes, our endodontist said that the white filling of my #30 molar was cracked and not the tooth, itself, however.


Because of that terrible experience, I dealt with insane tooth pain for exactly nine months. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemies.


            No, my tooth isn’t cracked.


            No, I shan’t need a root canal. Wonderful.


            No, I’m not on any Oxycontin.


            Yes, my speech has fully returned.


            No, I’m no longer hemorrhaging.


            Yes, I hemorrhaged for the entire month of May 2014 and the first two weeks of June 2014 then suddenly all hemorrhaging stopped all completely and I can now enjoy leaving our home and make errands and have fun.


            Yes, I’m in therapy specifically for my health.


            Yes, I’ve been deemed and certified “sane” by six different psychoanalysts within the past twenty years.


            No, I’m not mentally ill or mentally handicapped.


            No, I’m not deemed “depressed” either.


            Yes, I’m simply tired of contending with a decade long of recurring benign tumors and a constant sore throat for the past fifteen years.




            What a summer we’ve spent either at the dentist or endodontic office or main medical practitioner or throat and thyroid scans or thyroid ultra-sounds and next week it’s back to the dentist and more blood work.


Hospital visits just don’t seem to have an end in sight.


            We’d like to spend an entire year without seeing a doctor for any other reason other than a regular annual checkup or socially.


Within this recent week, one of our many doctors notified us that last week’s imaging thyroid medical scan’s findings are as followed: A “nodule” inside of my thyroid gland was found nesting there like a little puppy pushing his way for more room on the bed until we find ourselves at the edge of our bed ready to fall over onto the floor and clunk our bony limbs against a rug covered wood floor.


            In other words: today’s thyroid ultra-sound will further indicate whether this “nodule” is filled with fluid or not.


If the “nodule” is filled with fluid then it’s most like a goiter or a benign tumor, however.


If the “nodule” is a solid mass then most likely it’s cancer.


If more than one “nodule” is found then most likely its benign tumors, however.


If only one hardened “nodule” or mass is found all by itself then most likely it’ll be cancerous.


            We’re keeping our fingers crossed until Monday afternoon when we’ll know more.


            Wow! “Nodule(s)” inside of my thyroid gland sure is...


Growing and expanding.


Nobody would even know it to look at my throat except when I even so much as loosely wrap a scarf around my throat then my throat begins to throb and more intense constant pain lingers for hours afterwards; as the pain is already constant, however, the slightest anything on my throat further intensifies the pain.


I refuse to take anymore Oxycontin because I’ve been off of it for about ten months and I now just got my complete and full speech back. I can clearly think and speak again.


When I do wrap a scarf around my throat then for the rest of an entire day I contend with a severe sore throat.


The sore throats have been like that for exactly ten years when I first noticed a more intense sore throat pain when I first moved to the Twin Cities May 2004.


            However, these all day’ sore throats began in 2000 at the tender age of twenty-five.


At the age of twenty-one, I had a “lucky” episode of melanoma in the fall of 1998-1999, my junior and senior year of undergraduate studies and ever since it’s been a health roller coaster trying to figure out what’s the matter with my health.


No, I’m not dying any more or less than the fellow sitting next to me at the doctors waiting area, however.


On average, my health has been quite poor for about sixteen years.


I assumed that other people lived with a slight sore throat as I did.


            No, I didn’t say anything to anyone about my constant sore throats until the year 2005 and a doctor told me not to lie so I kept my mouth shut about it until August 2014.


Finally, I told my main medical practioner about my constant sore throats that I’ve had for the past fifteen years.


I had to tell her because the sore throats have intensified and become ever more severe over the recent years.


Here we are today in the year 2014 with a “nodule” inside of my thyroid gland ready to be taken out and operated on.


Tenderly yet barely, when I wash the outside of my throat each and every night even the slightest touch to my throat sends pain signifiers to my brain and my throat begins to hurt more intensely than before.


One of the major reasons as to why I back up from hugs is because if my neck gets rotated or cracked to one side too much then I hurt for hours afterwards and I simply can’t afford to be in anymore pain.


No, I’m not into hugging people because I’ve dealt with significant health blows for about two decades.


I’ll wholeheartedly hug, nevertheless, then we better know each other well and have let go of our past blunders or mistakes with each other and started anew.





            We’re taking it with an even stride even though as soon as I got away from a hospital building, I publically cried while on the phone with Eric because all at once I felt emotionally overwhelmed.


Quickly, I walked outside of a hospital entrance and got out of there as fast as I could. While the entire time on the phone with Eric he listened to pertinent medical information while I took quick strides and so on and so forth.


Eric’s a complete gentleman and understood that I became overwhelmed with emotion and as privately as I could, I quietly cried as I walked with the phone to my ear.


Public crying isn’t like me yet I quickly kept a fast pace and made my way through a quiet street and out of there as quickly as possible.



How cathartic.


            I haven’t cried in public ever since 2011 (correction) while at an Uptown Japanese restaurant over lunch when a woman told me that I was a “cold hearted bitch” because I refused to have a sexual “threesome” with her and another person.


I couldn’t help myself yet I burst into tears and taught her a good whipping lesson about a Costa Rican stoic nature.


We, too, feel emotions even though we don’t show our emotions on a regular basis or especially when we back away from intimate hugs or intense public displays of affection unless it’s our husbands or wives then we tenderly touch them with respectful and dignified gusto and pride to be by their side.


We’re a proud people. What can we say? Nothing much. We get overwhelmed with the mare thought of music or love or good food or kind company thus we hold our emotions close to us.


We feel deeply, especially, when we get awkward, and don’t know how to show emotion for those we greatly care about specially when interacting with the opposite sex unless we consider each other Brothers and Sisters in bread breaking then we love each other and show much respectful and outward physical joy to be with each other and if much time’s passed by between acquaintances (not friendships) then we ask others if we may approach with a platonic hug and we extend our love and peace without any remorse or weirdness for the other.


Now, with permission, of course, when we begin to kiss on the cheek or mouth (without a tongue) then that means… In some ways we’re like Italians yet again we’re not, although it’s very rare that we’ll kiss anyone at all for any reason, unless once every fifty years the spirit moves us otherwise, yeah right, like hell if we’re going to go around demonstrating outward signs of affection, although we do kiss on each side of each cheek when we greet loved ones.


We’re a complex bunch to get to know.

I think Costa Ricans are far more complex than Finn-Americans.


Yours Truly;



Word Count: 1,665



*)         Day #205 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Thursday, September, 11, 2014


“Nothing can stop the man

with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal;

nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Thomas Jefferson


Word Count: 12



*)         Day #204 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


“The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.”

Thomas Jefferson



Word Count: 12



*)         Day #203 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014


“Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life

in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good

conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.”

Thomas Jefferson


Word Count: 12



*)         Day #202 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Monday, September 8, 2014


“To have great poets, there must be great audiences.”

Walt Whitman


“The great city is that which has the greatest man or woman:

if it be a few ragged huts, it is still the greatest city in the whole world.”

Walt Whitman


“Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers

where I can walk undisturbed.”

Walt Whitman


“Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune.”

Walt Whitman


(English corrections were made.)




What’s there for me to say?

Absolutely nothing.


I wrote three days this summer thus I’ll see you on Friday, September 12, 2014:





Word Count: 32



*)         Day #201 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Interject: August 13, 2014


No, I really don’t have much time.


I wasn’t going to blog at all this month.





Public Service Announcement


Correction: “Clubbing” means to “hook-up”

on a possibly consensual “one-night stand.”

(No, thank you.) (I didn’t know that.)


New Terminology: “Dance,” or “Dancing.”


Let’s Make The Peace.

Let’s Keep The Peace.


No physical harm of any type will come to anyone.

(Not through either corrupt or non-corrupt power,

means or measures.).


Minneapolis can be a ‘classy joint.’


Let’s begin someplace…


No, we shan’t name-names or make accusations:

(Not without others’ professional or expert

analysis and advice based on

evidence and facts.)


(Even though I can get ‘modern’ and ‘hot-headed’

when placed in unsafe situations then no holds barred. I become a dangerous animal when caged-in or while under direct danger with any possibility to get decimated. I become an athlete and expect others to jump into this Twin Cities wayward social public scene and protect all law abiding private citizens and civilians while they frequent public establishments.)


Although, we’re all human and make mistakes.

Also, if it’s brought then we’ll bring it without lifting a finger in violence because we’re pacifists for the most part with the exception and the right to self defend us and ours to the death.


Wow, I’m somewhat philosophically writing poetry.

Please, try to understand that my female values are deeply steeped in (non-prostitution) Costa Rican female values and the rest of culture is ether lost or lonely or morally and ethically bankrupted or without accountability or without a heart or soul.


No, I shan’t be able to dance in Minneapolis

for at least another decade.

I might just have to trek out to St. Paul.


Why you guys gotta be like that?

Why you gotta ruin everything?



Yes, I’m laughing so hard right about now.

I’ll be forty-seven the next time we most likely go dance

anyplace in or near Minneapolis other than our living room.


(Eric refuses to dance in public.)

You know that right?

Right. Right.


            Okay, I’ve stalled long enough…


that’s just how some women communicate; we go around the issue until we gather enough courage to ask directly what we need to know from whomever we communicate anything to especially when it comes to matters of the heart without coming out and telling another that a grave error has been...




            I can’t seem to find the words because I’m angry because I’m afraid that Minneapolis’s dance scene is incredibly unsafe for both real foreigners and private local citizens and civilians (who reside in the Twin Cities and whom simply and only want to hang out in ‘the town’ and at the end of a long night (when one new high-heeled shoe may pinch all night long) then go home to our beautiful families whom we live for and for whom we work so hard to sustain in a town that in which the average median income for a family of four is thirty-eight ($38,000) thousand annual salary.


Our Minnesota families (in general) have faced great economic decimation and difficulties through the span of twelve years in which just about most of our middle income earning citizens lost almost everything in the stock market… (Nope, this isn’t a lesson about economics or history; it’s a dateline.)








“Night Dancing” in downtown, Minneapolis is


ever so difficult for private citizens whom rule their regions because private citizens pay exorbitant amount of taxes on their annual family-of-four middle income earnings yet the cost of living is expensive because of inflation and two market recessions practically back-to-back plus more... this isn’t a lesson in (no, not about) history.


            Okay, let me get real Bostonian with you.

            In the Midwest one has to ‘beat about the bush’ forever.


            No, we don’t have the time for melodrama because by the time I’m directly speaking to another human in the human flesh then I’m deadly serious and possibly out of date or style, however, not out of my legal rights or liberties to know when and how private citizens and civilians are protected while at any establishment open to the public especially when private citizens don’t care to associate with pimps or prostitutes in any scene.


            Yep, I called up a downtown, Minneapolis hotel manager; (because I’m a grown woman of the world) after giving a fast back-story that he didn’t need to know (because I get nervous speaking with Midwesterners over the phone because they don’t communicate with direct purpose or intent or precise and honest communication,) I finally asked Mr. M. “Does your establishment entertain pimps and prostitutes?”


With a bit of a sharp temper to his voice Mr. M. indignantly replied, “No, our guests are businessmen, foreigners and locals.” (Quote on quote.)




            A minute later I jumped on the horn (cell phone) with Minneapolis prostitutes and pimps and social experts, East Coast club and hotel owners and economists and psychologists and parents.


            It’s been explained to me that the truly dark morally and ethically corrupt and bankrupted business aspects of the club culture / and / or / “scene” is that club culture is closely intertwined and deeply mixed with pimps and prostitution culture / and / or “scene” mainly because the club and hotel owners do “host” and allow cart blanche (“high end” and “low end” (correction)) pimps and prostitutes to intermix with the general public; folks such as legitimate (travelling, business) foreigners and private American citizens and civilians.


It’s been explained to me that the clubs and hotels get a ‘kick-back’ from either the prostituting-hosts or prostitutes or pimps and that doesn’t drive the bottom line, however, there’s more money (cash) exchanged back and forth between all parties involved; club and hotel owners or managers and pimps and either prostituting-hosts or prostitutes alike contribute to those kick-backs without ever having to pay taxes on a single dime.


We’ve been informed that most clothing stores and some franchises are ‘fronts’ for marijuana rings. (Interesting.)


We’ve been informed that almost all hotel or clubs are linked to prostitution (of course) however don’t involve innocent bystanders; local private citizens and civilians and non-corruptible foreigners, alike.





            We had a scare this week: A guest didn’t answer their cell phone Monday, late morning (5:30a.m.) when previously the night before our guest left to break off a one week long acquaintanceship.


We went into Emergency Mode: We thought that our extended-guest had been kidnapped until our guest drove in at 6:30a.m. with frail apologies.


Decent and smart people don’t ever fall asleep amongst strangers or acquaintances especially someone, whom, one has only just recently met and known for only one week, exactly, (no matter what the circumstances are). (We weren’t born yesterday.)


I could’ve almost killed our guest with my own bare hands (metaphor) for placing themselves and their hosts under such a terrible predicament.


We sent our guest packing their belongings because that type of guest is not only a liability but also a danger to themselves and to others. That’s the type of guest who is full of reckless abandonment and doesn’t care if they live or die or if others do, either. Nope.


            We went into Emergency Mode: We had the police chief and F.B.I. agents and Twin Cities police officers and snipers and marines and the National Guard and senators ready to go on speed dial: lucky for our guest that they texted when they did at 6:00a.m. or there would’ve been hell to pay because only prostitutes or pimps and those looking for trouble stay out all night, alone, unless one’s documentary filmmaking research is prostitution and (even then) then, well, soda time and lots of deep breaths.


As a married couple, we’d not once ever before been as terrified in our entire lives as we were Monday morning to discover that our guest was nowhere to be found especially when Eric set a household curfew of twelve o’clock unless accompanied by someone we know and trust for at least five years or more.


Eric only set a household curfew for the sake of our sleep and work schedules and nothing else. Respect.


Please, courtesy for others because when one’s a guest in someone’s home then guests don’t use others’ homes as hotels and guests must abide by ancient and modern codes and laws.


If house guests can’t or won’t abide by the codes of Hospitality then they can go stay with their Elders because to be naïve enough not to understand that complex and in-depth and brutal realities and cruelties and harshness of life surely is extraordinary and one must not be so stupid as to think that one can defy death.




            So, is “everybody” a pimp or prostitute in downtown, Minneapolis’s club or hotel scene? (It appears to be so.) Bummer.


            Are there any places, those which are legitimate (open to the public) clubs or hotels for local private citizens and foreigners to go dance without the possibility to (meet) make an acquaintance with a pimp or prostitute?


            I’m an adult woman and a private citizen.


            Back up everybody.


            For the past two weekends I’ve done a public service to most club and hotel owners by not killing two perverts at their clubs and hotels.


            One man had to be “let down” quite gently or I quickly realized that he’d explode.


He sat down next to me and unzipped his pants. Three times he proceeded to ask me to touch his penis.


On his final approach I looked at him like he was insane and he responded with: “No, don’t worry I’m from Iraq.”


            If I would’ve put my hand into his unzipped pants then I most surely would’ve crippled this lonely Muslim brother from Iraq.


I would’ve crippled him for life while our guest made out in the corner with a stranger.


Abruptly I stood up, directly walked across a dance floor and tapped our guest on the shoulder and said, “Let’s go. And let’s go now.”


            Why do clubs and hotels in downtown, Minneapolis smell like piss, especially the high end clubs and hotels?




            Since prostitutes and pimps seem to run the “social” club and hotel scene and nightlife then that means that legitimate locals and foreigners must go find other places to dance and socialize.


Wouldn’t it be fun to attend a private social club in which there’s no violence or hatred or prostitution or wayward oversexed perverts or pimps.


It would be a blast, nevertheless, sadly to say I’ve attended private social clubs and its way worse when it comes to shady people than regular open to the public clubs and hotels as in come through the front door is safer than the backdoor because with the backdoor then one doesn’t know what one’s going to get except what the owner lets in and sometimes all that the owner wants to do is snort a couple of lines of cocaine all night long and all day long.


            If you’re a pimp or a prostitute (high or low end) then please don’t approach me or ours. We live worlds apart and we’re going to keep it that way.


There’s nothing more annoying than a prostitute in designer clothes when they don’t know how to properly wear them.


Pimps or prostitutes aren’t part of any social scene; they’re vendors and nothing else: don’t get it confused with friendship.


Yours Truly;




Psychologists tell me: “You can call up any manager with a complaint of any type. Who cares what they think of you and your grievance? As a guest or patron to any establishment, all that matters, is what you think of their establishment and not the other way around.”




Our house guests aren’t cunt-whores and they shan’t be treated as such by downtown, Minneapolis’s club or hotel pimp and prostitution scene.


            Pimps and prostitutes don’t ever speak or introduce or mix or socialize with private citizens and civilians. They should know better.


Disappear because private citizens don’t desire to socialize with pimps or prostitutes. You chose that path and must abide by the social rules and norms to ancient and modern civilized society and culture.


You leave people alone or otherwise, no threat, only, otherwise.


Just because pimps and prostitutes get bored with their prostitution cash it doesn’t mean that private citizens or civilians become their play toys because prostitutes and pimps aren’t a class; they’re outcasts and not to be looked at or touched or interacted with unless while saving them from physical harm like almost getting hit by a bus, otherwise, nothing.


Away with you.

The whole lot of you.


I didn’t know yet Minnesota senators will come to our aid about anything because they’ve known our family for over thirty years. I’ve got to place their phone numbers on speed dial. How refreshing to find that out. Who knew we were so connected in Minnesota? Funny.


Word Count: 2,154


Interject: August 9, 2014:


No, I really don’t have much time.


I wasn’t going to blog at all this month.


Hello, again.


Stop The Press.


            Condolences: To all innocent bystanders who’ve ever witnessed or became victims of violent crime: our deepest regards.


            Last Friday, we discovered that it seems that “the” Minneapolis club scene is one of the more dangerous there is for men and women, alike.


            Yes, I’ve danced in many different regions throughout the world and for some reason Minneapolis’s dance scene seem to be about violence or violent crime or prostitution or drunken stupors or a “meat-market” no matter how classy the joint (place / establishment) may be.


If one’s going to shoot a gun then go to a shooting-range and not shoot off a gun in public otherwise, one can only hope to shoot like a Texan and face and deal with any judiciary consequence like trial for murder or attempted murder.


            Let’s Make the Peace and Keep the Peace.


            Some Social Rules to Abide By:


Gentlemen, open doors for all women: Older women, younger women, and children.


Ladies, say “thank you” and offer to pay for anything gifted to them and that’s that otherwise be grateful and leave it at that.


Gentlemen, gift with pleasure and without remorse.


Most Minneapolis ladies wait about “three weeks” to have sex with someone they’ve just recently met (although “the” modern woman has some real views about “one night stands.”).


Most Gentlemen, wait.


Gentlemen, don’t grab women or even so much as assume that women so much as desire or want to be straddled from behind and “dry-humped” or “felt-up” while on a dance floor. (I could be more eloquent about “this” matter, however, why?) (Although “the” modern woman has some real views about “dry-hump dance.”).


            Tonight, we step out to dance among Minneapolis’s foreigners and locals in Minneapolis’s downtown dance scene, wherever the wind may take us.



Be civil.

Desperation sure is an ugly Third Act to swallow. (Play-on words.)



Smile if you want to or not.

Be thyself.

One doesn’t ever have to pretend that they’re happy.

Don’t be rude, however do be direct.

Have the best intensions in mind for all those occupying the same space without considering them an object.


If respect be real then be real respectful back. (Play-on words.)

Have fun.


No violence of any type.


Let’s party Boston style.


Come in peace and if need be then state your peace.

Leave in peace.


Have the decency to thank service workers any time they do something for you. Tip at least twenty (20%) percent to folks who work in an overall industry without health care benefits, still yet (2014).


Please don’t stomp on other people’s feet while in stilettos.


Watch out for each other.


Adults don’t get drunk and vomit while in public.


Please throw trash and cigarette butts in proper waste bins.


Please, don’t throw one’s gum on public sidewalks or otherwise.


Please, refrain from shaming any family name.


            Okay, about socializing:


            Don’t socialize with a pimp or prostitute.


One can meet anyone in their “social class” (or otherwise) and interact and go so far as introduce each-other-to-each-other or even so much as exchange personal info or invite complete strangers to “tag along” for as long as they wish and see where the evening takes us all and when people “tag along” in the night scene or to private after parties then everyone involved takes responsibility for each other and waits for everyone to ride in the back of yellow colored cabs and arrive back safely at Beacon Hill in the early hours of the morning. Peace at all cost.


When one “tags along” then it means that that particular individual(s) will represent their family name well and also that they will do well by others otherwise people don’t forget their experience and doors will get shut forever.


Sometimes, parties of ten or twenty or fifty meander around in the streets of Boston and party hop. It’s great fun. There’s safety in numbers and people genuinely care about the overall well being of complete strangers, they’ve just met.




No, I’m not very approachable.


However, I’ll converse with complete strangers about anything or nothing much or recipes, and many strangers at clubs are so classy that they can converse about anything or nothing much or recipes and life as well.


I’ll raise a glass of soda in your names.



Tonight, don’t forget to wear at least one old accessory

and possibly trade it with someone else.

(My one accessory will be seven years old.)


One last note:

I’ll gently “let down” any “cheese brain” man that continues to make any repetitious sexual advances or acts, however.


By the time I possibly ever throw a punch it’ll be packed with so much rage that I’m afraid I’ll kill someone out of complete adrenaline rush or fear of death (murder).


What constitutes a deadly blow:


1.    A bullet wound.

2.    Anyone’s fingers or hands near or inside my crotch or vagina.

3.    Physical harm to my person.


Keep it zipped up, buddy.


Think: “Classy, not trashy.”


The rule: men pay.

Women look beautiful and grateful.

(No, women don’t have to sleep with men that purchase their drinks.)


Use Condoms, please.


I’m “off the shelf.”

I’m a married woman and spoken for.

Yet who doesn’t love relaxed and great real fun conversation.






It’s been four years…

Let’s Party!

Tonight, We Party!


Thank you to all bouncers and service personnel.

We’re watching out for your safety also because you, too, have families and little ones waiting at home.


Word Count: 936


Interject: July 24, 2014


I don’t have much time.


Stop The Press.


What’s the difference between “Refugee” and “Immigrant”?


Refugee: Definition: “person in exile,” “immigrant,” “migrant,” expatriate”


Immigrant: Definition: “Settler,” “émigré,” “migrant,” “refugee,” “colonist,” “colonizer”


Personally, I thought that due to some international law that “Refugee-Minors” are automatically ‘granted’ “asylum” when “Refugee-Minors” escape their own borders to any other regions’ borders to plea for their lives (especially when Minors walk to other regions’ borders as a last alternative or option) (as a matter of life and death, literally) because “Refugee-Minors” don’t necessarily want to reside in any foreign country, alone, much less while their families possibly get murdered or killed by some drug cartel or militia or dictator or regime or, or, or, or…human trafficking or human slavery or human trade or the economic imbalance of such nations’ oligarchs and their one percent (1%).


Thirty-thousand (30,000) “Refugee-Minors” from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador now reside in the United States since the beginning of 2014 calendar year.


Obviously, Embassies are notified and our 2014 “Refugee-Minors” must do everything in their communicative power to ensure that Embassies return as many minors back to their families and villages after this bloody Cartel Holocaust is over.


This Cartel Holocaust can’t go on forever.


Mostly “Refugee-Minors” don’t seek out adoption as an option because “Refugee-Minors” indeed and in fact have watched their family members murdered in cold blood right in front of “Refugee-Minors” or “Refugee-Minors’” relatives or friends just happened to get kidnapped or murdered or forced into slavery in this Drug Cartel War and Holocaust that continues into this 2014 year.


A “Refugee” is normally someone who seeks asylum for their lives or someone’s going to put a bullet through their brains and blow their brains out or torture or gravely injure their captives in chaotic and uncivilized countries run by corruptive measures and citizens and civilians and innocent bystanders get caught in the crossfire of a blood thirsty drug cartel war that won’t stop until all drugs are legalized in the United States of America and other countries.


In other words “Refugees” wish they could go home each and every single day of their lives while “Immigrants” look to “settle” down and make a life forever in a new region while a “refugee” just can’t wait to get back home as soon as possible to start anew and re-build their nation-states.



---  ---  ---


Personally, training a dog is more difficult than I ever thought or expected it to be.


No, it’s no one in particular.


No, it’s not other perfect strangers and their beautiful dogs; it’s our dog.


Freeway barks at other dogs and is unruly and refuses to learn basic commands such as “heal” when we walk.


We spoiled him early on and didn’t discipline him much in our first year together because we thought it was “cute” then and now that he incessantly barks inside the car all the way there and back: Now, it’s not so “cute”: Now, it’s real annoying and we’re about to ‘nip it in the bud’ started training as of yesterday.


We train “Freeway” every single day but he continues to bark his head off and jerks the leash ever so hard that I thought he almost pulled my arm out of my socket, yesterday, but he didn’t. It was painful to say the least.


I don’t like it when “Freeway” is unruly. (Sigh.)

It’s no fun.

It’s stressful.

Our walks haven’t been much fun this year.


Today, I was more firm than ever before and finally became annoyed and irritated at him since one year has passed that we met and became a family and he still acts like such a “block head” after all this time only when we walk and when he rides in the car otherwise, he’s awesome.


I wonder why he barks while riding in the car.


I wonder why he barks at other dogs.


Weird, ha?


We gave up on the extended leash because we had one too many accidents. The thin wire like rope extended leash cut like a knife and it drew blood and scarred us so we had to put her down.


---  ---  ---


Yes, one of my favorite actresses is Cate Blanchett.


Cate Blanchett is one of my favorite actresses because she can play characters instead of herself or only get by on her hair and makeup.


I do tend to believe her when she plays (acts) a character that isn’t her.




---  ---  ---


We keep in mind all of those innocent bystanders of any of the forty-some wars taking place on the face of our planet as of today’s date.




Word Count: 778


Monday, September 8, 2014


“To have great poets, there must be great audiences.”

Walt Whitman


“The great city is that which has the greatest man or woman:

if it be a few ragged huts, it is still the greatest city in the whole world.”

Walt Whitman


“Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers

where I can walk undisturbed.”

Walt Whitman


“Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune.”

Walt Whitman



*)         Day #201 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Friday, September 5, 2014


“If you done it, it ain't bragging.”

Walt Whitman


“I see great things in baseball. It's our game - the American game.”

Walt Whitman



*)         Day #198 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Thursday, September 4, 2014


“Produce great men, the rest follows.”

Walt Whitman



*)         Day #197 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014


“The real war will never get in the books.”

Walt Whitman



*)         Day #196 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014


“Here or henceforward it is all the same to me,

I accept Time absolutely.”

Walt Whitman


*)         Day #195 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.


Monday, September 1, 2014


“To the real artist in humanity, what are called bad manners

are often the most picturesque and significant of all.”

Walt Whitman


*)         Day #194 without sugar: It’s alright. I like it.



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